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I will like to say that In this documentary they explain from a really personal point of

view the problems and difficulties of this life in the favela as drug gang. Once you start
in this world, you don’t even sleep as you are always aware of the danger. Most of
them use drugs as cocaine in order to stay awake. Alchool is also another drug really
cultural and used in the favela.

As paula sayed, It is usually that children and young people are the ones selling drugs,
this kind of positions are designed for them.

The”fuguetero” is also a task designed for young people that consists to warn to the
people of the favela, specially the drug gang, that the police or an enemy has entered
in there.

It exists also the “fiel” this young person often 14 years old more or less, is considered
an initiator of the crime, but he is not considered yet a gang as he doesn’t have his
own gun. He does little favors to the person of the drug gang that takes cares of him.
Normally he has an admiration of that person that introduce him in this world and
wants to follow his steps, he things that he can achieve respect, throught the same
path. He is often a victim as he has been manipulated or influenced to do this kind of

One main problem of the favelas and Brasilian institutions is the high amount of
bribery existing among the police. The police often ask for money in exchange of some
benefice to the drug dealer, like get rid of jail. One of the interviewed respond that “if
traffic drugs ended the police has to end as well”, this obviously is an exaggeration but
wants to emphatise on the fact that a substantial part of the earnings of the police
come from the drug traffic, so the traffic drug is not going to end that soon. The
violence excered by the police is also very common in this favelas. For example, just in
Rio we have more than 500 deaths due to the police plus the disappareances.

Social status and respect are earned in a different pattern respect to the rest of the
world, in this kind of communities respect is gained through the violence, fear and
stereotypes of power.
Interviewers argued the importance of having a gun in social events like baile de
favelas in order to have high status and impress the others, especially women.

In the other side, the traitor is the worst thing seen in the favela. It is called X-9,
sometimes these people call the police and earn some money when accusing someone
or giving valuable information. But, if they are cached by the drug gang they are killed.
One other thing characteristic of the favela, is that even if it exists all this ambient of
violence, drug dealers are able to support people from the favela who are in problems
or need something.
In this way they act as institutions replacing the state. Therefore their way of creating
lawys and imposing this laws are made in a non democratic way and imposed by force
and violence. If someone is cached steeling inside the favela and the drug gang knows
about this person, they will take the measures they will think are fair, but it will
certainly be related to violence. It is through this coercion that the rest of habitants of
the favela learn to accept this kind of functioning.
Sometimes the drug gang can also act as institutions more important than the family
or school itself, as the people involved in the gangs start to pass their whole time
dedicated into there and substituting their families and the school by this new lifestyle

One few other problems of life in favela is the discrimination all the habitants in there
have. This is the main constraints for them to find a job. These fact makes that drug
dealers are sometimes not made by own choice but by necessity in order to help their
families. Therefore, the difficulties of getting out of this group are big.

It is also important to mention that children are familiarized with the crime, drugs, and
violence ambient since they have cr3 years old, so they have normalized this in they
lives. Must of drug dealers had family problems like divorces, dead of familiars caused
by the crime. That makes them to be in a more vulnerable state and hence more
influenceable to enter to this kind of groups

To finish mention that most of people in favela think that with a more living salary,
crime will decrease as I sayed before some of them enter by necessity not by pleasure.

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