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How you use the first moments of your day sets the tone for the rest of your

waking hours. While

hitting the snooze button for an extra 20 minutes of rest is certainly needed sometimes, on the flip
side, that’s nearly half an hour of time you’ve lost to tackle the tasks ahead of you. Twenty-four
hours—well, subtract a proper amount of sleep and we’re at 16 hours—is all we get to make the
most out of each day. Are you using your time in the most efficient way possible? Below, we’re
breaking down 10 ways to be more productive throughout the day and to ensure your daily routine
sets you up for success. Rise and shine and waste no time with our helpful tips.

-Make a to-do list each morning (or the night before) so you have a clear idea of what you need to

-Once you open an email, respond right away instead of reading, marking unread, and replying later
(with the exception of emails that require time-intensive response or attachments).

-Throughout your day, track how long it takes to complete tasks so you know where to properly
spend your time.

-Block out time to answer emails (with no distractions).


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-Delegate when you can—maybe this means getting your groceries delivered every other month to
save time, or handing off projects to someone more junior than you, or even staffing up your team if
you’re truly overwhelmed by your workload. Friendly reminder, it’s OK to ask for help when you
need it.
-Complete priority tasks before noon. If something has a hard deadline or a quick turnaround date,
be sure to focus on those projects before you dive into your inbox. There’s nothing more stressful
than knowing people are waiting on assets or a deliverable from you.

-If an email chain exceeds 10 back-and-forth exchanges without actionable insight, consider picking
up the phone to move the project and conversation along quicker. Inefficient communication is a
waste of everyone’s time.

-If you feel yourself getting sidetracked, step away from your computer or desk and take a brief
break to refill your water. On your walk back to your workstation, remind yourself what needs to be
completed for the day.

-Check in on your posture. When you sit with your shoulders pulled back and core engaged, you not
only burn more calories, you also display more confidence, which will reflect in the quality of your

-Figure out your go-to outfit combination. The fewer choices you have to make during the day (even
something as menial as what to wear in the morning), the more energy you’ll save to spend on
important decision-making solutions.

How do you keep on a productive path during the day? Let us know in the comments on Instagram.

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