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Strategic Planning

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How to Assess an Organization’s Strategic Planning

Assessing an organization’s strategic planning is a critical aspect of organizational

growth in the global business environment. This article will assess strategic planning in one of

the giant electronic companies known as ‘Comfort Devices’. The strategic planning of this

organization can be assessed through some key steps. The first step involves reviewing all

relevant information of the company that indicates the achievement of some of the goals outlined

in the strategic plan (Bryson, 2015). This information can be reviewed from the company’s

annual reports, board minutes, financial statements, etc. The relevant information can also be

obtained by interviewing the senior management team of the organization and board members.

This can provide feedback on the goals that have been met and why other organizational

objectives have not been met (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). After gathering the information, the

findings should be summarized and shared with the senior management, board members or the

chief executive officer. The third step is to make recommendations on how the desired strategic

goals would be met.

How the Mission of the Organization Aligns with its Strategic Plan

The mission of the above-mentioned organization is to give customers the best user

experience through innovative products and services. ‘Comfort Devices’ strategy focuses on

differentiating its products to ensure that the needs and preferences of each customer are met.

Differentiating the products also ensures that the company provides great products that resonate

with the changing business environment to ensure that every customer gets the best experience

using its products and services (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). Therefore, I would say that the company’s

mission aligns with the strategic plan of the company.


How the Organization can Improve its Planning and Implementation Process

The company can improve its planning and implementation process by ensuring that it

emphasizes its design while at the same time developing new products. This means that the

company needs to allocate its resources and finances to developing new products with superior

designs but with the same designs to ensure that customer experiences are not interfered with.

This will enable the company to improve its strategic planning and implementation.

Strategic Alliance

Strategic alliance refers to the process by which two organizations come together and

combine their competencies and resources to ensure that they come up with common interests in

designing, manufacturing, and distribution of products and services. The strategic alliance is

important because it enables organizations to establish a more effective process in the provision

of goods and services (Mills, 2018). The strategic alliance is also important because it enables

companies to work together towards achieving common goals.

Types of Strategic Alliance

The first type is the equity strategic alliance which is established when one organization

buys a particular equity percentage of the company. The second type of strategic alliance is the

joint venture alliance. This type is formed when the parent organization forms a new child

organization that operates under the parent company’s name (Albers, Wohlgezogen & Zajac,

2016). The third type of alliance is the non-equity strategic alliance which is formed when two or

more companies come together with an agreement of pulling their capabilities and resources

together to expand their joint operations.


Challenges of Implementing the Global Alliance

There are several challenges associated with implementing the global alliance. The first

challenge is that the operation of this strategic alliance cannot be fully managed by the

organization hence can lead to poor organizational performance. The second challenge is poor

resource allocation which can lead to ineffective implementation of the global alliance (Albers,

Wohlgezogen & Zajac, 2016). Third, are the challenges associated with communication, these

challenges arise when the senior management team fails to effectively convey the organizational

concerns to the employees.



Albers, S., Wohlgezogen, F., & Zajac, E. J. (2016). Strategic alliance structures: An organization

design perspective. Journal of Management, 42(3), 582-614.

Bryson, J. M. (2015). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations. In International

Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition (pp. 515-521).

Elsevier Inc..

Mills, N. (2018). The Impact of a Firms’ Strategic Alliance on its Innovation on Software


Wolf, C., & Floyd, S. W. (2017). Strategic planning research: Toward a theory-driven

agenda. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1754-1788.

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