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ID NO 13607
Q NO 1 : Whatare the features which make sure that Charles Dickens was a
novelist? Explain



He was born in the south coast of England. He had an unhappy childhood, his father
went to prison for dept and he had to work in factory until he was 12. these days of
sufferings were to inspire much of the content of his novels. When he realized that
he has a talent for literature he taught himself shorthand and became a news paper
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club revealed Dickens’s humoristic and
satirical qualities.
* Oliver Twist
* Little Dorrit
* Bleak House
* Hard times
* Great Expectations
He had a busy life in a magazine editor.
He died in 1870 and he was buried in Poets corner in Westminster Abbey.
THE PLOT OF DICKENS’S NOVELS: plots are well planned, even if sometimes they
appeared artificial and sentimental. The novels are setted in London. Dickens
conformed the public taste. The result of his works was a critical attitude towards his
society. In his maturity works he succeeded in drawing popular attention to public
abuses, evils and wrongs by terrible and detailed descriptions of London misery.

CHARACTERS: he describe characters habits and language of the middle and lower
class. The social peculiarity are ridiculed freely without sarcasm. He was on the side
of the poor, the outcast and the working class. Realistic upper middle class world was
replaced by the one of the lower orders.

DAVID COPPERFIELD:David tells the story of his life when he is yet old. The story
should be divided in 3 parts:
1. his childhood starting with his birth in Blunderstone and ending when he
completes his time at Strong’s school in Canterbury.
2. His latter youth from his looking for a career and to the death of his first wife Dora.
3. His maturity ending with the marriage to Agnes Wickfield and happy life
David starts life in an immature and ineffectual mother and his nurse. This condition
is destroyed by the arrivals of his cruel stepfather Mr. Murdstone and his sister Jane.
David is sent to Salem House, a school far from his house. Here he is tormented by
Mr. Creackle, the headmaster. After his mother’s death he went to a wine factory in
London where he works hardly. He lives with the family of Mr. Micawber that will be
imprisoned for debt. Running away from this fate, David decided to reach his aunt
Betsey in Dover. She brings him up. He concluded the studies and became a
parliamentary reporter. Later he becomes a successful writer. He makes a disastrous
marriage with Dora that death. After a bad period he married with Agnes and lives
happily ever after.
Narrative Technique-> BILDUNGSROMAN: is a novel that follows the development
of the hero from childhood into maturity, through a troubled quest of identity.
There is a strong emotional identification between Dickens and David. The characters
are realistic and romantics.
• difficult to survive for poor people who are not helped by a cruel and competitive
• strict education
• exploitation of children
• bad living conditions of the poor
• the important of social status (David improves his social conditions thanks to
• the importance of friendship and love and other feelings.
Is David a hero?-> no, he isn’t in the ordinary sense of term, since he is not a primary
example of integrity who by brave action and spiritual example defeats the force of
His lack of discipline, romanticism and self-deception lead him to disaster. However
he may be regarded as an hero because he evolved his identity and character and
learns to improve himself and change through suffering and difficulties.
URIAH HEEP->bad character of this novels, he is described by David as an evil
person, unable to smile, with repellent movements. His sinister outward traits are
synonyms of depravity. Uriah hates David because he is the embodiment of what he
might have been; Davis’s attraction to Uriah is the human attraction to evil.
A DIDACTIC AIM->He portrayed several children good, wise children as opposed to
worthless parents and other grown-up persons. Children are the moral teachers
instead of the taught. Children are described in a way, they are more positive then
adults. Dickens’s task was never to induce the most wronged and suffering to rebel
but to get the common intelligence of the country to alleviate their suffering. He
doesn’t want to push poor people to rebel, he only wants to help them.
STYLE AND REPUTATION-> he uses as careful choice of adjectives, repetitions of
words and structures, juxtapositions of images and ideas, hyperbolic and ironic

Fog and mud are here the sombre symbols of the court of Chancery and its
Dickens had served as reporter in his youth and he had come to know the
inefficiency and injustice of this institution.
In the some way as the fog cover the islets and the city, the Court of Chancery is
blind and obscure.
Anyway there is a comic side: how people walked, denounce think not
good also if he saw the comic side of this way of living.


The humour of this episode is in the fact that everyone is in good faith:
Mrs. Bardell who has long worshipped Mr. Pickwick, really believes he is proposing to
The man is bewildered when she put her arms round his neck.
His 3 friends imagine they’ve interrupted a tender love-scene, and only the reader
knows what has really happened.
It’s a misunderstanding based on the incommunicability of the two characters, each
following their intention.

Q 2: What is the writing Style of Jane Austen as a novelist?

Jane Austen's (1775–1817) distinctive literary style relies
on a combination of parody, burlesque, irony, free indirect speech and a degree
of realism. She uses parody and burlesque for comic effect and to critique the
portrayal of women in 18th-century sentimental and gothic novels. Austen extends
her critique by highlighting social hypocrisy through irony; she often creates an ironic
tone through free indirect speech in which the thoughts and words of the characters
mix with the voice of the narrator. The degree to which critics believe Austen's
characters have psychological depth informs their views regarding her realism. While
some scholars argue that Austen falls into a tradition of realism because of her finely
executed portrayal of individual characters and her emphasis on "the everyday",
others contend that her characters lack a depth of feeling compared with earlier
works, and that this, combined with Austen's polemical tone, places her outside the
realist tradition.
Often characterized as "country house novels" or "comedies of manners", Austen's
novels also include fairy tale elements. They have less narrative or scenic description
and much more dialogue than other early 19th-century novels. Austen shapes a
distinctive and subtly constructed voice for each character.
Her plots are fundamentally about education; her heroines come to see themselves
and their conduct more clearly, and become better, more moral people. While
Austen steers clear of the formal moralizing common in early-19th-century
literature, morality—characterized by manners, duty to society and religious
seriousness—is a central theme of her works. Throughout her novels, serious reading
is associated with intellectual and moral development. The extent to which the
novels reflect feminist themes has been extensively debated by scholars; most critics
agree that the novels highlight how some female characters take charge of their own
worlds, while others are confined, physically and spiritually. Almost all Austen's
works explore the precarious economic situation in which women of the late-18th
and early-19th centuries found themselves.
Austen's novels have variously been described as politically conservative and
progressive. For example, one strand of criticism claims that her heroines support
the existing social structure through their dedication to duty and sacrifice of their
personal desires. Another argues that Austen is sceptical of the paternalistic ruling
"other", evidenced by her ironic tone. Within her exploration of the political issues
surrounding the gentry, Austen addresses issues relating to money and property,
particularly the arbitrary quality of property inheritance and the precarious
economic position of women. Throughout her work there is a tension between the
claims of society and the claims of the individual. Austen is often considered one of
the originators of the modern, interiorized novel character.


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