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“John Wick chapter 1”

¡Hi! Miss. My name is Nicolás Abarca, I’m a business student, I currently belong to the
English 3 course at the University of O’Higgins.
Today, I'll tell you about my favorite movie, John Wick: “Another day to kill”. This movie
based a man that looked for the men who broke into his house, stole his beloved old car and
killed his dog. His wife, who was dead, gave him a last gift: it was a dog.

One of my favorite scenes was when thieves broke into John's house, killed his dog and
stole his beloved old car. The thieves didn’t know that the house belonged to the assassin of
the bag, the most feared by the mafia. As you can see in the scene the special effects are
amazing. Also, the special effects made every death more real. Maybe for some this scene
is not one of the best but that was when it all started, the return of John to business.

Without a doubt this movie has many amazing scenes but my favorite is the one I will
comment now.
I loved the scene when John killed Viggo's son because he was able to exact revenge for the
death of his beloved dog. In this scene we can see pure action. As John kills all the
bodyguards with great skill and precision. Once the bodyguards were killed, John went to
his main objective. With the death of all men John decreed his final return to business

Finally, I think this is one of the action movies people should see. I’m fascinated with the
first chapter of this movie. I was very satisfied when I saw this movie. Remember
something: don't get involved with the man in the bag.

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