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Hari Mahesh 202

Personal information


D.O.B: 14 April, 2000
Ph.No: 7997028548
LinkedIn id:


Engage in roles which challenge my skills and contribute my bit towards the
organizational goals. Keen interest to enhance hybrid multi cloud and data science skills.

To play a vital role in the development and success of the organization for which I
would be working and bring about sustained self-development.


 Experience with multi cloud services and technologies, integrating different cloud
technologies using Terraform.
 Has a decent experience and skills related to MLOPS. Integrating machine learning
and DevOps.
 Hands on experience with AWS and integrating different types of AWS services,
Basic knowledge on GCP.
 Good at performing different operations in Excel.
 Experience with IBM DB using SQL.
 Trained in Amazon kubernetes service(AWS)
 Hands on experience with DevOps tools like kubernetes, docker and git.
 I have pursued my primary education under Andhra Pradesh state board, where I
scored 9.7 GPA in my 10th class.
 I have pursued my secondary education under the same board, and I have scored
96.5% in 11th and 12th both combined.
 I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree from VIT University, vellore. My present CGPA is
8.20 (till 3rd year 1st semester).
 Has an excellent fluency in speaking English, Hindi, telugu and outstanding writing

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Hari Mahesh 202

Skills Acquired

Basic knowledge of Automation protocols (CAN, Flexray, Auto-Sar)

Operating systems Windows, Linux(RH)

Database tools IBM database using SQL, Excel sheet.
Public Cloud platform AWS, GCP
Private Cloud platform Openstack
Languages Python, java, c
Container technologies Kubernetes, docker
Other Tools Terraform, HCL, JSON


- Secondary education(10th class) in Bhashyam Educational Institution under A.P SSC

- 11th and 12th in Bhashyam educational institution under A.P SSC board
- B.TECH in Electronics and communication, VIT University, vellore, Tamil Nadu.


- Introduction to data analytics using excel from coursera.

- Google analytics for beginners using google tool.

- Data bases and SQL for data science by IBM.

- Machine learning with python by IBM

- Face detection using AWS by Ethnus.

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Hari Mahesh 202


 MLOPS intern at linuxWorld Pvt Ltd

- Creating linear and multi linear regression model using pandas, numpy and sklearn
modules in python.
- Live face detection using open cv2 module and haar cascade algorithm.

- Creating models for supervised and unsupervised leraning.

- Feature selection using filter, wrapper and embedded methods.

- Performing feature engineering to the data set provided.

- Using Jenkins to upload files into git repo, and performing different operations using
- Creating advance CNN models by using different optimizers.

 Hybrid multicloud intern at linuxWorld Pvt Ltd

- We used AWS which IAAS(infrastructure as a service) for deploying our services in

- Different types of storages (block, object and file), their uses and where these storages
can be used.
- Creating instances from CLI, WEBUI and TERRAFORM and mounting the disk to external
- How content is being delivered in AWS through content delivery network as a service
- Concept of AMI, snapshots. Using global accelerator to boost the network speed and to
decrease latency.
- Creating and launching pods using K8S with images from dockerhub.

- Launching openstack on top of RH linux and logging in to through horizon.

- Launching nova services through terraform, WEBUI, CLI.

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Hari Mahesh 202


- Bag security
Bag security is a device which indicates the user whenever the Bag zip is opened when
it is carrying. It also displays the number of books in the bag which is useful for the
school kids below 10 years for verifying whether they are carrying the same number of
books they bought from the home.

- Intruder alert system with face recognition using raspberry pi

I had built a Home Security System using PIR Sensor and PI Camera. This system will
detect the presence of Intruder and quickly alert the user by sending him a alert mail.
This mail will also contain the Picture of the Intruder, captured by Pi camera.

- Launching a static website hosted on amazon S3 using cloud front through


Launching an instance, creating our own security groups. My terrfaform code will get the
html code from the git hub and execute the program in the instance that we created in
Aws. We will create an S3 bucket and upload the objects into S3 directly from the
Github. Then we will create a cloud front using S3 and the web page will be available
with the objects in the S3 bucket.

- voice-controlled robot
In this project, we have used 8051 microcontroller and Bluetooth to control a dc motor
which moves a vehicle in the direction which we decide.


- Hybrid multi cloud training from linux world informatics

- Amazon kubernetes service(AKS)

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- MLOPS (machine learning with devops)

Extra-curricular activities

- I’m a part of a non-profitable organization which is being working under vit university,
and we educate the poor, and orphan children.
- I play cricket and badminton regulary. When I get stressed I go for jogging.
- I like reading nutrition based books, and novels.
- I follow news paper daily to get in touch with social activities.

Here by I declare that the above information provided by me is true

Hari Mahesh

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