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Communication: The Ingredient of Success

by Naphea Schaire F. Adarne

All of us nurture dreams of being successful in life, when we look at successful people we
often wonder what is in them that made them achieve everything they want? Why are they
successful in life? How do we define success? Success maybe defined as the status of having
achieved and accomplished an aim or purpose. One is successful if he has achieved his desired
visions and planned goals. Furthermore, success can be a certain social status associated with
fame, wealth, well paying respected jobs or lucrative business. How did they do it? It’s not
because of superhuman capabilities that they have rather, it is all about possessing some virtues
or steps that these persons were able to make the most out of everything that life throws at
them. Foremost of which is to specify your goal in life, what exactly do you want in life? Next is to
have a proper mindset, our thoughts drive our actions. There are 24 hours a day and what’s
important is to use our time wisely. We have to set our priorities straight and allocate time for
each. Another step is to plan first and plan well. Planning is to utilize our time, resources and
energy at their best and make them work together efficiently to accomplish your goal. Self
determination is another important ingredient to success. It’s not lack of strength, not lack of
knowledge but rather lack of will that makes one fail in his endeavor. Confidence is very much
needed to succeed. When we have clear vision of what we want and firm belief that you can
achieve it any barriers or distractions can be easily solved.

I was once read a book and remembered what Napoleon Hill once said; Whatever the mind
can conceive and believe, it can achieve. On vacation time, during my high school years, I was
interested in cross stitching, so I tried learning it. I started with one scenery or view. There were
several errors made, threads got entangled with each other, colors were mismatched and so on. I
was on the verge of quitting but then, I was set to finish one that I can be proud of for I believe
today’s struggle is tomorrow’s strength. Finally, I finished an 8 x 12 size cross stitched view of the
famous perfect coned volcano of Mt. Mayon of Albay, Philippines. I had it framed. It was beautiful
just the way I wanted it to look like. I was so happy, my family was happy for me, too. I felt
satisfied and elated with my accomplishment, for me it was a success.

As I reflect, I realized that definition of success may vary from different person. Some may
defined it as being fulfilled, happy and satisfied. Some may defined it in terms of money or fame.
Others may defined it by the goals they accomplished and how did they accomplished them.
Whatever is your definition of success, it depends on you.

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