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2301965694 - MAULANA HAIKAL



A. Listening Skill 1 (8 Points)

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

1. The answer is
A. To ask a question about some course material

2. The answer is
A. Repeat a course

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)

3. The answer is
A. To find a solution for a problem

4. The answer is
A. Finding a missing document

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6)

5. The answer is
A. Various ways that major lakes formed

6. The answer is
A. They must present it to their classmates.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 7-8)

7. The answer is
A. Two contrasting theories on storms

8. The answer is
A. It was brought up by a student.

B. Listening Skill 2 (8 points)

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-6)

1. The answer is
A. She is trying to get her first parking sticker.

2. The answer is

ENGL6163 - English Professional

A. With a check

3. The answer is
A. Bring her car

4. The answer is
A. On the front window
B. On the left side

5. The answer is
A. Campus parking areas are distinguished by color.

6. The answer is
A. Faculty and staff use blue parking areas.
B. Students use yellow parking areas.

C. Reading skill 1 and 2 (13 Points)

1. The answer is
A. Intricate reef structures

2. The answer is
A. A group of animals

3. The answer is
A. A huge quantity

4. The answer is
A. Tiny

5. The answer is
A. Dead

6. The answer is
A. Rugged

7. The answer is
A. Coralline structures

8. The answer is
A. Sponges and clams

9. The answer is

ENGL6163 - English Professional

A. Dull pieces

10. The answer is

A. Continuous

11. The answer is

A. Decompose

12. The answer is

A. Variety

13. The answer is

A. Coralline structures

D. Speaking: Retelling (71 Points)

Here the link of my Video Speaking assignment.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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