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Grade 4 – SA Pointers 2023

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Agama

1. Agama Islam
- Bab 10 (halaman 103 - 104)
- Bab 11 (halaman 114 - 116)
- Bab 12 (halaman 126 - 128)
- Bab 14 (halaman 152 - 154)

2. Agama Buddha
- Bab 5 (halaman 85 - 87)
- Bab 6 (halaman 106 - 108)
- Bab 7 (halaman 122 - 124)
- Bab 8 (halaman 134 - 136)

3. Agama Kristen
- Bab 10 (halaman 98 - 100)
- Bab 11 (halaman 108 - 111)
- Bab 12 (halaman 120 - 123)
- Bab 13 (halaman 132 - 134)
- Bab 14 (halaman 144 - 146)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) PKn

⇨ Bab 3 (Halaman 79 - 84)

⇨ Bab 4 (Halaman 99 - 104)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) IPS

⇨ Bab 3 (Halaman 72 - 80)
⇨ Bab 4 (Halaman 99 - 106)
⇨ Bab 5 (Halaman 134 - 141)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Bahasa Indonesia

Tema 7 s/d Tema 12
Pointer Science
Chapter 5 : States of matter: Melting and Freezing
Chapter 6 : Magnets
Chapter 7 : Sound

Pointer Maths

Chapter 8 : Fractions Chapter 12 : Decimals: Word Problems

Chapter 9 : Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Chapter 13 : Area and Perimeter
Chapter 10 : Decimals Chapter 14 : Tables and Line Graphs
Chapter 11 : The Four Operations of Decimals Chapter 15 : Time

Pointer English
1. Future Tense “be going to” (PB page 120 -121, AB page 97-98)
E.g. Tom __________ his favourite TV programme this Sunday.
a. will watching b. is going to watch c. going to watch d. will be watch

2. Simple Present Tense (PB page 148 - 149 & AB page 122)
E.g :
- Does she know how to play the guitar?
a. Yes, of course not. b. Yes, she does. c. Yes, she does knows. d. Yes, she knows.
- A : ______ the children understand about health protocols?
B : Yes, they do.
a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Are
- Find the mistake!
Does the kids play football in the mid-field?
a. Does b. knows c. how d. drive
3. Future “will” (PB p. 152-153 & AB p. 125-126)
E.g :
Answer in a complete sentence by using I'll and the suitable verb to complete the conversation.
Maria: My camera isn't working.
Jack : I’ll fix it for you.
2. Learning New Things - Unit 9 V. WRITING

Pointer Chinese

Chinese SA materials are taken from Vocabulary List and Meihua (Student’s book &
Workbook Lesson 6-10).
A. Grammar - Essay
1. Build sentences (造句)
例:(Verb + 过)= 你吃过北京烤鸭吗?
B. Reading Comprehension
2. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)

C. Vocabulary
3. Choose the correct character (看拼音选汉字)
例:你的作业做( wán)了吗?
(A)远 (B)完 (C)元 (D)莞
4. Choose the correct pinyin (看汉字选拼音)
(A)diǎn yíng (B)diǎn nǎo (C)diǎn shì (D)diàn yǐng

5. Choose the correct word (辨别字)

(A)自 (B)日 (C)目 (D) 白
6. Choose the correct measure word (选量词)    
(A)条      (B)件     (C)个    (D)只

D. Grammar - MCQ
7. Choose the suitable answer (选词填空)
例:我 ________ 这次比赛我们能赢。
(A)希望 (B)比赛 (C)吃饭 (D)开始

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