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10, 2018

I. 100-85%
1. Define modals
2. Enumerate the modal auxiliary
3. Use the modals correctly

II. Modals ( Modal Verbs )

Ref: K to 12 curriculum Guide
IM’s : hand outa/ laptop/ power point

III. Procedure

Task 1: Study time!

Present the sentences for the learners to study.
A. I can swim.
B. I could not see him

C. I will make dinner.

D. If I had time, I would travel more.

E. May I use your phone?

F. Mervin might be at the park.

G. You should stop smoking. / You ought to stop smoking.

H. You must stop when the traffic turns red.

Ask them what they know about the underlined words?

Task 2: Tune In!

Lead the students to topic by asking them the questions below.

a. Are these words verbs?

b. What kind of verbs are they?
c. What is the function of each underlined word?
d. How are they used in a sentence?
Modals – also called modal verbs, modal auxiliaries are special verbs which behave irregularly. They are used to express
functions such as permission, ability, obligation possibility, probability, and willingness. You have to be careful because
Modals change the meaning of the sentence.

modals use examples

can ability I. I can swim.
Could Past ability ( past tense ) I could not see him

Will Willingness I will make dinner.

A promise I will call at 4pm
futurity The summer will be very hot.

would Conditional If I had time, I would travel

Past tense of will He said he would come.
may Permission May I use your phone
possibility It may rain today.
might Polite permission Might I suggest an idea.
possibility Mervin might be at the park.
Should Advice, suggestion, You should stop smoking.
recommendation You ought to stop smoking.
obligation I should put make – up on my
must Strong obligation You must stop when the
Strong possibility/ inference traffic turns red.
He’s been working all day
long. He must be really tired

Task 3: Practise!

A. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence

1. My son ___ be home by now. Where can he be?

a. Have to b. would c. should d. could
2. I think your thumb is broken. You ___ go to the emergency room.
a. Might b. could c. ought to d. can

3.If you are interested in losing weight, you ______ try this new diet.
a. Could b. mustn’t c. don’t have to d. had to
4. John’s fallen down the stairs! I ________ call an ambulance!
a. Will b. might c. may d. ought to
5. You _______ come too early. We won’t leave until 9 o’clock.
a. Has to b. must c. needn’t d. can’t
6. Children ________ be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.
a. Ought to b. must c. would d. mustn’t
7. You _________ talk during tests. It’s forbidden!
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. couldn’t d. ought to
I can feel the heat. We _________ 8. be near the fire.
a. Can b. would c. must d. have to
9. They ________ hear him because he was whispering.
a. Wouldn’t b. mustn’t c. shouldn’t d. couldn’t
10. You’ve never heard of Britney Spears? You ________ be serious!
a. Must b. had to c. can’t d. shouldn’t
B. Match the two column to identify the use of each modal verb.
1. If I won the lottery, I would donate on charity. a. Strong obligation
2. Students must take their test every quarter b. Ability
3. I can make a big tree fall over or blow down a house. c. Conditional
4. May I know the name of your daughter? d. Obligation
5. You should comply to all requirements e. Permission

C. Re-write the following sentences using modals so that they have the same
1. I suggest that you get a good lawyer!
You ___________________________________________
2. A university degree isn’t necessary for that job.
You ___________________________________________
3. Perhaps my father will pick you up.
My father _______________________________________
4. 4. Eating is forbidden in class!
You ____________________________
5. Look at his dirty clothes! I’m sure he is a poor person.
He ____________________________________________
6. I don’t believe that the legend of Hercules is true because there are
many contradictions.
The legend of Hercules ___________________________.
Task 4: Con Time!
Think about these situations and create a dialog using modals.

o We are going to Korea this weekend. (Make suggestions about things to do)
o We start school in September. (Talk about Possibility)
o Margaret was a very talented sportswoman. (Past action ability)
o North Korea has a plan to attack Philippines. ( less probability )

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