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School: Grade Level: Grade 8

Teacher: Learning Area: English 8

Teaching Dates & Time: Quarter: Fourth

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/

PROGRAM STANDARD her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD her understanding of Afro- Asian Literature and other texts types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a
means of exploring forces that human beings conntend with; variuos
reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that
serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be
organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and
cohesive devices in presenting information.
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an
informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in
mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
LEARNING COMPETENCY EN8G-Id-7: Use parallel Structures

I-Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students are able to:

a. identify parallel structures in sentences;

b. use parallel structures in constructing lines and sentences; and

c. appreciate the importance of parallel structures in English language.

II-Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Using Parallelism Structures

B. Reference: Essential English Worktext in Literature- pages
from-a-trailer- 38119068.

C. Text: I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman

D. Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Visuals

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

2. Setting up the Classroom

3. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

Show the picture on a slide and let the students identify what line is
presented. Lead the students to identify correctly the lines as it helps understand the
topic about parallel structures. The teacher may ask the questions:

1. How many lines are there?

2. In your Mathematics subject, how do you call these lines?

3. What is the description of parallel lines?




Connect students’ responses to the lesson.

C. Activity

Let the students read the title of the activity and explain to them the process of the


1. Name It to complete!
Divide the class into five groups and let the leader or the representative of each
group take the printed activity sheets for them to to answer and complete the
sentence by naming each picture. The first group to answer it will get 5 points.
____ ______________

Possible response: Father eats fish and chicken.


Possible answer: Our neighbors have moved and (have) sold their house.

D. Analysis

Let them analyze the two sentences:

a. Father eats fish and chicken.

b. Our neighbors have moved and (have) sold their house.

1. If you will write the word fish at the end of the first parallel line, what
word should you write on the second parallel line?
2. What word should you write on the end of the first parallel line and on
the second parallel line of sentence b?
3. What do you call the underlined words of sentence a?
4. What do you call the underlined words in sentence b?

5. Do you think the two sentences have parallel structures?

6. What do you mean by parallel structures in sentences?

7. How do parallel lines related to parallel structures in English?

Parallel structures can also be related to parallel lines which show balance
and equally the same components with the other part.

E. Abstraction:

1. Lesson Proper

Parallelism means “the construction of like ideas.” It means matching the

sentence parts to show how one idea relates to another and what ideas are
of equal importance.
The simplest form of parallelism involves two or more words in a series.
One can also make two or more phrases, two or more clauses, or two or
more sentences parallel.
Parallelism means using the same pattern of words to show that two or
more words or ideas are of equal importance.

-Divide the class into five groups and let them read and analyze two
sentences with nouns and verbs parallelism, then formulate a rule on nouns
and verbs parallelism.

-Parallel nouns means the same grammatical form, can be singular
or plural.
Group 1
Noun Parallel
1. Father eats fish and chicken.



2. I brought bond papers, pencils and crayons for your art

Group 2

-Parallel nouns means the same grammatical form, can have

determiners (words like a, an, and the) attached to them.

3. He dreams to be a teacher, a pilot, or a policeman.

4. She wants to talk to the principal, the teacher and the student.

Group 3
- When the subject of the sentence does two or more things,
the verbs to be used must be the same tense
1. She reads and answers the question.
2. They sang and danced for two hours.
Group 4

-If the verb has a helping verb (like was, can, is are, have, had
etc.) use it before the first verb.

1. My mother is cooking and washing the dishes.

2. Emma was studying and eating with her friends.

Group 5

-If the verb has a helping verb (like was, can, is are, have, had
etc.) use it before the first verb.

1 .Our neighbors have moved and (have) sold their house.

Action words Verb Parallel


2.I will work and (will) study all summer.

2. Drill:

a. Directions: Complete the following sentences using parallel structures.

Choose from the words/phrases inside the box.

badminton went
diligence laughed use

1. Andre loves to play golf, tennis, and ________________.

2. He is a man known for his integrity and __________________.

3. They talked and ______________for hours.

4. Andre loves to play golf, tennis, and ____________________.

5. I took the bus and ___________to school.

b. Direction: Compare the two versions of these pairs of sentences.

Choose the letter of the sentence which observes parallelism.
1. a. She wrote a letter and mailed it to the school.
b. She writes a letter and mailed it to the school.
2. a. In my dream, I was strolling across the meadow and enjoying the puffy
white clouds.
b. In my dream, I was strolling across the meadow and enjoyed the puffy

white clouds.

3. a. He saw either a cattle or a dog.

b. He saw either a cattle or hound of dogs.

4. a. My brother walks or rode his bike to work.

b. My brother walks or rides his bike to work.

5. a. He either likes you or loved you.

b. He either likes you or loves you.

F. Application:

With the same group, they are tasked to perform the following in 10 minutes. The
groups need to settle down to their assigned areas and need to follow the rules in
making the task.

Group 1: The Poets- Use parallel structures in writing your poem about the

occurrence of natural calamities. Your lines should contain either a noun

parallelism or verb parallelism.

Group 2: The performers- Your group is task to compose a song and dance

presentation of the topic. Your lyrics should contain the information about

nouns and verbs parallel structures.

Group 3: The Illustrators-Your group is task to write one sentence example of


parallelism and one sentence example of verb parallelism, then draw or

illustrate the words used that shows parallelism.

Group 4: The Composers-Create a talk show about a recent earthquake that

struck Surigao del Sur. Use parallel structures in your conversation.

Group 5: The Newscasters- Present a newscast about the eruption of Mt. Naka in

West Africa. Provide your own details of the 5 W’s and 1 H using parallel



Criteria Level of Performance

(10) (7) (5)

The group produced The group produced The student has

work that work thatproduced work that
demonstrates demonstrates does not
advanced progress recognize of most demonstrate that
toward application skill and concepts he/she recognizes
Content of skills and content related to thebasic skills and
related to the standards. The concepts related to
standards. student has not the standard. The
reached a level of student has not
applying those skills reached a level of
and consistently. applying skills and
concepts related to
the standard.
Preparedness Student is Student seems Student does not
completely prepared pretty prepared but seem at all prepared
and has obviously might have needed to present.
rehearsed. a couple more
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often numbers or
distinctively all (100- distinctly most (94- cannot be
95%) the time, and 85) of the time. understood or
mispronounce no Mispronounce no mispronounces more
words. more than words. than one word.
Group Participation Every member of Most members of The group members
the group the group do not work well
participates with the participate with the together.
writing and the writing and the
presentation presentation.


Underline words or phrases showing parallel structures.

1. Active volcanoes may spew smoke, ash, and lava.

2. The dog sat and waited for its owner.

3. The girl loved cake and ice cream.

4. She saw a man, a car, and a bicycle collide.

5. All animals in the study had to be caught, tagged, and monitored.

V- Assignment:

Copy the following sentences in your activity notebook. Place a check mark (/)
before the sentence that has parallel structure and a cross mark (x) before the
sentence that has no parallel structure.

____1. His writing reveals not only intelligence but also humor.

____2. We should listen and communicate with others.

____3. James can speak English and speaking Italian.

____4. He went shopping and buys a new shirt

____5. She was known for her beauty and generosity.

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