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Lesson - 1
Reggie Mouse’s shrinking clothes
I. Meanings of:
1. cheese – a food made from milk
2. shrink – become smaller in size
3. rip – tear
4. awful – very bad
5. often – frequently
6. obese – over weight
II. Opposites of:
1. hot x cold
2. healthy x unhealthy
3. friend x enemy
4. often x seldom
5. start x end
III. Singular Plural
1. Dress dresses
2. Friend friends
3. Vegetable vegetables
4. Cloth clothes 
5. Mouse mice
IV. Gender form:
 Masculine Feminine 
1. Father Mother
2. Boy Girl
3. Bull Cow
4. Brother Sister

V. Tense form: Present Form Past Form Past Participle 
1 eat ate eaten
2 go went gone
3 play played played
4 start started started
5 watch watched watched


I. Meanings:
1. except – other than
2. resist – not able to stop oneself from doing something
3. gobbled up – ate quickly
4. accidentally – something done by mistake
5. scarfed – ate greedily
6. amazing – excellent 
7. swiftly – quickly 
8. polished off – finished eating 

II. Memory Poem:

I baked a dozen cookies

and I put them on a plate,

and I set them out for Santa Claus,

except for one I ate.

That cookie was amazing

and I couldn't quite resist..

so I ate another one

that I was sure would not be missed.

II. Answer the following:
1. After baking the cookies, what did the poet do with them?
The poet puts them on a plate. He ate one and set the rest out for Santa Claus.
2. ‘Another couple disappeared……’ What do you think happened to them?
It means the poet ate rest of the cookies.
3. ‘All the damage had been done…….’
a) What was the ‘damage’?
 The damage refers to the fact that the boy ate each and every cookie.
b) Who did the ‘damage’?
 The boy who baked the cookies did the damage.
4. ‘I sure hope he likes the plate.’
a) Who is the poet talking about?
 The poet is talking about Santa Claus.
b) Why does the poet hope he likes the plate?
 The poet hopes that Santa likes the plate because he had eaten all the cookies 
kept in the plate and this empty plate is all that’s left for Santa.
5. In the end, What does Santa get for Christmas?
In the end Santa gets for Christmas is an empty plate without any cookies.

UNIT – 2
I. Meanings:
1. Carols – songs sung during Christmas
2. awful – unpleasant 
3. grumble – complain
4. insisted – very firmly 
5. moped – moved around unhappily 
6. porch – covered entrance 
7. dehydrated – lack of water in body
8. hoarsely – sounding rough and harsh
9. barely – almost not / only just
II. Opposites:
1. start x end
2. wet x dry 
3. friend x enemy
4. fun x misery 
5. first x last
III. Singular – Plural: Singular Plural
1. dog dogs
2. boy boys
3. man men
4. foot feet
5. car cars

IV. Tense form: Present form Past form Past participle form
1. start started started
2. know knew known
3. tell told told
4. think thought thought
5. walk walked walked

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