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Lesson 1: Communication and Globalization

The Globalization Phenomenon

GLOBALIZATION and GLOBAL are terms we often encounter today. These
terms are associated with realities outside the territories of nation states. All countries
are engaged in globalization. Very few are unaffected by this phenomenon. Because of
this, we need to understand exactly what it is, and most importantly, how it impacts

The Impact of Globalization on Communication

As more people cross-borders because of globalization, more language contact
happens and making communication more challenging.

Lesson 2: Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting

Intercultural Communication
- a communication between or among people having different linguistics,
religious, ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds.

 Each person is genetically unique.

-each one of us has a unique genetic composition in which this

uniqueness has become more heightened because of our individual

-individual experiences includes our family backgrounds, religious

affiliations, socio-cultural forces, economic conditions, emotional states
and other factors which shapes our identity.
 The diversity of people and cultures impact communication.

-people coming from an unfamiliar culture may experienced

difficulties in communication. More people tend to conclude that
miscommunication results from a speaker’s lack of proficiency in
language. What is not realized is that even with excellent language skills,
miscommunication still happen.

Communication Across Cultures (Gomar, 2011)

 Communication across cultures is challenging.

-each culture has set rules that its members take for granted and
few of us are aware of our own cultural biases because cultural imprinting
begun at a very early age while some of a culture’s knowledge, rules,
beliefs, values, phobias, and anxieties are taught explicitly but most of the
information is absorbed subconsciously.

 The challenge for multinational communication has never been greater.

-worldwide business have discovered that intercultural

communication is a subject of importance not just because of increased
globalization, but also because of the domestic workforce is growing more
and more diverse, ethnically and culturally.

 No two people belonging to the same culture are guaranteed to respond in

the same way.

-we are all individuals, as our characteristics, we are all born unique
meaning no two people belonging to the same culture are expected to
respond the same. However, generalizations are valid to the extent that
there are some clues we most likely encounter which refers to a certain

1. All international communication is influenced by cultural differences.

2. High-context cultures leave much of the message unspecified, to be understood
through context, non-verbal cues and between-the-lines interpretation of what is actually
3.Low-context cultures expect messages to be explicit and specific.


1.Some cultures think of time sequentially, as a linear commodity to spend, save, or

2. Some cultures view time synchronically, as a constant flow to be experienced in the
moment, and as a force that cannot be controlled.
3. In sequential cultures, business people give full attention to the agenda.
4. In synchronic cultures, the flow of time is viewed as a sort of circle, with the past,
present, and future all interrelated.
5. Orientation to the past, present, and future is another aspect of time in which cultures


1. Members of neutral cultures do not telegraph their feelings but keep them carefully
controlled and subdued.
2. In the culture with high affect, people show their feelings plainly by laughing, smiling,
grimacing, crying, and etc.
3. In the course of normal business activities, neutral cultures are more careful to
monitor the amount of emotion they display.
4. If our approach is highly emotional, we are seeing a direct emotional response but if
our approach is highly neutral, we want an indirect response.
5. When it comes to communication, no culture is right or wrong, better of worse-just

Ausa, Fiona Nicole

Bacus, Florence
Barra, Khalil Mohammad Jr.
Baguilan, Khaira Bai,
Bautista, Sofea

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