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European Psychologist

The Effectiveness of Interventions Aimed at Improving

Well-Being and Resilience to Stress in First Responders:
A Systematic Review
Jennifer Wild, Shama El-Salahi, and Michelle Degli Esposti
Online First Publication, July 28, 2020.

Wild, J., El-Salahi, S., & Esposti, M. D. (2020, July 28). The Effectiveness of Interventions Aimed at
Improving Well-Being and Resilience to Stress in First Responders: A Systematic Review.
European Psychologist. Advance online publication.
Special Section: Toward a Better Understanding and Evidence-Based Intervention
Strategies for Early Responses to Trauma
Original Article

The Effectiveness of Interventions

Aimed at Improving Well-Being
and Resilience to Stress in First
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

A Systematic Review
Jennifer Wild1 , Shama El-Salahi2, and Michelle Degli Esposti3
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK
The Oxford Centre for Psychological Health, University of Oxford, UK
Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, UK

Abstract: First responders are routinely exposed to traumatic critical incidents, placing them at higher risk for developing stress-related
psychopathology and associated health problems than the general population. Interventions which could improve resilience to stress may help
to protect the health of this high risk population. We systematically reviewed such interventions for first responders to determine which ones
work and why. We searched the Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration Library, EMBASE, IBSS, Medline, PILOTS, PubMed, PsycINFO, and
SCOPUS from January 1, 1980 to June 28, 2018 for randomized and quasi-randomized controlled studies aiming to improve well-being,
resilience, or stress management for police, ambulance, fire, or search and rescue workers using non-pharmacological interventions. Data
were extracted from published reports and obtained from authors. Within- and between-group effect sizes were calculated for mental
and physical health outcomes. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration’s Risk of Bias Tool. The initial search identified
3,816 studies, 13 of which were eligible for analysis (n = 634 cases, n = 628 controls). Six studies demonstrated intervention-related
improvements. However, risk of bias was mostly unclear or high. Within-group intervention effect sizes ranged from 0.82 (95% CI [1.48,
0.17]) to 2.71 [1.99, 3.42] and between-group intervention effect sizes ranged from 0.73 [1.25, 0.21] to 1.47 [0.94, 2.01], depending on
the outcome. Largest effects were seen for interventions that targeted modifiable risk factors for trauma-related psychiatric disorders.
Targeting modifiable predictors of trauma-related psychiatric disorders through training may protect the health of first responders who
routinely face trauma in their line of work.

Keywords: first responder, post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, resilience, review

Individuals regularly exposed to trauma are at elevated risk musculoskeletal problems, are also highly prevalent.
for developing stress-related psychopathology and associ- Evidence suggests that first responders who develop PTSD
ated health problems. Police officers, paramedics, firefight- or MDD are at risk of poor physical health (Fjeldheim
ers, and search and rescue workers are routinely exposed to et al., 2014; McFarlane, Atchison, Rafalowicz, & Papay,
traumatic critical incidents, and significant occupational 1994; Wild et al., 2016). Interventions aimed at improving
pressures, such as irregular shift patterns and reduced the mental health of first responders may hold beneficial
access to informal support. They are at higher risk for injury secondary effects for physical health problems. A number
and of developing trauma-related psychological disorders of interventions have been developed and evaluated for first
compared to the general population (Javidi & Yadollahie, responders, which aim to improve well-being and resilience
2012; Reichard & Jackson, 2010). The most common out- to stress. It is unclear which ones work and why.
comes first responders develop following exposure to The approach within medicine to improve resilience to
trauma are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major poor health is to target risk factors for disease. Knowledge
depressive disorder (MDD; Kleim & Westphal, 2011), while of risk factors allows preventative interventions to be devel-
physical health problems, such as sleep disturbances and oped and delivered, improving outcomes, longevity and

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2 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

quality of life. Some predictors of disease are fixed and psychiatric disorders. In a study of 967 consecutive patients
cannot be modified. However, other predictors, such as to an emergency clinic following road traffic accidents,
behavioral traits, are modifiable with training to reduce Ehlers, Mayou, and Bryant (1998) found that negative inter-
the risk of developing life-threatening conditions. Lifestyle pretations of intrusions, rumination, thought suppression,
modifications targeting hypertension have been shown to and anger cognitions, enhanced the accuracy of the predic-
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality, tion of chronic PTSD at 1 year follow-up.
for example (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006). It is With respect to social support, Ozer, Best, Lipsey, and
similarly possible to reduce the likelihood of psychiatric dis- Weiss (2003) reviewed 2,647 studies of PTSD and identified
orders by identifying and targeting modifiable risk factors poor social support as a significant predictor of PTSD.
for poor mental health (Topper, Emmelkamp, Watkins, & Positive social support is a predictor of recovery from
Ehring, 2017). depression (Brugha et al., 1990). With respect to physical
Drawing on the extant literature, it would appear that inactivity, in a review of the literature, Warburton, Nicol,
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modifiable predictors that have previously predicted PTSD and Bredin (2006) identified physical inactivity as a signifi-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and depression fall into five key areas: personality variables, cant predictor of depression. Resilience interventions which
such as neuroticism, trait dissociation, anxiety sensitivity, target these modifiable predictors may provide a promising
and trait anger; coping variables, such as behavioral approach to protecting the health of at-risk populations.
disengagement, wishful thinking, emotional suppression, It is unclear whether interventions aimed at improving
rumination, and intentional numbing; cognitions, such as well-being and resilience to stress are effective at improving
resilience appraisals, attributions, and post-traumatic cogni- the health of first responders and if they are, which ones are
tions; and social support variables, such as general social most effective. Previous systematic reviews have concluded
support, and support at work; and physical inactivity. that such interventions have a small effect on improving
Turning to personality variables, longitudinal twin studies resilience and mental health outcomes, and highlight
have identified neuroticism as a risk factor for depression heterogeneity in intervention design, content, and outcome
(Kendler et al., 2004), and a predictor of PTSD in burns measurement, and low methodological quality among
victims (Lawrence & Fauerbach, 2003). Trait dissociation studies (Leppin et al., 2014; Macedo et al., 2014; Vanhove,
assessed in police new recruits during their academy train- Herian, Perez, Harms, & Lester, 2015). We hypothesize that
ing predicts PTSD 1 year later (McCaslin et al., 2008). many resilience and well-being interventions fare poorly
Anxiety sensitivity assessed post-trauma predicts PTSD in because they fail to target modifiable predictors of poor
survivors of physical injury (Marshall, Miles, & Stewart, mental health. There are currently no reviews that identify
2010) and trait anger assessed before deployment predicts or evaluate interventions across first responder populations
PTSD 2 months afterward in Dutch soldiers (Lommen aimed to improve well-being, resilience or stress manage-
et al., 2014). In terms of coping variables, in a cross- ment and no reviews which quantitatively synthesize the
sectional study of ambulance workers, Clohessy and Ehlers evidence to meaningfully assess and compare the effective-
(1999) found that dissociation, rumination, and suppression ness of such interventions. This systematic review aims to:
in response to intrusive memories predicted PTSD symp- (1) identify interventions for first responders, which focus
tom severity as did coping strategies, such as wishful think- on improving well-being, resilience, or stress management;
ing, behavioral disengagement (mental disengagement), and (2) quantitatively synthesize the empirical evidence to
and intentional numbing. Nolen-Hoeksema and Morrow determine the effectiveness of such interventions in
(1991) assessed 137 students 14 days before the Loma Pri- improving mental and physical health outcomes.
eta earthquake. Students who ruminated about the earth- The included interventions differ in length and content,
quake in the 10 days that followed were more likely to which allows us to investigate the effectiveness of different
develop high levels of depressive and stress symptoms 7 intervention approaches and garner meaningful conclusions
weeks later. about the optimum content, format and length. This is
Turning to cognitions, Wild et al. (2016) assessed 453 important because it enables us to make recommendations
newly recruited paramedics during their first week of train- about how to focus the field in terms of intervention devel-
ing. Logistic regressions showed that rumination about opment. We define resilience as a dynamic process that
memories of stressful events at the start of training uniquely can be developed (e.g., Ong, Bergeman, & Boker, 2009),
predicted an episode of PTSD. Perceived resilience that will change across the lifespan (e.g., Windle, 2011),
(appraisals about resilience) uniquely predicted an episode and that will buffer against the development of mental
of MDD. Alloy et al. (2006) found that negative cognitive and physical health problems in difficult times (e.g., Rutter,
styles predicted first onset and recurrences of major depres- 1985; Yi, Vitaliano, Smith, Yi, & Weinger, 2008). All inter-
sion in a study of 347 first-year students without initial ventions included in our review were administered to first

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J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders 3

responders who were psychologically well and the interven- Data Analysis
tions were provided with the intention to keep them well.
We see this as in line with our conceptualization of resili- El-Salahi removed all duplicates from the initial searches,
ence as promoting well-being over time in the face of then screened the titles and abstracts of all papers against
stressful work. We define well-being as the experience of the eligibility criteria. Full-text articles of potentially eligible
feeling and functioning well with a sense of satisfaction studies were then retrieved. If articles were not found,
for life (New Economics Foundation, 2016). corresponding authors were contacted to provide full arti-
cles. Two reviewers (M. Degli Esposti and S. El-Salahi)
blindly and independently assessed all full-text articles for
eligibility, documenting reasons for exclusion. There was
high inter-rater agreement (92.9%). Disagreements were
Method resolved by consensus. Reviewers were not masked to the
journals or authors of the studies reviewed.
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Search Strategy and Selection Criteria

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We developed a data extraction sheet which included the

This systematic review followed PRISMA reporting guideli- Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias
nes (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The PRISMA at the study level (Higgins, Altman, & Steme, 2011). The
Group, 2009). A review protocol was registered in advance following data were extracted:
on PROSPERO, registration number CRD42016034072. (1) study methods (setting, design, arms, control condi-
We searched the Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration tion, time-points);
Library, EMBASE, IBSS, Medline, PILOTS, PubMed, (2) participant characteristics (sample size, emergency
PsycINFO, and SCOPUS from January 1, 1980 to June 28, service, gender);
2018, in English, using a Boolean search strategy combining (3) intervention characteristics (name, content, deliverers,
keywords related to study type, participants, and interven- delivery format, duration and frequency);
tions (see Appendix A for full search strategy). We also (4) mental and physical health outcomes (type, measure,
hand searched the reference lists of included studies and informant); and
relevant reviews identified during the initial searches (5) study quality, according to: risk of selection, perfor-
(Leppin et al., 2014; Macedo et al., 2014; Peñalba, McGuire, mance, detection, attrition and reporting bias.
& Leite, 2008; Vanhove et al., 2015), and the publication Data extraction and quality assessment were checked by
histories of known resilience researchers. We included stud- the first author at a later time-point.
ies if they satisfied the following four eligibility criteria: To carry out a comprehensive and consistent data synthe-
(1) Randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials sis across studies, we adopted a two-pronged approach. We
(RCT, QCT, respectively), conducted in high income calculated effect sizes (Cohen’s d) and confidence intervals
countries (defined by the World Bank at time of publi- (CIs) for all relevant outcomes (1) within-groups, pre to post-
cation) and published after 1980 in peer-reviewed intervention (and where applicable, follow-up); and
journals. (2) between-groups (i.e., intervention vs. control) at post-
(2) Males and/or females aged 18 years or above, cur- intervention (and where applicable, follow-up). We only
rently working within the emergency services (ambu- calculated between-group effect sizes if there were no signif-
lance, fire, first aid responders, police, and search icant differences at baseline. For calculating within-group
and rescue). effect sizes we assumed statistical independence for pre-
(3) Non-pharmacological interventions aiming to improve and post-intervention and pooled the standard deviation
mental health resilience. Among other interventions, (Van Etten & Taylor, 1998):
these may include cognitive behavioral therapy
Mpre  Mpost
(CBT)-based interventions (e.g., mental imaging train- Cohen’s d ¼ ;
ing, stress education and management programs, psy- SDpooled
cho-education interventions, relaxation), mindfulness with
courses, supportive therapies (e.g., counseling ses- u
u SD2pre þ SD2post
sions), psychodynamic therapies, debriefing and exer- SDpooled ¼t ; ð1Þ
cise therapies. 2
(4) Outcome measures of mental and/or physical health
outcomes. Physiological (e.g., heart rate, blood pres- where an improvement was characterized by a decrease
sure) or performance outcomes were not included. in outcome scores, we adapted the formula to

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing European Psychologist (2020)

4 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Mpost  Mpre 1993; Ramey, Perkhounkova, Hein, Bohr, & Anderson,

Cohen’s d ¼ ; ð2Þ
SDpooled 2017), four RCTs (Christopher et al., 2018; McCraty &
Atkinson, 2012; Tanigoshi, Kontos, & Remley, 2008;
so that a positive effect size consistently represented a Wilson, Tinker, Becker, & Logan, 2001), and three cluster
beneficial effect. RCTs (Kuehl et al., 2014; Skeffington, Rees, Mazzucchelli,
The same formula was adapted to calculate between- & Kane, 2016; Tuckey & Scott, 2014) were conducted
group effect sizes, where Mpre was replaced with the inter- across five countries, with the majority taking place in the
vention group’s post-intervention (or follow-up) mean, and United States (n = 7). Sample sizes ranged from 34 to
Mpost the control group’s post-intervention mean. Cohen’s 408 and on average 16% of participants were women
(1998) suggestion of 0.2 constituting a small effect, 0.5 a (range: 0–42%). Ten studies included samples of police,
moderate effect and 0.8 a large effect, was used for inter- while three included firefighters (Arnetz et al., 2013;
preting effect sizes. CIs were calculated using Hedges and Skeffington et al., 2016; Tuckey & Scott, 2014). Fifteen
Olkin’s (1985, p. 86) formula:
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

different types of outcomes were measured across studies;

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

CIs ¼ d  ð1:96  SDÞ; where the most commonly reported were well-being (n = 11),
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi stress (n = 8), and mental health symptomatology (n = 7).
u  !
u N pre þ N post d2 A large variety of scales and statistical analyses were used
SD ¼  þ   ; ð3Þ to assess outcomes, and only one study did not test
N pre  N post 2 N pre þ N post
between-group differences (i.e., intervention vs. control)
at baseline (Tanigoshi et al., 2008). Table 1 describes the
where there were insufficient data reported to calculate
main characteristics of included studies.
Cohen’s d, we contacted the corresponding authors.
The overall risk of bias across studies was unclear to
Improvements were considered intervention-specific if
high, particularly for blinding and selective outcome report-
there was a significant between-group effect for outcomes
ing. Four studies demonstrated high selection bias due to
at post-intervention or follow-up, and if a within-group
poor randomization of participants or clusters (Ângelo &
effect was not seen in the control group over time. Signif-
Chambel, 2013; Arnetz et al., 2013; Ireland et al., 2007;
icant within-group effects were not seen as intervention-
Norris et al., 1990; Norvell & Belles, 1993), while attrition
specific if no significant between-group effects existed.
bias was moderately high since six studies had high rates
Outcomes were grouped into two broad categories:
of drop-out and non-responders (Arnetz et al., 2013; Ireland
mental health outcomes and physical health outcomes.
et al., 2007; Norvell & Belles, 1993; Skeffington et al., 2016;
We further derived sub-categories. Mental health sub-
Tanigoshi et al., 2008; Tuckey & Scott, 2014). See Appen-
categories included well-being (i.e., psychological well-
dix B for the methodological quality assessment of included
being, psychological distress and functioning, and emotional
states), resilience, coping, stress, suicidal ideation, mindful-
The format and content of interventions varied consider-
ness, quality of life, and subsyndromal mental health symp-
ably across studies. Durations ranged from 90 min to 16
tomatology (i.e., depression, anxiety, and PTSD). Physical
weeks, with the least frequent occurring as a one-off session
health sub-categories included sleep, alcohol use, tobacco
(debriefing) and the most frequent occurring three times
use, burnout/vital exhaustion (a state of excessive tiredness
per week (both physical exercise interventions). Five studies
characterized by fatigue, increased irritability, and demoral-
targeted a modifiable risk factor mentioned in the introduc-
ization; Kop, Appels, Mendes de Leon, de Swart, & Bär,
tion of this review (n = 2 behavioral disengagement, n = 2
1994), physical activity, healthy eating, and somatic
physical inactivity, n = 1 emotional suppression). Although
symptoms (including general physical health, physical
intervention content was different in each study, there were
stress, pain, and stomach and heart complaints).
five main types:

(1) physical exercise interventions;

Results (2) psychological interventions;
(3) stress management interventions;
The review process resulted in the inclusion of 13 studies (4) self-regulation interventions; and
(see Figure 1 for the PRISMA study selection flowchart; (5) debriefing after a potentially traumatic incident.
Moher et al., 2009), involving 1,264 participants in total.
Six QCTs (Angelo & Chambel, 2013; Arnetz, Arble, Intervention details are summarized in Table 2 and the
Backman, Lynch, Lublin, 2013; Ireland, Malouff, & Byrne, effect sizes and CIs, calculated by the authors of this
2007; Norris, Carroll, & Cochrane, 1990; Norvell & Belles, review, are provided in Table 3.

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J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders 5
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Figure 1. Study selection. PRISMA flow diagram showing the selection process of eligible papers for this review.

Physical Exercise Interventions improvements were also seen when comparing scores from
pre- to post-intervention (Norvell & Belles, 1993). The con-
Two studies evaluated physical exercise interventions that trol group did not improve on any outcome over time.
targeted physical inactivity as a modifiable risk factor. Par- Between-group comparisons with a dropout group were
ticipants assigned to aerobic exercise and participants not calculated since the participants who dropped out
assigned to anaerobic exercise demonstrated greater well- demonstrated significantly higher baseline scores on all
being (aerobic: d = 0.83, [0.28, 1.39]; anaerobic: d = 0.63, measures. Neither study conducted follow-up assessments.
[0.06, 1.20]) and quality of life (aerobic: d = 0.94, [0.38,
1.49]; anaerobic: d = 0.72, [0.15, 1.29]) at post-intervention
when compared to a control group receiving treatment as Psychological Interventions
usual (TAU; Norris et al., 1990). The aerobic group also
demonstrated greater improvements in stress by post-inter- Two studies evaluated psychological interventions. Com-
vention (d = 0.72, [0.17, 1.27]). Between-group effect sizes parisons between groups showed that Eye Movement
for stress were not calculated for the anaerobic group since Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which did not
they had significantly higher stress at baseline than the aer- target a modifiable risk factor, was linked to less stress
obic and TAU control groups. There were no significant (d = 0.84, [0.33, 1.35]) at post-intervention compared to a
between-group effects between the aerobic and anaerobic control group receiving a stress management intervention
groups suggesting that type of exercise did not affect effi- (Wilson et al., 2001). Insufficient data meant that interven-
cacy. In the second study, circuit weight training was shown tion-specific improvements could not be determined for
to improve psychological functioning (d = 1.00, [0.24, 1.76]) other outcomes measured, such as PTSD symptoms, dis-
and physical symptoms (d = 1.36, [0.57, 2.15]) compared to tress, or coping. In the second study, wellness counseling
a waitlist control group at post-intervention, and these targeting behavioral disengagement led to significant

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Table 1. Study characteristics

Design Sample size Gender
(no. of arms; (intervention, (female: Outcomes (self-report
Study control(s)) Country Population control) male) Intervention measure) Time points
Ângelo and QCT (2, TAU) Portugal Firefighters 104 (67, 37) 4:100 Leadership stress Burnout (MBI-GS) Pre, 4mFU
Chambel (2013) management Well-being (UWES)

European Psychologist (2020)

Arnetz et al. QCT (2, TAU) Sweden Police 75 (37, 38) 24:51 Imagery and skills Well-being (GHQ-12) Pre, post, 18mFU
(2013) training program Coping (non-validated scale*)
Vital exhaustion (Maastricht
Somatic symptoms (BSS)
Sleep (KSQ)
Christopher et al. RCT (2, TAU) USA Police 61 (31, 30) 7:54 Mindfulness- Alcohol use (PROMIS) Pre, post, 3mFU
(2018) Based Resilience Anxiety (PROMIS)
Training Depression (PROMIS)
Sleep difficulties (PROMIS)
Suicidal ideation (CHRT)
Stress (PSQ)
Burnout (OLBI)
Mindfulness (FFMQ-SF)
Well-being (AAQ-II, SCS-SF,
Resilience (CD-RISC)
Ireland et al. QCT (2, TAU) Australia Police 67 (28, 39) 28:39 Writing about Depression (DASS) Pre, post
(2007) personal emotions Anxiety (DASS)
Stress (DASS)
Kuehl et al. CRCT (2, TAU) USA Police 408 (204, 204) 154:254 Worksite health Stress (non-validated scaley) Pre, 6mFU
(2014)§ and safety Depression
wellness program (non-validated scaley)
Well-being (SF-36)
Burnout (MBI)
Tobacco (non-validated scaleà)
Alcohol use (non-validated scaleà)
Musculoskeletal discomfort
McCraty and RCT (2, waitlist) USA Police 65 (29, 36) 10:55 Coherence Well-being (POQA) Pre, post
Atkinson (2012) Advantage Physical stress (POQA)
Norris et al. QCT (3, TAU) UK Police 150 (50 aerobic, 0:150 Aerobic and Well-being (GHQ-28) Pre, post
(1990) 50 anaerobic, 50 anaerobic exercise Stress (JSQ)
control) training Quality of life (LSS)
(Continued on next page)

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Table 1. (Continued)

Design Sample size Gender

(no. of arms; (intervention, (female: Outcomes (self-report
Study control(s)) Country Population control) male) Intervention measure) Time points
Norvell and QCT USA Police 43 (14, 15 0:43 Circuit weight Stress (PSS) Pre, post

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

Belles (1993) (3, waitlist + waitlist, 14 training Well-being (SCL-90)
dropouts) dropouts) Physical symptoms (CHIPS)
Ramey et al. QCT (2, placebo) USA Police 34 (17, 17) 6:28 Physiological Stress (PSS) Pre, post
(2017) coherence practice Vital exhaustion
and telementor (Maastricht questionnaire 9-item
sessions version of Form B)
Well-being (POQA)
J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Resilience (RSES)
Physical stress (POQA)
Skeffington et al. CRCT (2, TAU) Australia Firefighters 77 (30, 45) 4:73 Mental Agility and PTSD (PCL-C) Pre, 6mFU, 12mFU
(2016) Psychological Depression (DASS)
Strength training Anxiety (DASS)
Stress (DASS)
Coping (Brief COPE)
Tanigoshi et al. RCT (2, TAU) USA Police 51 (24, 27) 9:42 Wellness Well-being (5F-Wel) Pre, post
(2008) counseling
Tuckey and Scott CRCT (3, TAU + placebo) Australia Firefighters 67 (20 CISD, 28 6:61 Group CISD Well-being (K-10) Pre, post
(2014) education, 19 PTSD (IES-R)
control) Quality of life (Q-LES-Q)
Alcohol use (non-validated scale–)
Wilson et al. RCT (2, placebo) USA Police 62 (33, 29) 13:49 EMDR Well-being (SCL-90, SUDS, STAXI) Pre, post, 6mFU
(2001) PTSD (PTDS)
Stress (PSI, JSS)
Notes. RCT = randomized controlled trial; QCT = quasi-randomized controlled trial; CRCT = cluster randomized controlled trial; TAU = treatment as usual; CISD = Critical Incident Stress Debriefing; EMDR = Eye
Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; MBI-GS = Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey; UWES = Utrecht Work Engagement Scale; GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire-12; Maastricht
Questionnaire; BSS = Bodily Symptoms Scale; KSQ = Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire; PROMIS = National Institutes of Health Patient-Reported Outcomes Information System; CHRT = Concise Health Risk
Tracking scale; PSQ = Police Stress Questionnaire; OLBI = Oldenburg Burnout Inventory; FFMQ-SF = Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaires-Short Form; AAQ-II = Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II; SCS-
SF = Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form; DASS = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales; SF-36 = Short Form-36; MBI = Maslach Burnout Inventory; PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; KSS = Karolinska
Sleepiness Scale; CMDQ = Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire; POQA = Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment; GHQ-28 = General Health Questionnaire-28; JSQ = Job Stress
Questionnaire; LSS = Life Situation Survey; PSS = Perceived Stress Scale; SCL-90 = Symptom Checklist-90; CHIPS = Cohen-Hoberman Inventory of Physical Symptoms; 9-item Maastricht questionnaire;
IES = Impact of Events Scale; RSES = Response to Stressful Experiences Scale; PCL-C = The PTSD Checklist – Civilian Version; Brief COPE = Brief Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced; 5F-Wel = Five
Factor Wellness Inventory; K-10 = Kessler Psychological Distress Scale; IES-R = Impact of Events Scale – Revised; Q-LES-Q = Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire; SUDS = Subjective Units
of Disturbance Scale; STAXI = State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory; PTDS = Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale; PSI = Police Stress Inventory; JSS = Job Stress Survey; CRI = Coping Responses Inventory;
mFU = months follow-up.
*Brief non-validated 3-item coping measure used. yUsed constructs with established reliability from authors’ previous studies, but unclear what constructs are. àUsed constructs with established reliability
from authors’ previous studies, but unclear what constructs are. §The authors published a paper reporting results at 6 months (Kuehl et al., 2014) and a final-results paper (Kuehl et al., 2016). Insufficient data
were provided in the final-results paper, so all data included in this review are extracted from the paper reporting 6-month findings. –Participants were asked how many standard alcohol drinks they had in the
previous 7-day period.

European Psychologist (2020)

8 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Table 2. Intervention characteristics

Intervention Intervention Modifiable risk factor
Study type content Format targeted
Ângelo and Chambel Stress Leadership stress management workshop 3 consecutive days, each None*
(2013) management for the supervisors of participants, involving lasting 7 hr, led by the
psycho-education, coping strategies, support researchers
systems, leadership roles, problem solving

Arnetz et al. (2013) Stress Imagery and skills training program involving 10 weekly sessions, each Behavioral disengagement –
management psycho-education, relaxation training, guided lasting 1.5 hr, led by Special participants practiced
imagery, mental practice of police tactical Forces officers who were adaptive coping strategies
skills trained by the researchers (e.g., identifying specific goals
and enacting plans to achieve
them) during imaginal
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exposure to stressful
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Christopher et al. Stress Experiential and didactic exercises, including 8 weekly sessions, each Noney
(2018) management body scan, sitting and walking meditations, lasting 2 hr except the
mindful movement, and group discussion. extended 6 hr final class
Participants were given an iPod Touch
programed with guided practices and
monitoring software to supplement in-session
content and support practice between

Ireland et al. (2007) Stress Writing about strong emotions related to work 4 consecutive days, each Emotional suppression –
management or not, and what participants planned to do lasting 15 min, written participants wrote about their
about them instructions provided strong emotions and what
they would do as a result of
the strong emotions

Kuehl et al. (2014) Stress Worksite health and safety wellness classes 12 weekly sessions, each Noneà
management providing information about healthy eating, lasting 30 min, peer-led
exercise, body weight, stress, sleep, other
lifestyle factors

McCraty and Self- Group classes involving self-regulation skills 3 sessions spaced evenly Noneà
Atkinson (2012) regulation (e.g., Heart Focused Breathing, Freeze Frame, over 1 month, each lasting
Inner Ease, Prep Shift and Reset, Getting In 4 hr, led by trained
Sync) and technology (emWave) for achieving instructors
physiological coherence

Norris et al. (1990) Physical Aerobic exercise involved 5–10 min of At least 25 sessions, 3 times Physical inactivity –
exercise warming up, 20–30 min of road running then a week, each lasting 1 hr, participants regularly
5–10 min cooling down stretches. The led by trained instructors exercised
anaerobic exercise involved 5–10 min of
warming up and 20–30 min of circuit training

Norvell and Belles Physical Circuit weight training using 12 circuit 48 sessions, 3 times a week, Physical inactivity –
(1993) exercise machines in a gym each lasting 20 min, participants regularly
monitored by gym staff exercised

Ramey et al. (2017) Self- Initial group class covering psycho-education 5 sessions, once every 2–3 Noneà
regulation and self-regulation techniques to alter weeks, initial class lasting 2
physiological coherence. All participants hr led by researchers, phone
received flipcharts and booklets to guide conferences lasting 1 hr and
home practice, but the intervention group also led by mental health
received the HeartMath Inner Balance professionals
application, an earlobe sensor and mentoring
via four phone conferences sessions

Skeffington et al. Stress Group class covering psycho-education 4 weekly sessions, each None*
(2016) management (coping strategies, stress, PTSD), defusion lasting 60 min, led by
exercises, practical skills, self-care primary researcher
(Continued on next page)

European Psychologist (2020) Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders 9

Table 2. (Continued)

Intervention Intervention Modifiable risk factor

Study type content Format targeted
Tanigoshi et al. Psychological Individual wellness counseling based on 5 sessions, once every 2 Behavioral disengagement –
(2008) Myers and Sweeney’s (2004) Indivisible Self weeks, each lasting 1 hr, led participants identified area
Model (an evidence-based wellness model by trained counselors of wellness they scored low
that views wellness holistically across the life in at the start of treatment
span), cognitive-behavioral intervention and then created treatment
strategies goals and personalized
wellness plans to work

Tuckey and Scott Debriefing Group CISD sessions following the Mitchell 1 session lasting 90 min, led None§
(2014) (1983) and Mitchell and Everly (1993) seven- by trained mental health
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

phase protocol: (1) Introduction, (2) Facts, professionals and a peer

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(3) Thoughts, (4) Reactions, (5) Symptoms, supporter for the

(6) Education, and (7) Re-entry introduction and education
phases, led by
psychologists and social

Wilson et al. (2001) Psychological Initial clinical interview exploring job stress. 2-hour interview followed by None–
Stressors identified in interview used in 3 sessions, each lasting 2
one-to-one EMDR sessions following the hr, led by psychologists and
standard protocol (Shapiro, 1995) social workers with
experience of working with
police officers
Note. CISD = Critical Incident Stress Debriefing; EMDR = Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. *Provided psychoeducation about stress, coping
and mental health. yTargeted mental focus, sustained attention and a sense of personal and situational awareness. àTargeted physiological coherence – a
functional mode where a person’s heart rhythm pattern becomes more ordered. §Information provided about potential symptoms and coping strategies.

Targeted memory processing.

within-group improvements in well-being, but no significant intervention-specific improvements. A health and safety
between-group effects (Tanigoshi et al., 2008). program offering psychoeducation on healthy eating, exer-
cise, body weight, stress, sleep, and other lifestyle factors,
was associated with some significant intervention-specific
Stress Management Interventions
improvements in health and well-being but no improve-
Six studies evaluated stress management interventions, two ments in mental health outcomes (Kuehl et al., 2014). Partic-
of which targeted modifiable risk factors. An imagery inter- ipants receiving this health and safety program had better
vention targeted behavioral disengagement and was linked general health (d = 0.34, [0.13, 0.55]), less stress (d = 0.11,
to less vital exhaustion (d = 0.60, [0.11, 1.09]), better cop- [0.16, 0.58]), better sleep quality (d = 0.69, [0.48, 0.90]),
ing (d = 0.95, [0.45, 1.45]) and better sleep quality (d = better sleep quantity (d = 0.65, [0.44, 0.86]), and less
0.52, [0.03, 1.01]), when compared to a TAU control group tobacco use (d = 0.35, [0.14, 0.56]) at 6-month follow-up
at 18-month follow-up (Arnetz et al., 2013). Imagery was compared to a TAU control group. These findings were also
also linked to less vital exhaustion over time (d = 0.58, found when comparing pre-intervention to 6-month follow-
[0.08, 1.08]), while a TAU control group showed no signif- up, but not for the control group. However, participants
icant within-group improvements from pre-intervention to receiving the health and safety program had more depres-
18-month follow-up. Insufficient data were reported at sive symptoms (d = 0.36, [0.57, 0.15]), more fatigue
post-intervention so within- and between-group effect sizes (d = 0.55, [0.76, 0.34]), and more musculoskeletal pain
could not be calculated at this time point. A writing inter- (d = 0.22, [0.43, 0.01]) at 6-month follow-up compared
vention targeting emotional suppression led to significant to the control group, which contradicts the apparent efficacy
within-group improvements in stress, but did not lead to of the intervention.
any intervention-specific effects (Ireland et al., 2007). Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) was the
The four remaining stress management interventions did only stress management intervention that could be linked
not target modifiable risk factors. Two of these studies – a to clear intervention-specific improvements, although it
leadership stress management program (Ângelo & Chambel, did not target a modifiable risk factor. Between-group
2013) and Mental Agility and Psychological Strength (MAPS) comparisons revealed that MBRT was linked to fewer
training (Skeffington et al., 2016) – could not be linked to sleep difficulties (d = 0.56, [0.04, 1.16]), less burnout

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 3. The effectiveness of included studies

Within-group comparisons Between-group comparisons

T1 to T2 T1 to T2 T1 to T3 T1 to T3 T2 T3
(Intervention (Control (Intervention (Control
Outcome sub-categories Time points (T) group) group) group) group)

Leadership stress management workshop

European Psychologist (2020)

Well-being (burnout – emotional exhaustion) Pre (T1) 0.09 [0.43, 0.25] 0.28 [0.74, 0.17] 0.13 [0.53, 0.28]

Well-being (burnout – cynicism) 4mFU (T2) 0.08 [0.41, 0.26] 0.11 [0.56, 0.35] 0.08 [0.33, 0.48]

Well-being (engagement – vigor) 0.00 [0.34, 0.34] 0.31 [0.77, 0.15] 0.13 [0.27, 0.53]

Well-being (engagement – dedication) 0.10 [0.24, 0.44] 0.15 [0.61, 0.30] 0.05 [0.35, 0.45]

Imagery and skills training program

Well-being Pre (T1) Data not reported at T2 Data not reported at T2 0.48 [0.98, 0.03] 0.09 [0.57, 0.38] Data not reported at T2 0.34 [0.83, 0.15]

Coping Post (T2) 0.49 [0.01, 0.99] 0.12 [0.36, 0.59] 0.95 [0.45, 1.45]*

Vital exhaustionà 18mFU (T3) 0.58 [0.08, 1.08]* 0.13 [0.61, 0.34] 0.60 [0.11, 1.09]*

Sleep 0.26 [0.24, 0.76] 0.17 [0.65, 0.30] 0.52 [0.03, 1.01]*

Somatic symptoms (stomach problems and 0.19 [0.31, 0.69] 0.34 [0.82, 0.13] 0.31 [0.18, 0.80]
heart complaints)

Mindfulness-based resilience training

Alcohol use Pre (T1) 0.33 [0.20, 0.87] 0.06 [0.59, 0.46] 0.10 [0.43, 0.63] 0.03 [0.43, 0.63] 0.38 [0.18, 0.93] 0.12 [0.44, 0.68]

Anxiety Post (T2) 0.34 [0.20, 0.87] 0.51 [0.02, 1.04] 0.14 [0.40, 0.67] 0.45 [0.09, 0.98] 0.02 [0.57, 0.54] 0.17 [0.73, 0.39]

Depression 3mFU (T3) 0.10 [0.43, 0.64] 0.16 [0.37, 0.68] 0.08 [0.61, 0.46] 0.29 [0.24, 0.83] 0.10 [0.46, 0.65] 0.24 [0.80, 0.32]

Sleep difficulties 0.40 [0.11, 0.96] 0.13 [0.39, 0.66] 0.13 [0.41, 0.66] 0.08 [0.46, 0.60] 0.60 [0.04, 1.16]* 0.23 [0.33, 0.79]

Suicidal ideation 0.09 [0.44, 0.62] 0.30 [0.22, 0.83] 0.03, [0.50, 0.57] 0.28 [0.26, 0.81] 0.28 [0.84, 0.28] 0.39 [0.96, 0.17]

Organizational stress 0.28 [0.26, 0.81] 0.12 [0.65, 0.40] 0.18 [0.35, 0.72] 0.13 [0.40, 0.66] 0.53 [0.03, 1.09] 0.15 [0.41, 0.71]

Operational stress 0.21 [0.32, 0.74] 0.06 [0.47, 0.59] 0.16 [0.38, 0.69] 0.03 [0.50, 0.56] 0.09 [0.46, 0.65] 0.05 [0.51, 0.61]

Burnout 0.50 [0.04, 1.04] 0.03 [0.55, 0.50] 0.34 [0.19, 0.88] 0.18 [0.35, 0.72] 0.73 [0.17, 1.30]* 0.38 [0.18, 0.94]

Resilience 0.19 [0.35, 0.72] 0.10 [0.42, 0.63] 0.14 [0.39, 0.68] 0.14 [0.39, 0.67] – –

Anger 0.17 [0.37, 0.70] 0.28 [0.25, 0.80] 0.04 [0.49, 0.57] 0.38 [0.15, 0.92] 0.09 [0.47, 0.64] 0.14 [0.71, 0.42]

Aggression 0.74 [0.20, 1.28]* 0.20 [0.32, 0.73] 0.47 [0.07, 1.01] 0.40 [0.13, 0.94] 0.53 [0.03, 1.10] 0.06 [0.50, 0.62]

Nonreactivity 0.69 [0.15, 1.23]* 0.10 [0.42, 0.63] 0.29 [0.25, 0.82] 0.38 [0.15, 0.92] 0.63 [0.07, 1.20]* 0.03 [0.53, 0.59]

Nonjudging 0.55 [0.01, 1.09]* 0.61 [0.08, 1.14]* 0.21 [0.33, 0.74] 0.30 [0.23, 0.83] 0.21 [0.76, 0.35] 0.29 [0.85, 0.27]

Acting with awareness 0.04 [0.49, 0.57] 0.05 [0.48, 0.57] 0.17 [0.36, 0.70] 0.32 [0.21, 0.86] 0.01 [0.55, 0.56] 0.16 [0.72, 0.40]

Psychological flexibility 0.42 [0.12, 0.95] 0.11 [0.41, 0.64] 0.25 [0.28, 0.78] 0.62 [0.09, 1.16]* 0.36 [0.19, 0.92] 0.32 [0.88, 0.24]

Self-compassion 0.17 [0.37, 0.70] 0.20 [0.33, 0.72] 0.25 [0.29, 0.78] 0.34 [0.19, 0.88] – –
(Continued on next page)

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 3. (Continued)

Within-group comparisons Between-group comparisons

T1 to T2 T1 to T2 T1 to T3 T1 to T3 T2 T3
(Intervention (Control (Intervention (Control
Outcome sub-categories Time points (T) group) group) group) group)

Writing about personal emotion

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

Mental health symptomatology (depression) Pre (T1) 0.10 [0.42, 0.63] 0.28 [0.73, 0.16] 0.20 [0.28, 0.69]

Mental health symptomatology (anxiety) Post (T2) 0.32 [0.21, 0.85] 0.31 [0.75, 0.14] 0.23 [0.25, 0.72]

Stress 0.56 [0.03, 1.09]* 0.25 [0.69, 0.19] 0.39 [0.10, 0.88]

Worksite health and safety wellness program

Well-being (general health status) Pre (T1) 0.69 [0.49, 0.89]* 0.12 [0.08, 0.32] 0.34 [0.13, 0.55]*

Well-being (burnout) 6mFU (T2) 0.09 [0.11, 0.29] 0.07 [0.27, 0.13] 0.08 [0.29, 0.13]

Stress 0.35 [0.15, 0.56]* 0.06 [0.14, 0.26] 0.11 [0.16, 0.58]*
J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Mental health symptomatology (depression) 0.06 [0.26, 0.14] 0.26 [0.06, 0.46]* 0.36 [0.57, 0.15]*

Sleep (sleep quality) 0.64 [0.44, 0.84]* 0.05 [0.25, 0.15] 0.69 [0.48, 0.90]*

Sleep (sleep quantity) 0.53 [0.33, 0.73]* 0.03 [0.17, 0.24] 0.65 [0.44, 0.86]*

Sleep (sleepiness) 0.29 [0.09, 0.50]* 0.50 [0.30, 0.70]* 0.24 [0.44, 0.03]*

Sleep (fatigue) 0.20 [0.40, 0.00] 0.01 [0.22, 0.19] 0.55 [0.76, 0.34]*

Somatic symptoms (musculoskeletal pain) 0.25 [0.05, 0.45]* 0.25 [0.05, 0.45]* 0.11 [0.32, 0.10]

Somatic symptoms (musculoskeletal pain with 0.13 [0.07, 0.33] 0.25 [0.05, 0.45]* 0.22 [0.43, 0.01]*
foot pain)

Alcohol use 0.09 [0.29, 0.11] 0.03 [0.23, 0.18] 0.11 [0.32, 0.10]

Tobacco use 0.10 [0.30, 0.10] 0.07 [0.28, 0.13] 0.35 [0.14, 0.56]*

Physical activity 0.49 [0.28, 0.69]* 0.56 [0.35, 0.76]* 0.13 [0.08, 0.34]

Healthy eating 0.82 [0.62, 1.03]* 0.55 [0.35, 0.76]* –

Coherence advantage program

Well-being (global negative emotion) Pre (T1) 0.41 [0.12, 0.93] 0.06 [0.56, 0.43] 0.32 [0.20, 0.83]

Well-being (anger) Post (T2) 0.20 [0.33, 0.72] 0.12 [0.38, 0.62] 0.17 [0.34, 0.68]

Well-being (distress) 0.60 [0.07, 1.13]* 0.04 [0.46, 0.54] 0.24 [0.27, 0.76]

Mental health symptomatology (depression) 0.21 [0.31, 0.73] 0.37 [0.87, 0.13] 0.51 [0.00, 1.03]

Well-being (sadness) 0.35 [0.17, 0.88] 0.08 [0.58, 0.42] 0.25 [0.26, 0.76]

(Continued on next page)

European Psychologist (2020)

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Table 3. (Continued)

Within-group comparisons Between-group comparisons

T1 to T2 T1 to T2 T1 to T3 T1 to T3 T2 T3
(Intervention (Control (Intervention (Control
Outcome sub-categories Time points (T) group) group) group) group)

Well-being (fatigue) 0.48 [0.05, 1.01] 0.01 [0.51, 0.48] 0.04 [0.47, 0.55]

Well-being (positive emotion) 0.28 [0.25, 0.80] 0.14 [0.36, 0.64] 0.04 [0.55, 0.48]

European Psychologist (2020)

Well-being (peacefulness) 0.38 [0.14, 0.91] 0.05 [0.55, 0.45] 0.32 [0.19, 0.84]

Well-being (vitality) 0.18 [0.35, 0.70] 0.09 [0.59, 0.41] 0.19 [0.33, 0.70]

Sleep (sleeplessness) 0.46 [0.07, 0.99] 0.20 [0.70, 0.30] 0.10 [0.41, 0.61]

Somatic symptoms (physical anxiety) 0.44 [0.08, 0.97] 0.15 [0.35, 0.65] 0.16 [0.67, 0.35]

Somatic symptoms (body aches) 0.15 [0.38, 0.67] 0.10 [0.59, 0.40] 0.03 [0.54, 0.48]

Somatic symptoms (indigestion) 0.10 [0.42, 0.63] 0.18 [0.68, 0.32] 0.10 [0.61, 0.41]

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise trainingy

Well-being Pre (T1) Aerobic: 0.80 [0.27, 1.34]* 0.08 [0.63, 0.48] Aerobic vs. anaerobic: 0.26 [0.29, 0.80]

Post (T2) Anaerobic: 2.71 [1.99, 342]* Aerobic vs. control: 0.83 [0.28, 1.39]*

Anaerobic vs. control: 0.63 [0.06, 1.20]*

Stress Aerobic: 0.56 [0.03, 1.09]* 0.09 [0.65, 0.46] Aerobic vs. anaerobic: –

Anaerobic: 0.34 [0.23, 0.91] Aerobic vs. control: 0.72 [0.17, 1.27]*

Anaerobic vs. control: –

Quality of life Aerobic: 0.50 [0.03, 1.03] 0.62 [1.18, 0.06]* Aerobic vs. anaerobic: 0.17 [0.37, 0.72]

Anaerobic: 0.40 [0.17, 0.96] Aerobic vs. control: 0.94 [0.38, 1.49]*

Anaerobic vs. control: 0.72 [0.15, 1.29]*

Circuit weight trainingy

Well-being Pre (T1) 1.06 [0.28, 1.84]* Waitlist: 0.08 [0.63, 0.80] Intervention vs. waitlist: 1.00 [0.24, 1.76]*

Stress Post (T2) 0.40 [0.35, 1.15] Dropouts: 0.09 [0.65, 0.83] Intervention vs. dropouts: –

Waitlist vs. dropouts: –

0.78 [0.02, 1.55]* Waitlist: 0.02 [0.79, 0.69] Intervention vs. waitlist: 0.61 [0.13, 1.35]

Dropouts: 0.05 [0.79, 0.69] Intervention vs. dropouts: –

Waitlist vs. dropouts: –

Somatic symptoms Waitlist: 0.03 [0.75, 0.68] Intervention vs. waitlist: 1.36 [0.57, 2.15]*

Dropouts: 0.13 [0.88, 0.61] Intervention vs. dropouts: –

Waitlist vs. dropouts: –

Physiological coherence practice and telementor sessions

Well-being (emotional vitality) Pre (T1) 0.22 [0.46, 0.91] 0.12 [0.56, 0.81] 0.00 [0.68, 0.68]

(Continued on next page)

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J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 3. (Continued)

Within-group comparisons Between-group comparisons

T1 to T2 T1 to T2 T1 to T3 T1 to T3 T2 T3
(Intervention (Control (Intervention (Control
Outcome sub-categories Time points (T) group) group) group) group)

Stress (perceived stress) Post (T2) 0.05 [0.63, 0.73] 0.19 [0.48, 0.87]

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

0.06 [0.74, 0.62]

Stress (organizational stress) 0.17 [0.51, 0.86] 0.30 [0.39, 0.98] 0.27 [0.96, 0.41]

Stress (emotional stress) 0.16 [0.52, 0.85] 0.20 [0.88, 0.48] 0.16 [0.85, 0.52]

Mental health symptomatology (PTSD) 0.30 [0.98, 0.39] 0.24 [0.91, 0.43] 0.04 [0.65, 0.72]

Vital exhaustion 0.03 [0.71, 0.65] 0.16 [0.53, 0.84] 0.00 [0.69, 0.69]

Resilience 0.02 [0.66, 0.71] 0.16 [0.52, 0.84] 0.26 [0.95, 0.42]

Somatic symptoms (physical stress) 0.00 [0.68, 0.68] 0.00 [0.68, 0.68] 0.11 [0.79, 0.57]
J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Somatic symptoms (health symptoms) 0.00 [0.68, 0.68] 0.17 [0.85, 0.52] 0.15 [0.53, 0.84]

Mental agility and psychological strength training

Mental health symptomatology (PTSD) Pre (T1) 0.22 [0.75, 0.30] 0.55 [0.10, 0.99]* 0.08 [0.64, 0.48] 0.22 [0.24, 0.68] 0.39 [0.90, 0.12] 0.04 [0.51, 0.59]

Mental health symptomatology (depression) 6mFU (T2) 0.64 [1.17, 0.11]* 0.38 [0.06, 0.82] 0.59 [1.15, 0.02]* 0.02 [0.47, 0.44] 0.55 [1.06, 0.04]* 0.16 [0.72, 0.39]

Mental health symptomatology (anxiety) 12mFU (T3) 0.34 [0.19, 0.86] 0.53 [0.09, 0.98]* 0.43 [0.13, 0.99] 0.31 [0.15, 0.77] 0.15 [0.66, 0.36] 0.14 [0.41, 0.70]

Stress 0.20 [0.33, 0.72] 0.90 [0.45, 1.36]* 0.19 [0.37, 0.75] 0.58 [0.12, 1.04]* 0.73 [1.25, 0.21]* 0.43 [0.99, 0.12]

Coping (adaptive coping) 0.44 [0.96, 0.09] 0.23 [0.68, 0.21] 0.69 [1.26, 0.13]* 0.25 [0.71, 0.20] 0.08 [0.59, 0.43] 0.03 [0.58, 0.53]

Coping (maladaptive coping) 0.26 [0.26, 0.79] 0.57 [0.12, 1.01]* 0.16 [0.40, 0.71] 0.55 [0.09, 1.02]* 0.26 [0.77, 0.24] 0.37 [0.93, 0.19]
Wellness counseling

Well-being Pre (T1) 0.74 [0.16, 1.31]* 0.00 [0.53, 0.53] 0.52 [0.03, 1.08]

Post (T2) CISD: 0.18 [0.44, 0.80] 0.44 [0.20, 1.08]

Group CISD

Well-being Pre (T1) Education: 0.10 [0.43, 0.62] CISD vs. Education: 0.22 [0.36, 0.79]

Post (T2) CISD vs. control: 0.20 [0.83, 0.43]

Education vs. control: 0.44 [1.02, 0.15]

Mental health symptomatology (PTSD) CISD: 0.40 [0.23, 1.02] 0.25 [0.39, 0.89] CISD vs. Education: 0.11 [0.47, 0.68]

Education: 0.05 [0.47, 0.58] CISD vs. control: 0.15 [0.78, 0.47]

Education vs. control: 0.21 [0.78, 0.47]

(Continued on next page)

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Table 3. (Continued)

European Psychologist (2020)

Within-group comparisons Between-group comparisons

T1 to T2 T1 to T2 T1 to T3 T1 to T3 T2 T3
(Intervention (Control (Intervention (Control
Outcome sub-categories Time points (T) group) group) group) group)

Quality of life CISD: 0.22 [0.40, 0.84] 0.82 [1.48, 0.17]* CISD vs. Education: 0.25 [0.32, 0.83]

Education: 0.06 [0.59, 0.46] CISD vs. control: 0.23 [0.86, 0.40]

Education vs. control: 0.53 [1.12, 0.05]

Alcohol use CISD: 0.04 [0.59, 0.66] 0.62 [1.26, 0.03] CISD vs. Education: –

Education: 0.01 [0.51, 0.53] CISD vs. control: –

Education vs. control: 0.44 [1.02, 0.15]


Well-being (psychological functioning) Pre (T1) Insufficient data Insufficient data Data not reported at T3 Data not reported at T3 Insufficient data Insufficient data

Well-being (distress) Post (T2) 2.17 [1.61, 2.72]* 0.60 [0.08, 1.12]* 1.47 [0.94, 2.01]* Insufficient data

Well-being (trait anger) 6mFU (T3) Insufficient data Insufficient data 0.62 [0.11, 1.12]* 1.20 [0.67, 1.72]*

Well-being (state anger) Insufficient data Insufficient data 0.12 [0.62, 0.38] 0.58 [0.07, 1.08]*

Stress (job stress) 0.22 [0.26, 0.71] 0.50 [1.02, 0.02] 0.84 [0.33, 1.35]* Insufficient data

Stress (police stress) Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data

Mental health symptomatology (PTSD) Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data

Coping Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data Insufficient data

Note. Data are effect sizes (95% confidence intervals). *Significant effect. yTargets a modifiable risk factor. àItems were reverse coded so that higher scores indicated less vital exhaustion. §Total mean of all
participants given at baseline (not split by condition). –Significant differences between groups at baseline. FU = Follow-up.

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders
J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders 15

(d = 0.73, [0.17, 1.30]), and higher nonreactivity to inner factors. Interventions were most likely to improve outcomes
experience (d = 0.63, [0.07, 1.20]), a facet of mindfulness, such as well-being, stress, and sleep problems rather than
at post-intervention (Christopher et al., 2018). It did not lead leading to significant improvements in mental health symp-
to any intervention-specific improvements in stress, well- tomatology. The latter finding is likely due to the observation
being, or mental health symptomatology, such as anxiety that participants demonstrated low levels of symptomatol-
and depression. Between-group effect sizes were not calcu- ogy when they were recruited into the studies with little room
lated for resilience and self-compassion since the groups dif- to further improve. While targeting well-being, stress and
fered significantly on these outcomes at baseline. There were sleep problems may reduce the likelihood of developing
no significant between or within-group effects at 3-month mental ill health in the long-term, it is also crucial to develop
follow-up. interventions that can alleviate or prevent the development
of other major symptoms of psychiatric disorders, such as
Self-Regulation Interventions extreme moods and suicidal thoughts, that are often more
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

debilitating. Evaluations would benefit from plotting and

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Two studies evaluated self-regulation interventions that did comparing trajectories of outcome following stressor expo-
not target modifiable risk factors (McCraty & Atkinson, sure in order to also determine the protective potential of
2012; Ramey et al., 2017). No significant between-group an intervention.
effect sizes were found in either study, thus neither inter- Interventions with a higher number and frequency of ses-
vention could be linked to intervention-specific improve- sions tended to fare better. The mean number of sessions
ments. All within-group effects were also nonsignificant was 17.7 for interventions that could be linked to interven-
except for improvements in distress, which were observed tion-related improvements, whereas interventions that
in one of the two studies (McCraty & Atkinson, 2012). could not be linked to improvements were delivered with
an average of 3.6 sessions. The interventions that were
Debriefing linked to intervention-specific effects mostly took place
once a week, whereas the least effective interventions were
The final study evaluated a debriefing intervention (Tuckey more likely to take place in a block of a 3 or 4 days, or every
& Scott, 2014). It did not target a modifiable risk factor and 2 weeks. Thus, the frequency of sessions may be an impor-
was not linked to any within- or between-group effects. tant factor affecting efficacy.
Although the majority of evidence points toward the
notion that interventions targeting modifiable risk factors
Discussion of poor mental health are more effective, there are some
contradictory results to consider. MBRT and EMDR
This is the first systematic review to synthesize RCT and demonstrated significant intervention-specific effects but
QCT evidence for the effectiveness of interventions aimed did not target modifiable risk factors. However, the effects
to improve well-being, resilience, or stress management in of MBRT were not sustained at follow-up, the sample size
the emergency service population. Over half the interven- was fairly small, and the training did not improve any
tions had no significant effects on mental or physical health mental health outcome other than one facet of mindful-
outcomes. The interventions that were linked to beneficial ness, which would be expected with a mindfulness-based
effects that could be considered intervention-specific were intervention. In the study involving EMDR, insufficient data
more likely to target modifiable risk factors of poor mental were provided at follow-up so it is unclear whether the
health. effects seen at post-intervention would have been sus-
Exercise and imagery interventions showed the most pro- tained, the sample size was again fairly small, and partici-
mise as they were linked to the largest between-group effect pants receiving EMDR had significantly more face-to-face
sizes, and both intervention types targeted modifiable risk contact with a therapist compared to the control group
factors. The benefits of exercise on mental health seen in this receiving typical stress management. These limitations
review mirror the substantial body of literature supporting restrict the generalizability of both studies and question
the benefits of exercise on physical and mental health out- the efficacy of the interventions. At the other end of the
comes in the general population (i.e., Warburton et al., spectrum, two interventions (writing about strong emotions
2006). With respect to imagery interventions, the findings and wellness counseling) targeting modifiable risk factors
mirror the benefits of imagery interventions for anxiety were linked to within-group improvements in stress and
(i.e., Wild, Hackmann, & Clark, 2008) and depression well-being, respectively, but could not be linked to interven-
(Brewin et al., 2009). In contrast, self-regulation and debrief- tion-specific effects. The writing intervention only lasted
ing interventions could not be linked to any intervention- for 4 days and the wellness counseling took place every
related improvements, and neither targeted modifiable risk 2 weeks, whereas the more effective interventions tended

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing European Psychologist (2020)

16 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

to take place at least once a week. This difference in session intervention development is needed, first identifying modifi-
frequency may have reduced the potential efficacy of the able risk factors in at-risk groups with prospective studies,
interventions. Perhaps allowing time for reflection and then developing interventions to modify core risk factors.
consolidation between sessions but ensuring regular con- Such a theory-driven approach may help to unify evidence
tact to improve knowledge and skill retention are important and offer a promising way forward for developing interven-
components to consider. tions urgently needed for occupational groups regularly
Beyond the limitations of individual studies mentioned so exposed to trauma.
far, several limitations were observed with all the identified
evidence. First, there was a sheer lack of randomized and
quasi-randomized trials investigating the effectiveness of
well-being, resilience, and stress management interventions References
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

search and rescue personnel, with much of the focus resting Alloy, L. B., Abramson, L. Y., Whitehouse, W. G., Hogan, M. E.,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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18 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

*Tuckey, M. R., & Scott, J. E. (2014). Group critical incident stress ORCID
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Jennifer Wild
treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis.
Department of Experimental Psychology
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 5, 126–144. https://doi.
University of Oxford
Paradise Square
Oxford OX1 1TW
Vanhove, A. J., Herian, M. N., Perez, A. L. U., Harms, P. D., &
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ogy, 89, 278–307.
Warburton, D. E., Nicol, C. W., & Bredin, S. S. (2006). Health Jennifer Wild (DClinPsy) is a Consul-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

benefits of physical activity: The evidence. Canadian Medical tant Clinical Psychologist and Asso-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Association Journal, 174, 801–809. ciate Professor of Experimental

cmaj.051351 Psychology at the University of Ox-
Wild, J., Hackmann, A., & Clark, D. M. (2008). Rescripting early ford. Her area of expertise is in
memories linked to negative images in social phobia: A pilot developing and evaluating treat-
study. Behavior Therapy, 39, 47–56. ments that work for anxiety and
j.beth.2007.04.003 stress disorders and interventions to
Wild, J., Smith, K. V., Thompson, E., Béar, F., Lommen, M. J. J., & prevent these problems in emergency
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for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Psycholog-
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S0033291716000532 Shama El-Salahi is a trainee clinical
*Wilson, S. A., Tinker, R. H., Becker, L. A., & Logan, C. R. (2001). psychologist at the University of Ox-
Stress management with law enforcement personnel: A con- ford. El-Salahi completed her BSc
trolled outcome study of EMDR versus a traditional stress (Hons) degree in experimental psy-
management program. International Journal of Stress Manage- chology at the University of Liverpool
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The role of resilience on psychological adjustment and UK.
physical health in patients with diabetes. British Journal of
Health Psychology, 13, 311–325.
135910707X186994 Michelle Degli Esposti (PhD) is a
postdoctoral research officer in the
Department of Social Policy and
Intervention at the University of Ox-
Received February 28, 2019
ford. Her research interests include
Revision received January 16, 2020
interpersonal violence, resilience,
Accepted January 17, 2020
and public health. Her research
Published online July 28, 2020
methods include advanced statistical
methods and big data to better pro-
Conflict of Interest
vide translatable, national-level evi-
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
dence for policy and practice.
This work was funded by Mind [grant number CQR00510] awarded
to Jennifer Wild and supported by the NIHR Oxford Health
Biomedical Research Centre. Mind had no role in the study
design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or
writing of the report. The views expressed are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department
of Health.

European Psychologist (2020) Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders 19

Appendix A

Table A1. Search terms

Participants Intervention Study design

Field Title, abstract Title, abstract All text
Search terms police* OR “prevention program*” OR random* OR
(emergency ADJ3 worker*) OR “resilience training” OR non-random* OR
(emergency ADJ3 staff*) OR resilienc* OR quasi-random* OR
(emergency ADJ3 personnel*) OR CBT OR “controlled before and after” OR
“recovery worker*” OR cognitiv* OR CBAs OR
“first responder*” OR cognitive-behavio* OR “interrupted time series” OR
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

“first aid responder*” OR cognitivebehavio* OR ITSs OR

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

“law enforcement*” OR “skills training” OR Experiment

“police ADJ3 recruit*” OR “early interven*” OR
“mountain guide*” OR psycho* OR
“trauma exposure” OR prevent* OR
paramedic* OR “battlemind training” OR
ambulance* OR “hardiness training” OR
“search and rescue” OR “coping strateg*” OR
fire-fight* OR mindfulness OR
firefight* OR self-management OR
firemen* OR self-regulation OR
fireman* OR “behavior modeling” OR
fireperson* OR “behavior modelling” OR
fireranger* OR “emotion regulation” OR
fireservice* “cognitive technique*” OR
stress OR
Well-being OR
well-being OR

Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing European Psychologist (2020)

20 J. Wild et al., Interventions for First Responders

Appendix B

Table B1. Methodological quality assessment of included studies – the risk of bias

Risk of Risk of Risk of Risk of Risk of

Selection bias performance bias detection bias attrition bias reporting bias

Random Blinding Blinding of Selective

sequence Allocation of participants outcome Incomplete outcome
Study generation concealment and personnel assessment outcome data reporting
Ângelo and Chambel (2013) High High High High Low Unclear
Arnetz et al. (2013) High High Unclear Unclear High High
Ireland et al. (2007) High High Unclear Unclear High Unclear
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Kuehl et al. (2016) Low Unclear High High Low Unclear

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

McCraty and Atkinson (2012) Unclear Unclear High High Low Unclear
Norris et al. (1990) High High Unclear Unclear Low Unclear
Norvell and Belles (1993) Low Low Unclear Unclear High Unclear
Ramey et al. (2017) Low Unclear High High Low Unclear
Skeffington et al. (2016) Low Unclear High High High Unclear
Tanigoshi et al. (2008) Low Low High High High Unclear
Tuckey and Scott (2014) Low Low Unclear Unclear High Unclear
Wilson et al. (2001) Low Low Unclear Low Low Unclear

European Psychologist (2020) Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing

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