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Structure of a Text

1. Do you think tea is better or worse than coffe?

2. Should children learn about different cultures from a young age?
3. What is a better way to entertain yourself?
a) Books
b) Movies
c) Series
d) Social media

First sentence
- Something that catches the reader’s attention
- “Some may think that…”
- “It is a fact that”
- “For a long time, it has been known that… However….”
- “People believe that __________ is something very strange/simple/bad/good, but what
do we actually know about it?”

Second sentence
- Main idea/argument, central topic
- Direct answer to the question
- “Personally, I believe that….”
- “Talking from my personal experience, I think that…”
- “My opinion is that…”

Third sentence
- Transition
- I feel this way for x reasons, which I will explore in the following essay”
- “The importance of this topic relies on x main reasons, which I will explain in this essay”

Body paragraph
First sentence
- Topic sentence, summarize of your first supporting reason.
- “First of all…”
- “The first reason why…”
- “One of the main reasons why…… is that…..”

Second - Fourth sentence

- Explanation of your idea without mentioning your experience.
- “According to…”
- “This thing is…. Because….”
- ____________ is good/bad (adjective) because…”
Fifth Sentence
- Transition
- “My personal experience is a compelling example of this…”
- “Based on my personal experience I can say that/ I am sure that/ I believe this.”

Sixth Sentence – To End

- Personal example from your life that supports the argument.
- Longer than the explanation part.
- “Long ago…”
- “When I was a child…”
- “One time/Once…”

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