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Name : Ni Komang Vena Kumala

NIM : 2014101074
class :C
Absen : 08

Legal English assignments

I Gst. Ayu Apsari Hadi, S.H.,M.H.

1. Treaties
Treaties between two or more people, or between organizations, both written and
oral, which is binding. The agreement is said to be valid if it meets the following :

a. in making an agreement all parties must agree on what has been mutually agreed
upon and not enter into an agreement under compulsion. If the agreement is done
forcibly, because of the threat the agreement can be canceled
b. To be able to make an agreement, one must have a stable mental state and
behavior. The stability of behavior can be seen from a person's maturity
c. Object.
Before making an agreement, a person must determine the object first. By
determining the objects permitted by applicable law.
d. cause that is lawful
When making an agreement, make sure it is based on the provisions stipulated by
law and does not violate the norms of decency.

2. Common law system is law made by judges and pseudo-courtesans based on

written statements. The following are common law characteristics
a. Jurisprudence as the main source of law, jurisprudence is a decision by a judge to
face a case that is not regulated by law and is used as a guide for other judges to
resolve the same case
b. Adhering to the precedent system implies that judges are bound to follow and
implement previous court decisions
c. Adversary system in the judicial process, in this system both parties use their
lawyers against the judge by compiling strategies and preparing evidence.
3. Civic Law System, is a form of source of law in a formal sense. The main
characteristic of Civil Law is that this system uses the basic division into civil law and
public law.
Characteristics of the Civic law system :
a. With a codification system, codification is needed to create uniformity of law
because law is certainty
b. Judges are not bound by precedent or the doctrine of stare decicis, so laws
become their main legal reference. Paul Scholten said that the purpose of
organizing the organs of the Dutch state was about the separation between the
powers of making laws, the power of the judiciary and the cassation system as
well as the executive power, and it was not possible for one power to interfere
with other powers. Therefore, jurisprudence was formed
c. The judicial system is inquisitorial, judges are active in finding legal facts in
assessing evidence. Judges have a big role in directing and deciding cases, this
system relies on honesty hakim.

4. Copyright
Copyright is the exclusive right for the creator or the right recipient to publish or
reproduce his work or to give permission for it without reducing the limitations
according the prevailing laws and regulations. The Copyright Law also helps the
Indonesian government to exploit or require certain parties to reproduce
copyrighted works for the sake of public or national interests, or to limit the
distribution of works "which are declared to denigrate religious values, or cause
ethnic or racial problems, can be disturbed or danger to the defense and security of
the country, conflict with public morality prevailing in society, and public order.
Criminal sanctions for copyright infringement in Indonesia are generally
punishable by a maximum imprisonment of ten years which may or may not be
accompanied by a maximum fine of up to four billion rupiah, while works or goods
that are the result of criminal acts of copyright and the tools used to commit
crimes. the State seizes the criminal act to be destroyed.

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