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Nitya Darshanil N219 MBA Tech CS (G)

1. Describe composition factors that influence effectiveness of teams

The composition factor that influence effectiveness of teams are:-
 Skills – Composition of skills and abilities for each and every team member
which will eventually help the team to reach their specific goal. It may influence
team skill effectiveness
 Personality – Personality has a major impact on individual employee behaviour. 
This can also be applied to team actions. In reality, all of the dimensions defined
in the big five personality model are more likely to earn managers' scores for team
success at higher levels of extroversion, approval, consciousness and emotional
 Roles – Teams have diverse demands, and a team should be chosen to achieve
flexibility and to fill all the various tasks. Effective working teams have
personalities who can perform these positions and pick people based on their
abilities and interests to fulfil these positions.
 Diversity – Culturally diverse leadership teams are more likely to develop new
products than those with homogenous leadership. Creating more diverse
workplace will help to keep your team members' biases in check and make them
question their assumptions.
 Size – A president of a certain technology company says the secret to a great team
is: ‘Think small. Ideally, your team should have seven to nine people”. His advice
is supported by evidence. Generally speaking, the most effective teams have
fewer than 10 members. And experts suggest using the smallest number of people
who can do the task.
 Members’ preference for teamwork – Not every employee is a team player.
Given the option, many employees will select themselves out of team
participation. When people who would prefer to work alone are required to team-
up, there is a direct threat to the team’s morale and to individual member
satisfaction. This suggests that, when selecting team members, individual
preferences should be considered as well as abilities, personalities, and skills.
High-performing teams are likely to be composed of people who prefer working
as part of a group.

2. Propose a decision- making model which you think can be effective in

complex situations like Covid-19 pandemic.
The rational decision-making variables would not suit the scenario, since the scenario in
COVID-19 is complex in nature. The Bounded Reality paradigm works better, and with
evidence we will benefit from others and pursue solutions to prevent repeated those
errors already made when the human mind is unable to articulate and overcome
complicated and logical issues. We would have to search for certain solutions already in
Nitya Darshanil N219 MBA Tech CS (G)

operation. We begin looking for parameters and solutions once we have defined a
concern. It is doubtful that the parameters are exhaustive. We define highly recognizable
options that are commonly common requirements and tried and tested solutions. We will
then analyze the options and reflect on options which are not as different from the present
situation until we have found one which is "reasonable enough". In ethical decision-
making, minimal reasoning may also be of importance. Not only is our feeling of being
free or free to act in a special manner, and our mission with the citizens influences our
actions, we are likely to make systematic and predictable mistakes in our ethical
decisions. We should ensure that the emphasis topic is trimmed by posing several
questions, relying on many sources, taking into account the channels from which you
receive information and the complex nature of the situation. These decisions can require,
with COVID-19, compensation for costs or benefits or compensation for costs. Persons
with common views of risks can choose different compensations in individual decisions
and public policies.
COVID-19 has sparked a stunning mobilization of scientists whose work could affect
individual and professional decisions only in a functional way. This often includes
creative institutional innovation. Unless evidence is available readily, policy makers are
therefore unsuccessful and inefficient in solving related issues. The establishment of the
appropriate border bodies, such that both sides are heard, requires friendly consultations.
Once developed, such organizations need a forum for incorporating information from
different sources, such as risk analysis, and a way to allow individuals and experts to
listen to each other, like the risk-communication study.

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