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Directions for “One-Pager” Character Analysis

A One-Pager is a way of responding to a piece of writing on a single sheet of

paper. It represents your own written and graphic interpretation of what you
have read. It may be very literal (based on the facts or information in the piece)
or it may be a symbolic representation of the piece. It helps you as a reader to
visualize what you are reading or have read.

Must be on standard unlined paper
Use only one side of one page

The following required elements may be arranged on the page in any way you
Heading: Title of the Story; Author; Character’s Name
Include: Your name, class period, date

□Draw at least one image

□Use at least 3 words to describe the personality of the character (personality


□Include as evidence of character traits:

□1 Example of Dialogue
□1 Example of Direct Characterization-- author TELLS you about the character's
□1 Example of Indirect Characterization:
Speech Thoughts Effect on others Actions Looks

□Must include a personal response to what you read

□Make a comparison between the character and something else you’ve read.

Be colorful and neat. Your page should be filled with the elements. No spaces

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