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Making most out of Online Camp

 Brian Klarman
o Get out of camp what you put into it
o Only work when you work with lab leaders
 Pay attention and do follow-ups
o Listens to other students and answers
 Listen to all stuff
o Do different blocks and do more things
 1 Get camp and preseason for better
 Re-think structure and skills to edit blocks and bring in new arguments
 Eugina Giampetuzzi
o Max debate camp from small school- and partner
o Concentration and process information
 Camp is not isolated
o Guides to distribute to partner
 Relate back to info
o Develop mentors
 Advice for questions
o Focus on skill development
 Learn research skills
 Get better with research
o Focus on learning everything and prep specialties
 Cores ready to go
o Change schedules
 Check on own camp
 Long evenings common pro of online debate
 Time to spend with family and friends
 John Turner
o Camp is a time of how to concentrate
o Particular time and starved for contact
o Need individual feedback
 Work on is taking advantage is underutilized camp for learning
 Answers and questions in lab
o Camp is a marathon not a sprint
o Work on weakness more on strength
 Practice speeches
 Learn files a little better
 Also start to be better at cutting cards
 Mikaela Malsin
o Online camp
 Uncharted territory
 It is good to go into it with open mind
o Klarman
 Most true get what you put out of it
 Relationships are important as always
 Take advantage of
 Ask questions
o Technical requirements
 Computer and internet
o CJR topic
 Worth highlighting is uq situation
 See the core controversy
 SOQO isn’t as defensible
 Should take incremental change
 Shree
o Need for connection is ever more important
 Have fun and met closest friends
 Connections are tougher with screen
 Both students and stuff
 Important
 Don’t want debate camp to be a continuation of online school
 Social activities
 Timely topic
 Climate of protest
 Engagement
o Approach topic with humility
 Reading is essential
 Critically engage text
 What will online camp be like?
o Schedules
o Experiences
 1s and foremost
 Camp is experiment
 Don’t know answer in advance
 For attitude we have to approach it with an idea that we are bringing
something to the experiment
o Feedback will be well received
 What do I want that is a little different
 Some degree of non verbal communication
 More important for exacerbated communication
 Adherence to camp schedule
o Think in part that it gets to what works out best for you. Major reason to async to
enable flexibility
o Get sleep and eat meals
 What feels natural to schedule
 Paying attention in camp
o Workspace
 Clean and easy to see you and easy for understanding
 Setup shouldn’t be noisy
 Lab setting
 Remember burnout still exists!!!
 Stat for small schools
o Keep up with debate minds
o Rewatch demo debates
o Gather evidence from the camp
o Keep connections with team with lab leaders and tournaments and fun
 Virtual event
o Connect with all students after camp
o Should maintain connections
o Practice debates with lab
 Choosing more general arguments for aff
o Useful and read core generics
 Here is available neg strat
o Never know what is coming out of mind
 Connection that is lost
o Find ways to replicate they lost with lab leaders
o In part to set up opportunities
o Will be sustained interaction after
 Changing to K!!!!!!!!!!!!
o Core is reform v abolition and there is a lot of text
 Jacky wang incarcerable capital
o Afro pes
o During camp try to sign up with uncomfortable things
o How you read is as important to what you read. Thing that he noticed is that we need
to pay more attention to foot notes
o The language is advanced
 When you don’t understand what it means- figure out what it means and
search out the basic definitions
o Historical examples- presuming what they are talking about
o Aff is in hard spot in that US doesn’t get around that stuff and with that in mind the adv
that CP cant solve federalism, gov doctrines, want to do K work with K of separation of
powers, federalism- etc
 Policy side on neg
o Not a lot of great DA that are out there
 Good DA- enact must be congress and states CP
o Neg- CP premise
o Policy gubbins
o Practice cases with SV
 Drills
o Read files out loud- best drill is practice and blocks that we will read in debate
o Speaking Is not in there
 Speaking drills need useful
 Consistency of speaking drills
 Practice debates
o Record myself too and that’s a good idea
 Spoke for long periods of time to be clear and fast

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