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Hunter-Gatherers from a

High-Elevation Desert:
People of the Salt Puna
Northwest Argentina

Edited by

Elizabeth Pintar

BAR International Series 2641

Published by

Publishers of British Archaeological Reports
Gordon House
276 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7ED

BAR S2641

Hunter-Gatherers from a High-Elevation Desert: People of the Salt Puna, Northwest Argentina

© Archaeopress and the individual authors 2014

ISBN 978 1 4073 1278 1

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1. Hunter-gatherer archaeology of a high elevation desert: current and future research themes in the
Argentine Salt Puna
Elizabeth L. Pintar 9

2. Hunter-Gatherers of the Puna in a temporal perspective (10,500-3500 BP): the case of Antofagasta
de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina)
Carlos A. Aschero 25

3. Late Quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º S), Argentina

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel Olivera 43

4. Contributions to the knowledge of natural history and archaeology of hunter-gatherers of

Antofagasta de la Sierra (Argentine South Puna): the case of Peñas de las Trampas 1.1
Jorge Martínez 71

5. Desert hunter-gatherers: mobility and aridity thresholds. A view from the Argentine Salt Puna
Elizabeth L. Pintar 95

6. Holocene hunter-gatherers in the Puna. Integrating bones and other zooarchaeological evidence
in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Argentina)
Mariana Mondini and Dolores Elkin 117

7. The exploitation and use of faunal resources. The role of Quebrada Seca 3 and Cueva Cacao 1A
(Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina)
María del Carmen Reigadas 125

8. Archaeobotany and vegetal resources. Settlement systems and mobility in the Argentine South
María Fernanda Rodríguez 145

9. Grinding, processing, settlement and mobility in hunter-gatherers of the Argentine South Puna
(ca. 7400-3200 BP)
María del Pilar Babot 169

10. Continuities and discontinuities in the process of transition to food production in Antofagasta de
la Sierra (Argentine South Puna): the case of flaked stone tools
Salomón Hocsman 201




Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel Enzo Olivera

Introduction Radiocarbon (AMS) dates (15) were obtained from bulk

organic matter or plant debris. The AMS analyses were
The South Puna is a morphostructural region that belongs undertaken at the Center for Applied Isotope Studies of the
to the Andean Cordillera. It covers 2,000,000 km2, University of Georgia, The National Science Foundation -
and extends from 24º to 27º S and 66.5º to 68º W. It is University of Arizona and the Laboratory of Radiocarbon
characterized by extreme aridity (Santoro and Núñez and Tritium (University of La Plata, Argentina).
1987) with dry conditions and low precipitation (120 mm/
yr), and ten-year cycles of extreme drought (<10 mm) Different stable isotopes (2H, 18O and 3H) were analyzed
interrupted by years of abundant rain (200-300 mm). This in Los Colorados River (26.031º S, 67,448 ºW, 3421 m
makes it impossible to predict the conditions from one asl) and Las Pitas River (26,028º S, 67.343º W, 3581 m
year to the next. These year-decennial scale situations, of asl) in order to determine the origin of the recharge, its
course, are extremely difficult to detect in the geological altitude and age. The stable isotope analyses were carried
record of this desert but they are crucial to the economy out at the INGEIS laboratories (Instituto de Geocronología
of human groups. In this kind of environment, risky and y Geología Isotópica) following Coleman’s techniques
uncertain conditions have to be considered in order to (Coleman et al. 1982), and Panarello and Parica’s
analyze economic strategies of these human groups. The techniques (Panarello and Parica 1984) for 2H and 18O
aim of this chapter is to study the paleoenvironmental respectively.
evolution in the South Puna during the Late Pleistocene
and Early-Middle Holocene (Figure 1), in particular, the
changes between aridity and humidity, and to link this
evolution to human occupation.


Aerial photos and satellite images were analyzed to identify

glacial, periglacial and lacustrine landscape geoforms
with the aim of reconstructing the paleogeography from
the Late Quaternary on a regional scale. The mapping
of the moraines and lacustrine paleocoasts allowed
the reconstruction of the geographical and altitudinal
geographic extension of the icecaps and Late Quaternary
Figure  1.  Study  area  and  the  South  Puna  region
Detailed field studies of the Holocene deposits were
performed on outcrops exposed over three valleys –Las
Pitas (26.015° S, 67.325° W, 3645 m asl), Miriguaca Physiographical and geomorphological settings
(25.998º S, 67.388º W, 3471 m asl), and Confluencia
(26.056° S, 67.41179° W, 3360 m asl)– and by sediment The South Puna in Argentina is a high crustal region
cores taken from different parts of the Salar de Laguna (3300-4000 m asl) situated between the horst-garven belt
Colorada (26.032° S, 67.451° W, 3420 m asl) (Figure 2). of the Pampean Ranges (5000 m asl) to the east (Cajón
Lithofacies and depositional environments were determined range and Tipillas, Negroara and Cachi peaks), the active
on all recovered units, using visual core descriptions and volcanic arc of the Western Cordillera (6000 m asl) and
standard sedimentological facies analytical techniques the San Buenaventura (4500 m asl) volcanic transversal
(Miall 1978). Emphasis was placed on the identification of arc (Figure 3). The mountain ranges to the South and
changes in the vertical and horizontal facies indicated by East separate the high valleys of the South Puna from the
variations in grain size, sedimentary structures, biogenic, low valleys (mesothermal valleys) with warmer climates
pedogenic components and the abundance of organic (Figure 3).

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

The South Puna region includes a chain of mountains that Plateau, Figure 3) and in the far south of Incahuasi Salar
were elevated during the Tertiary by the Andean tectonic (26.5º S, 67.7º W).
movements. The most important ranges are Laguna
Blanca and Jote-Pirica to the southeast and the Calalaste The Andean mountains, volcanic hills and plateaus are part
and Filo Colorado ranges in the south-central zone (Figure of important orthographic barriers which divide the Puna
3). Other positive ordinary elements in the Puna landscape into several tectonic depressions occupied by extended
are the Pliocene volcanic centers. In the central zone the saltpans (salares) and Plio-Quaternary piedmonts with
outstanding ones are: Ilanco peak (26.04° S, 67.17° W, arreic drainage. The largest tectonic depression is the
5480 m asl), Mojones-Beltrán peaks (25.67° S, 67.32° W, Peinado-Antofalla Salar alignment. It is located to the west
5740 m asl), Los Colorados and Mirihuaca peaks (25.94° of the South Puna and is 200 km long in a sub meridian
S, 67.29° W, 4640 m asl); in the eastern zone: the Antofalla sense. The central South Puna zone is determined by
Volcano (25.55° S, 67.91° W, 6310 m asl) and Aguada several depression alignments: Salar de Incahuasi (south)-
peak (25.67° S, 67.89° W, 5720 m asl). Campo de Piedra Pomez, Salar de Carachipampa and
Punilla River (north).
The extensive Galán volcano caldera deserves being
highlighted. It has a diameter of 30 km, and its western Other important topographic depressions are the Caro
border is formed by the top of Sierra del Toconquis (25.9º - Hombre Muerto - Ratones salares (north central area).
S, 67.1º W, 5500 m asl). Towards the east, the depression of Laguna Blanca connects
the South Puna with lower mesothermal valleys (Figure 3).

The piedmonts, salares and plateau are, at a regional

scale, flat and high topographical features which are called
“fields” or pampas, allowing the Puna to also be called by
its generic name “Altiplanicie”.

According to what was stated, from a physiographic point

of view, the South Puna has three distinctive characteristics:
1) high altitude (ca. 3400-4600 m asl), 2) an endorheic
drainage, and 3) a “flatter” topography in relation to the
neighboring physiographic regions.

Climatological and hydrological settings

The South Puna desert is an area where the water availability

acts as a limiting factor, above all, for human activity. Not
only is the hydric availability critical to humans, but it is
also a key factor with respect to the distribution of other
resources basic to human groups (e.g., pasture for herds,
access to highly predictable resources for hunting, water
for farming). Therefore, the location and hydrology of the
water courses were a critical variable when establishing
methodological criteria, and the sampling strategies, both
to localize archaeological sites and in studies of resource
availability (Olivera 1991).
Figure  2.  Map  of  the  Punilla  basin  system  showing  site  
In Antofagasta de la Sierra (Figure 1), located at 3500
ĚĞŐƌĂĚĂƟŽŶ͕ϰͲWĞĂƚĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚŝŶƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚƐƚƌĞĂŵ͕ m asl, the annual rainfall is <127 mm/year (1999-2007)
ϱͲ^ĞĚŝŵĞŶƚŽůŽŐŝĐĂůƉƌŽĮůĞƐĂƚDŝƌŝŚƵĂĐĂ;ĂͿ͕>ĂƐWŝƚĂƐ;ďͿ͕ where 80% is registered in summer and 20% in winter.
>ĂŐƵŶĂŽůŽƌĂĚĂƐĂůĂƌ;ĐͿ͕ŽŶŇƵĞŶĐŝĂ;ĚͿ͕/ůĂŶĐŽ;ĞͿ͕ƵƌƵƚŽ This shows that it is an extremely dry region dominated
;ĨͿ͕ŽƌƌĂů'ƌĂŶĚĞ;ŐͿ͖Y^͕YƵĞďƌĂĚĂ^ĞĐĂ͖W͕WĞŹĂĚĞůĂƌƵnj͖ by tropical summer moisture (87%) in the east and, in
WW͕WƵŶƚĂĚĞůĂWĞŹĂ͖Wd͕WĞŹĂĚĞůĂƐdƌĂŵƉĂƐϭ͘ϭ͖^͕ƵĞǀĂ lower proportion, by winter precipitations (cold fronts
^ĂůĂŵĂŶĐĂ͕WĐŚ͗WĞŹĂƐŚŝĐĂƐϭ͘ϯ from the Pacific) in the southwest (Tchilinguirian 2008a).
In Laguna Negro de San Francisco (27.5º S, 70º W), near
the South Puna edge, precipitation falls during the winter
There are extended plateaus with ignimbritic rocks from months of May through September in the form of snow,
the Mio-Pliocene Ages associated with the volcanic not exceeding 150-200 mm annually (Aravena 1995).
calderas, as are the ones located in the eastern headwaters
of the Punilla catchment, in the middle course of Los Patos This climatic variation is the consequence of the shift in
River, in the north of Laguna Blanca (De Las Cuestas latitude of South American summer rainfall (SASR) that

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
reaches the Central Andes during summer in the Southern the advection of subtropical moisture from the Atlantic
Hemisphere. In contrast, during the dry season (winter Ocean and Amazon Basin, 2) mid-latitude tropical desert
and autumn) the SASR moves towards the north of the geographic position, 3) limited influence of advection of
South American continent. moisture from the south and southwest due to the presence
of semi-permanent South Pacific Anticyclone (SPA), 4)
In the northern Chilean Atacama desert this variability is the constraint of the eastern penetration of Pacific moisture
modulated by Pacific sea surface temperature (PSST) and by the cold Humboldt Current (Salati et al. 1979, Vuille
associated with upper air circulation anomalies (Vuille et al. 2003). The quantity of permanent spring water that
and Ammann 1997; Garreaud 1999; Garreaud et al. 2003; is distributed in the Puna reflects, to a certain point, the
Vuille et al. 2003). In the South Puna, the influence of climate behavior (Figures 4 and 5). In the mountain chains
PSST is low in comparison to the south-north seasonal of the eastern border of the Puna the number of permanent
migration of the SASR. springs is high (0.4 a 0.7 springs/km2), whereas in the


The annual variability (80%), the seasonal variability central region of the Puna the concentration is extremely
(90-120%) and the monthly variability (80-240%) of the low (<0.01 springs/km2). In the south border of the Puna,
rainfall are really accentuated. Besides, it increases in where San Buenaventura range is located, there is a low
the driest season (winter variability rainfall: 144-200%), to intermediate concentration of springs, which could be
which shows that the distribution of rainfall is more indicating the influence of the rainfall in winter from the
unpredictable when arid conditions increase. In the period southwest and south (Pacific humidity penetration). In the
between 1999-2006 there were 132 rainfall events, with Western cordillera the springs have a low to intermediate
an average of 10 mm. Only 7% of rainfalls with values density. This could be the result of the high elevation
larger than 30 mm were registered. The annual average (5000-6000 m asl) that causes an increase in rainfall
temperature is about 10º C. The warmest month is January (orographic rainfall). The high ranges in the Puna (Laguna
when the maximum average temperature reaches 21ºC Blanca and Calalaste ranges; Mojones-Beltrán peaks and
and the coldest month is August with 0ºC. During winter Cumbres del Toconquis) have intermediate concentrations
and part of autumn and spring, freezing cold is frequent of permanent springs indicating there are orographic
and the ground freezes at night (Tchilinguirian 2008a). rainfalls, especially in the windward-eastern slope. This
phenomenon plays an important role in the structure of
The aridity of the South Puna is due to a combination of: the resources of the Puna due to the high intra desert
1) the extreme rainshadow effect of the Eastern margin of mountains that generally form islands of more humidity
the circum-Puna Cordillera (Pampean Ranges), blocking in a sea of dryness (Figure 4).

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)



The orographic rainfalls recharge high Andean aquifers landscape where water can be obtained for consumption,
that are, at the same time, responsible for the existence of for irrigation and as watering places for wild camelids
springs that permanently contribute water to the drainage (guanacos, vicuñas) and herds of llamas, sheep and goats.
systems, lagoons and wetlands or vegas (Figure 5). They occupy less than 1% of the deserted Puna matrix and
they are associated with rivers, salar margins, and high
The wetlands are ecosystems that contain the highest Andean lagoons. The river wetlands are intermittent, as
primary productivity of the desert and sustain a high the courses of the water that supply them are vaporized
biological diversity of flora and fauna. They have a or have infiltrated into the piedmont areas, although they
high cultural value for humans and for Andean human also flow into the salares and endorheic lagoons. The
occupations because they constitute areas of the rivers and vegas are more abundant on the eastern border

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
of the South Puna, especially in the high elevation ranges winter-autumn and not with the rainfalls that denote the
and on the eastern slope (east mountain flank). minimum value in this season.

To the west of the Puna, in the Salar de Antofalla, Another important characteristic of the South Puna is that
permanent drainage decreases as a result of a higher aridity. it does not have permanent snow. The eventual melting
Here, the most important rivers are the Aguas Dulces occurs in spring (winter snow) or in summer (summer
and Antofalla. In the central zone of the South Puna, snow). So, the absence of significant volume increases in
orographic rains from Calalaste range, Mojones-Beltran the Punilla River in the spring, or after a summer snow,
peaks, and Cumbres del Toconquist summits supply water allows us to assume that the snow cover vaporizes or
to the permanent streams, among which the Punilla River infiltrates after fusion.
and its tributaries (Calalaste, Mojones, Nacimientos, Las
Pitas, Ilanco, Miriguaca, Mojones and Curuto rivers, The groundwater level of the Punilla River presented
Figure 2) stand out. The rivers belonging to the Punilla a slight annual variation in the depth of the water layer
basin have a low conductivity (200 to 400 microohms), (9% to 15%), which implies that the volume of the Punilla
and low SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio: 0.75-1.3) values River was steady and independent from the annual rainfall
which would indicate very low salinization processes and value (Table 1). This phenomenon is explained by the fact
mineral enrichment. that rivers receive a permanent supply of water from high
Andean springs, or by water lodged in the vegas. Also,
The stream discharge and wetland extension are the minor fluctuation in water flow is probably due to the
proportional to the basin surface, as well as their height. degree of seasonal variation in temperature and peatland
Accordingly, the longest wetlands (Punilla, Los Patos, Las evapotranspiration.
Cuestas) are the ones with the largest basin area, as well as
the highest elevations.
Vegetation setting
Catchment areas with sources in elevations lower than
4500 m asl do not develop rivers with wetlands, which Although the desert is the dominant environment in the
means that there is a threshold or critical elevation under region, there are obvious differences with regard to the
which the watercourse systems are ephemeral or passive. distribution of the vegetation (Cabrera 1976, Haber 1991
and Olivera 2006) due to the presence of an important
altitudinal component that regulates the temperature
WƌĞĐŝƉŝƚĂƟŽŶ 'ƌŽƵŶĚǁĂƚĞƌĚĞƉƚŚ and the rainfalls. In a bioclimatic sense, the South Puna
(mm) ;ĚĐŵͿ is divided into six altitudinal vegetation belts (Table 2):
1999 143.5 11.18 1) above 6000 m asl with permanent snow and without
2000 140.5 12.519 glaciers (Nival zone), 2) between 5000-6000 m asl
2001 327.5 12,50 with infrequent seasonal snow and with bare ground, 3)
2002 135 12.81 between 3900-5000 m asl lies the high grassland which
2003 23 12.442 is also called high Andean pasture. This vegetation unit
2004 30 12.535 is dominated by tussock grasses such as Stipa, Nasella
2005 35.5 13.89
and Festuca, 4) mixed high Andean grass and Puna shrub
2006 45 13.18
(3900-3700 m asl), and 5) Puna belt (locally known as
dĂďůĞϭ͘WƌĞĐŝƉŝƚĂƟŽŶĂŶĚƐƵƌĨĂĐĞŐƌŽƵŶĚǁĂƚĞƌWƵŶŝůůĂZŝǀĞƌ Tolar-Campo: 3000-3700 m asl) dominated by shrubs.
ǀĂůƵĞƐ These vegetation belts have transition zones or ecotones,
whose spatial distribution will obey local factors, such as
7KHR[\JHQLVRWRSLFYDOXHV į2“ GHXWHULXP the orientation of the slope towards the sun and humidity
į+“ DQGWULWLXP WULWLXPXQLWV“ RIWKH as well as the wind action and geomorphic processes.
surface water of Las Pitas, Punilla and Los Colorados
rivers have similar isotopic imprints. These would indicate To the south of the South Puna, the vegetation cover
that the water comes from rainfalls from heights higher decreases considerably. This is due to the effect of eolian
than 4500 m asl and that they do not correspond to recent erosion. Important deflation zones and dune fields are
seasonal values, on the contrary, they correspond to those observed towards the east of Purulla Lagoon (26.67º S,
of more than 60 years ago approximately. In this way, these 67.82º W, 3880 m asl), from Campo de Piedra Pómez
rivers are provided and regulated by permanent slopes (26.64º S, 67.58º W, 4100 m asl), Pairique salar (26.75°
whose water comes from rainfalls that occurred some time S, 67.36 W°) and to the high valleys of Altohuasi range
ago in the mountain range. (27.17° S, 67.12° W, Figure 3). The eolian sediment is
composed of pumice, bipyramidal crystal quartz sand and
The behavior of the phreatic layer in the inferior course of ash coming from Quaternary pyroclastic materials ejected
the regional collector (Punilla River) indicates that during by the explosive volcanic activity near Cerro Blanco
the period January 1999-February 2007 it was slighter in caldera (Figure 3). The pyroclastic material is transported
winter as compared to summer. This variation would be up to 50 km east of the caldera complex and is accumulated
associated with the lower evapotranspiration values during forming sand mounds, sand shadows, ripple cinders dunes

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

and sand sheets along an extended region of the south part landscape to be zoned into sectors of interest to human
of the South Puna. occupations. These sectors are zones where the biotic
sources (type of vegetation), hydric sources (streams,
To the east of Laguna Blanca and La Orilla lagoon lakes, ponds, springs) and the physiographical-geomorphic
(26.54° S, 66.89° W) there is a massive dune 34 km long characteristics (type of relief) are similar and have a
and 20 km wide composed of many parabolic dunes, sand similar function. From this point of view, the gorges and
sheets and a barjanoid crest. In this place, the source of valleys with permanent streams, together with the lagoons,
sand came from the Late Holocene desiccation of Laguna are the landscapes that are more suitable and have the
Blanca paleolake and the desertification of wetland soils most resources to offer humans. In addition, these are the
in Las Cuestas and Río River alluvial fans (Figure 3). natural paths followed by vicuñas in their search for water
and pasture (Olivera 1991, 1997).
sĞŐĞƚĂƟŽŶ &ŽƌĂŐĞĂǀĂŝůĂďŝůŝƚLJ ǀĂŝůĂďŝůŝƚLJ
However, interfluvial sectors must not be rejected because,
with a variable resource offer and a reduced offer in forage,
Pre  Punean Annual  (1)   they are complementary in an economic level and are
Very  High Low
Vega Seasonal
important paths of circulation and communication. Under
Punean  Vega High  (2) Annual High
this criterion the South Puna landscape can be examined
High  Andean   3 from the perspective of a geo-ecologic zonification
Low  ( ) Annual Low
of the drainage basin, where at least four units can be
Low  to  very  
Campo-­‐Tolar Seasonal  (4) Low distinguished (Table 3):
Tolar/Pajonal     Annual/
Very  low
Low/High a) Lower basin area (locally known as Fondo de Cuenca).
Pajonal  (6) Low  to  high Annual Low This zone is dominated by open landscapes that are
occupied by alluvial fans, fluvial terraces and lagoons
Páramo Very  low Very  low Nil
or salares. In a few places, such as in the lower basin of
(1)  Seasonal  for  llamas  (summer),  annual  for  goats  and  sheep;  (2)  limited   Punilla and Los Patos rivers, water is a permanent resource
ƐƉĂƟĂů ĞdžƚĞŶƐŝŽŶ͖ ;3Ϳ ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ ĞdžƚĞŶƐŝŽŶ͕ ůĞƐƐ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƵƐĞĨƵů ƐƉĞĐŝĞƐ͖ since it is supplied by large basins with high orographic
(4)   in   general,   some   pasture   of   sheep   and   goats   in   winter;   (5)   Puna  
precipitation. These basin bottoms have lagoons with
ǀŝĐƵŹĂ͘ extended vegas. The majority of the rivers and streams in
the Puna do not reach the basin bottom (Pirica, Colorado,
dĂďůĞϮ͘ƵƌƌĞŶƚƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůLJŝĞůĚŽĨǀĞŐĞƚĂƟŽŶƚLJƉĞƐŝŶŶƚŽĨĂŐĂƐƚĂ El Peñón, Calalaste and Aguas Dulces rivers, Figure 2).
ĚĞůĂ^ŝĞƌƌĂ;ĂƚĂŵĂƌĐĂͿ;ŵŽĚŝĮĞĚĨƌŽŵKůŝǀĞƌĂϮϬϬϲͿ The dominant vegetation is the Puneña and Prepuneña
wetlands and Campo-Tolar shrub belt.
Other important units of vegetation cover can be found in
wet zones, such as the edges of lagoons and alluvial plains b) Middle basin sectors (locally known as Quebradas
of the perennial rivers. The Andean wetlands (locally Intermedias). These are the central sections of the
known as vegas) appear as green oases in the Puna desert. drainage basins with narrow valleys in the piedmont
There are two altitude wetland types: Prepuneña and or volcanic plateau areas. The valleys have several
Puneña wetlands, located between 3000 and 4000 m asl, Quaternary gravel alluvial terraces. These sectors are
which are characterized by mineral soils and the absence occupied by either permanent or intermittent rivers with
of freezing processes. Between 4000 m asl and 5000 m Puna wetland community and interfluves being occupied
asl there are high Andean wetlands that have organic or by Campo-Tolar shrub. Streams, even though permanent,
mineral soils with surface mounds and water ponds as a vary according to the seasons.
result of the sporadic or local permafrost.
c) High basin sector (locally known as Quebradas de
The wetlands are composed of Oxychloe andina, Altura): These are the high sectors of the drainage basins.
Distichia muscoides, Patosia cfr. Clandestina and Gorges with high Andean wetland communities and
Scripus atacamensis, among others, and their presence interfluves are covered with pasture (grassland, locally
and proportion depend on their altitudinal and ecological known as Pajonal). The rivers have a perennial discharge;
location (Haber 1991, Olivera 2006). On the Chilean fresh water and organic soil freeze during winter.
slope, at the same altitude, there are also different
altitudinal vegetation levels (Maldonado et al. 2005) that d) High Andean lagoons: Located at an altitude higher
would indicate that the vegetation distribution with regard than 4500 m asl, these are permanent lagoons of volcanic
to height is a regional phenomenon. and tectonic origin. The lacustrine water is hyper saline
and it is supplied by permanent fresh water springs. In
these areas the relief is open, although there are rocky
Geoenvironmental units scarps nearby. In general, high lagoons are located close to
mountain passes that join different catchments, so they are
The combination of the different components of the points that articulate fluvial-wetland paths. At the lagoon
environmental system of the South Puna allows the banks there are perilacustrine wetlands (high Andean

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
community) that contrast with the altitudinal ground of ZLWK UDGLRFDUERQ GDWHV RI  “   “ 
the Páramo or of the scrubland. Surrounding the lacustrine “DQG“%3
wetlands, there are paleocoasts that allow obtaining
morpho-chronologic inferences with the archaeological In the Quebrada de Las Papas, in the southern sector of
findings. The archaeological sites Laguna Diamante 1 and the South Puna (28ºS), there is a fluvial terrace covered by
2, Laguna Purulla 1 and Laguna Cavi are situated in this pyroclastic flows coming from the collapse and explosion
unit. of Cerro Blanco caldera volcanic complex. Under the
pyroclastic sediments there are paleobogs, whose higher
ƵŶŝƚ ;ŵĂƐůͿ “%3 5DWWRet al.2008).
without  perennial   3400-­‐
ƉĂƐƚƵƌĞƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůĂŶĚ Other paleoenvironmental studies include those in the
ĚŝƐĐŚĂƌŐĞ 3550
ůŝŵŝƚĞĚĂǀĂŝůĂďŝůŝƚLJŽĨ western flank of the Western Cordillera between 27º S-
ǁĂƚĞƌĂŶĚĮƌĞǁŽŽĚ 24º S (Chile), such as the studies of Maldonado et al.
,ŝŐŚƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůĂŐƌŽͲ (2005), Zech et al. (2006) and Quade et al. (2008) which
pastoral,  annual  water   are outstanding. Maldonado et al. (2005) in the Quebrada
with  perennial   3400-­‐
ĂǀĂŝůĂďŝůŝƚLJ͕   del Chaco (25.5º S), established: a) winter wet high phases
ĚŝƐĐŚĂƌŐĞ 3550
between 24,000-17,000 cal yr BP, b) humidity in both
DŝĚĚůĞďĂƐŝŶ 3550-­‐   WŽƐƐŝďŝůŝƟĞƐĨŽƌŐƌĂnjŝŶŐĂŶĚ
seasons between 17,000-14,000 cal BP, and c) during the
summer between 14,000-11,000 cal yr BP. The authors
4900 established that during the wet phases, the altitudinal
High  Andean   4800-­‐
Vegas  and  grassland  for   Andean belts of vegetation moved toward lower altitudes.
lagoons 5000
In the Salar de Punta Negra (24.5° S) located in the western
dĂďůĞϯ͘ZĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐŝŶŐĞŽĞĐŽůŽŐŝĐĂůƵŶŝƚƐ Andes (Chile), Quade et al. (2008), indicate that the rivers
;ŶƚŽĨĂŐĂƐƚĂĚĞůĂ^ŝĞƌƌĂƌĞŐŝŽŶͿ were active and permanent twice, 15,900-ca. 13,800
and 12,700 ca. 9700 cal yr BP. The authors relate this
phenomenon with the reinforcement of incoming wet
Regional paleoenvironmental aspects of the South winds from the Atlantic.
Puna (24º-28º S)

The study of the paleoenvironment of the Late Quaternary The Late Quaternary glacial in the South Puna
provides information about the structure of the resources
(water, pasture) in the old landscape and how many The South Puna does not have active glaciers and the snow
sources were at the disposal of human groups. In the line is over 6400 m asl. The highest peaks, such as Antofalla
Argentine Puna there are few paleoenvironmental studies volcano (6310 m asl) or Cerro Galán (5770 m asl), do not
compared to the ones in northern Chile and south Bolivia. have permanent snow, although it is common to observe
The paleoenvironmental research that was carried out by their snowy peaks some years. The nearest active glaciers
the authors in nearby places (<100 km) and in the study are located 100 km to SSW (Nevado de Tres Cruces;
area is summarized below. In the South Puna there are 27º 06´ S, 68º 47´ W, Figure 6) and more than 300 km
few comparative studies with the North Puna, northern towards the north where the snow line decreases to 5000
Chile and South Bolivia. What follows is a summary of m asl (Sajama Volcano, 18ºS). This phenomenon implies
paleoenvironmental studies in these neighboring areas as that ice accumulation and glacial growth is not limited by
well as in the study area. temperature, but by low precipitation values (Clapperton
1994, Zech 2006).
Godfrey et al. (2003) carried out a study in the Salar del
Hombre Muerto (25º 20´ S, 67º W) that consists of a 40 Ancient glacial morphologies located in the Argentine
m deep perforation. They defined the phases according to Puna and in the eastern flank of the Andes (21º S-28º
the lithology and to the isotopic value of the water trapped S) are briefly mentioned by many authors (Penck 1920,
in the sediment. They determined the formation of salty Tapia 1925, González Bonorino 1951, Hasternrath 1971,
lagoons during the really wet phases (85-75, 64, 57-55 y Irgazábal 1981, Sayago et al. 1991 and Sayago 1999).
45 Ka years U/Th cal BP) and the salty playa development In the western Cordillera the following research must
during the moderate wet phases (49, 44-38 and 24-19.8 be highlighted: Ammann et al. (2001) and Zech et al.
Ka years U/Th). (2006) in the south of Bolivia, Clapperton (1994) in Chile
and Zipprich et al. (2000) and Smith et al. (2006) in the
Martínez et al. (2004, 2008) indicated the presence of extreme north of Argentina. The photo-interpretation
manure of extinct mega-herbivores in the sites of Peña de carried out in the South Puna indicates that there are many
las Trampas 1.1 (lower basin of the Las Pitas River, 3582 glacial morphologies assigned to Late Maximum Glacial
m asl) and Cueva Cacao 1A (Curuto River, 3730 m asl) (Figure 6).

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)


There is a higher density of glacial landforms in some of 67.96º W) with terminal moraines between 5050 and 5150
the peaks of the eastern border of the Puna, for instance: m asl (Figure 6).
Pastos Grandes range (24.82° S, 66.39° W), Nevado del
Cachi, Nevado de Palermo (24.9° S, 66.3° W), Filo del Oira In the center of the eastern border of the South Puna the
Grande (24.95º S, 66.57º W), Cumbres de Luracato (25.1° glacial landforms are less extended. The geomorphologies
S, 66.6° W), Leones range, Gordo peak (25.6° S, 66.7 W°), are evident in the heads of the narrow passes in the eastern,
Loma Negra range (25.7° S, 66.6° W), Velazquez range southern and northeastern slopes of Laguna Blanca range
(25.8º-26º S, 66.6º W), Mula Muerta peak (26.1° S-66.4 (26.3º-26.6º S, 67º W). Here, the glacial cirques (n=16) are
W°), Tipillas peak (26.2 S°, 66.5 W°) and Cajón range located between 5850 and 5000 m asl high especially in the
(26º-26.5º S, 66.3º W). In these different places there were HDVWHUQVORSHVRIWKHPRXQWDLQV7KH\DUH“NP
small ice caps that extended from the peaks up to 3650 ZLGHDQG“NPORQJ7KHJODFLDOWURXJKVSUHVHQW
m asl on average. Altogether, all the ice caps could have PLGGOHORQJLWXGHVRI“NPDQGDZLGWKRIP
formed a 300 km barrier for human and animal circulation “PDQGDWOHDVWWZRRUWKUHHFLUTXHVDUHREVHUYHGSHU
(from 24.5º S to 26.4º S). However, there were passes that valley, although the most typical case is the development
were not affected by ice (Figure 6). of one cirque in each valley.

On the southern edge of the Puna, there are glacial In general, the high sectors located between glacial valleys
morphologies in the highest peaks of the San Buenaventura present structural pre-glacial morphologies. Features such
range (26.7° S, 68° W), where glaciation was not as as horns (glacial needles) and zones of convergence of
extended. Glaciation was distributed between 4500 and cirques (Col) are not typical elements.
5100 m asl (Figure 6) such as the Negro peak (26.85° S,
66.83° W, 4536 m asl). Further southeast (40 km), there Two generations of moraines were found. Moraines located
are terminal moraines at 4200 to 3900 m asl in Famatina near the limit of the piedmont-mountain fault front at 4257
range (27.4º S, 67.3º W) and El Mojon Peak (27.4° S, 67.2° “  P DVO Q    DQG PRUDLQHV ORFDWHG LQ WKH KHDGV
W). In addition, there is an unnamed cirque that elevates of valleys (n=2). Superimposed on the bottom moraines
5200 m asl towards the west of Purulla lagoon (26.6º S, are rock periglacial landforms. Also, fluvial wetlands are

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
developed in the depressions located in the moraines and Western Cordillera the Pleistocene-Early Holocene ice
the rocky glacials. action was practically absent, due to the increase in aridity
due to the rain shadow effect. This effect is superimposed
with the “arid diagonal”, developed between 24º and 27º S
(Amman et al. 2001).

EǑ>Ăď͘ Site ĂůŝďƌĂƚĞĚ ĂƚĞ
1 4110  ±180a -­‐ n.d.
1 4560  ±  60a -­‐ n.d.
UGA  8786 2 3300  ±  40a 3430±40 -­‐17.26
UGA  8787 2 3710  ±  40 3910±40 -­‐12.87
2 6150±    60a 6360±60 -­‐12.33
2 9900  ±  50a 9910  ±50 -­‐24.58
UGA  8789 2 8690±    40a 8710±40 -­‐23.76
AA a
3 -­‐ 3620±48 -­‐23.4
Other intrapuna glacial landforms are located in the Mojones 78533
and Beltran peaks, in the center of the South Puna (25.5º AA
3 -­‐ 3917±44a -­‐23.3
S, 67.3º W, Figures 6 and 7). Here, the cirques are located
between 5400 m asl and 4900 m asl and the glacial valley 3 -­‐ 5963  +/-­‐  52ď -­‐24.2
were detected in the north and northeastern flanks (25.65º UGA  8793 1550±40 1560±40a -­‐24.2
6ž: ZKHUHWKHORZHVWDUHORFDWHGDW“ UGA  8692 4 2910±40 3060±40 a
m asl (Figure 7). UGA
4 5860±40 5880±40a -­‐23.88
In Alto del Pedernal (25.9° S, 66.8° W), at the foot of AA
4 5641±45a -­‐23.3
the oriental slope of Galán peak (5148 m asl), there are 85737
frontal moraines at an elevation of 4900 m asl, and on the AA
4 2690±39ď -­‐23.0
Antofalla Volcano (6300 m asl) there are frontal moraines 85738
at an elevation of 5900 m asl (25.58º S, 67.89º W). ZĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ͗ UGA:   Center   for   Applied   Isotope   Studies   (University   of  
'ĞŽƌŐŝĂͿ͖ >dzZ >ĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJ ŽĨ dƌŝƟƵŵ ĂŶĚ ZĂĚŝŽĐĂƌďŽŶ ;>Ă WůĂƚĂ͕
There are several elevations over 5000 m asl that do not ƌŐĞŶƟŶĂͿ͖͗E^&ͲƌŝnjŽŶĂD^>ĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJ͖Ŷ͘Ě͗͘ƚŚĞůĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJĚŝĚŶ͛ƚ
have accumulated glacial landforms such as Cumbres del provide  Gϭϯ͘ϭͲŽŶŇƵĞŶĐŝĂƐŝƚĞ͕WƵŶŝůůĂZŝǀĞƌ͕Ϯ͗>ĂŐƵŶĂŽůŽƌĂĚĂƐĂůĂƌ͕
ϯ͗>ĂƐWŝƚĂƐZŝǀĞƌ͕ϰ͗DŝƌŝŚƵĂĐĂZŝǀĞƌ͕>ĂƐƐĐŽŶĚŝĚĂƐƐŝƚĞ͖;a):  from  Olivera  
Toconquis (25.9º S, 67.1º W, 5500 m asl), the Ilanco peak et al.ϮϬϬϲĂŶĚdĐŚŝůŝŶŐƵŝƌŝĂŶϮϬϬϴĂ͖;ď):  from  Grana  2013.
(26.04º S, 67.17º W, 5480 m asl) and the Calalaste range
(25.7º- 25.9º S, 67.6º W, 5400 m asl), among others (Figure dĂďůĞϰ͘ZĂĚŝŽĐĂƌďŽŶĚĂƚĞƐŝŶŇƵǀŝĂůĂŶĚůĂĐƵƐƚƌŝŶĞƉĂůĞŽƐŽŝůƐ
3). This would be indicating that the glacial phenomenon ĨƌŽŵŶƚŽĨĂŐĂƐƚĂĚĞůĂ^ŝĞƌƌĂ
had different intensities along the South Puna.

By carrying out a regional spatial analysis of the geographic In the southern limit of the South Puna, the Late Quaternary
and altitudinal distribution of the glacial landforms it is glacial action was local in some high peaks and associated
shown that these glacial landforms have a higher density with the presence of humidity coming from the southeast
and better morphological expression in the Eastern Puna. and the Pacific Ocean (San Buenaventura and Purulla
In the eastern border the moraines are more extended and peaks, Figure 6).
they reach lower altitudes as compared to the central sector
of the South Puna. To the west, near the Chilean-Argentine This paleogeographic landform data indicates that the
border (Western Cordillera) no clear glacial features could glacial advances are mainly related to the humidity
be found (Figure 6). coming from the north, northeast and east. Other evidence
of Atlantic moisture source is the asymmetric distribution
This phenomenon would be associated with the east- of the altitude of till deposits on both flanks of the Puna.
west range of the rainfalls during the glaciation. In the On the eastern flanks, the terminal glacial landforms are
eastern Puna border, glacial action was greater due to lower than on the western flanks. Similarly, Fox (1993, in
the orographic rainfall effect coming from the east, north Clapperton 1994) indicates a tropical easterly atmospheric
and northeast. To the west of the South Puna, and in the circulation during the Late Quaternary.

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)


As a result, chronological and paleoclimatic inferences chronological method of transformation to calculate the
obtained from glacial and periglacial evidence could be exposed age of the block.
connected with the research carried out in the Bolivian Andes
and in northern Patagonia (South Pacific humidity source). The last glacial stadial, called Neoglacial, is dated in 2620
“%3 *URVMHDQet al.1998) in Encierro valley (29º 11´S,
According to the regional Tropical Andes summary studies 69º 38´ W) and in Del Elqui valley (29.3º S) by Veit (1996)
(Smith et al. 2006), the minimal ages of the moraine ZLWK DQ DJH RI  “  %3 +HUH WKH DQFLHQW JODFLDO
deposits are about 21,000-9000 BP (14,000-10,200 yr tongues advanced up to 3450 and 3650 m asl, much lower
cal BP). This is a temporally wide window that makes than in the South Puna.
the specific assignment of the glacial period difficult.
Furthermore, the authors point out that the moraines In the study area, this progress can be represented in
dated in a cosmogenically way usually present ages that several fossil and rock glaciers as well as active and fossil
correspond to the isotopic 3 stadial (35,000-30,000 cal solifluction lobes. These landforms are located on mountain
yr BP) and, in a lower quantity, yield ages between the peaks above 4800/5100 m asl and cover the deposits of Late
21,000 yr cal BP. Pleistocene till (Corte 1976; Igarzábal 1982; Ahumada et
al. 2004). They are observed, for instance, at the top of
To the south of the South Puna, in the valley of Encierro Laguna Blanca range (26.542° S, 67.037° W), to the south
(29º S), cosmogenic data (10Be) is obtained from erratic of the caldera of Galán (26.123° S, 66.857° W), in Tipillas
blocks in different moraines (Zech et al. 2006). Their study peak (26.287° S, 66.526° W), and in Cajón range (26.28°
points out the presence of important glacial advances ca. S, 66.29° W).
Minor advances were detected ca. 11,600 BP. However, Among the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene and Late
these values can differ significantly depending on the Holocene advances an important glacial drawback took

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
place, most of which disappeared accordingly during the In Argentina, the Altiplano paleolakes were found in the
Middle Holocene arid period. northern Puna by Irgazabal (1984), Abril and Amengual
(1999) and Camacho (2001).


The development of the Late Pleistocene glacial of the

South Puna would indicate a relevant permanent snow line
decrease, currently located over 6300 m asl. Furthermore,
the moraines would indicate that hydric-nival balance
would have been considerably positive to sustain nival
accumulation, the ice formation and its advance through
the valleys. It can be inferred that the rainfalls (P) would
have increased significantly, as temperature (T) decrease
in the rainfall/temperature (P/T) relation is not enough to
justify a glacial advance in an arid region.
Late Quaternary palaeolakes ƚĞƌƌĂĐĞ͕ůĞǀĞů/͖ϱ͗ĂĐƟǀĞĂůůƵǀŝĂůĨĂŶ͖ϲ͗ƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚƐĂůƚůĂŬĞƐ͖
The water bodies in the South Puna are represented by
ephemeral lakes (playa lakes), salares and hypersaline
lagoons. The salares and playa lake systems are located
In the South Puna, several lacustrine paleoforms are
generally below 4500 m asl, while the hypersaline lagoons
distinguished in salares, playa salt lakes and lagoons,
are well represented above 4500 m asl due to lower
which are correlated to the ones in the northern Puna and
evaporation and greater rainfall.
northern Chile (Tchilinguirian 2008b, 2009) (Figure 8).
While at low altitude (< 4500 m asl) is not common to
The relevant places with lacustrine landforms in the
find permanent lagoons, there are few places where this
South Puna are the following: Laguna Diamante (26.01º
occurs. These places are: Laguna de Antofagasta (26.1º S,
S, 67.04º W), Laguna Caro (25.55º S, 67.04º S), Laguna
67.4º W, 3320 m asl) and Laguna Blanca (26.6º S, 66.9º
Carachipampa (26.42º S, 67.48º W), Alto de las Lagunas
W, 3190 m asl). This particular situation would be due to
(26.13º S, 66.71º W), Laguna Pasto Ventura (26.76º S,
the fact that they are supplied by permanent rivers, which
67.13º W), Laguna Blanca (26.62º S, 66.92º W), Colorada
have their sources in mountaintops that register orographic
de Culampaja (26.87º S, 67.13º W), Laguna Cavi (26.29º
rainfalls (sources above 4500 m asl).
S, 67.08º W), Incahuasi (26.34º S, 67.66º W), Laguna
Grande or Las Parinas (26.24º S, 67.05º W), Laguna de
Several paleolake studies carried out in the southern
Antofagasta (26.11º S, 67.41º W), Laguna Salitre (26.24º
Bolivian and Northern Chilean Altiplano have made
S, 67.05º W), Laguna Verde (26.88º S, 68.46º W) and
important paleoclimatic contributions to the tropical
several unnamed salares (Figure 8).
Andean region (Servant and Fontes 1978, Lavenu et al.
1984; Clapperton 1993; Grosjean 1994; Clapperton 1997;
The paleoforms include old beach ridges, paleoberm
Geyh 1999; Barker et al. 2001; Bobst et al. 2001; Godfrey
crests, lacustrine terrace levels, paleofan-deltas, paleospits,
et al. 2003; Servant et al. 2003, and Plazeck et al. 2006).
cuspate forelands and lacustrine cliff levels. The ancient
beaches located in the salar peripheries have a larger

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

area and acquire a higher morphological development in snow or permafrost melting (e.g.: Colorada de Culampaja,
the southeastern (47%) or eastern margins (31.6%) of the Alto de las Lagunas, Salitre and Las Parinas).
salares (Figure 9). This phenomenon allows us to think
that the stronger or more frequent winds came from the
opposing quadrant during the development of the lacustrine

Each beach ridge has a height of between 1 and 2 m and

a width of between 2 and 30 m. They are composed of
medium gravels in a coarse sandy matrix and coarse sand
with parallel lamination beds.

The paleocoastlines are discontinuous. In Laguna Diamante

there are four paleobeach ridge levels, and in Laguna Caro
(Figure 9) and Carachipampa there are two levels. This
would imply that the lacustrine expansion would have
presented phases of stabilization and construction of beach

There is a lack of dates that prevents the construction of

a chronology of the different generations of South Puna
lacustrine paleocoast groups. However, comparison with
other studies carried out in the northern Chile and southern
Bolivia show that the lower level paleocoastlines would
correspond to the Coipasa Phase (Pleistocene-Holocene
transition) and the following one (upper level) to the Tauca
phase (Late Pleistocene) (Hastenrath and Kutzbach, 1985;
Wirrmann and Mourguiart, 1987).

In the Salar de Laguna Colorada and in the Laguna de

Antofagasta there is a Late Holocene low paleocoastline
level (1-2 m). There is no evidence of a higher paleoshore,
which is a different situation from that found at other sites.
In these cases, the sedimentary aggradation exceeded the
level reached by the paleocoasts of the Late Pleistocene
and Early Holocene.

Other landforms associated with the paleolakes are the old

fan-delta and marginal piedmont (alluvial fan and pediment
levels) that had the old lacustrine body as base level.
At the southern bank of Laguna de Pasto Ventura, eight
alluvial levels which developed telescopic fan shapes can
be detected. These levels bevel the Pleistocene lacustrine
sediments and are covered by a thin layer of coarse gravel

In the extreme northeast of the Laguna de Carachipampa

there are three alluvial levels, while in the southeast bank
of the Laguna Cavi there are four levels. These geomorphic
surface levels would indicate stabilization phases of the
decrease in water levels.

Around 40% of the paleolakes have moraines in their

supplying basins. The other 60% do not register glacial
action and have inactive landslides, old cryogenic flows
and relict lobate rock glaciers. This would imply that the
paleolake hydric regimes can be labeled under two types:
1) those supplied by glacial ablation (e.g.: Laguna Blanca, &ŝŐƵƌĞϭϭ͘>ĂŐƵŶĂŽůŽƌĂĚĂƐĂůĂƌƐĞĚŝŵĞŶƚĂƌLJƉƌŽĮůĞƐ͖
Caro, Cavi and Pasto Ventura) as shown by the existence of Wϭ͗ĐŽƌĞŽŶŶŽƌƚŚƐŝĚĞŽĨ>ĂŐƵŶĂŽůŽƌĂĚĂ͕WϮ͗ĐŽƌĞŝŶƚŚĞ
varves in the lacustrine deposits, and 2) those supplied by ĐĞŶƚĞƌŽĨ>ĂŐƵŶĂŽůŽƌĂĚĂƐĂůĂƌ

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
The paleocoasts appear in 90% of the salty bodies. They During the arid Middle Holocene, the paleolakes would
tend to appear in: 1) salares or lagoons which have have dried up and would have been affected by eolian
hydrographic basins that stand on extensive areas over erosion. The paleolakes most vulnerable to the regression-
4500 m asl; 2) salares with low catchment area and coasts degradation would have been possibly located in the lower
with high slopes. On the contrary, in low altitude basins basin due to higher evapotranspiration conditions.
(< 4500 m asl) and with big and shallow water bodies
there are no paleocoasts. This would indicate that the
paleolakes were likely formed under two conditions: 1) in Early-Middle Holocene fluvial systems
extended and high basins over 4500 m asl; 2) in deep and
low area bodies where the vaporization values are lower The Pleistocene-Early Holocene alluvial deposits in the
(Tchilinguirian 2008b, 2009). Puna are generally located in fluvial terraces (Units A, B
and C, Figure 12) and alluvial fan levels. These records
In the South Puna, the paleoenvironmental information was are discontinuous, due to periods without deposition and
obtained from three cores collected in Laguna Colorada erosive processes typical of arid and semiarid fluvial
(26.03º S, 67.45º W), located in the lower Punilla basin, environments.
near Antofagasta de la Sierra (Tchilinguirian and Olivera
2005). The sedimentological analysis indicates the
existence of four sedimentary units.

Unit A, located in the lower sedimentary section, is

composed by lacustrine-coastal facies formed between
 “  %3 DQG  “  %3 )LJXUH   7KH ORZ
oxygen isotopic values in the record indicate cold and wet
conditions. Between 8400 BP and 6500 BP the water body
dried up and there was deflation (eolian erosion).

At a depth of 4 m there is massive bioturbated and

hydromorphic clay that would have been under a
sedimentation process in a wet playa lake system (Unit B).
A radiocarbon date in organic matter indicates an age of

hiatus and an alluvial gravel (Unit C) deposited in distal
alluvial fans. These sediment facies are associated to the
regressive conditions of the wet playa lake system.

After around 3900 BP and until the 1300 BP there are

green clay, diatoms and organic matter layers (Units D,
E and F) accumulated in permanent lagoons with coastal
wetlands with organic soils (Figure 11). These units would
correspond to the lacustrine transgression of the Late
Holocene. Finally, after 1300 BP this lagoon was dry and &ŝŐƵƌĞϭϮ͘^ƚƌĂƟŐƌĂƉŚŝĐƵŶŝƚƐŝŶDŝƌŝŚƵĂĐĂ;ĂͿ͕>ĂƐWŝƚĂƐ;ďͿ͕
covered by sand dunes and alluvial fans (Unit G). WƵŶŝůůĂ;ŽŶŇƵĞŶĐŝĂƐŝƚĞͿZŝǀĞƌ;ĐͿ͖dϯ͗>ĂƚĞWůĞŝƐƚŽĐĞŶĞŇƵǀŝĂů
The paleoenvironmental analysis of Laguna Colorada dϵ͗,ŝƐƚŽƌŝĐŇƵǀŝĂůƚĞƌƌĂĐĞůĞǀĞů͖͕͕͗ĂůůƵǀŝĂůƵŶŝƚƐ͖ϭ͕Ϯ͕
indicates that there were two lacustrine expansions: one ϯ͗ĂůůƵǀŝĂůƐƵďͲƵŶŝƚƐ
belonging to the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene and the
other one to the Late Holocene, between ca 3900 and 1300
BP. In the Middle Holocene, towards the 6300-6500 BP, The fluvial valleys in the Puna contain between five and
a brief wet pulse appeared in the center of the salar (Unit eleven fluvial terrace levels of Quaternary age. These
B, Figure 11). alluvial landforms are better expressed in the mid and
upper basins of fluvial systems. In the lower basin, the
The Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene paleolakes had accumulative processes dominate and there are alluvial
a great distribution in the South Puna (Figure 8). They fans with lagoons and salt lake systems.
occupied the lower basin areas (Laguna Caró, Colorada,
Blanca, Carachipampa, Figure 8) as well as the high altitude The Quaternary lithology and sedimentology in each
zones (Laguna de Pasto Ventura, Grande, Diamante, Alto studied basin (as seen in Figure 12: Confluencia, Las Pitas
Las Lagunas, among others). and Mirihuaca) is highly variable with regards to texture,
color, thickness and layer continuity. This is due to the

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

different geological, geomorphological, hydrological and The deposits of Terrace 6 have three units separated by
topographical characteristics within each basin. erosive discontinuities: B1, B2, and B3 (Figure 12). The
sequence starts with 1 m of cross and planar bedding medium
There is also sedimentological variability along the gravel with root bioturbation and oxide concretions. On
longitudinal stream profiles. At the sources, near the top of this lies a dark grey mineral paleosoil. Two dates
springs, there are sedimentological facies with paleosoils IURP WKLV SDOHRVRLO VSDQ “ DQG  “  %3
or permanent rivers, while in the lower basin there are (Figure 12, Mirihuaca, Unit B1). The base of Unit B1 is
ephemeral or eolic facies. not exposed, whereas the upper contact with Unit B2 is an
erosion channel surface.
This intrinsic variability of the sedimentology of fluvial
deposits in the Puna makes the lithostratigraphic correlation In discordance to Unit B1 paleosoil, there are planar
difficult. So, radiocarbon data constitutes the only reliable bedding clasts and gravels that are bioturbated by roots and
tool for correlating events along and between basins (Table mottled with red iron. Over these gravels, are pale brown
4, Figure 13). (7.5 YR 6/3), massive, matrix-supported gravel beds (3 m),
resulting from mud flows (Figure 12 Mirihuaca, Unit B2).
On the top of the upper mudflow bed is a brown, poorly
developed mineral paleosoil (0.5 m).

The Unit B3 is composed of gravel beds interbedded with

multiple white fine layers of diatomite, diatomaceous silt,
thin carbonized plant material, and uncarbonized vascular
peat plant (3 m). Dates from the organic layers range between
2910 and 1550 BP (Figure 12, Mirihuaca, subunit B3).

Las Pitas geological profile

In the middle and lower Las Pitas basin there are nine
fluvial terraces, from which terraces 1 and 6 are Pleistocene
(Figure 12, Las Pitas, Unit A). Fluvial Terrace 7 is ca.
6000 to 3699 BP and consists of three units: B1, B2 and
B3 (Figure 12).

The Pleistocene aggradational Unit A consists of crudely

or horizontal bedded, well sorted, rounded to sub-rounded,
medium to coarse pebble conglomerates containing
Neogene volcanic and sedimentary clasts. These sediments
are interpreted as originating from high energy braided
fluvial plains.

Aggradational fluvial deposits associated with the terraces

7 and 8 are inset into either these alluvial Pleistocene
deposits or within the Pliocene ignimbritic rocks.

&ŝŐƵƌĞϭϯ͘WĂůĞŽĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůƉŚĂƐĞƐŝŶĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚƐŝƚĞƐ͕ Subunit B1 is composed of 2 m massive matrix supported

ŶƚŽĨĂŐĂƐƚĂĚĞůĂ^ŝĞƌƌĂďĂƐŝŶ gravel interbedded with thin layers of red and horizontal
bedding pebbles. This unit would correspond to debris
and mudflow deposits and tractive currents in ephemeral
Mirihuaca geological profile streams.

In the lower basin of the Mirihuaca River there are Subunit B2 contains several layers of reddish, horizontally
seven levels of old fluvial terraces. Terraces 1 to 4 are of bedded pebbles in channel mesoforms. In lateral and
Pleistocene age, Terrace 5 is of possible Early Holocene downstream accretions macroforms appear light green
age, and Terrace 6 has deposits that range between Early with planar cross-bedding, and horizontally bedded sand,
and Late Holocene. An outcrop study of Terrace 6 was interbedded with white massive and laminated diatom
carried out near Las Escondidas site (25.99º S, 67.38º W). sediments. Unaltered thin roots are often preserved
In this location there are six meter high outcrops, whose within iron rich and CaCO3 rhizoliths. This unit would
exposed deposits are between ca. 6000 BP to ca. 1500 BP correspond to medium energy anastomosed fluvial plain
(Figures 3 and 12). of intermediate or perennial rivers with some shallow
backswamp peat (Unit B2).

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
Subunit B3 (4 m) contains several layers of grey, show an evolutionary trend at a millennial-scale and local
horizontal and planar cross bedding fine pebbles and very variations at a century scale (between and within basins)
coarse sands interbedded with lenses of white laminated depending on the beginning, duration and magnitude of
to massive diatoms sediments and black laminated the different wet or arid phases. Therefore, the availability
organic and plant debris sediments. These sediments of resources for the ancient humans of the Puna desert was
have monticular structures that result from cryogenic also variable at different times during the Late Quaternary.
deformation processes. This unit would have been It is not expected that the arid or wet events were of the
deposited in a medium-low energy perennially discharging same intensity, extension and duration in all of the fluvial
stream with many backswamp peats. Two radiocarbon basins.
ages were obtained from paleobackswamp sediments of
8QLW% 7DEOH“DQG“%38QLW% Another relevant aspect of the geomorphologic analysis
Figure 13). After ca. 3600 BP the river descended 8 m is the paleogeography of the fluvial systems during the
from the base level. Pleistocene to Early-mid Holocene. In Las Pitas and
Mirihuaca rivers, fluvial terraces are distributed between
20 to 300 m from the bed of the current river course. The
Punilla River: Confluencia site fluvial paleogeography was different from the current one,
as these rivers had base levels between 0 to +8 m above
In the lower drainage of the Punilla basin, at the Confluencia the current bed (Figure 12, Unit B). As a consequence,
site (26.050º S, 67.412º W, 3370 m asl), there are three the potential “Paleoindian and Archaic” archaeological
terrace levels (1 m, 2 m and 3.5 m). records could have been eroded, buried or located on the
external banks of these fossil terrace landforms.
The 2 m fluvial terrace has two units: A and B (Figure
12, Confluencia). Unit B is composed of green, massive,
bioturbated clay, interbedded with black, horizontal South Puna paleoenvironmental phases
lamination, and organic mud that indicate ages ca. 4110
“%3 FPGHSWK DQG“%3 FP Until now, the studies of the evolution of the Altiplano
depth). On these units, there are mineral paleosoils and paleoclimate present divergences with regard to intensity,
ephemeral alluvial facies (Unit B). The 3.5 m fluvial frequency and timing of the climatic variability. The
terrace (Unit A) is prior to 4500 BP. Other affluent rivers differences between these studies could be due to:
to Punilla, such as Ilanco, Mojones (Corral Grande) and
Curuto have sedimentary facies and similar paleosoils. 1) Geographic variability due to the latitudinal, longitudinal
and altitudinal position of each analyzed site.
The stratigraphic information in the fluvial terrace
deposits indicates the existence of alluvial aggradation At a regional scale, the Eastern Cordillera and Northern
and erosive periods, where the rivers descended the Altiplano receive more moisture than South Puna and
base level and formed terraces (Figure 12). Three fluvial Western Cordillera. At a local scale, the mountain
paleoenvironmental types formed: 1) perennial river with elevations control the intensity of aridity by the föhn
high energy and discharge in channels and wetlands that wind phenomenon that perturbs the rainfall regime of the
formed in the overbank areas (Humid sediments facies, adjoining region. Altitude is another variable factor, as
Figure 13); 2) a perennial stream with low-energy, stable different geomorphic-sedimentary processes are relative
and low runoff discharge with organic soils, diatomaceous to the mountainous climate.
sediments, laminated mud, and fine sand (Humid sediment
facies, Figure 13), and finally 3) ephemeral rivers where These phenomena are relevant in terms of the sensitivity
gravity flows and tractive currents dominated. No organic that the sedimentary basin had during climatic changes.
soils appear in this fluvial paleoevironment (Arid sediment Consequently, past climatic change in South Puna
facies, Figure 13). displayed both a temporal and spatial component
depending on geographic and altitudinal position.
The sedimentary, erosive and soil formation processes
show a lack of synchronization of the fluvial erosive or 2) Intrinsic variation of the depositional environment.
accumulative events between basins (at a centennial scale, Each environment has a sedimentary rate regulated by
Figure 13). The fluvial process and changes in base level the topographic-geomorphologic characteristics of the
do not have the same origin in all basins. sedimentary basin and/or the zone with water and debris
supply. Sedimentary environments with large and high
Changes of the base level of this river system were due to: basins are more sensitive in terms of the sedimentary rate
1) water lake variation (Late Quaternary paleolakes), 2) when compared to smaller basins, with less slope and
phreatic layer changes (paleoswamps in the stratigraphic altitude.
profiles), 3) river dammed by debris flow, 4) valley
filled by sand dune sediments or debris avalanches, 3) Variation due to sensitivity of proxies to climatic
5) river dam by hard rocks in river channels. Another variability (e.g. Grosjean et al. 2003). In this study, glacial
conclusion from examining Figure 13 is that the rivers and lake landforms are considered proxies, with millennial

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

scale and regional reach for sedimentary data, a century- 15,900 and ca. 13,800 yr cal BP, and according to Latorre
local scale for soil formation, annual to daily scale for et al. (2006) around 17,400 BP.
alluvial bedded sediments, and daily-local scale for debris
flows deposits. In the Northern Puna, this would be associated with a
lake transgression at Salar de Uyuni (Sylvestre et al.1998;
4) Variation due to rejuvenation and ageing. There are Placzek et al. 2006). Other evidences are the existence of
two main processes that lead to the probable errors in the wetlands between 16,500 and 13,750 yr cal. BP (Nester et
dates: the input of old carbonate material into the system al. 2007, 20.9º S-21.4º S and 69.46º W) in Morena range,
(reservoir effect) and/or the introduction of modern northern Chile.
carbon into previously precipitated carbonates. According
to different studies there is an augmentation of the order
of 300 years for the carbonate ages with regard to the ages Second phase (arid: 11,800 - 10,700 BP)
determined from organic matter (Abbott et al. 1997a).
Grosjean (1994) provides reservoir effect evidence of The geomorphology indicates the existence of at least two
8000 yr for carbonates and of 2000 yr for organic matter lacustrine paleocoast ridge levels (e.g., Laguna Caró and
derived from subaquatic macrophytes of Laguna Lejía in Diamante) and two terminal moraines after the glacial
northern Chile. Other examples are found in other Andean maximum. This implies the presence of an intermediate
lacustrine studies (Geyh et al. 1999, Valero Garcés arid phase where the lakes and glaciers returned. The dates
1999). do not allow adjusting the chronology of the first post-
maximum glacial and lake recession. In other Altiplano
5) Other problems could be related to pollution by new areas, this Late Pleistocene descent of water level was
roots or misinterpretations of the record in the dated defined as Ticaña phase (Geyh et al. 1999; Sylvestre et
materials. al. 1999).

The compilation of antecedents has allowed the

differentiation of five paleohydrologic phases, some Third phase (wet: 10,700-7900 BP)
regional, and some local, that developed between 15,000
and 4500 BP (Figure 13). These phases would be associated The Laguna Colorada lake transgression developed in
to climatic changes due to the obedience of the regional WKH (DUO\ +RORFHQH  “  %3 DQG  “  %3 
paleohydrological variability of the lakes and desert water and would have ended around 8400 BP. It must be taken
bodies towards, mostly, the hydric balance controlled by into account that, during the development of this phase,
the rainfall, snowfall and evapotranspiration. the base level was situated 3.5 to 4.5 m below the current
salar level. Therefore, the Paleoindian and Archaic
archaeological record would be buried and would only
First phase (wet-cold: 15,000 and 11,800 BP) be visible above the surface of the Early Holocene lake
The first phase (cold and wet), corresponds to the late
glacial period and lacustrine phase, evidenced by the This third phase could be associated with the second
moraines (4200-4300 m asl), paleocoasts and fossil generation of the lacustrine paleocoast of Laguna Caró
alluvial fans present in the area. Several questions (Figure 10) and Laguna Diamante. Also included would be
are still pending about the synchronicity between the the terminal moraines located above the maximum glacial
maximum glacial advance, the minimum temperature, advance. This phase could be correlated with paleosoils
the maximum pluviosity, and the lacustrine extension GDWHG““DQG“%3LQWKHVRXWKHUQ
in the South Puna. The fluvial and lacustrine terrace extreme of the South Puna (Ratto et al. 2008) and with
surface trimming points have synchronization between the second moment of paleobog formation (12700 to ca.
the maximum lacustrine development and the formation 9700 cal yr BP, Quade et al. 2008) in the Atacama Desert.
of the more extended paleofans. Furthermore, terminal
moraines are associated with the mentioned paleofans, Additionally, this phase could be also correlated with the
implying certain synchronization between the glacial wet phase defined in the Northern Puna by: a) Markgraf
action and the paleolakes during their maximum (1985) between 10,000-7500 BP in El Aguilar (23º 5´
development. S, 65º 45´ W, 4000 m asl); b) Fernández et al. (1991) in
Barro Negro (23º S, 65.5º W, 4000 m asl) before 11,000
Other evidence in the zone is the presence of megafauna BP; c) Kulemeyer et al. (1999) in Yavi (22º S, 65.3º
remains in Peña de las Trampas and Cueva Cacao 1A in W) between 10,000 and 8100 BP; d) Camacho (2001)
the period between 20,000 to 12,500 BP in a region with in Laguna Pozuelos (22.1º S, 66º W, 3700 m asl), where
little current ground cover. This could indicate that the calcareous material of argillic paleohorizon was dated to
paleoenvironment would have been wetter when these “%3H <DFREDFFLRDQG0RUDOHV  LQ
herbivores lived (Martínez et al. 2008). In the Atacama Susques (23.22º S, 66.21º W, 3650 m asl) with paleobogs
region, this phase is correlated with the first moment of LQDIOXYLDOWHUUDFHGDWHGWR“““
bog formation indicated by (Quade et al. 2008) between DQG“%3I 0RUDOHVet al. (2008), Morales

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
(2010) and Tchilinguirian et al. (in press), in the area of BP in El Aguilar (Markgraf 1985); 5) accumulation of
Pastos Chicos (Puna de Jujuy: 23.674º S, 67.42º W, 3527 debris flows between 6200 and 3100 BP in the Puripica
m asl) between 9000 and 7000 BP according to pollen fluvial system in northern Chile (22º15` S, 68º 10.5` W,
and diatom records; g) Morales and Schittek (2008) in 3250 m asl, Grosjean et al. 1997a); 6) paucity of high-
Alto Tocomar (24.202º S, 66.548º W, 4380 m asl) where altitude peatlands and soils recorded in the Norte Chico
diatom analysis and the carbonic/nitrogen index indicate region of Chile (27-33º S) before ca. 4000 BP (Messerli et
a wet period between 8250 and 5700 BP; h) Schäbitz et al. 1993; Veit 1993, 1996; Grosjean et al. 1998); 7) a lack
al. (2001) in Yavi between 15,000 and 11,500 BP from of evidence for human settlements in the Salar de Atacama
the advance of the forest towards the west and its gradual (silencio arqueológico as per Núñez et al. 2002). Grosjean
reduction about 8300 BP. et al. (2003) indicated that the differences are due to the
sensitivity of different proxies. The macrofossil vegetation
Other studies indicate a continuity of the wet phase from the in rodent midden records is possibly highly variable in
Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene times: >15,000 to a sub-decade scale associated with humid spells. On the
9000 BP in Atacama desert (Betancourt et al. 2000; Latorre contrary, the subdecade scale environmental changes are
et al. 2002, 2003); 15,000 to 10,200 BP in Quebrada Chaco not (or poorly) recorded in lake sediments or ice cores.
(Maldonado et al. 2005; Latorre et al. 2005); ca. 12,000 to
8000 BP in Laguna Miscanti (Grosjean. et al. 2003); and Another different paleoenvironmental interpretation refers
Tauca and Coipasa paleolake phases (Servant and Fontes to the origin of paleowetland fluvial records. Grosjean et
1978; Servant et al. 1995; Wirrmann and Mourguiart 1995; al. (2001) interpreted the higher groundwater tables in
Sylvestre et al. 1996, 1999; Bradbury et al. 2001; Placzek valleys as local features driven by geomorphic processes,
et al. 2006). while Rech et al. (2002, 2003) interpreted them as regional
features driven by humid climates. In our case, we support
At the end of this phase most of the lakes dried up. The the hypothesis that the organic fluvial paleosoils and
lake recession caused the lowering of the fluvial base level the diatoms of the South Puna (fluvial paleopeats) were
and the subsequent incision of the drainage network. The formed when the rivers had a: 1) perennial discharge with
alluvial fans prograded the lacustrine bed and produced low discharge volume and variability, 2) low erosion and
telescopic shaped fans. With this paleodata it is inferred sedimentation process, 3) shallow and stable groundwater
that before the settlement of the first hunters (Martínez et levels (<0.1 m), 4) high biomass productivity, and 5) the
al. 2008: ca. 10,200 BP, Peñas de las Trampas 1.1) and river was near the equilibrium profile.
during the Early Holocene, the study area presented wetter
conditions than the current ones. As a consequence, the These conditions can be found in streams, which are
availability of resources would have been greater with regulated by spring discharge that permanently supply
regard to the current ones at a centennial scale. water and allow wetland formation (Figures 4 and 5).
Therefore, the organic paleosoils in fluvial systems would
be formed in a catchment with orographic precipitation
Fourth phase (7900 - 4500 BP) which is seasonally well distributed and guarantees a high
mountain aquifer recharge. In the study area, the fluvial
The fourth phase, in the Middle Holocene, has discrepancies paleosoils dates (Figure 13) are synchronous with those of
as regards to the paleoclimatic conditions. There are studies several other basins at millennial scale. For this reason, we
carried out with rodent middens in paleowetlands of the consider these paleosoils a regional-humid proxy.
Atacama Desert that indicate wet conditions between 7000
and 3000 BP (Betancourt et al. 2000), or between 7600 Regarding the South Puna, the data in the fourth phase
and 6000 BP and 4500-3200 BP with a drought at ca. 5000 would indicate three paleoclimatic conditions (Subphases
BP (Latorre et al. 2003). However, the predominant proof 4.1 (arid), 4.2 (wet) and 4.3 (arid), Figure 13).
points to a period during which conditions varied from
arid to extremely arid (Morales 2010; Tchilinguirian and Subphase 4.1: 8700-6300 BP
Morales, in press). Geological evidence of this subphase indicates arid
conditions in Laguna Colorada (hiatus between units A
The evidences for a dry Middle Holocene environment are: and B, Figure 11).
1) repeated short-term cycles of flooding and desiccation
between 6000 and 3600 BP in Laguna del Negro Francisco Subphase 4.2: 6300-5800 BP.
(27º 13´ S, 69º11´ W, 4125 m asl, Grosjean et al. 1997b); 2) The evidences for wet conditions in Laguna Colorada are
lacustrine regression in Lake Titicaca¸ 800 – 900 km to the shown by coastal environments with diatoms and organic
north of the South Puna (Wirrmann and Mourguiart 1995, materials formed ca“\HDUV%3 8QLW%)LJXUH
Cross et al. 2000), as well as Laguna Miscanti (Valero- 11) and paleosoils in the Mirihuaca profile dated to
Garcés et al. 1996 and Grosjean et al. 2001) between “ DQG  “  %3 8QLW  % )LJXUH   2WKHU
9000 and ca. 4000 cal yr BP.; 3) accumulation of eolian evidence was the thin organic layers in alluvial sediments
sediment in alluvial environments in Yavi (Kulemeyer et DW“%3LQ/DV3LWDVQHDU3XQWDGHOD3HxDDQG
al.   EHWZHHQ   “  DQG  “  %3   Cueva de Salamanca sites (Figure 1c and Figure 13).
accumulation of arid pollen taxas between 7500 and 4000

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

Some other data that supports this minor wet event are the Binford et al. 1997; Mourguiart et al. 1997, 1998; Tapia
SDOHRERJVGDWHGWR“DQG“%3 5DWWR et al. 2003); 2) Late Holocene glacial advances in the
et al. 2008), a poor humid spell around 6000 – 5500 cal yr eastern Cordillera (Abbott et al. 2003) and Laguna Negro
BP in Laguna Miscanti (Grosjean et al. 2003) and organic Francisco (2600 BP, Grosjean et al. 1998), and 3) soil
paleosoils in Alto Tocomar profile dated from 6400 to formation in the Chilean Altiplano at 28º S between 2600
5700 BP (Morales and Schittek 2008) and 2300 BP (Veit 1996).

Subphase 4.3: 5800-4500 BP.

Sedimentological data for this subphase are present at Human settlement and paleoenvironment
three sites:
1) In the Mirihuaca profile, debris and mudflow Finally, we would like to make some observations about the
accumulations took place between the paleosoil of Unit potential incidence that the different paleoenvironmental
% ““%3 DQGWKHSDOHRVRLODWWKHWRS conditions could have had for the human groups that
RI8QLW%WKDWRFFXUVEHIRUH“%3 )LJXUHV inhabited the Puna during Early and mid Holocene
and 13). During the initial development of this phase, the (Aschero et al. 1991, Aschero 1994, Aschero et al. 1993-
base level was below the current course, whereas by the 1994, Aschero and Martínez 2001, Pintar 2004 and 2009,
end of the phase the base level was 3 m over the current Martínez et al. 2010, and others) and the beginnings of the
course level. Late Holocene.

2) In the lower basin of Las Pitas River, braided channels It is necessary to clarify that it is not our intention to argue
were developed. This fluvial environment was composed and interpret the archaeological record. More qualified
of multiple-thread channels, and was dominated by mid specialists in this volume will carry this out. We would
channel bars, commonly gravel (Unit B2, Figure 12). No like to propose some possibilities and relative restrictions
soil or wetland was formed and the river discharge could that the changing environmental and geographic settings
have been intermittent or ephemeral. This phase finished would have had on human decision-making and mobility.
with an erosive discontinuity where facies corresponded to
an alluvial plain environment with higher wet conditions During Phase 1 and 3, the wet and cold conditions would
before 4500 BP. have offered relative abundant conditions and resource
predictability for the potential human settlements. During
3) In Laguna Colorada there is a hiatus between Units several times of the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene
B and C (6300-4500 BP, Figures 11 and 13) that was human groups would have found a wetter desert, where
produced by an eolian erosion process in an exposed dry water availability and hunting possibilities would have
surface playa lake basin. been higher than at present. Many lakes existed in the
desert and led to an ecological mosaic different than today
The arid phases 3, 4.1 and 4.3 (ca. 7900-6300 and 5600- (Figure 8).
4500 BP) can be partially correlated with the Middle
Holocene dry event in the Atacama Puna between 8000 However, we should not view this as an excessively
and 3500 BP defined by Grosjean and Nuñez (1994). well-disposed environment for human adaptation. It is
likely that potential Puna inhabitants would have faced
extremely cold winters, especially in mid and high valley
Fifth phase: beginning 4500 BP sectors, and rainy summers with an important increase in
the water volume of streams and lagoons. The evidence of
The fifth phase, wetter than the previous and the current extinct fauna in Cueva Cacao 1A and Peña de Las Trampas
ones (Figure 13), would be represented by: 1) the presence (Martínez et al. 2008) supports the idea of larger forage
of gravel facies with hydromorphic clay, diatoms and wetland or grassland extensions. This would have favored
SDOHRVRLOV GDWHG WR  “  DQG  “  %3 DW wild camelid sustainability, but we cannot evaluate the
Confluencia site (Figure 12, Unit B1 and Figure 13), 2) interspecific competition level in the ecosystem.
the presence of alluvial interbedded gravel and paleosoil
facies in the Las Pitas profile dates to 4500 BP (Unit B3, The higher humidity and the temperature decrease during
Figure 13) and in the Mirihuaca record dates to 2900 BP the late glacial-lacustrine expansion phase must have been
(Unit B3, Figure 13), and 3) lacustrine transgressions that relevant to the extension of higher pasture sectors, especially
took place after 3900 BP in Laguna Colorada profiles during winter, which could have made the animals move
(Units D, E and F, Figure 11) and advances of lobate rock towards lower sectors with an unknown incidence in the
glaciers in Laguna Blanca range and the Oriental border ecosystem. However, there are few vegetal species for
of the Puna. human consumption in the Puna nowadays. Although we
do not accurately know the vegetation conditions 12,000-
Similar timing for highstand lake levels was also found 20,000 years ago, it is unlikely that these conditions
in: 1) Laguna del Negro Francisco (Grosjean et al. 1997b) would have changed drastically. That is why the potential
and far north, in Lake Titicaca (Wirrmann and De Oliveira inhabitants must have been oriented especially towards an
Almeida 1987; Martin et al. 1993; Abbott et al. 1997; economy based on hunting.

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
There is still no evidence associated with the so-called evidence is not strong enough yet, but the discovery of an
Paleoindian and coexistence with an extinct fauna. This Archaic record over the Early Holocene paleoberm crest
allows us to think that during the main glacial phase, of Laguna Colorada (lower basin) and Laguna Cavi (high
either the South Puna could not be inhabited or the basin) open up the interesting possibility that these areas
demographic density was extremely reduced. However, the might be least partially linked to this period.
paleogeography would indicate that the ice-free corridors
were wide and would not have been relevant barriers (Figure The important factors mentioned previously (Phase 3)
6). So, mobility circuits that included different zones within would have raised potential conditions for different
the Puna and its border could have been active during the mobility systems and human use of space in the Early
maximum and late glacial times (Figure 6). Archaic. A possibility would be the use of large territories
that involved middle and high valley zones, concomitantly
The following glacial and paleolake recession could with the use of lower basins in relation to a seasonal
coincide with an arid phase (Phase 2), which is still not very periodicity. These economies would have had a high
clear in our region. This could have negatively influenced mobility, with a mixed logistical and forager component
the resource supply, especially at the basin bottoms where in well-established circuits.
dry conditions were higher. However, glacial evidence
indicates that this retraction was not as intense as that Another possibility would imply less vertical circuits,
during the mid Holocene, and it had certain stabilization where mobility would be verified in more restricted
pulses or readvances. In this way, the panorama can be territories within an almost constant altitudinal belt.
more complex.
In this way, “paths” could have involved lower basin
Higher humidity conditions are indicated at the beginning lagoon and fluvial wetland valleys, as for instance the
of the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene boundary by Laguna Antofagasta and Laguna Colorada paleolagoons
lacustrine transgression (ca. 13,000 to 12,000 BP) and in articulation with the Colorado-Calalaste streams, or
maximum lacustrine transgression (between 10,800-9200 the Laguna Antofagasta and Laguna Colorada paleolakes
BP). These conditions developed before and during the in articulation with the Punilla River (Figures 2 and 8).
first clear hunter-gatherer evidence appeared (Phase 3). Another possible human path could have involved fluvial
Perhaps the geographic distribution of palaeolakes was paleopeat valleys with high basin lagoons as for instance
similar to that of Phase 1 (Figure 8). the Las Pitas paleowetland with the Real Grande vega and
the Cavi paleolake (Figure 2 and 8). In this model, the lower
A great quantity of lithic artifacts in open-air sites with Punilla River–Laguna Antofagasta might have acted as a
hearths have been located in the late glacial and Early “buffer” area partially shared by different groups, given its
Holocene lacustrine paleocoastlines at several locations location in the lowest part of the drainage system.
in the Atacama Puna (i.e., Salar Tuyaito). The end of
this first period of human settlement (8000-8400 BP) This model would be supported by the evidence of certain
coincides with the regression and desiccation of paleolakes projectile point types predominantly manufactured from
(Grosjean and Núñez 1994; Núñez et al. 1996; Grosjean et local raw materials, with less representation of non-local
al. 1997b; Geyh et al. 1999; Núñez et al. 1999; Grosjean raw materials that were less accessible from these sites.
et al. 2007). These can be suggested in the archaeological record
analyzed by specialists in this region (Aschero and
During the Phase 3 in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Martínez 2001; Martínez 2005). Also, the highly available
archaeological evidence is found in the high basin of Las obsidian from Laguna Cavi is the only known case of the
Pitas River (Quebrada Seca 3 site, with dates ranging ca. preeminent use of this raw material over other volcanic
9790 and 9410 BP) and in the mid-low basin (Peñas de las rocks and it could support the precedent idea. Furthermore,
Trampas 1.1, dated ca. 10,200 BP and Punta de la Peña 4 this model of more restricted circuits and “buffer” territory
site dated ca. 8900 BP) (Aschero et al. 1993-1994; Aschero would explain the scarce archaeological record found at
and Martínez 2001; Hocsman 2002; Martínez et al. 2004; the bottom of Antofagasta basin, where it is not possible
Pintar 2004; Hocsman 2007; Martínez et al. 2008; Pintar to find clearly established settlements from the Early
2009; Martínez et al. 2010; Martínez this volume). Archaic.

These settlements and the geological interpretation of Obviously these are not necessarily the only possible
Las Pitas profile would indicate that both the upper and adaptive situation; they simply constitute an example
lower basin the stream was perennial, and the resource of the possibilities that would offer a more benevolent
availability was important for the foraging species and, environment, with good availability and predictability of
consequently, human settlements. In addition, human resources and without important paleogeographic glacial
groups would have had predictable and accessible water barriers (Figure 6) or extreme dune barriers (e.g. Campo
and wood resources, as well as other plant resources. de la Piedra Pómez or Purulla-Pairique dune field area,
Figure 3) that restrict mobility among different ecologic
Good conditions for settlements should have existed in sectors. Besides, this does not necessarily imply ethnic
the Early Holocene paleolagoons. The archaeological differences, or conditions of competence or rivalry. On the

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

contrary, the relationship and interchange among groups permanence at the sites (Peñas de la Cruz site) found in
should be a habit, as regards access to different groups, the lower area of gorges with an easy access both to the
social exchanges and, what is more, genetic exchanges as resources at the bottom of the basin and in the high gorges.
well (couple exchanges for reproduction). Perhaps the population density decreased due to the
abandonment of more dried paleolakes and paleo-wetland
However, the conditions seem to begin to change ca. 8000- sectors (Carachipampa, Laguna Colorada and Caro).
7900 BP becoming slightly more arid with the beginning
of Phase 4. The lacustrine Andean paleogeoraphy changed Data suggest a wet event of short duration and intensity
notably at the beginnings of Middle Holocene, with lagoon between ca. 6300 and 5900 BP (subphase 4.2). It is difficult
recession and dry salt playa lakes, especially in the lower to determine resource patch establishment in the ecological
basin areas of Purulla, Incahuasi, Carachipampa, Laguna landscape, but it cannot have been homogeneous in the
Colorada, Caro and Pairique where the evapotraspiration entire region. For instance, the lower course of Ilanco
rates is higher than middle and high basin areas (Figure stream does not seem to have recovered its previous wet
8). conditions as Peña de la Cruz site (Martínez 2005) was not
reoccupied after ca. 7200 BP. Further, there is no geologic
Evidence of humidity in Mirihuaca profile in 5600-5800 evidence that the stream ever flowed again at this sector
BP, at 6300 BP in Laguna Colorada, and 5900 BP in Las of the basin.
Pitas (Figure 13) should be taken into account in regard to
the internal variability in the Middle Holocene dry phase As has been pointed out, although Puna rivers show a
(Subphase 4.2). Also, the intensity of the maximum aridity regional paleohydrical tendency (millennial scale), they
in lake and wetland sites cannot have been identical and have local centennial variations (between basins and inside
occurred at the same time. them) with regard to the beginning, duration and end of the
different wet or arid phases (Figure 13). In this way, the wet
But it is unquestionable that these new situations of more or arid events were not of the same intensity, extension and
aridity must have stated a new scenario in the distribution, duration in all fluvial basins. So, the resource availability
availability and productivity of the resources in a fragile for ancient people was also differential in the landscape at
risky environment such as the South Puna. Accordingly, certain moments of the Holocene.
the groups must have adopted decisions that led to changes
in their settlement-subsistence patterns. An example The following subphase 4.3 (Figure 13) is definitely arid
could be the so-called silencio arqueológico in Atacama and its duration is even today a topic under study, but it
(Grosjean and Nuñez 1994), that could indicate migrations seems to extend more rigorously until ca. 4500 BP even
and partial and/or total abandonment of certain areas though its effects could reach to ca. 3900 BP in some
by Puna inhabitants, probably looking for less rigorous wetlands systems. The drought would have had a strong
conditions in lower altitudes or more stable wetlands at impact especially in lagoon landscape and in peat fluvial
higher elevations (Figure 4 and 5). valleys.

As regards the South Puna case, the silencio arqueológico The best conditions of availability and predictability of
was present in fluvial wetlands that were more vulnerable resources may have moved to more humid high altitude
to arid processes. Short river wetlands with lower altitude areas with springs with perennial discharge (Figure 5).
catchment areas (< 4300 m asl) were more vulnerable It is possible that human groups may have used mobility
to desertification with respect to larger ones within the systems focused on the middle to upper river courses
high altitude basin areas. It is hypothesized that the most with shorter incursions to lower basin areas. Further, it is
important rivers of the South Puna (Punilla, Los Patos, and possible to propose a small settlement density with low
Las Cuestas rivers) did not have a silencio arqueológico mobility.
because the water bodies were perennial and offered good
resources throughout the Holocene. This is the case with During this arid subphase 4.3 (Figure 13), the natural
Cueva Salamanca 1 (Pintar 2009, and this volume). environments of the peats in thin and deep gorges expressed
less environmental variability, whereas the large valleys,
In our study area, in the lower basin of Ilanco stream such as the alluvial fan of the lower basin of the Punilla
(Figure 3), there is an Archaic site (Peñas de La Cruz, River and Laguna Colorada Salar expressed the strongest
3&]“DQG“0DUWtQH] ZKLFK variations in regard to water availability and grass-peat
is, today, adjacent to an ephemeral riverbed without soils areas. In this way, the hypothesis about the existence of
or vegetation. The presence of this site suggests that water ecorefuges (Nuñez et al. 1999) was more probable for the
and vegetation were adjacent to this site when it was environments that have restricted springs in peats, mainly
occupied. between 6000 and 5000-4500 BP.

We propose that until 7500 BP human groups would About 4500-3900 BP, the environment appears to have
have maintained, in general terms, a logistic subsistence- changed to wetter conditions (Phase 5, Figure 13). Late
settlement system with a high mobility. Towards the end Holocene highstand water formed in Laguna Colorada
of this period there might have been a higher degree of (Tchilinguirian and Olivera 2005), Carachipampa and

Pablo Tchilinguirian and Daniel E. Olivera - Late quaternary paleoenvironments, South Andean Puna (25º-27º s),
Laguna Blanca, and lower basin wetland expansion lacustrine bodies had highstand water levels, and coastal
appears in several fluvial landscape sectors. wetlands or peatlands had less saline water. During the
arid phases (Phases 3, 4.1 and 4.3), glaciers drew back
At this moment, there are suggestions of a domestication and/or disappeared, but the high peaks continued acting
process of camelids, both in the Argentinean and Chilean as zones of orographic rainfalls that sustained hydrical
areas of the Atacama Puna (Olivera and Elkin 1994; supply to the rivers, especially in high basins, where
Yacobaccio et. al. 1994). The coexistence of wild and “ecorefuges” were formed, adjoining permanent water
domesticated species was recorded in Puripica and streams (Figure 5). Further, it is possible to suggest that
suggested in QS3, in our study area, as well as in the basins located at lower altitudes did not have suitable
Jujuy Puna (Olivera and Elkin 1994; Yacobaccio et al. conditions for human settlements (silencio arqueológico).
1994; Núñez et al. 1999). It may be possible that this Human groups with logistic mobility would have given
domestication process had an older antecedent in the priority to the exploitation of certain areas (from mid to
groups that ca. 7000-7500 BP restricted their mobility high basin areas) and they would have only occasionally
during the difficult climatic conditions prior to the mid used the basin bottom. The abandonment of those areas
Holocene. We consider there is not enough evidence yet more affected by the arid climatic conditions could explain
to discuss this hypothesis, but it is exciting to consider it the silencio arqueológico in certain places.
for the future.
A salient aspect of this study is the wide-ranging variability
of climatic conditions in desert microenvironments. Within
Conclusions the same arid or wet phase, it is possible to encounter areas
within a few kilometers with better resource conditions.
Throughout these pages, we think it is quite evident that, Likewise, the evolutionary chronology (beginning,
apart from the relevant advances in the last years, there are duration, ending) of a phase is not identical all over the
still several questions about the Holocene paleoclimatic Atacama Puna at a centennial scale, from north to south
evolution in the Puna. However, there is a certain precision and east to west. Finally, it is important to consider the fact
that is worth highlighting and which has great relevance that the recovery of landscape resources after an arid phase
for the environmental and earth sciences as well as for the was not always the same. It most likely depended on the
study of the South Puna societies. Until a few years ago, conditions (geomorphologic, microclimatic, etc) of each
the studied paleoenvironmental archives in the Atacama geographic location.
Puna were scarce. This situation was exacerbated due to
the scattered data, which was separated by hundreds of Another aspect that was dynamic in the Puna landscape
kilometers and, many times, corresponding to a unique was the mobility of the altitudinal vegetation belt. This
proxy. In the last two decades systematic, regional and belt defined a structure of resources (vegetation, pasture)
multiproxy work began, and this constitutes a substantial that is important for understanding human adaptation to
advance in the paleoenvironmental knowledge of the the Puna. Evidently, climatic changes of centennial and/
Andean desert. The work initiated by our team was carried or millennial scale, in temperature as well as humidity,
out in the Argentinean South Puna. This work began in originated an ascending movement (arid Phases 2, 4.1
1998 with an almost non-existent base record, which and 4.3) or descending movement (Phases 1, 3, 4.2 and
obliged the design of a suitable methodology. Next, we will 5) of the vegetation belt, which initiated a change in the
present a summary of the most important developments spatial structure of the resources, as proposed in Pintar
that have been described in this paper which constitute a (2009). These changes had to do with the availability
solid starting point for more accurate investigations. and distribution of the vegetal species as well as the
availability of human species for hunting (especially wild
Five main palaeoenvironmental phases were distinguished camelids)
between the Late Pleistocene (ca. 15,000 BP) and Middle
Holocene (ca. 4500 BP). It could be determined that, from We conclude that a paleoenvironmental framework
Late Pleistocene to Middle Holocene, the South Puna constitutes an essential element to understanding the
revealed changes, in regard to paleohydrological conditions functioning and evolution of human settlements in the
of the lagoons, rivers, wetlands, glaciers and permafrost. Puna, but it cannot be applied directly to explain the
This considerably influenced the structure of the resources decisions taken by the different human groups throughout
throughout time, with a subsequent impact on the decision time. The environment does not determine human
making of human societies. In a general sense, during the decisions but it establishes a limit on their possibilities at
wettest phases (Phases 1, 3, and 4.2 and 5) the rivers were a certain time and place. This is particularly relevant in
extended in length, there was a larger quantity of springs, a desert environment, such as the Puna, with extremely
and fluvial wetlands were more extended and continuous unpredictable and uncertain conditions. In conclusion,
across the stream network. only a proper combination of the paleoclimatic,
paleoeviromental and archaeological records will allow
At high altitudes and in big mountains ranges, glacial a full understanding of the key aspects of past human
(preferably in Phases 1 and 3) or periglacial features societies living in the Puna.
developed (Phase 5) as a consequence of rainfall. The

Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert. People of the Salt Puna (northwest Argentina)

Acknowledgments ASCHERO, C. A., L. MANZI and G. GOMEZ

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of Scientific and Technical Researches (CONICET, Argentina de Antropología 19: 191-214.
Argentina), University of Buenos Aires (UBA, Argentina)
and National Agency for Promotion of Science and ASCHERO, C. A., D. E. ELKIN and E.L. PINTAR
Technology (ANPCYT, Argentina). Thanks to the field 1991 Aprovechamiento de recursos faunísticos y
assistance from Antofagasta Archaeological Project team producción lítica en el Precerámico Tardío. Un caso de
and the support of the National Institute of Anthropology estudio: Quebrada Seca 3, Puna Meridional Argentina.
(INAPL, Argentina). Special thanks go to Jorge Martínez Actas del XI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena
for his voluntary help in Peinado-Purulla-Colorada research Volume 2:101-114.
trip, Salomon Hocsman in the Salar de Laguna Colorada,
Lorena Grana and Jenny Grant for their assistance. BETANCOURT, J. L., C. LATORRE, J. A. RECH, J.
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