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Opinion essay

Banning smoking in the public places

In my opinion banning smoking in public places is the best law ever given.
Finally, something good for the health of the others has been done.
Firstly, not all the people like smoking and the inhale the other ones smoke. Also
it is not good for the heatlh, and it is much more dangerous to be a passive smoker,
because according to the studies to inhale the smoke and never exhale it out, like an
active smoker does. So even if you are not smoking but you have a smoker around
you, you might “smoke” more than him and have lung problems earlier than him and
you do not know why.
Secondly, it is the smell problem. You can use all the parfumes in the whole
world, but when you are a smoker you smell like cigars. It is bad also for the other
people because when they get in contact with a person who is smoking, they start to
smell like cigars too. Ohhh, and I do not remind about shaking hands with a smoker,
after that you must not smell your hand. You should wash it as soon as possible.
But, on the other hand, it is had for the socialization, if you are the only non
smoker from the table you will be left alone there for many times when your smoking
colleagues will go outside for a cigar.
So, by prohibiting the smoking in public places, there has been made a great
choice, because the air there is fresher and you cand see to who you are speaking to.

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