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Chapter 4

Doctrine and Covenants 5; 17

1. The Lord will bring forth His word in the last days through the Prophet
Joseph Smith, and three witnesses will testify of it. Read Doctrine and
Covenants 5:1–10, looking for reasons why the Lord has not chosen
to allow the world to have access to or view the plates from which the
Book of Mormon was translated.
2. Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:11–22, looking for reasons why
three servants would be allowed to view the Book of Mormon plates.
3. While the Lord promised to show the golden plates to three
witnesses, how did He intend for all others to learn the truthfulness of
the Book of Mormon? How have the Lord’s words recorded
in Doctrine and Covenants 5:16 been fulfilled in your life?
4. The Lord tells Martin Harris that he may be called as one of the Three
Witnesses if he repents
5. Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:23–35, looking for what the Lord
required of Martin Harris in order for him to qualify as one of the
6. Think about how the truths taught in Doctrine and Covenants
5:24, 28 can help you develop greater humility. Why do we need
humility in order to gain a witness of the truth and to become a
disciple of Christ?
7. The Lord commands the Three Witnesses to testify of the plates
8. Read Doctrine and Covenants 17:1–9, looking for what the Three
Witnesses were commanded to do after viewing the Book of Mormon
9. Why do you think the Prophet was so relieved that three additional
people had seen the Book of Mormon plates?
10. Think about what you have learned regarding the importance of the
Book of Mormon witnesses. What will you do to strengthen your own
witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon? What are some
ways that you can testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon to

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