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Concentration is the ability to direct one’s attention in accordance to

one’s will. It is also means the ability to focus the mind on one
subject or thought at the same time, exclude from the mind every
other irrelevant thoughts, ideas, feeling and sensations .O is also
means the ability to do one thing at the same time instead of jumping
from one subject to another and loosing attention ,time and energy.

Type of Concentration:
We can distinguish three levels pf concentration:
Light concentration:
When you first sit down to read or to study, you are in a state of light
concentration, this stage continues for about the first five minutes of
study. At this point, you do not accomplish much and very little
learning will take place.

Moderate Concentration:
During the nest few minutes, you move into moderate
concentration .At this point, you begin to pay attention to the
material that you are reading or listening to. At this stage, you also
cancan probably find difficulty in concentration as any noise can
distract you.

Deep Concentration:
You are very absorbed in your work and you do not think about
anything except what you are reading, writing or listening to, you get
full learning.
Causes of Poor Concentration:
There are many causes of poor concentration and the real causes of
these problems are:
-lack of attention
-lack of interest
-lack of motivation

Therefore, by identifying the real reason for poor concentration

problems you will be able to find appropriate strategies in order to
overcome each of the problems.

We can distinguish two major elements of poor concentration, which

are external and internal.

A distraction is anything that diverts your focus or attention from the

External Distraction:
Noise, uncomfortable study area and people’s noise.
Internal Distraction:
Things you think about or worry about it , anxiety, overthinking…
Strategies That Help Enhancing Concentration:
Try to find a quite study space:
It is almost impossible to concentrate if you are surround by
distractions, therefor if you could not study at home, try a library or a
quiet place to study.
Try to Limit Your Distractions:
For instance, you can get rid of any technological devices such as
phones; computers and soon you can put your desk in front of the
wall and remove all photos and decorations.
Use Your Desk For Studying Only:
You will automatically get bored of studying when sitting down.
However, if you are used to eat on that desk, you will give the
impression that you are going to eat.
Avoid Studying Laying in Bed:
Laying in bed lead you to troubles in concentrating and you may get
so comfortable that you fall asleep.
Try to do Your Work Your House is Quiet:
That is when your family members are out.

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