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The story of the Turtle and the Lizard is something similar to the story of the Turtle and the Monkey

wherein greediness is one thing in common. It is both a story of one being slow but assures everything to

be safe and orderly while the other character possess greediness in a sense that when it comes to food or

anything that they wanted, one should go first and left its company behind to have the whole thing to be

his/ her own.

The story emphasizes various characteristics of mankind. These characteristics have been very common

to everyone living on earth because some might possess those and some are also suffering because of

those characteristics. Those characteristics are divided into two parts: the good and the bad one. These re

being in a form of symbol on any form that can also be found in the story.

First, a good symbol for a lizard is ginger. A ginger has a characteristic of having the capability to grow

on rocky types of soil just for it to bloom and used as a powerful ingredient in cooking, not just in

cooking but it is also used as a substitute medication on selected illness. According to lizard animal totem

symbolism and meanings, The lizard animal totem is a reliable messenger from the spiritual realm. They

are flexible and highly adaptive to their surroundings, capable of overcoming a plethora of adverse

circumstances and personal attacks. Their ability to thrive in such conditions earns them the symbolism

of being able to go with the flow and the inherent value of amalgamating in the wild. Just like in the

story how many times did the turtle gave warniing to the lizard to be still so that the man can't hear

them but the lizard haven't paid no attention to the warning and called louder than ever. The lizard was

go with the flow.

Next is man in the story and is categorized as a bad one. Man possess various characteristics such as

greediness. In the story, greediness is the core of the sequence of the story. From the very beginning of

the story, the Lizard possess characteristic of getting what it wants that it even put itself into harm, it

doesn’t even care as long as everything it wants possible. According to, just like man, a

Lizard symbolizes rebellion on which it can handle a certain period of time of survival but at the latter

part, it can be killed because of its own wrongdoings.

The story teaches great moral to ponder. Being greedy will lead you to something that might harm you,

but when you persevere, you will leave a long- happy life with all the graces you got through your own

sacrifices without compensating the life of others,

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