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1. History of computers
Earliest Computer
• Originally calculations were computed by humans, whose job title was computers.
• These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a mathematical expression.
• The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive, requiring years of training in
• The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out
calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of
the 20th century.

Tally Sticks
A tally stick was an ancient memory aid device to
record and document numbers, quantities, or even

• An abacus is a mechanical device used to aid an individual in
performing mathematical calculations.
• The abacus was invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C.
• The abacus in the form we are most familiar with was first used in
China in around 500 B.C.
• It used to perform basic arithmetic operations.

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Napier’s Bones
• Invented by John Napier in 1614.
• Allowed the operator to multiply, divide and
calculate square and cube roots by moving the
rods around and placing them in specially
constructed boards.

Slide Rule
• Invented by William Oughtred in 1622.
• Is based on Napier's ideas about logarithms.
• Used primarily for
– multiplication
– division
– roots
– logarithms
– Trigonometry
• Not normally used for addition or subtraction.

• Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.
• It was its limitation to addition and subtraction.
• It is too expensive.

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Stepped Reckoner
• Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in
• The machine that can add, subtract, multiply
and divide automatically.

Jacquard Loom
• The Jacquard loom is a mechanical loom, invented
by Joseph-Marie Jacquard in 1881.
• It an automatic loom controlled by punched cards.

• A mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de Colmar in 1820,
• The first reliable, useful and commercially successful calculating
• The machine could perform the four basic mathematic functions.
• The first mass-produced calculating machine.

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Difference Engine and Analytical Engine

• It an automatic, mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
• Invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834
• It is the first mechanical computer.

First Computer Programmer

• In 1840, Augusta Ada Byron suggests to Babbage that he use the
binary system.
• She writes programs for the Analytical Engine.

Scheutzian Calculation Engine

• Invented by Per Georg Scheutz in 1843.
• Based on Charles Babbage's difference engine.
• The first printing calculator.

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Tabulating Machine
• Invented by Herman Hollerith
in 1890.
• To assist in summarizing
information and accounting.

Havard Mark 1
• Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence
Controlled Calculator (ASCC).
• Invented by Howard H. Aiken in 1943
• The first electro-mechanical computer.

• The first programmable computer.
• Created by Konrad Zuse in Germany from 1936 to 1938.
• To program the Z1 required that the user insert punch tape into a punch tape reader and all output
was also generated through punch tape.

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Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

• It was the first electronic digital computing device.
• Invented by Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry at Iowa State
University between 1939 and 1942.

• ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and
• It was the first electronic generalpurpose computer.
• Completed in 1946.
• Developed by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchl.

• The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1)
was the first commercial computer.
• Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

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• EDVAC stands for Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer
• The First Stored Program Computer
• Designed by Von Neumann in 1952.
• It has a memory to hold both a stored program as
well as data.

The First Portable Computer

• Osborne 1 – the first portable computer. Released in
1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation.

The First Computer Company

• The first computer company was the Electronic
Controls Company.
• Founded in 1949 by J. Presper Eckert and John

Computer Generations
There are five generations of computer:
• First generation – 1946 - 1958
• Second generation – 1959 - 1964
• Third generation – 1965 - 1970

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• Fourth generation – 1971 - today

• Fifth generation – Today to future

The First Generation

• The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry
and magnetic drums for memory, and were often
enormous, taking up entire rooms.
• They were very expensive to operate and in addition
to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of
heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.

The First Generation

• First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language
understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time.
• Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.

The Second Generation

• Second-generation computers moved from cryptic
binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly,
languages, which allowed programmers to specify
instructions in words.
• Second-generation computers still relied on punched
cards for input and printouts for output.
• These were also the first computers that stored their
instructions in their memory, which moved from a
magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.

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The Third Generation

• The development of the integrated circuit was the
hallmark of the third generation of computers.
• Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon
chips, called semiconductors, which drastically
increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
• Much smaller and cheaper compare to the second
generation computers.
• It could carry out instructions in billionths of a
The Third Generation
• Users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced
with an operating system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time
with a central program that monitored the memory.
• Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller
and cheaper than their predecessors.

The Fourth Generation

• The microprocessor brought the fourth generation
of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits
were built onto a single silicon chip.
• As these small computers became more powerful,
they could be linked together to form networks,
which eventually led to the development of the
• Fourth generation computers also saw the
development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld

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The Fifth Generation

• Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
• Still in development.
• The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a
• The goal is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning
and self-organization.
• There are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today.

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2. Choose any device and search the net on how that device evolved
from the time it was first invented to its present form.
Evolution of The Camera
1500 – The Pinhole Camera
Pinhole Camera

When Mozi, a Chinese philosopher observed rays of light falling on the walls of a darkened room
through a pinhole made on the opposite side, he saw the world outside as upside down. Mozi was
fascinated by this fact, and upon proper research he reached the conclusion that since light travels
in a straight line, thus such a phenomenon take place in nature. This was the building block for
modern cameras and photography.
1839 – The Daguerreotype Camera
Daguerreotype Camera

Mozi’s method of projecting an inverted picture through a pinhole was marvellous, but sadly there
were no means to store the end result which made it sort of useless.
However, in the year 1839 Louis Daguerre, a French artist developed a process to actually store
the projected image forever on a shiny mirror finished copper plate treated with chemicals. This
was the first time an object was made to be light sensitive to capture information on it and store it
forever by treating it with chemicals. Daguerre made the process public in return for a lifetime
pension, and this process paved the way for the film cameras that we have used in the past.

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1900 – The Reise Camera

Cameras were one thing everyone wanted back then, but the only thing coming between these
devices and photographers was the fact that cameras were bulky, heavy and unattractive boxes.
Reise Camera

In the year 1900, The Reise Camera changed it all. This was the world’s first truly portable camera,
with its ability to be folded into a compact shape and being extremely light weight as compared to
other models available on the market, this was the thing for people who were looking to travel
around and shoot photos.
1925 – The Leica I
Leica I

You may have heard of 35mm films, the standard format for film photography for decades. Leica
I was the first compact camera that packed a superb f/3.5 lens and was able to shoot photos on
35mm films.
Modern cameras that we use today started to come into existence at this stage.

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1947 – Polaroid Model 95

Polaroid Model 95

While more and more new cameras were being launched onto the market, a camera became a
household object everywhere.
However, the whole process of taking a photo and developing the final photograph from the
negatives was a tedious and time consuming job.
A company named Polaroid recognized this problem and decided to compress this whole process
into a matter of seconds.
Thus came Polaroid Model 95 onto the market. With this camera photographers could just take a
shot and get the photo printed on a special paper supplied by Polaroid itself in minutes.
Well, at this stage, instant photography was a reality and gave a new turn to the evolution of
1975 – Kodak Digital Camera
Kodak Digital Camera

Cameras have moved from bulky boxes to portable ones, and the lengthy process of developing a
photo has been zipped to a few minutes.
However, in the year 1975, Steven Sasson of Kodak, developed the world’s first digital camera. It
was a modified version of a Nikon SLR, coupled with a digital CCD sensor used to capture light
information, and a tape recorder meant for storing the processed photograph.

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1986 – Fuji QuickSnap

Fuji QuickSnap

Though cameras had evolved a lot in all these years, there was still one thing that was keeping this
superb device out of the reach of many around the world – the price.
Fujifilm, a film and camera making company completely shattered that barrier by inventing the
world’s first single use disposable camera, the Fuji QuickSnap.
Each of these cameras were worth only $4, and could capture 27 shots with its inbuilt film supplied
by Fujifilm. Once the film was taken out and the photos developed, these cameras were nothing
but a good toy for your kid.
However, taking into consideration its performance and the number of shots it could take at that
price point it was really very economical.
This invention showed the camera industry a glimpse into the future, with everything being
digitized and things being done at less time. However, it was in 1991 when the first digital camera
was made available on the market at a hefty price tag of $13,000 for people to buy.
2000 – Sharp J-SH04
Sharp J-SH04

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There was no doubt that cameras were getting smaller, more advanced and even digital as days
were passing by, but how compact one could have imagined a camera to be back then?
Apparently small enough to fit on a cell phone and take pictures on the go. Sharp introduced a cell
phone in the year 2000 which had a tiny camera installed on the back panel and which could shoot,
process and display photos on the cell phone display instantly.
This was the world’s first cell phone with an inbuilt digital camera, and it paved the way for today’s
cell phones which boast high quality digital cameras on their back.
2007 – Apple iPhone
With the invention of a revolutionary smartphone, the Apple iPhone in the year 2007, digital
cameras in cell phones got a new life.
Apple iPhone

The iPhone camera had superb imaging technology and delivered great photos in every lighting
It was capable enough to give traditional point and shoot digital cameras a run for their money,
and turbo charged the growth of tiny cameras.
2008 – GoPro HD HERO

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While everyone else was focusing on creating cameras that were to be used to capture indoor and
outdoor moments by regular customers, GoPro was trying to develop something for the people
who were more adventurous and were looking forward to capture their adventurous moments.
With HD HERO, GoPro introduced a camera that was able to shoot videos at 1080p and could be
taken along with you on mountain biking, surfing or any other adventurous sport that you can think
Do you know, when Felix Baumgartner jumped from space the whole event was recorded with the
help of 6 GoPro cameras strapped to his suit? Talk about tough, GoPro can beat anyone.
High-end DSLRs such as the Canon EOS 1D-C offer superb image quality and video recording at
4K resolution in a compact body. Who thought that a compact camera like this could actually offer
movie quality video recording and could actually have the potential to replace the huge movie
cameras we are accustomed to?
Canon EOS 1D-C
We surely have come a long way from the
year 1500. But is this the end of this
fabulous development? Certainly not.
Imagine if you could in the near future have
the raw power of a DSLR put into a camera
the size of a coin. A designer named
Funamizu imagined this and even designed
a 3D model of how it might look, if

Future Camera
This little camera would be attached
anywhere and would transmit captured
photos wirelessly to nearby devices
instantly. Just imagine how cool would that
It would solve the problem of carrying a
bulky DSLR to places, when you could
have a coin sized DSLR right inside your
Though there isn’t any official development going on for this idea, let’s hope it becomes a reality.
And if it does, this will be a major leap for the photographic industry.

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3. Identify the different parts of a computer.

Parts of the Computer
Basic Components
• Case or Tower - This is the plastic box that contains the computer.
Housed in the case, you will find the floppy drive, CD ROM drive, and
the main components of the computer. Some of these are the hard
drive, motherboard and the processor chip (CPU). The case keeps
them neatly and safely together.
• Monitor or Screen - This is the TV-type screen on which you see
the work you are doing on your computer.
• Mouse - The mouse allows you to move, select and click on objects.
• Keyboard - The keyboard is used to type in information and operate
the computer.
• Speakers - Sometimes speakers are connected to the computer so
that you can hear music and sound.
• Microphone - A microphone can provide a way to talk through or to
the computer.
• Printer - A device that makes a printed copy of your work on a sheet
of paper.
• Internal Components
• Power Supply
A power supply changes normal household electricity into electricity that a computer
can use.
• Hard Drive
A hard drive is the primary device that a computer uses to store information
• Expansion Card
An expansion card lets you add new features to a computer.
• Expansion Slot
An expansion slot is a socket on the motherboard that expansion cards plugs into.
• Motherboard
The motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer. All computer components
attached to the motherboard.
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU processes instructions, performs calculations and manages the flow of
information through a computer.
• Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM temporarily stores information inside a computer. The Information is lost when
computer is turned off.
A CD-ROM drive reads information stored in compact discs (CDs).

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• Drive Bay
A drive bay is the space inside the computer case where a hard drive, floppy drive or
CD ROM drive sits.
• Floppy Drive
A floppy drive stores and retrieves information on floppy disks.
Component Functions
1. CPU: The CPU is the brains of the computer. All information goes through the CPU to be
processed. The latest CPUs execute many millions of instructions per second.
2. MEMORY: Memory is where the information is stored.
a. RAM: Random Access Memory stores programs and data as it is used. The information
in RAM is lost when the power is turned off.
b. ROM: Read Only Memory stores start up and basic operating information.
3. DISKS: Disks are where large amounts of information are stored, even when the power is off.
a. Floppy Disks - Information can be written to and read from floppy disks. The
advantage of floppy disks is that they can be removed from the computer and the data
taken to another machine.
b. Hard disks - Hard disks are not removable like floppy disks but hold more information.
c. CD ROMs - Compact Disk Read Only Memory. They are useful for storing large
amounts of data. A CD ROM holds about 650 MB of data and is removable.
4. Input/Output Components: Allow a computer to communicate with the outside world.
Following are some examples of Input/Output devices.
a. Keyboard is used to enter information from the user to the computer.
b. Monitors are used to display information.
c. Video controller is a board in the computer that controls the monitor. It translates the
data in the video memory into symbols on the monitor.
d. Parallel/Serial ports allow the computer to send data to and receive data from printers,
modems, etc.
e. Mouse and Joystick are used to input positional information to the computer.
f. Network Interface Card – A NIC connects the computer to a network. Networks are a
high-speed method of transferring data from one computer to another.

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4. Know the difference between hardware and software.

Hardware and Software are the two basic parts of a computer system.
• Hardware
Hardware is any part of a computer system you can see or touch.
a. Peripheral
A peripheral is any piece of hardware attached to a computer, such as a
• Software
Software is a set of electronic instructions that tell a computer what to do. You cannot
see or touch software, but you can see and touch the packaging the software comes in.
a. Application Software
Application software lets you accomplish specific tasks. Popular
application software includes Microsoft Word, Excel, Access,
WordPerfect, Acrobat Reader, Internet Explorer, etc.
b. Operating System Software
Operating system software controls the overall activity of a computer.
Some examples of operating systems are Windows, Unix Linux, DOS,

Difference between Hardware and Software:

Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, whereas software is a
collection of programming code installed on your computer's hard drive. In other words, hardware
is something you can hold in your hand, whereas software cannot be held in your hand. You can
touch hardware, but you cannot touch software. Hardware is physical, and software is virtual.

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5. Discuss the functions and interconnection of the different hardware

parts of a computer.
• Power Supply: The power supply converts the alternating current (AC) from your
mains (110V input or 220V input) to the direct current (DC) needed by the computer
2. In a PC, the power supply is the metal box usually found in a corner of the case. The
power supply is visible from the back of many systems because it contains the power-
cord receptacle and the cooling fan. Power supplies - often referred to as switching
power supplies, use switcher technology to convert the AC input to lower DC voltages.
The typical voltages produced are: 3.3 volts, 5 volts, 12 volts
The form factor of the power supply refers to its general shape and dimensions. The
form factor of the power supply must match that of the case that it is supposed to go
into, and the motherboard it is to power.
• Heat Sinks/Fans: As processors, graphics cards, RAM and other components in
computers have increased in speed and power consumption, the amount of heat
produced by these components as a side-effect of normal operation has also increased.
These components need to be kept within a specified temperature range to prevent
overheating, instability, malfunction and damage leading to a shortened component
lifespan. Other devices which need to be cooled include the power supply unit,
optoelectronic devices such as higher-power lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs)
and hard disks.
• A heat sink is a heat exchanger component attached to a device used for passive
cooling. It is designed to increase the surface area in contact with the cooling fluid
surrounding it, such as the air thus allowing it to remove more heat per unit time. Other
factors which improve the thermal performance of a heat sink are the approach air
velocity, choice of material – usually an aluminum alloy due to its high thermal
conductivity values (229 W/mºK), fin (or other protrusion) design and surface
• The approach air velocity depends on the attached or nearby fan. When there is no air
flow around the heat sink, energy cannot be transferred. A computer fan is any fan
inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and may refer to fans
that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or move
air across a heat sink to cool a particular component.
• Case: A computer case (also known as a computer chassis, cabinet, box, tower,
enclosure, housing, system unit or simply case) is the enclosure that contains most of
the components of a computer (usually excluding the display, keyboard and mouse). If
you are building your own computer selecting the case will be one of your first choices
to make: the type of case, its size, orientation, the number of bays you will need etc.
• Motherboard: The motherboard is the key circuit board holding the essential
processing parts of a computer. It allows all the parts of your computer to receive power
and communicate with one another. It is usually screwed to the case along its largest
face, which could be the bottom or the side of the case depending on the form factor

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and orientation. The form factor describes the shape and layout of the motherboard. It
affects where individual components go and the shape of the computer's case. Attached
directly to the motherboard are the CPU, RAM, expansion cards, networking, video,
and audio components.
• Expansion Cards: Special expansion cards are one way to add new types of ports to
an older computer or to expand the number of ports on your computer. Like other
expansion cards, these cards clip into an open expansion slot on the motherboard.
• Video (Graphics) Card: A dedicated video card (or video adapter) is an expansion
card installed inside your system unit to translate binary data received from the CPU
or GPU into the images you view on your monitor. It is an alternative to the integrated
graphics chip. Modern video cards include ports allowing you to connect to different
video equipment; also they contain their own RAM, called video memory. Video cards
also come with their own processors or GPUs. Calls to the CPU for graphics
processing are redirected to the processor on the video card, significantly speeding up
graphics processing. Updating to a dedicated graphics card offloads work from the CPU
and system RAM, so not only will graphics processing be faster, but the system’s
overall performance will improve. The video card also controls the number of colors
your monitor can display. The number of bits the video card uses to represent each
pixel on the monitor (referred to as the bit depth) determines the color quality of the
image displayed. The more bits available, the better the color detail of the image.
• Sound Card Figure: Sound cards attached to the motherboard and enabled your
computer to record and reproduce sounds. Most computers ship with a basic sound
card, most often a 3D sound card. 3D sound is better than stereo sound at convincing
the human ear that sound is omnidirectional, meaning that you can’t tell what direction
the sound is coming from. This tends to produce a fuller, richer sound than stereo sound.
To set up surround sound on your computer, you need two things: a set of surround-
sound speakers and a sound card that is Dolby Digital compatible. There are many
formats to choose from such as Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital Plus, and Dolby
TrueHD. The ports on the sound card allow you to connect additional audio devices
such as amplified speakers, headphones, microphones etc.
• Network Card: An Ethernet network requires that you install or attach network
adapters to each computer or peripheral you want to connect to the network. Most
computers come with Ethernet adapters preinstalled as network interface cards (NICs).
If your computer doesn’t have a NIC, your options are: buy one and install it, or use a
USB adapter, which you plug into any open USB port on the system unit.
• RAM Memory: Random access memory (RAM) is a series of small cards or modules
plugged into slots on the motherboard. The CPU can request any data in RAM. It is
then located, opened, and delivered to the CPU for processing in a few billionths of a
second. Since all the contents of RAM are erased when you turn off the computer,
RAM is the temporary or volatile storage location for the computer.

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6. Learn the different number systems:

Number Systems
The number system is a way to represent or express numbers. You have heard of various types of
number systems such as the whole numbers and the real numbers. But in the context of computers,
we define other types of number systems. They are:
• The decimal number system
• The binary number system
• The octal number system and
• The hexadecimal number system
Decimal Number System (Base 10)
In this number system, the digits 0 to 9 represents numbers. As it uses 10 digits to represent a
number, it is also called the base 10 number system. Each digit has a value based on its position
called place value. The value of the position increases by 10 times as we move from right to left
in the number.
For example, the value of 786 is
= 7 x 102 + 8 x 101 + 6 x 100
= 700 + 80 + 6
Binary Number System (Base 2)
A computer can understand only the “on” and “off” state of a switch. These two states are
represented by 1 and 0. The combination of 1 and 0 form binary numbers. These numbers represent
various data. As two digits are used to represent numbers, it is called a binary or base 2 number
The binary number system uses positional notation. But in this case, each digit is multiplied by the
appropriate power of two based on its position.
For example, (101101)2 in decimal is
= 1 x 25 + 0 x 24 + 1 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20
= 1 x 32 + 0 x 16 + 1 x 8 + 1 x 4 + 0 x 2 + 1 x 1
= 32 + 8 + 4 + 1
= (45)10

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Units of measurement of data

Machine language is binary. And so it is necessary to discuss how to measure the data stored in a
computer. Bit and Byte are the units to measure data.
• Bit
The term ‘bit’ is a contraction of the words ‘binary’ and ‘digit’. It is the smallest unit of
memory or instruction that can be given or stored on a computer. A bit is either a 0 or a 1.
The number in the above example is a 6-bit number as it has 6 binary digits (0s and 1s).
• Byte
A group of 8 bits like 01100001 is a byte. Combination of bytes comes with various names
like the kilobyte. One kilobyte is a collection of 1000 bytes. A word or letter like ‘A’ or
‘G’ is worth 8 bits or one byte. One thousand bytes make up a kilobyte (one thousand
letters approximately). 1024 kilobytes form a Megabyte (Mb) and so on.

Octal Number System (Base 8)

This system uses digits 0 to 7 (i.e. 8 digits) to represent a number and the numbers are as a base of
For example, (24)8 in decimal is
= 2×81+4×80
= (20)10
Hexadecimal Number System (Base 16)
In this system, 16 digits used to represent a given number. Thus it is also known as the base 16
number system. Each digit position represents a power of 16. As the base is greater than 10, the
number system is supplemented by letters. Following are the hexadecimal symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

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To take A, B, C, D, E, and F as part of the number system is conventional and has no logical or
deductive reason.

Number System Chart

Name Base Symbols Example

Decimal 10 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (2795)10

Binary 2 0,1 111000010

Octal 8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (1576)8

Hexadecimal 16 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 3DB

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7. How to convert values between number systems?

Conversions: Decimal to Others
To convert from decimal to other number systems, we use a repeated process of division and
dividing remainders.
We begin by taking the largest power of our new base and dividing our original number by the
new base. The quotient gives us our digit, and the process is repeated on the remainder. This
process has to be repeated until we divide by the final 1 to get the last digit.
Let's convert the number 35 from decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
In converting to binary, we need to know the powers of 2, which are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and so
on. We'll start with 32, since 32 is smaller than our initial number of 35, and 64 is larger.
35 ÷ 32 = 1, remainder 3 -> The first digit is 1
3 ÷ 16 = 0, remainder 3 -> the second digit is 0
3 ÷ 8 = 0, remainder 3 -> the third digit is 0
3 ÷ 4 = 0, remainder 3 -> the third digit is 0
3 ÷ 2 = 1, remainder 1 -> the fourth digit is 1
1 ÷ 1 = 1, remainder 0, the fifth digit is 1.
The answer is that 35 decimal = 100011 binary.
In converting to octal, we need to know the powers of 8, which are 1, 8, 64, 512, and so on. We'll
start with 8, since 8 is smaller than our initial number of 35, and 64 is larger.
35 ÷ 8 = 4, remainder 3 -> The first digit is 4
3 ÷ 1 = 3, remainder 0 -> The second digit is 3.
The answer is that 35 decimal = 43 octal.
In converting to hexadecimal, we'll use the powers of 16: 1, 16, 256, and so on. We start with 16,
since 16 is smaller than our initial number of 35, and 256 is larger.
35 ÷ 16 = 2, remainder 3 -> The first digit is 2.
3 ÷ 1 = 3, remainder 0 -> The second digit is 3.
The answer is that 35 decimal = 23 hexadecimal.
Conversions: Binary to Others
To convert from binary to decimal, we use a process of multiplication and addition.

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To convert the binary number 0110 1010 to decimal, we take each digit, from right to left, multiply
it by the place value, and add to our running total.
0 × 1 = 0, add 0
1 × 2 = 2, add 2, get 2
0 × 4 = 0, add 0, get 2
1 × 8 = 8, add 8, get 10
0 × 16 = 0, add 0, get 10
1 × 32 = 32, add 32, get 42
1 × 64 = 64, add 64, get 106
0 × 128 = 0, add 0, get 106.
The answer is that 0110 1010 binary = 106 decimal.
To convert from binary to octal, we can take a shortcut. Each octal digit represents 3 bits, and
we can make groups of 3 bits, from right to left, and convert to octal digits directly.
0110 1001 regroups as 01 101 010.
010 -> 2
101 -> 5
01 -> 1
The answer then is 0110 1010 binary = 152 octal.
To convert from binary to hexadecimal, we take a similar shortcut to the one in octal. Each
hexadecimal digit represents 4 bits, so we can take groups of 4 bits, from right to left, and convert
to hexadecimal digits directly. Remember that if the number is more than 10, we use the letters A,
B, C, D, E, and F.
0110 1010 is already grouped into sets of four bits.
1010 -> A
0110 -> 6
The answer then is 0110 1010 binary = 6A hexadecimal.
Conversions: Octal to Others
To convert from octal to decimal, we use a process of multiplication and addition.
To convert the octal number 123 to decimal, we take each digit, from right to left, multiply it by
the place value, and add to our running total.

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3 × 1 = 3, add 3
2 × 8 = 16, add 16, get 19
1 × 64 = 64, add 64, get 83.
The answer then is 123 octal = 83 decimal.
To convert from octal to binary, we can take a shortcut. Because each octal digit represents 3
bits, we simply expand each octal digit into the 3 bits it represents. This process can be done from
left to right.
1 -> 001
2 -> 010
3 -> 011
To convert from octal to hexadecimal, When converting from octal to hexadecimal, it is often
easier to first convert the octal number into binary and then from binary into hexadecimal. For
example, to convert 345 octal into hex:
Octal = 3 4 5
Binary = 011 100 101 = 011100101 binary
Drop any leading zeros or pad with leading zeros to get groups of four binary digits (bits):
Binary 011100101 = 1110 0101
Then, look up the groups in a table to convert to hexadecimal digits.

Binary: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111

Hexadecimal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Binary: 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

Hexadecimal: 8 9 A B C D E F

Binary = 1110 0101

Hexadecimal = E 5 = E5 hex
Therefore, through a two-step conversion process, octal 345 equals binary 011100101 equals
hexadecimal E5.

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8. How to do arithmetic operations in binary number system?

Arithmetic operations in binary number system:
The arithmetic operations of binary numbers, namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division of binary numbers are almost similar to those of decimal system.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of binary numbers can be made by following the
usual rules of arithmetic.
Just like the decimal system, the following basic laws hold good in binary system:
i. Unique Existence Law: The sum and product of any two numbers exist uniquely.
We should also note that 0 is the identity element for addition and 1 is the identity element
for multiplication.
ii. Associative Law: Addition and multiplication of binary numbers are associative.
iii. Commutative Law: Addition and multiplication of binary numbers are commutative.
iv. Distributive Law: Multiplication of binary numbers is distributive over two or more terms
in addition.

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9. How data are stored in a computer?

All data stored on storage media – whether that’s hard disk drives (HDDs), solid state drives
(SSDs), external hard drives, USB flash drives, SD cards etc – can be converted to a string of bits,
otherwise known as binary digits. These binary digits have a value of 1 or 0, and the strings can
make up photos, documents, audio and video. A byte is the most common unit of storage and is
equal to 8 bits.
All data in a computer is stored as a number. For example, letters become numbers; the Complete
Works of Shakespeare is around 1250 pages in print, contains 40 million bits, with one byte per
letter, totalling five megabytes (5MB). Photographs are converted to a set of numbers that indicate
the location, colour and brightness of each pixel. Whereas convention numbers use ten digits (0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), binary numbers use two digits to represent all possible values. The
conventions numbers 0-8 translate into binary numbers as: 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111 and
1000. With binary numbers, any value can be stored as a series of items which are either true (1)
or false (0).
Binary data is primarily stored on the hard disk drive (HDD). The device is made up of a spinning
disk (or disks) with magnetic coatings and heads that can both read and write information in the
form of magnetic patterns. In addition to hard disk drives, floppy disks and tapes also store data
magnetically. Newer laptops, as well as mobile phones, tablets, USB flash drives and SD cards,
use solid state (or flash) storage. With this storage medium, the binary numbers are instead stored
as a series of electrical charges within the NAND flash chips. Because all data is made up of a
string of binary numbers, just one number out of place can cause a file to become corrupt.

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10. Explain computer storage units and computer speed units:

Computer Storage Units
• Bit
The smallest unit of data in a computer is called Bit (Binary Digit). A bit has a single binary
value, either 0 or 1. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. The value of
a bit is usually stored as either above or below a designated level of electrical charge in a
single capacitor within a memory device.
• Nibble
Half a byte (four bits) is called a nibble.
• Byte
In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. A byte is
the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number or typographic
symbol (for example, “g”, “5”, or “?”). A byte can also hold a string of bits that need to be
used in some larger unit of application purposes (for example, the stream of bits that
constitute a visual image for a program that displays images or the string of bits that
constitutes the machine code of a computer program).
• In some computer systems, four bytes constitute a word, a unit that a computer processor
can be designed to handle efficiently as it reads and processes each instruction. Some
computer processors can handle two-byte or single-byte instructions.
• A byte is abbreviated with a “B”. (A bit is abbreviated with a small “b”). Computer storage
is usually measured in byte multiples. For example, an 820 MB hard drive holds a nominal
820 million bytes – or megabytes – of data. Byte multiples are based on powers of 2 and
commonly expressed as a “rounded off” decimal number. For example, one megabyte
(“one million bytes”) is actually 1,048,576 (decimal) bytes.
• Octet
In some systems, the term octet is used for an eight-bit unit instead of byte. In many
systems, four eight-bit bytes or octets form a 32-bit word. In such systems, instructions
lengths are sometimes expressed as full-word (32 bits in length) or half-word (16 bits in
• Kilobyte
A Kilobyte (kb or Kbyte) is approximately a thousand bytes (actually, 2 to the 10th power,
or decimal 1,024 bytes).
• Megabyte
As a measure of computer processor storage and real and virtual memory, a megabyte
(abbreviated MB) is 2 to the 20th power byte, or 1,048,576 bytes in decimal notation.

• Gigabyte
A Gigabyte (pronounced Gig-a-bite with hard G’s) is a measure of computer data storage
capacity and is “roughly” a billion bytes. A gigabyte is two to the 30th power, or
1,073,741,824 in decimal notation.
• Terabyte

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• A Terabyte is a measure of computer storage capacity and is 2 to the 40th power of 1024
• Petabyte
A Petabyte (PB) is a measure of memory or storage capacity and is 2 to the 50th power
bytes or, in decimal, approximately a thousand terabytes (1024 terabytes).
• Exabyte
An Exabyte (EB) is a large unit of computer data storage, two to the sixtieth power bytes.
The prefix exa means one billion billion, or on quintillion, which is a decimal term. Two
to the sixtieth power is actually 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes in decimal, or somewhat
over a quintillion (or ten to the eighteenth power) bytes. It is common to say that an Exabyte
is approximately one quintillion bytes. In decimal terms, an Exabyte is a billion gigabytes.
• Zettabyte
A Zettabyte (ZB) is equal to one sextillion bytes. It is commonly abbreviated ZB. At this
time, no computer has one Zettabyte of storage. It has 1024 Exabytes.
• Yottabyte
A Yottabyte is equal to one septillion bytes. It is commonly abbreviated YB. At this time,
no computer has one Zettabyte of storage. It has 1024 Zettabytes.
Computer speed units
• Hertz (Hz)
A measurement used to describe the speed of a processors clock.
• Megahertz (MHz)
One million clock cycles (or pulses) per second.
• Gigahertz (GHz)
One billion clock cycles (or pulses) per second.

The speed of a computer is measured in hertz (HZ).

• 1 Kilohertz (KHz) = 1024 cycles per second
• 1 Megahertz (MHz) = 1,048,576 cycles per second
• 1 Gigahertz (GHz) = 1,073,741,824 cycles per second (Approximately 1 billion)

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11. Try making a code with your friends and try to communicate with
them using that code. Explain the experience on how the
communication process went.
The communication process went on and off because I and my friend are having a
hard time deciphering the given code but finding out what the message content is
using codes is a fun and unique experience for us.
The first chat I sent was just a simple "Hello" but it takes my friend time to figure
out what my message means because it's made with codes, she is puzzled about what
I've just sent her, later she realizes it's just a "Hello" she's laughing while talking
about how curious she's about my message.
It's a new experience for us to use codes as we don’t usually do it, because it's not
something that we can use every time in our chats, sometimes we don't have time to
decipher codes to find out what the other messages.

September 16, 2020 33


Monica Adelina S. Olimpo

Santa Rita Capas, Tarlac

An enthusiastic civil engineer eager to work in an organization that will help to
develop learning, expertise, and skills.

Capas High School
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM)
April 2020
Research: Fermented Fish Internal Organs and Molasses as a Natural
Fertilizer for Pechay

Tarlac State University

Romulo Blvd. San Vicente 2300 Tarlac
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Major in Structural Engineering
August 2020

• Languages: English, Filipino, Kapampangan
• Active listening
• Typing/word processing
• Time management
• Drawing

Honors and Distinctions

• Academic Excellence Award with Honors 2019-2020
• Academic Excellence Award with Honors 2018-2019
• Academic Excellence Award with Honors 2017-2018
• Academic Excellence Award with Honors 2013-2014

September 16, 2020 34

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