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You’ve got a big project to work on called SuperPizza and take the

opportunity to talk about it.

9h45-12h30: project work

Your task consists of using the mock-up designed and make the site look as
close as possible to it. This is what we call web integration.

Most of the code you’ll write will be HTML and CSS but you’ll sometimes
need to code in JavaScript to integrate certain functionalities. You’ll use the
jQuery library to create more complex things such as a tab system or a

12h30-13h30: lunch break

13h30: back to work

18h10: final touches

The product page looks ready!

You’re sending your Git code to share it with other developers.

You’re warning Matthew, the CTO, that you’re done. His reply is: ‘Great!
I’ll have a look at it to check that everything’s in order and I’ll see if there’s
any modification to be made.

I am a senior developer at a mobile development company.

Typically my day begins by getting a morning beverage and looking at my

email and calendar. If it's a Monday we'll have a scrum meeting around 9
am. So typically I will review commits from over the weekend or browse
r/webdev, r/netsec. Any other day of the week I typically jump into what
ever project I was working on and begin writing code. We break frequently
to play games, get water, have a discussion or take a walk outside. I'm
expected throughout the day to maintain a kanban board with my tasks for
the current project and log hours against those tasks. A full day is
considered 6 hours (we work 8 hour days).

Other responsibilities include mentoring juniors, front end and back end
development for my current project.

Stress levels are low and projects are well managed.

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