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An organized course of actions to promote and sell a service

Ex: The company has launched its new marketing campaign



The Systematic computational analisis of data or statistics

Ex: Content Analytics is useful in many industries.

information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or


Ex.: these analytics can help you decide if it's time to deliver
content in different ways

They help you to discover patterns in data, to analyze trends, to

make actionable insights and thus develop better informed
marketing decisions.
Includes regular entries, description of events, potos, videos…

It’s important for inbound marketing (it allows you to attract

clients through interesting content). Why? Because it includes
many important strategies, such as Website Traffic, Thought
Leadership, Lead Generation… Lead, is someone who has given
your company his personal data and so you can interact with
him or her.

It stands for Clickthrough Rate. It consists on engaging the
people who visit your webpage. The goal is that they don’t click
only in the landingpage but that they keep clicking and
navigating through your contents. CTR measures the number of
cicks your web receives divided by the number of opportunities
they have to click.
a promise to meet or be present at a particular place and time.

It happens when someone visits your webpage, blog, social

media… more tan once. It means that he or she is fond of your
content and has begun to follow you.

It can be measured with a metric called Engagement Rate, which

measures the number of likes, Shares, Comments…

Non-intrusive techniques used to contacting with your client in
the first steps of the campaign and going along with him/her up
to the end of the process. Content marketing is used, and it
involves social network, email, social marketing...
A web specifically desgined to convert visitors into leads. It must
seduce the visitor so that he or she exchange their personal
information. It can be either a consultation, a form...

In short, someone who has shown interest in your product.
It means SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. It is used merely to
attract visitors to your pages. They must be quality visitors, that
is, people who are really interested on your brand. From quality,
you must reach quantity.

It means SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, and consists in
positioning your sites.

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