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Term paper – 1
Submitted to Adiba Murtaza
Submitted by Ajmeri Jahan
ID: 2017220200025
Batch: 38

My English language learning process

Bangla is our mother tongue but English is our second language, because it is the only
language to communicate internationally. Many countries include English in their school
syllabus and children are starting to learn at a younger age.
Whether you are looking for a new job or planning to travel the world, studying English can help
you progress in life both personally & professionally. English is a global language. Learning
English can help us meet new people.
English is already included in our school syllabus. So, from my childhood I have been practicing
English but never exercised English as a second language until I reached class 9. Then I
became interested to learn more and more in English. But as I am from a small town, though I
was very interested but I could never learn properly, as our school syllabus only teaches the
conventional way. It’s based on grammar and some particular rules, so it made me feel English
was a tough language to learn. I could write some in English and sit for the exams but never
could speak fluently.
As I started university life, and started studying B.A. Hons in English, I started practicing to
speak in English properly. Also the conventional ways of learning English in school life was not
there. People motivated me to speak in English even if I am making mistakes and this is how
spoken English became easier for me along with listening and writing. After getting married, my
husband and his family motivated me to study this subject. Also my husband communicates in
English to make me speak more fluently.

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