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Child: I remember being a little boy watching TV an enjoying my favorite

programs. I did everything under the protection of my parents.
I was very happy because my parents gave me everything such as: good food,
love and sometimes money.
Talking about money I did not obtain it for myself. I used to ask it to my
parents, and if they considered a good idea give me money, they did it
because they had to analyze the reasons why I am asking for.
When I was a child I used to dance at my family is parties to receive some
coins and saved it.
Adolescent: when I was adolescent I used to get my money in two ways: the
first one was asking money to my parents to buy my basic supplies, and the
second one was going some part times jobs to cover my extra things.
When I was young my favorite part time job was selling books in a library
store in the morning, and in the afternoon I went to the school.
I did it because my need has increased more than before.
Now: it is a different story.
As soon as I left the high school my need changed. Now I get money working
part time in PIZZA HUT, I also get money teaching chemistry classes to my
classmates and my parents still give me tips for doing that.

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