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Đề 1: write about community activities

In Vietnam, most people do volunteer work and so do I. At my age, I have not been able to
donate blood, so I often donate books, toys, and clothes to street children. I usually do this job
with my mother. Last weekend, I just donated books and clothes to a charity. Here, I met
orphans. I played with them. Then I gave them candy. All were thrilled. Some people think that
volunteering is a waste of time but in my opinion, volunteering helps me relax after school and
keeps me healthy. When I do this work, I feel very happy that I have brought them happiness
Đề 2: Write about your hobbies
Cooking is my favorite hobby. My mother taught me how to cook my first dish when I was 4
years old. Some people say that cooking takes time, but I find this hobby very interesting and
meaningful. I enjoy trying out new dishes for people and families to enjoy. The feeling of
making the family happy with homemade food is great. I often collect recipes from my mother.
Sometimes I also get recipes from the internet. Then I write them down in a notebook. I hope to
become a good chef and have my own cookbook in the future.

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