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Topic 1:

In my free time, I like reading books. I usually do it alone or with my best

friend at home or in a coffee shop. It's really interesting. I can do it everytime,
everywhere when I have free time. .Through the pages of books, I can learn
many things about the world: comics will help me entertain after tiring classes or
foreign books will give me new words and even specialized books. will give me
useful knowledge.
Topic 2:
Housework in my family is usually divided among all family members such as
my father cleans the house, my mother washes clothes, my younger brother
cooks, I wash dishes, and sweep the floor. My family members don't mind doing
housework. Sharing housework helps my family understand each other better,
making my family warmer and happier.
Topic 3:
I prefer to buy quality clothes to cheap clothes on sale because of its quality.
Quality clothes always has better quality than cheap clothes, it last longer than
cheap clothes. I usually buy my clothes in clothes shop because it has many
brand in here for me to choose. I go shopping with my mother because she has
very nice fashion sense.
Topic 4:
I have done a volunteer work, it is donating clothes to disadvantaged children.
When I can help other people, I feel very happy. I will do some volunteer work in
the future because I can find new friend, help people have a better life and
maybe I will find my prince when I do charity. I hope there are more and more
charity organizations as well as endowments to help needy people.
Topic 5:
In the future, gender equality will become more and more widespread. Men
can also do housework, women can also make money. Husband and wife should
share housework with each other. Women will become equal to men. Gender
equality will make families happier. And the children will grow up in a happy
family atmosphere and will learn this and teach it to their children.
Topic 6:
My favourite leisure activity is getting involved in outdoor activities. It may be
go jogging or ride a bike. I can ride around the city admiring the beautiful lakes
and peaceful parks. It’s very interesting. Well, the leisure activity I don’t like is
watching TV. It takes me become more fat and slow. Leisure activity help me
reduce stress and become happy.
Topic 7:
In Vietnam, there are a charity organization called SOS Children's Village.
Its aim is to give orphans, abandoned children, and helpless children a perfect
family home. They will be raised with love, respect and safety. I want to take part
in this charity because I think these children are very pitiful and I want to hel
them to have better life.

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