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Assignment 3

Ten Techniques Practiced By You To Impress Your Parents

1. Realize that no matter how high you reach you will always be their girl.
They are the one who raised me with love and care. I often tell them that they are my happiness
and i also makes them happy to impress them. I won’t forget them because i know their sacrifices
for me and they value my satisfaction and wants more than their needs.
2. Spend quality time with them.
I will spend my time with them as much i can. I never let my parents feel lonely so i’ll disturb
them at all the times and do funny things to make them laugh. I also share my things with them
and ask for their opinion.
3. Apologize for your mistakes.
Sometimes i lose my temper and shout at them without my consciousness. They knew that i don’t
mean it and forgiven me already without getting hatred. Finally i will admit my mistake and ask
them sorry to impress them for forgiving me.
4. Capture memories with them.
I used to capture memories with my parents by taking selfies and recording tiktoks. My parents
love small things and one of the things are capturing memorable moments with them during
outings and trips.
5. Gift them surprisingly.
Gifts are always special and welcoming. I used to surprise them along with my little sister by
calling guests and neighbors for cake cutting during their birthday, wedding day and other special
occasions. We used to give gifts to express our love towards them.
6. Make your parents proud.
I make my parents proud by earning good name from the surroundings. As of now, they are proud
of me for my grades, academics and cash awards. Once i received a cash award for the total of
65000/- for department ranks in UG level, they were really impressed and proud of me. I will
make them more proud in future.
7. Have dinner together.
I used to have dinner with my parents that gives me a chance to enjoy a meal together and to talk
about my day. I’ll try to cherish the time with them by sharing funny moments of the day.
8. Be Smart with your money.
My parents are not going to be impressed, if i recklessly spend their money. So i used to save
each and every penny for my use. Even after getting job, i’ll try to handle my money and
9. Help your parents.
I used to help my father by maintaining our shop until he comes back from home. My mom never
ask me for help but i’ll try to do small helps to her.
10. Understand them.
Parental love is timeless and unconditional. They gave me lots of freedom than other girls. So i
should understand them well and listen to their words to impress them.
Submitted by
Guru Preethi S (195111032)

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