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25 Cooking

barbecue frying pan

A Ways of cooking food
You boil potatoes or rice in a saucepan. saucepan
You can fry sausages in a frying pan.
You grill toast or meat under a grill.
You roast meat [using oil] in the oven.
You also bake cakes [without oil] in the oven.
You barbecue meat and fish on a barbecue.
Food which is not cooked is raw.

B Preparing and cooking food grill

Peel the potatoes [remove the skin] and boil them. oven
While they’re boiling, chop an onion. [cut it into small pieces]
Fry the onion before adding some chopped tomatoes. [putting them together with the onions]
Then stir it all for a few minutes. [move it around in a saucepan using a spoon]

C What does it taste like?

Chefs [people who cook food in a restaurant as a job] always taste the food [put a small amount in
their mouth to see what it is like] while they are cooking.
I don’t like the taste of too much garlic.
I tried the soup and it tasted a bit strange.
Michel’s food is very tasty [has a good taste].
Indian food is a bit too spicy for me [with a strong hot flavour].
You get ice cream in different flavours [the type of taste that food or drink has, e.g. vanilla, coffee,
strawberry, etc.].
Lena said her pasta was horrible [terrible, unpleasant], but I thought it was delicious [fantastic,
with a wonderful taste].

Language help
We use the word sour to describe the taste of lemons (opp sweet), but usually bitter
to describe coffee that is strong and has a sharp unpleasant taste (opp smooth).
Strong, dark chocolate can also be described as bitter, but this is not always negative.

D Are you a good cook?

I’m a bit nervous when I cook, so I always follow a recipe [the cooking
instructions for a particular dish, e.g. lasagne], and make sure I have all the
right ingredients [the different food you need to make a particular meal]
before I start. However, I am quite good at making pies, especially
apple pie. (Pie is pronounced /paɪ/ like ‘my’.)
apple pie
Common mistakes
A person who cooks well is a good cook (NOT a good cooker). The cooker is the large piece of
equipment you use for cooking. You could also say that you are good/bad at cooking (NOT
good/bad in cooking), e.g. I’m quite good at cooking fish.
Also we ‘cook’ a type of food, e.g. I’m cooking some beef, but we ‘make’ a dish, e.g. I’m making
dessert. (NOT I’m cooking dessert.)

56 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate


25.1 Write down five more ways of cooking food.

boil , , , , ,

25.2 How do you pronounce the underlined letters? Use the index to help you.
chef Is it like shoe or chief? shoe oven Is it like love or lonely?
raw Is it like now or door? pie Is it like pea or lie?
sour Is it like more or hour? saucepan Is it like four or flower?
25.3 Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. Write the correct word at the end.
1 The paella was very tasteful. tasty
2 My brother is a very good cooker.
3 Don’t forget to heat up the fry pan before you add the aubergine.
4 This chocolate is very sour.
5 I’m afraid my mother has never been very good in cooking.
6 You can buy this ice cream in five different tastes.
25.4 Which words are being defined?
1 The flavour that something has in your mouth when you eat it. taste
2 A person who cooks food as their job.
3 Having a good taste.
4 The large piece of equipment in the kitchen for cooking food.
5 The word to describe the taste of lemons.
6 Not cooked.
7 Having a fantastic taste. . The opposite is
25.5 Explain what the person did, using the correct word.
1 I got the list of food and cooking instructions. You got the recipe .
2 I bought all the food I needed for the dish. You bought all the .
3 First I removed the skin of the potatoes. You the potatoes.
4 I cooked the potatoes in water. You the potatoes.
5 Then I cut the onions into small pieces. You the onions.
6 I cooked the onions in a frying pan. You the onions.
7 I put the potatoes together with the onion. You the potatoes
to the onion.
8 I put in some milk and moved it round in the pan. You put in milk and it.
9 Then I put a little in my mouth to see what it was like. You it.

25.6 Over to you

Answer the questions. If possible, compare your answers with someone else.
1 Do you eat these things in your country?
a) raw fish b) roast beef c) fried rice d) baked potato e) barbecued chicken
2 Do you like these things?
a) bitter chocolate b) spicy food c) chocolate-flavoured ice cream d) the taste of garlic
3 How often do you cook food on a barbecue?
4 Are you a good cook? If so, what are you good at?

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate 57

9 The body and movement
A Parts of the body
The outer part of the body is covered in skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin.

lips neck shoulder

elbow breast


bottom hip wrist


heel toe

B Movements with your mouth, face and head

People breathe through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out about 12–15 times a
People smile when they’re happy, and sometimes smile at people to be polite.
People laugh at things which are funny.
People sometimes cry if they’re very unhappy, or receive bad news.
People in some countries nod their head [move it up and down] to mean ‘yes’, and shake their
head [move it from side to side] for ‘no’.
People often yawn when they’re tired, and sometimes when they’re bored.

C Common expressions

shake hands comb your blow your

with someone hair nose

fold your wave to

arms somebody

24 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate

9.1 Find ten more words for parts of the body, either across or down.

O N H N H N I toe

9.2 Match the words on the left with the words on the right.
1 shake e a your hair
2 wave b your nose
3 comb c to somebody
4 fold d your head
5 blow e hands
6 nod f your arms
9.3 Label the picture.

1 forehead

9.4 What do these actions often mean? (There may be several possible answers.)
1 People often smile when they’re happy.
2 They often breathe quickly after
3 They laugh
4 They may wave to somebody
5 They blow their nose
6 They shake their head
7 And nod their head
8 They cry
9 They yawn

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate 25

Pick the Pronoun

Think about whether the missing pronoun in each sentence is

being used as a subject or an object. Write the correct pronoun
form on the line to complete the sentence.

1. Samuel is in my class. ______________(He/Him) is my friend.

2. My mother and I bought some things at the store. The store will deliver them
to _________________(we/us).

3. I baked a cake for Grandma Shirley. I couldn’t wait until Sunday to give it to
______________ (she/her).

4. Uncle Joe is coming to visit in December. ___________(He/Him) will stay in

our guest room.

5. Our family is taking a trip to the Grand Canyon. Our neighbor is going to
watch our house for _______________(we/us).

6. Andrew and his sister will arrive on the next plane. I am going to pick
__________________ (they/them) up.

7. Next summer, Eric is taking the train to Oregon. _______________(He/Him)

already bought the train tickets.

8. Studying for school is important to Vanessa. _______________(She/Her)

wants to get good grades this year.

9. The television and the stereo were not working correctly. My dad asked the
man to repair ___________________ (they/them).

10. We’re planning to go to the movies on Saturday night. Would you like to
come with ____________________(we/us?)

11. Alice and Jennifer like to bake cookies. ________________ (They/Them)

are going to bake some this afternoon.

12. You and I have been friends for a very long time. ______________(We/Us)
will probably be friends forever!

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16-17[PERSONAL_PRONOUNS]-subject-and-object-pronoun-practice-3 419

Pronouns - quiz
Level A

1. Choose the right pronoun to correctly finish this sentence:

_________ need to follow me closely.

A) You
B) He
C) She
D) It

2. Lewis, Luke and Thomas were cross because ________ had waited ages for the bus.

A) them
B) he
C) they
D) it

3. Palvinder watched the children carefully as _________ crossed the road.

A) them
B) him
C) they
D) us

4. Hold the bag please while I put the shopping in ________ .

A) him
B) it
C) she
D) I

5. Melanie and I are going soon so you can come with _________ .

A) we
B) them
C) they
D) us

6. Thank you for collecting ________ .

A) me
B) he
C) she
D) they

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Pronouns - quiz
7. I wonder why Geoff rushed off. Did you upset _______ ?

A) he
B) him
C) we
D) they

8. _______ hope those flowers are for me.

A) We
B) Them
C) I
D) Him

9. Open the door. It's ______ .

A) I
B) they
C) me
D) she

10. Sarah wanted Lisa to follow ________.

A) she
B) they
C) I
D) her

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Pronouns - quiz
Level B

1. Choose the right personal pronoun to correctly finish this sentence:

They have taken the money. Please run after ________.

A) they
B) she
C) we
D) them

2. ______ thought the holiday would be ideal for us.

A) Him
B) Her
C) We
D) Me

3. I was stopped by a woman who wanted to ask ________ the way to the post office.

A) it
B) we
C) me
D) she

4. What is wrong with ______?

A) he
B) them
C) she
D) they

5. Ali and Marcus would like to invite ________ to the party too.

A) you
B) I
C) they
D) she

6. I can't find ________ anywhere.

A) it
B) he
C) she
D) they

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Pronouns - quiz
7. There is a message for ________ on the pad.

A) he
B) she
C) you
D) they

8. Now you're here, please go with _________.

A) we
B) they
C) she
D) them

9. My jumper doesn't fit anymore. I think I've shrunk __________.

A) he
B) she
C) it
D) I

10. What can ________ do about it?

A) him
B) her
C) you
D) us

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Pronouns - quiz
Level C

1. What does ‘it’ refer to?

Dad, can you take my coat and drop it off at the dry cleaner's?

A) Dad
B) coat
C) dry cleaner's

2. What does ‘it’ refer to?

They've just closed the post office and turned it into a coffee shop.

A) They
B) post office
C) coffee shop

3. What does ‘it’ refer to?

I put my coffee cup on the shelf next to the phone and now it's gone!

A) coffee cup
B) shelf
C) phone

4. What does ‘they’ refer to?

I asked at several shops for strawberries and the owners all told me they are out of season.

A) shops
B) strawberries
C) owners

5. What does ‘they’ refer to?

Those flowers on the tables look like little trumpets . What are they called?

A) flowers
B) tables
C) trumpets

6. Complete this sentence.

Paul is coming. Don't let _____ see us!

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Pronouns - quiz
A) his
B) him
C) he

7. What is the missing pronoun?

The children are coming out of school in a minute. I need to go and pick _____ up.

A) it
B) her
C) them

8. What is the missing pronoun?

‘Time to go to school, Sue. Have you got your keys?' 'I can't find _____'

A) their
B) them
C) they

9. What is the missing pronoun?

I tried to explain but Mum just hung up on ________.

A) me
B) I
C) mine

10. What is the missing pronoun?

Could you dry the dishes and put _____ away?

A) them
B) their
C) they

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