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Exam Problem written in English language:

1. Give some comments on the quality of 2 (two) scientific journals according to your
interest field, through identification of the journal in the Journal Indexing System !
2. Give some comments on each section of 2 (two) selected empirical full research papers
according to your interest field (title, author, affiliation, abstract, key words,
introduction, references). Justify your comments with a strong argumentation. If you
identify any mistakes, please make corrections accordingly.


1. Formulation of Ointment of Pare (Momordica charantia L.) Leaf Extract as Medicine for
 Title : The title is good, because the impression is strong and does not
confuse the reader
 Authors : The author is on the cover of the article.
 Affiliation : That's good, because the author includes the full name and correspondence
 Abstract : This abstract is good because it presents objectives, methods, discussion
results and conclusions, the abstract uses Indonesian and English.
 Keyword : Not good because they only have 3 keyword
 References : Writing by using harvard style

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