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1. Bucket list. Ne, to nije nikakva lista na kofi već imaginarni spisak stvari koje želite da uradite pre
smrti. Na primer, ‘Seeing KOL live in concert is definitely on my bucket list!
2. To cut corners. Slično našem ‘hvatanju krivina’, ovaj idiom znači uraditi nešto na
najjednostavniji ili najjeftiniji način, bez mnogo truda ili novca. ‘They cut corners while building the
school and put everyone in danger.’
3. To bite off more than you can chew. Iliti uzeti preveliki zalogaj, kako mi to lepo kažemo. ‘Are
you sure you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew with this job? You’ve only just become the
4. To hit the sack/hay. Jednostavno, otići na spavanje. ‘I have to hit the sack early, have an
important meeting in the morning.’
5. Do something once in a blue moon. Veoma, veoma retko. ‘They come to visit once in a blue
moon so it is hard not to miss them.’
6. A piece of cake. Identično našem idiomu ‘Prosto ko pasulj’. ‘Learning English idioms is a piece
of cake! I’ve already learnt six!’
7. To see eye to eye with someone. Slagati se sa nekim. ‘Teenagers usually don’t see eye to eye
with their parents on many things.’
8. Do something by the skin of your teeth. Jedva uraditi nešto, ‘za dlaku’. ‘They won, but only by
the skin of their teeth.’
9. To go the extra mile. Naročito se potruditi za nešto. ‘We are prepared to go the extra mile to
establish peace.’
10. To get your head around/round something. Shvatiti ili razumeti nešto. ‘I just cannot get my
head round these idioms, they are so strange.’

Za brzo usvajanje potrebno je puno ponavljanja i vježbanja.

11.Bring up – spomenuti nešto (napomena: oba dijela složenog glagola mogu
biti odvojena)
12.“Mark was sick and had to miss the party, so please don’t bring it up, I don’t
want him to feel bad for missing it.”
13.Bring on – za uzrok nekog događaja, obično nečeg negativnog (napomena:
oba dijela složenog glagola mogu biti odvojena)
14.“His lung cancer was brought on by years of smoking.”
15.Bring it on! – za prihvaćanje izazova s povjerenjem
16.“You want to have a race? Bring it on! I can beat you!”
17.Call on – može značiti posjetiti nekoga na kratko vrijeme ili koristiti nečije
znanje za nešto.
18.Za posjet nekomu: “I’ll call on you this evening to see how you’re feeling.”
19.Za korištenje nečijeg znanja: “I may need to call on the university’s excellent
professors in order to answer your question.”
20.Call off – za otkazivanje nečega: “The picnic was called off because of the

21.Cheer on – podržati nekoga dajući im riječi ohrabrenja (može se odvojiti
imenom ili zamjenicom osobe koju se podržava)
22.“Even though Samantha was in the last place, her
brother cheered her on through the entire race.”
23.Cheer up – ovaj izraz se može koristiti kao fraza ohrabrenja za nekoga tko
izgleda tužno ili pokušavate nekoga razveseliti
24.“Andrew was having a bad day, so his girlfriend cheered him up by taking
him out for ice cream.”
25.Come up (with something) – doći na neku ideju
26.“I came up with this idea for a TV show about a woman living with her best
friend and daughter. I call it ‘Two and a Half Women.’”
27.Come up – spomenuti temu, ili kada se dogodi nešto neočekivano.
28.Spomenuti temu: “I wanted to tell her that I got a new job but the chance
never came up.”
29.Neočekivana pojava-“I was going to meet my friends for dinner, but
something came up so I had to cancel.”
30.Come in – za ulazak
31.“Come in, the door is open!’ said the grandmother to the wolf.”
32.Come across- u susret ili naići slučajno
33.“I was cleaning the attic and I came across my high school uniform. Can you
believe it still fits?”
34.Come forward– proslijediti informacije o nečemu, poput zločina
35.“The police are encouraging people to come forward with any information
about the kidnapped girl.”
36.Cut off – ovaj izraz možemo koristiti na nekoliko načina, ali njegovo izvorno
značenje je prekinuti ili zaustaviti nešto (može se odvojiti)
37.Tijekom vožnje:“That red car just cut me off and I almost crashed into it.”
38.Za prestanak opskrbe nečim ili u komunikaciji s nekim: “His father is rich but
he cut him off without any money of his own.”
39.Cut (it) out – ovaj izraz ima isto značenje kao govoreći „Prestani“ (“Stop it.”)
40.“Hey, cut it out! I was watching that movie, so stop changing the channel!”
41.Cut in – za prekid nečijeg govora
42.“I was about to ask that girl on a date, but her friend cut in and I lost the
43.Fall apart – ovaj izraz znači “razbiti u komade“, raspasti, ali se može koristiti i
za razgovor o braku ili osobi.
44.“They tried to save their marriage by going to therapy but in the end if fell
apart anyway.”
45.Fall down – pasti na zemlju, obično slučajno
46.“My friend slipped on a banana peel and fell down. I thought that only
happened in cartoons!”
48.Get away – pobjeći. Također možete čuti izraz „auto za bijeg“ (“getaway
car.”). To je automobil koji koriste kriminalci za bijeg s mjesta zločina
49.“Carmen’s neighbor tried to show her pictures of all her cats, but Carmen
managed to get away.”
50.Get around – kako riješiti problem izbjegavajući glavni ishod
51.“Some people know all the different ways to get around tax laws.”
52.Get along (with) – imati prijateljski odnos s nekim, slagati se
53.“Some people are surprised that I get along with my mother-in-law really
54.Get up – ustati, probuditi se
55.“I have so much trouble getting up in the morning that I have to set three
56.Get back to – za povratak na nešto ili nekoga. Ovaj izraz se često koristi
kada želimo reći da će te kasnije odgovoriti na pitanje ili zahtjev
57.“Derek’s coworker wasn’t sure what time the meeting was, so he said
he’d get back to him with the time.”
58.Get back at – osvetiti se nekome
59.“Her ex-husband took her house so she got back at him by taking his dogs.”
61.Give out – ovaj izraz može značiti razbiti nešto, prestati raditi ili distribuirati
62.Prestati raditi: “The city had to rebuild the bridge completely, because it was
about to give outand fall down.”
63.Za distribuciju: “He has a lot of contacts because he gives out his business
card to everyone he meets.”
64.Give in – predati se, posebno u borbi ili argumentu
65.“Ben’s mother gave in and let him stay out late with his friends.”
66.Give away – dati nešto besplatno
67.“When Linda’s cat had kittens, she gave them all away to good homes.”
68.Give up – predati se
69.“After two weeks of trying to build my own table, I gave up and just bought

70.Go out (with) – otići s nekim na spoj
71.“Sarah was so happy when Peter finally asked her to go out with him!”
72.Go ahead – ići ispred nekoga ili dati dozvolu da se nešto učini
73.“Go ahead, explain to me why there is a car on my roof.”
74.Grow up – odrasti, izraz se ponekad koristi za nekog tko se ponaša
75.“Some people tell Steve he needs to grow up, but he loves acting like a
76.Grow apart – biti daleko od nekoga, razilaziti se kao npr.kao prijatelji
77.“When my friend moved to a different country I tried to stay close with her, but
we slowly grew apart.”
78.Hang on – zadržati nešto
79.“When everyone else was getting fired, Paul managed to hang on to his job.”
80.Hang out – provesti vrijeme s nekim, ležerno
81.“My friends and I used to hang out in the park after school.”
82.Hang up – za prekid telefonskog poziva, prije nego što je druga osoba
83.“I was in the middle of a sentence, and he hung up on me! How rude.”
84.Hold on – držati nešto čvrsto. Izraz se također može koristiti kada tražimo
nekoga da pričeka na trenutak
85.“You’d better hold on to your hat, it’s windy out there!”
86.Hold back – izraz koristimo kada želimo sami sebe spriječiti da nešto ne
kažemo ili napravimo
87.“Amy has a great voice but whenever she’s singing in public she feels shy
and holds back.”
88.Look up – za provjeru značenja nečega
89.“If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you should look it up in the
90.Look out – pazi na nešto
91.“Look out, there’s a baseball coming your way!”
92.Pay back – nekome vratiti novac koji dugujete
93.“Thanks for getting me lunch when I forgot my wallet at home!
I’ll pay you back tomorrow.”
94.Pay for – znači dati nekom novac za određenu namjenu
95.“He’ll pay for all the problems he caused me by being late today!”
96.Put out – ovaj izraz može značiti ugasiti vatru ili razljutiti nekoga moleći za
97.Ugasiti vatru: “The firefighters managed to put out the fire before it spread to
other houses.”
98.Razljutiti nekoga: “I’d ask you to make me dinner but I don’t want
to put you out.”
99.Put on- obući se ili našminkati
100. “Every morning she puts on her dress, lipstick, shoes and hat—in that
101. Take off – ovaj izraz može značiti skinuti odjeću ili otići na putovanje
102. “She was very happy when she finally got home and took off her
shoes. They had been hurting her feet all day!”
103. Take out– za izvaditi/ukloniti nešto iz džepa ili torbe. Da biste uklonili
nešto: “The children sat at their desks and took out their pens and paper.”
104. Također izraz se može koristiti za izlazak s nekime
105. “He took her out to the most expensive restaurant in the city.”
106. Work out – vježba
107. “I try to work out every morning, by repeatedly lifting a heavy donut to
my mouth.”
108. Work (something) out – doći do rješenja ili kompromisa s nekim
109. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can work something out so that everyone is
110. Koliko glagolskih fraza ste prepoznali? Ima ih jako puno, ali ne plašite
se. Počnite s učenjem i ubrzo ćete postati stručnjak.

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