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In vivo estimates of axonal stretch and 3D brain deformation during mild

head impact
Andrew K Knutsen a,∗, Arnold D. Gomez b, Mihika Gangolli a, Wen-Tung Wang a, Deva Chan c,
Yuan-Chiao Lu d, Eftychios Christoforou e, Jerry L. Prince f, Philip V. Bayly g, John A. Butman h,
Dzung L. Pham a
Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, MD, United States
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, United States
Center for the Developing Brain, Children’s National Hospital, Washington, D.C., United States
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The rapid deformation of brain tissue in response to head impact can lead to traumatic brain injury. In vivo
Traumatic brain injury measurements of brain deformation during non-injurious head impacts are necessary to understand the underly-
Tagged MRI ing mechanisms of traumatic brain injury and compare to computational models of brain biomechanics. Using
Brain biomechanics
tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we obtained measurements of three-dimensional strain tensors that
Axonal strain
resulted from a mild head impact after neck rotation or neck extension. Measurements of maximum principal
strain (MPS) peaked shortly after impact, with maximal values of 0.019–0.053 that correlated strongly with peak
angular velocity. Subject-specific patterns of MPS were spatially heterogeneous and consistent across subjects for
the same motion, though regions of high deformation differed between motions. The largest MPS values were
seen in the cortical gray matter and cerebral white matter for neck rotation and the brainstem and cerebellum
for neck extension. Axonal fiber strain (Ef) was estimated by combining the strain tensor with diffusion tensor
imaging data. As with MPS, patterns of Ef varied spatially within subjects, were similar across subjects within
each motion, and showed group differences between motions. Values were highest and most strongly correlated
with peak angular velocity in the corpus callosum for neck rotation and in the brainstem for neck extension. The
different patterns of brain deformation between head motions highlight potential areas of greater risk of injury
between motions at higher loading conditions. Additionally, these experimental measurements can be directly
compared to predictions of generic or subject-specific computational models of traumatic brain injury.

1. Introduction [4] —or approximately 46 million mild TBIs per year. The rapid defor-
mation of brain tissue and elongation of axonal fibers that occurs due
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a prominent health problem that to head acceleration or impact can lead to injurious shearing of cere-
affects people across all age groups and throughout the world. In the bral vasculature [5] and focal or diffuse axonal injury [6,7]. Altered
United States, approximately 1.7 million emergency department visits, imaging findings have been detected using magnetic resonance imag-
hospitalizations, and deaths occurred due to TBI in 2010 [1]. The term ing (MRI) in specific white matter regions, such as the brainstem and
TBI encompasses a wide array of injuries of varying severity. Most re- corpus callosum, post-injury [8-10]. The relationships between the fre-
ported TBIs are classified as mild [2], which is typically defined as a quency, magnitude, and orientation of head impacts and the resulting
non-penetrating injury that may lead to loss of consciousness (less than neurodegeneration in the human brain remain largely unknown. The
30 min), post-traumatic amnesia (less than 24 h), confusion, disorienta- poor correlations between imaging findings and long-term disability in
tion, and/or intracranial lesions not requiring surgery [3]. The rate of mild TBI indicate that injury is occurring that current technology cannot
mild TBIs per year worldwide is estimated to be 600 per 100,000 people detect [11].

Corresponding author: Andrew Knutsen, PhD, 10 Center Drive, Building 10, Room B1N264B, MSC 1182, Bethesda, MD 20814-1182
E-mail address: (A.K. Knutsen).
Received 24 March 2020; Received in revised form 11 June 2020; Accepted 22 June 2020
Available online xxx
2666-5220/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Please cite this article as: A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al., In vivo estimates of axonal stretch and 3D brain deformation during
mild head impact, Brain Multiphysics,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5GeSdc;August 29, 2020;19:9]

A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al. Brain Multiphysics xxx (xxxx) xxx

Computational models of TBI offer a promising approach to predict first measurements of axonal strain during human head acceleration in
how the human brain will deform in response to a wide variety of head vivo.
impacts and impact severities; see Madhukar and Ostoja-Starzewski
[12] for a comprehensive review. Computational models can, in prin- 2. Materials and methods
ciple, be used to predict axonal injury [13-16], estimate brain defor-
mation from impacts during sporting events such as American football Twenty MRI data sets were acquired in 19 healthy volunteers during
[17,18], and to design or evaluate protective equipment such as helmets either neck rotation (N = 10) or neck extension (N = 10), with one sub-
[19-21]. Such models must be based on accurate information about the ject scanned using both devices 7 months apart. Eleven subjects were
geometry and structure of the human head and material properties of male and 8 were female; the average age of the volunteers was 31.0 +/-
relevant brain structures, and should be evaluated by comparison to ex- 6.1 years (range of 21–42 years). Subjects provided informed consent
perimental measurements of displacement and deformation of the live under a protocol approved by the National Institutes of Health CNS In-
human brain in response to known loading conditions. stitutional Review Board. All experiments were conducted in the Clinical
Experiments to determine how the in vivo human brain deforms dur- Center at the National Institutes of Health.
ing injury-level head impacts cannot be performed. To address this lim-
itation, different physical model systems based on surrogates or post- 2.1. Head rotation devices
mortem human specimens have been used to gain insight into human
brain biomechanics and to validate or calibrate computational models. Two MRI-compatible devices were used to generate repeatable, mild
Physical models of the skull-brain structure, created by filling human head rotations in either the axial plane (neck rotation) [29-31,34] or
and baboon skulls with silicone gel, have been used to examine the the sagittal plane (neck extension) [34,41]. The devices allow repeat-
brain’s response to impact [6,22]. Additionally, experiments using ca- able motion along consistent trajectories, which is needed to accumu-
daveric human specimens have been performed using biplanar x-ray late a set of tagged MR images that cover the majority of the brain with
[23,24] and sonomicrometry [25] to track implanted markers in re- adequate spatial resolution. Both the neck rotation device and neck ex-
sponse to head impacts across a wide range of loading conditions. These tension device have been described in detail previously [29,30,32,34],
data have been analyzed to assess relative displacement of the brain though we provide a brief description here for completeness.
with respect to the skull [23-26] and strain [26,27], providing impor- For neck rotation, the subject lies in the supine position with his/her
tant measurements of how the brain displaces and deforms at levels at head secured to the cradle of the device with side restraint bars and a
or near what is reasonably likely to cause injury. However, the material strap. The subject voluntarily initiates the motion by manually releasing
properties of the postmortem brain differ from the in vivo brain [28], a latch. The subject then actively rotates his/her head approximately 32°
and they do not provide dense, three-dimensional (3D) measurements toward the left shoulder, at which point the shaft of the device impacts
spanning the whole brain. a padded stop, imparting an accelerative load to the brain. The center
Measurements of brain motion performed in healthy volunteers un- of rotation is located approximately 6.5 cm anterior from the back of
der loading that is well below injurious levels provide information that the head and at the midsagittal plane. The head remains in this position
is complementary to data from studies of physical models and cadav- for a few seconds, and then the subject uses a pulley to return the head
eric specimens. Tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been back to the original position.
used to estimate the two-dimensional (2D) brain response during ro- For neck extension, the subject lies in the supine position with
tation within the axial plane [29-31] and sagittal plane [32,33] during his/her head secured to the device cradle using a strap. The subject vol-
non-injurious impacts. The angular velocities and accelerations in these untarily initiates the motion by manually releasing a latch. The cradle
studies are quite low—approximately 3 rad/s and 200 rad/s2 for neck then rotates 5° in the anterior to posterior direction of the head about
rotation [29] and 2 rad/s and 330 rad/s2 for neck extension[34]. To pro- an axis located near the base of the neck before reaching a padded stop.
vide perspective on the head motion experienced by the participant, this The center of rotation is located approximately 22 cm inferior from the
is approximately 10–15 percent of the angular acceleration experienced top of the head and 3 cm anterior from the back of the neck. For this
during heading a soccer ball [35]. Additionally, head accelerations up to small angle of rotation, the motion of the head is nearly linear with a
31 g and 2888 rad/s2 were measured in 20 healthy volunteers (men and drop of 2.5 cm at the superior extreme. The subject’s head remains in
women age 26–58 years) engaged in non-injurious everyday and more this position for a few seconds before returning to the original position
vigorous activities, such as a soccer ball impact to the forehead, volun- using a pulley system. For both devices, an MRI-compatible angular po-
tary head shaking, plopping down on a chair, and jumping off of a step sition encoder (MICRONOR, Camarillo, CA, USA) is rigidly connected
[36]. The accelerations in the current study are an order of magnitude to the device shaft to record angular position, velocity, and acceleration
less than those seen commonly in contact sports [36] and are similar for each motion.
to those experienced during a cough or sneeze [37] or jogging [38].
Thresholds for angular accelerations leading to mild traumatic brain in- 2.2. MRI acquisition
jury were studied in Zhang et al. [39]; the smallest accelerations con-
sidered in that study (approximately 2000 rad/s2 ) were found to have All MRI scans were acquired using a Siemens 3 T Biograph mMR
a very low risk of injury, and even those are much larger than those (Erlangen, Germany). Anatomical images were acquired using either
experienced during the current study. Even though the loading condi- a 32-channel or 16-channel receive-only head coil. The acquisition
tions are very mild in nature, we have previously demonstrated reliable included a 3D T1-weighted Magnetization-Prepared Rapid Acquisi-
measurements of in vivo brain deformations using tagged MRI [29-34]. tion Gradient Echo (MPRAGE) with the following parameters: echo
A limitation of the previous MRI studies of in vivo brain motion is time (TE) = 3.03 ms, repetition time (TR) = 2530 ms, inversion
that the computed strain fields were restricted to 2D within the acqui- time (TI) = 1100 ms, field of view (FOV) = 256 × 256 × 176 mm,
sition plane and were provided for a limited number of slices within matrix = 256 × 256 × 176. A 3D T2-weighted image was also
the brain [30-33]. However, recent methodological advancements al- acquired using the following parameters: TR/TE = 3200/410 ms,
low for estimates of 3D displacement and strain over time from a series FOV = 250 × 250 × 176 mm, matrix = 256 × 256 × 176. The total
of 2D-tagged MR images acquired in multiple orientations [34,40]. In scan time for both the motion and anatomical MRI scans was less than
this study, we applied this method to acquire tagged MRI data during two hours per imaging session.
either mild neck rotation or neck extension. Strains were then computed For DTI, a total of 40 diffusion weighted image (DWI) volumes were
throughout the brain and along white matter tracts identified using dif- acquired using a 2D echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence with the fol-
fusion tensor imaging (DTI). To our knowledge, this work represents the lowing parameters: TR/TE = 16,400/93 ms, FOV = 256 × 256 mm,
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A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al. Brain Multiphysics xxx (xxxx) xxx

matrix = 128 × 128, 75 slices, slice thickness = 2 mm, 6 DWIs at between neighboring slices. The 3 tagged image sets—i.e., the combi-
b = 0 s/mm2 , 4 non-colinear DWIs at b = 300 s/mm2 , and 30 non- nation of slices with the same tag line orientation—were then resampled
colinear DWIs at b = 1100s/mm2 . To improve the correction of spatial to a 1.5 mm isotropic grid using cubic b-spline interpolation in Matlab
distortions introduced by the EPI acquisition, an additional DWI volume R2016a (Mathworks, MA, USA). HARP images were created for each tag
(b = 0 s/mm2 ) was acquired with the same acquisition parameters with orientation and image frame by applying a spherical filter with a radius
the reverse phase encode direction. of 9 voxels in k-space.
For the tagged MRI portion of the study, one of two MRI- The anatomical and tagged images were acquired using a different
compatible devices was used to generate a repeatable mild head ac- receive coil with the subject’s head in a different position. They therefore
celeration—either during neck rotation or neck extension. A combi- did not intrinsically have any spatial correspondence between them. To
nation of one or two (depending upon slice position) three-channel, obtain correspondence, the MPRAGE was rigidly registered to an im-
receive-only, spine coils built into the scanner bed and a six-channel, age volume created by summing the three tagged image sets using the
receive-only, flexible body array coil were used for the acquisition. An antsRegistration command; the same registration parameters were used
optically gated trigger initiated the application of a 1–1 Spatial Mod- as above, except that a 3D rigid registration was performed instead of
ulation of Magnetization (SPAMM) tagging pulse followed by a 2D- 2D. The brain segmentation, T2 -weighted image, and DTI metrics were
segmented cine gradient-echo acquisition with the following param- transformed to the tagged image space using nearest neighbor or cubic
eters: TR/TE = 3.01/1.67 ms, tag spacing = 8 mm, segments = 6, b-spline interpolation (as appropriate).
FOV = 240 × 240 mm, matrix = 24 × 160 (reconstructed to 160 × 60),
slice thickness = 8 mm with a 2 mm gap between slices, temporal reso- 2.4. Calculation of strain metrics
lution = 18 ms, number of image frames = 10–12. For the neck rotation
device, the gradient-echo acquisition was triggered by the angular po- HARP-FE was implemented as a plug-in for the FEBio finite element
sition sensor when the device shaft rotated through 28.5°. Additionally, analysis software [51]. The output from HARP-FE consists of 3D dis-
the tag lines were applied at an angle of 30° away from the center line placement vector field (u) over time. Next, the computed displacement
of k-space so that they were located approximately along the center line field was projected from the finite elements to each voxel. Strain fields
of k-space at the point of impact [30]. were estimated from the displacements using a local fitting approach.
To measure deformation over the majority of the brain, multiple For each frame, displacement (𝑢 = [𝑢 𝑣 𝑤]) was estimated as a function
slices were acquired with tag lines oriented along three orthogonal axes of space (X, Y, Z) for a given voxel (x0 , y0 , z0 ) using the N voxels within
[34]. For the neck rotation, 11–13 axial slices were acquired first with a radius of 5 voxels and a linear, least-squares fit.
tag lines along the y-axis and then repeated with tag lines along the x- ( )
𝑢 𝑥0 , 𝑦0 , 𝑧0 = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 𝑋1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑎2 𝑌1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑎3 𝑍1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁
axis. Then, six slices were acquired with tag lines along the z-axis; these ( )
slices were orthogonal to the axial plane and oriented every 30°, like 𝑣 𝑥0 , 𝑦0 , 𝑧0 = 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝑋1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑏2 𝑌1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑏3 𝑍1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁
( )
spokes on a wheel, about the approximate brain center. For the neck ex- 𝑤 𝑥0 , 𝑦0 , 𝑧0 = 𝑐0 + 𝑐1 𝑋1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑐2 𝑌1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 + 𝑐3 𝑍1,..,𝑖,..,𝑁 (1)
tension, 11–14 sagittal slices were acquired first with tag lines along the
where ai , bi , and ci are the coefficients to be estimated. Only voxels
y-axis and then repeated with tag lines along the z-axis. An additional
labeled as brain tissue by the segmentation were used in the fit. La-
8–13 axial slices were acquired with tag lines along the x-axis. Note
grangian strain tensors were estimated by
that the x-, y-, and z-axes correspond to right-left, anterior-posterior,
and inferior-superior with the subject at rest in the supine position. 1( )
𝑬= 𝛁𝒖 + (𝛁𝒖)𝑇 + 𝛁𝒖 ⋅ (𝛁𝒖)𝑇 (2)
2.3. Image processing where ∇ is the gradient operator. The computed coefficients directly
provide the spatial derivative of displacement. Eigenvalues and eigen-
Brain extraction was applied to the MPRAGE and T2-weighted im- vectors were computed, and the maximum principal strain (MPS) was
ages using the MONSTR method [42]. Segmentation of the brain-masked assigned to the first eigenvalue. White matter fiber strain (Ef ) was cal-
MPRAGE was then performed using the S3DL algorithm [43]. Seg- culated using the Lagrangian strain tensor and the principal eigenvector
mented regions included the cortical gray matter, cerebral white matter, of the diffusion tensor (n) estimated at each voxel:
deep gray matter, cerebellar gray matter, cerebellar white matter, and
𝐸𝑓 = 𝒏 ⋅ 𝑬 ⋅ 𝒏 (3)
brainstem. The DWIs were processed using the TORTOISE3 software
package [44], which included motion and eddy current distortion cor- For fiber strain, only voxels located in either the cerebral white mat-
rection [45]. EPI-induced geometric distortions were then corrected by ter, cerebellar white matter, or brainstem with a fractional anisotropy
the DRBUDDI module [46] of TORTOISE3 using the DWIs with the re- value greater than or equal to 0.2 were analyzed. This is a standard cri-
versed phase encode gradients and the T2-weighted image. The diffusion terion for excluding regions of isotropic diffusion, such as gray matter
tensor was fitted using a nonlinear least squares robust fitting algorithm and cerebrospinal fluid [52].
[47] followed by computation of diffusion properties. The corpus callo- The volume fraction of strain, which is the percentage of voxels
sum was automatically segmented from the estimated diffusion tensor where the measured strain is above a threshold value, was computed
using the DOTS method [48]. For this study, only fractional anisotropy for thresholds of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04. The 95th percentile value
[49] and the principal eigenvector of the diffusion tensor were used in of the distribution was used (in place of the maximum value) to assess
subsequent analyses. peak strain values. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were computed to
Three-dimensional displacements over time were obtained from the assess the linear relationship between strain metrics and angular decel-
tagged MRI data using the Harmonic-Phase Analysis with Finite Ele- eration during impact and angular velocity just prior to impact.
ments (HARP-FE) method [34]. The HARP-FE algorithm combines har-
monic phase (HARP) analysis [50] and the finite element method to 3. Results
compute mechanically regularized measurements of deformation and
displacement from tagged MRI data. To acquire a data set with full brain coverage at the desired 18 ms,
Before HARP-FE, the following pre-processing steps were performed: the subjects repeated the head motion 112–128 times for neck rotation
For each tagged image slice and tag direction, frames 2 through 10 were data set and 132–156 times for neck extension. The angular position sen-
rigidly registered to frame 1 using the command antsRegistration, which sor recorded position, velocity, and angular acceleration for each repeti-
is part of the Advanced Normalization Toolkit V2 [47]. This was done tion. In Fig. 1, traces of angular position, velocity, and acceleration ver-
to remove any potential small differences in how the subjects rotated sus time are plotted for each head repetition performed during a single
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5GeSdc;August 29, 2020;19:9]

A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al. Brain Multiphysics xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Plots of (a, d) angular position (𝜃), (b, e) angular velocity (𝜔), and (c, f) angular acceleration (𝛼) vs time for each repetition during (a–c) neck rotation and
(d–f) neck extension. The vertical lines indicate the temporal boundaries of the image frames.

neck rotation and neck extension experiment. Additionally, the vertical volume, and 𝜔2 for each subject. The Lagrangian strain tensor contains
gridlines starting at 𝑡 = 0 𝑚𝑠 in Fig. 1 identify the corresponding timing six unique components, and examination of each is informative. Supple-
of the image frames from the tagged MRI acquisition. For each repe- mental Figures 3 and 4 show the volume fraction of strain for each strain
tition, the largest value was identified and the average was computed component. These figures show the strain components within the plane
across repetitions for each subject. Note that the largest acceleration is of rotation (the axial plane for neck rotation and the sagittal plane for
negative in magnitude, corresponding to a rapid deceleration about the neck extension) account for the majority of deformation—though some
inferior-superior axis during neck rotation and the left-right axis during out-of-plane shearing is observed for both motions.
neck extension. For the peak of angular deceleration (𝛼), which occurred Fig. 4 shows a plot of the 95th percentile of the MPS distribution
during impact, the mean ± SEM was 212.8 ± 32.1 rad/s2 (range of (MPS95) as a function of 𝜔2 for each subject. We focused on the image
156.4–247.1 rad/s2 ) for neck rotation (N = 10) and 282.8 ± 47.4 rad/s2 frame with the largest amount of deformation—frame 3 for neck rota-
(range of 213.4–347.5 rad/s2 ) for neck extension (N = 10). For peak tion and frame 5 for neck extension. Values of MPS95 ranged from 0.026
angular velocity (𝜔), which occurred just prior to impact, the mean to 0.053 for neck rotation and 0.019 to 0.029 for neck extension. For
was 3.21 ± 0.52 rad/s (range of 2.42–3.73 rad/s) for neck rotation and correlation, we chose to use 𝜔2 in place of 𝜔 because it is proportional
1.75 ± 0.16 rad/s (range of 1.53–2.02 rad/s) for neck extension. to energy at impact. A line was fitted to the data for each head mo-
Fig. 2 and Supplemental Figures 1 and 2 show axial, coronal, and tion using a linear least squares fitting algorithm (mldivide, Matlab, The
sagittal views of voxel-wise estimates of MPS for each image frame for Mathworks, Natick, MA) to illustrate the trend. Pearson’s correlation co-
a single neck rotation and neck extension data set. The spatial patterns efficients and p-values were computed and are listed in Table 1. Both
of the MPS are complex and vary over time. The MPS values are plotted motions showed strong correlation between MPS95 and 𝜔2 : 𝑟 = 0.85 for
as an overlay on the subject’s MPRAGE image, which allows for visual- neck rotation and 𝑟 = 0.64 for neck extension.
ization of the anatomy. Qualitatively, the MPS values for both head mo- Using each subject’s tissue segmentation, separate distributions of
tions increased to a maximum shortly after impact and then decreased MPS were computed within the cortical gray matter, cerebral white mat-
afterwards, oscillating towards a minimum value. For neck rotation, the ter, deep gray matter, cerebellar gray matter, cerebellar white matter,
largest MPS values appear in the cortical gray matter and cerebral white and brain stems structures. Analogous to Fig. 4, Fig. 5 plots MPS95 as a
matter. For neck extension, the largest MPS values are seen in the corti- function of 𝜔2 for each of the segmented brain regions. Correlation coef-
cal gray matter, though they are mostly limited to the midsagittal plane, ficients and p-values were computed and are listed in Table 1. For neck
and in the cerebellum and brainstem. Additionally, MPS at peak defor- rotation, the strongest correlations are seen in the cortical gray matter
mation appears more symmetric for neck extension than neck rotation. (𝑟 = 0.84) and cerebral white matter (𝑟 = 0.85), with a moderate cor-
The volume fraction of strain provides an estimate of the volume of relation in the cerebellar gray matter (𝑟 = 0.62). For the neck extension
brain tissue with strain above a given threshold. Fig. 3 shows the aver- experiment, moderate correlations are seen in the cerebellar gray matter
age volume fraction (+/- standard error) of MPS and Ef across subjects (𝑟 = 0.68), cerebellar white matter (𝑟 = 0.66), and brainstem (𝑟 = 0.60).
for each image frame and both head motions. This shows quantitatively Fig. 6 shows images of positive axonal fiber strain (elongation) from
that the qualitative assessment from Fig. 2 holds across subjects: the the image frame with the largest strain values; axonal fiber strains are
largest MPS and axonal fiber strains occurred in the first frame after the mapped onto 3D ellipsoids that indicate the direction of axonal fibers
peak angular acceleration and then generally decreased in subsequent within the white matter. Axial and sagittal views are shown in three
frames. The neck rotation experiment produced larger volume fractions subjects for each head motion. These images depict a heterogeneous
than neck extension under the range of loading conditions. MPS is useful pattern of axonal fiber strain within the brain, with similar patterns
to analyze because it provides a single metric of the maximum deforma- of deformation between subjects within motion and different area of
tion. Additionally, Supplemental Table 1 lists values of MPS, Ef , brain high strain between the two motions. The neck rotation data shows a
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5GeSdc;August 29, 2020;19:9]

A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al. Brain Multiphysics xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Axial, coronal, and sagittal views of MPS (color) and MPRAGE (grayscale) for each frame/time as measured during (a) one neck rotation experiment and
(b) one neck extension experiment. Impact occurred during the second frame for neck rotation and the fourth frame for neck extension. Peak angular deceleration
occurred during frame 2 for neck rotation and frame 4 for neck extension. The arrows above the MPRAGE on the left-most portion of the figure indicate the direction
of head motion prior to impact. L=left, R=right, A=anterior, P=posterior, I=inferior, S=superior.

Fig. 3. Average (+/- standard error) of volume fraction (VF) of (a, c) max-
imum principal strain (MPS) and (b, d) axonal fiber strain (Ef ) at multiple
thresholds for each acquired image frame during (a–b) neck rotation and
(c–d) neck extension. The temporal resolution between image frames is
18 ms.

contre-coup pattern with high elongation in the left-frontal and right- 4. Discussion
posterior white matter, whereas the neck extension data is more sym-
metric with greater elongation of the brainstem. For a more quantita- Mild head deceleration during impact produces spatially heteroge-
tive assessment, we examined the 95th percentile value of the distri- neous patterns of deformation in the in vivo human brain. The MPS
bution of axonal fiber strains (Ef95) specifically within the brainstem was presented to provide a single, invariant measure of deformation
and corpus callosum. Fig. 7 contains a plot of Ef95 as a function of 𝜔2 throughout the brain, which is more compact than presenting all six
for these regions. Correlation coefficients and p-values were computed components of the full strain tensor. To further simplify the data for
and are listed in Table 1. In the corpus callosum, stronger correlation analysis, both the peak (95th percentile) and volume fractions of strain
is seen during neck rotation (𝑟 = 0.65) than neck extension (𝑟 = 0.44). were analyzed over the entire brain and in various segmented regions.
Conversely, in the brainstem, stronger correlation is observed in neck Estimates of MPS were largest shortly after impact and then decreased,
extension (𝑟 = 0.79) than neck rotation (𝑟 = 0.25). though not quite to zero. We attribute this partly to the limited number
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A.K. Knutsen, A.D. Gomez and M. Gangolli et al. Brain Multiphysics xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) and p-values for the 95th percentile of the distribution of maximum principal
strain (MPS95) or axonal fiber strain (Ef95) compared to peak angular velocity squared (𝜔2 ) across various brain

Strain Region Neck Rotation (N = 10) Neck Extension (N = 10)

r p r p

MPS95 Whole Brain 0.85 0.0019 0.64 0.0467

Cortical Gray Matter 0.84 0.0023 0.53 0.1115
Cerebellar Gray Matter 0.62 0.0582 0.68 0.0300
Deep Gray Matter 0.45 0.1916 0.32 0.3597
Cerebral White Matter 0.85 0.0020 0.53 0.1171
Cerebellar White Matter 0.35 0.3255 0.66 0.0383
Brainstem −0.04 0.9181 0.60 0.0696
Ef95 Corpus Callosum 0.65 0.0413 0.44 0.2048
Brainstem 0.25 0.4873 0.79 0.0063

of image frames analyzed—the head has not returned to rest by the last
frame—and partly to decreased signal-to-noise ratio as tag lines fade.
Estimates of viscoelastic time constants vary widely, but some studies,
e.g. [53], suggest that time constants are larger than 1 second, which
implies that viscoelastic relaxation may not be complete at the end of
each data acquisition.
Coefficients of correlation between brain deformation—MPS95 and
Ef95—and 𝜔2 highlighted regional differences that depended on the
type of head motion. For MPS95, higher correlations were seen in the
cortical gray matter and white matter during neck rotation compared to
the cerebellar white matter and brainstem during neck extension. Sim-
ilarly, a regional effect was seen in strains along axonal fibers for both
head motions. Ef95 was more strongly correlated with 𝜔2 in the corpus
callosum during neck rotation and in the brainstem during neck exten-
sion. For both head motions, the largest strain components correspond to
Fig. 4. Relationship between 95th percentile of maximum principal strain the plane of rotation (Supplemental Figures 3 and 4). The largest defor-
(MPS95) at the time of peak deformation and angular velocity squared (𝜔2 ) mations occurred in slices with the most brain tissue/mass present, such
during neck rotation and neck extension. Each data point shows the result for a as near the mid-sagittal plane (including the cerebellum and brainstem)
single subject. The dashed lines show linear fits of the data. for neck extension and axial planes passing through the lateral ventricles

Fig. 5. Relationship between 95th percentile of maximum principal strain (MPS95) at the time of peak deformation and angular velocity squared (𝜔2 ) in the (a)
cortical gray matter, (b) cerebellar gray matter, (c) deep gray matter, (d) cerebral white matter, (e) cerebellar white matter, and (f) brainstem. Each data point shows
the result for the single subject. The dashed lines show a linear fit of the data.
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Fig. 6. Axial and sagittal views of fiber strain (Ef ) (color)

and MPRAGE (grayscale) during (a–c) neck rotation and
(d–f) neck extension in six subjects at the time of peak de-
formation (frame 3 for neck rotation and frame 5 for neck
extension). Values of Ef were mapped to 3D ellipsoids that
indicate the principal direction and degree of anisotropy
from the diffusion tensors. Arrows above the images in the
top row indicate the direction of head motion prior to im-
pact. L=left, R=right, A=anterior, P=posterior, I=inferior,

Fig. 7. Relationships between the 95th percentile of ax-

onal fiber strain (Ef95) and angular velocity squared (𝜔2 )
in the (a) corpus callosum and (b) brainstem. The dashed
lines show linear fit of the data.

for neck rotation. The current tagged MRI studies are consistent with ob- To compute the preferred orientation for axonal fibers at each voxel,
servations from in vivo MRE. Recent MRE studies suggest brain tissue we used a standard model of a single diffusion tensor. The principal
has an average dynamic shear modulus near 2 kPa under harmonic ex- eigenvector of the diffusion tensor provides the preferred direction of
citation at 50–60 Hz [54]. Simulations of brain deformation using an diffusion within that voxel. We then projected the strain tensor onto
average shear modulus of 2.2 kPa predict strain amplitudes similar to the diffusion principal eigenvector, which provides a voxel-wise esti-
those in the current study, in response to similar angular accelerations mate of axonal strain. This assumes that the fiber orientation approxi-
[55]. Strain levels in the current study are also similar to those seen mately uniform within each voxel. Other studies have applied a model
in simulations, analyses, and experiments with a gel phantom of shear of fiber dispersion developed for arterial vessels [60] to axonal fibers in
modulus 1.7 kPa under similar angular accelerations [56]. MRE can also the brain [15,61]. Including fiber dispersion applies an approximately
uncover spatial variations in tissue properties. In vivo MRE data suggest linear scaling to the axonal fiber strain estimates based on the FA. Under
decreased shear stiffness in the cerebellum compared to the cerebral this model, the estimates provided here would represent the case of FA
gray and white matter [57]. This could account for the sharper increase equals 1, yielding a maximum estimate of axonal fiber strain within each
in MPS95 and Ef95 versus 𝜔2 in the cerebellum for neck extension com- voxel. However, interpreting FA as fiber dispersion is a simplification of
pared to neck rotation. Additionally, it is possible that the bending of actual brain microstructure since it is estimated from a single tensor
the neck during neck extension could lead directly to greater elonga- model for diffusion that does not account for crossing fiber bundles.
tion of axonal fibers in the brainstem. These results highlight certain The single tensor diffusion model was used because our DTI acquisi-
brain regions that might be more likely to be injured due to different tion involves only 30 unique gradient directions with a single diffusion-
head motions during trauma. Injury to these regions has been highly weighting parameter (b-value). More advanced diffusion acquisitions
implicated in studies of chronic dysfunction following TBI [8-10], with on high performance MRI scanners can be used to acquire data with
the brainstem additionally being associated with loss of consciousness increased spatial and angular resolution. For example, the WU-Minn
[58,59]. Human Connectome Project diffusion acquisition protocol specifies 270
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diffusion weighted images with three non-zero b-values [62]. Such data Similar to cadaveric specimens, animal models can also be used to
allows for the use of more complex models of diffusion within each voxel measure brain deformation over a range of loading conditions, but un-
that can better describe crossing fibers using multi-tensor models or ori- like cadavers, the biological response can be studied using histopathol-
entation distribution functions. In the future, improved data acquisition ogy. Tagged MRI has previously been used to measure in vivo strain
will enable more advanced models of diffusion and axonal strain. fields in the rat brain during head impact [65,66], and high-speed video
The full 3D strain fields obtained in this study confirm some features was used to track marker position and estimate brain deformation for a
of previously-reported 2D strain fields obtained using tagged MRI. This hemi-section pig model of injury [7,67,68]. Future work will examine
is largely because the majority of the deformation occurs within the ax- the use of tagged MRI in an animal model to investigate how brain de-
ial plane for neck rotation and the sagittal plane for neck extension. For formation scales over a range of loading conditions, from non-injurious
example, by estimating 2D strains in a single image slice during neck to injurious. Although tagged MRI allows sampling up to approximately
extension, Bayly et al. [32] observed concentrations of high first prin- 2.5 ms per image frame, loading conditions should not cause acute in-
cipal strain in the cortex and cerebellum (e.g., Fig. 6 from Bayly et al. jury because the motion must be repeated multiple times to create an
[32]). That study applied peak linear accelerations of 2–3 g over a 40 ms image set.
period with a different head acceleration device than the one used here. An additional challenge of using tagged MRI to investigate brain mo-
Despite the lower peak accelerations in the previous 2D study, strain tion is that the subject must repeat the head rotation multiple times to
magnitudes were similar; differences between studies may be partially acquire each slice of the image volume. The specific number of rep-
explained by the different acceleration profiles produced by different etitions is proportional to the spatial and temporal resolution—more
devices, the limited number of slices and incomplete motion data in repetitions provide higher spatial and temporal resolution. The strain
the 2D studies, and subject-to-subject variations in anatomy and phys- resolution is a function of the spatial frequencies included in the band-
iology. We note that head accelerations in both studies were measured pass filter used for HARP, so it is approximately on the order of the
from sensors on the motion-constraining device; the amount of acceler- tag spacing [69]. The parameters for this study (4 repetitions per im-
ation experienced by the subject’s head is slightly different (this caveat age set, 24 phase encode lines, 18 ms temporal resolution, tag spacing
also applies to field data from sensors mounted in mouth-guards or hel- of 8 mm) were selected based on a previous optimization study [30].
mets). The relationships between brain deformation, impact velocity, In the prior study, these parameters were shown to provide accurate
peak acceleration, and the duration of the applied acceleration are crit- estimates of deformation compared to schemes with more repetitions,
ically important and targets of future research. Chan et al. [29] char- and they allowed for the acquisition of a sufficient number of slices to
acterized the 2D deformation response in 34 subjects for neck rotation cover the brain with tag lines along all three axes. Given that the ma-
using same motion-constraining device used in this study. Strain pat- jority of brain deformation occurs within the plane of rotation, it could
terns were similar between the studies (see Figs. 3–5 from Chan et al. be reasonable to perform some targeted tagged MRI studies in 2D. Two
[29]). The largest values of MPS were observed shortly after the time of examples where this could be of interest are to examine specific brain
peak angular deceleration and occurred in the cortical gray matter. regions at increased spatiotemporal resolution with a smaller tag spac-
In general, higher values of MPS were observed during neck rotation ing and to investigate how changing the acceleration profile for a given
than neck extension. This is likely due largely to an increase in 𝜔 in the impact energy affects the deformation response of the brain.
neck rotation experiments. Ideally, we would have observed some over- In the future, results from these or similar 3D studies may be used to
lap in 𝜔 between the motions. 𝜔 is primarily determined by the range of identify regions of interest for more detailed exploration of higher spa-
motion of each head motion device and of how each subject accelerates tial and/or temporal resolution in a smaller number of 2D slices. While
his/her head prior to impact; head motion prior to impact is an active tagged MRI is best-suited to track motion in tissues, phase contrast MRI
process driven by the subject. Given this, varying 𝜔 systematically and could be used to quantify fluid motion within the brain, e.g. [70]. The
over a larger range is not feasible in healthy volunteers. However, it is present 3D data could also be analyzed to assess the frequency response
possible to vary the magnitude and duration of the acceleration pulse of the brain to impact, a property which has been hypothesized to play
for a given 𝜔 by changing the stiffness of the impact pad. This would al- a role in concussion [50]. For developers of computer models, results
low us to assess the effectiveness of reducing acceleration, i.e., by using from tagged MRI may be supplemented with subject-specific, spatially
different types of padding, in reducing in vivo brain deformation. varying material properties measured in vivo using magnetic resonance
The data from the current study, comprising 3D dynamic strain fields elastography (MRE) [71,72]. These data together can be used to esti-
together with high-resolution anatomy and white matter fiber orienta- mate viscoelastic [73] and anisotropic [74,75] material properties of the
tion, represent a substantial and valuable resource for the evaluation brain and to characterize frequency-dependent interactions between the
of computational models. The primary limitation of this study is that scalp, brain, and skull [76].
the applied loading conditions were well below the threshold for injury;
this limitation is necessary for human volunteers to participate in the 5. Conclusions
study. While a recent study [63] asserted that measurements of brain de-
formation on this order are “not relevant for studying traumatic brain In this study, we used tagged MRI in healthy volunteers to estimate
injury,” we disagree. Both human and cadaver studies have strengths dense 3D strain fields throughout the brain in response to a mild head
and limitations. While in vivo measurements of brain deformation oc- impact during either neck rotation or neck extension. In general, the
cur in response to loading conditions well below injury thresholds, these amount of brain deformation increased as the severity of the head im-
data provide dense, high-resolution measurements of strain over time in pact increased, though this varied by brain region and also depended
the live, human brain. Conversely, although cadaveric specimens retain on the type of head motion. We also show that the majority of the brain
human geometry and anatomical structure, and can be tested under a deformation occurred within the plane of rotation and noted the simi-
larger loading regime, including at thresholds for injury, the measured larity between these 3D strain measurements and previously performed
displacements are sparse and provide only coarse estimates of strain 2D experiments. While obtaining full-field 3D strain fields is critical to
[23,24,27]. Additionally, the material properties of cadaveric brain tis- understanding TBI, future tagged MRI experiments of brain deformation
sue undergo physical changes that can alter the biomechanical response could take advantage of a more rapid 2D acquisition to investigate differ-
of the brain [28]. Therefore, computational models should generally ent features or assess varying loading conditions. Finally, this study also
be evaluated by comparison to experimental data over a large range provides the first in vivo estimates of axonal fiber strain due to head ac-
of loading conditions [64] including mild impacts studied here, partic- celeration, which were obtained by combining the computed strain ten-
ularly given the increasing interest in the chronic effects of mild and sors with axonal fiber orientations inferred from diffusion tensor imag-
sub-concussive head impact. ing. We observed similar patterns of axonal fiber strain across subjects
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