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Year 9 Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Mentor: Stephanie Jolly

Curriculum area: Health and Physical Education
This class consists of 22 students: 7 boys and 15 girls. In general, this group is engaged and
willing to participate in theory based classroom activities and discussion. Having agency
over the topics that are being covered and choice within activities are highly motivating for
this group particularly with practical units (sport). 10 students have OnePlans in the class
with five students requiring a modified curriculum and/or assessment.

L – Has ASD and visual impairment. Works with an SSO 1:1. Responds well to positive
reinforcement. Attendance will be sporadic due to a serious knee injury. GOM. Modified
curriculum, modified assessment (no grades).

J - Has low literacy. She is a hard worker but will not ask for help, therefore, requires
constant check-ins to make sure she is on track. Fewer questions (for instance 1 or 2 if the
class is doing 4 or 5). What has been successful in the past is using visuals, both for
teaching concepts and for J to show her understanding. This student will receive a modified
A – E grade on the three Shine tasks, but marked same as peers for practical activities.

S – EAL/D, goals are to develop and effectively utilise a more sophisticated vocabulary
appropriate to set tasks. Tightening up editing and drafting processes. Continue to work on
improving the use of punctuation in speech and organisation of more complex sentences &
paragraph structures

S – ATSI. Goals from OnePlan include improve reading, be healthier, re-engage with
volleyball. Key information from SDP: attend all scheduled classes, take ownership over

B – ATSI. Goals from OnePlan include improving prosody and fluency of reading. Having a
positive attitude in sports to increase enjoyment. Accommodations for learning: be explicit
when explaining, don’t assume B knows what you’re talking about.

I – ASD, GOM. OnePlan: Social management, interacting with a range of adults and peers.
Develop the ability to initiate and manage successful personal relationships.

O – Dyslexia. This student has strong oral language skills and will contribute to class
discussion. Likes IT and has IT skills, use of Google classroom to provide differentiated
learning activities proven successful.

K – Has an Intellectual disability, dyslexia and ADHD. Struggles with focusing and is easily
distracted. Must take medication at 12:00 each day, two days a week this falls within the
lesson. His strengths and interests include storytelling, scooters, the skate park, sport.
SMARTAR Goal: 1) participation in class discussion, listening and responding to peers
without interrupting. 2) beginning and completing tasks - needs scaffolding to help get
started. Modified curriculum and modified A-E Reporting.

T – International student with significant language barrier; use clear and basic sentences
with no slang. Ask T to underline any words he does not understand. Ask closed (yes/ no)
questions. Use google translate, images/ visuals. He will receive a modified A – E grade.

Z - Medical condition. Will require a modified curriculum and reduced workload to cope.
Lesson Sequencing:

Week 1-3 Flexible learning

Week 4-6 Shine
Week 7-8 Small sided games/ cultural games

Behaviour Management/ Support:

Buddy Class - M. Cox Y9 Girls HPE
Buddy Class - L. Huntley Encounter Class

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