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Learning Area: Health and Physical Education Year level/Class: 9 Date: 17th June

Unit Topic: Small sided games/ game history/ game design

Unit Overview:
2 week unit on small sided games, game creation, focus on inclusion, fair play and cooperation. Students
should be able to participate in a range of inclusive & non-competitive games including traditional
Indigenous games. Students will understand the benefits of these games and should be able to
collaborate with their peers to organise, design and play their own game effectively. Students should
make connections between the elements of indigenous games and modern games that are similar.
Students should develop social interaction, participation and reconnect with physical health.

Achievement standard
As a result of participating in this lesson students are working towards:
They examine the role physical activity has played historically in defining cultures and cultural identities.
They apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging movement situations.
They work collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement challenges.

Lesson Objectives:
- How can we get everyone physically active?
- Why is it important to be physically active?
- Cultural significance of AFL
- Increase AFL ball handling skills and confidence

Equipment needed: Safety considerations:
● Clip boards, activity set up instructions for - no kicking/ throwing the ball unless
XXXXXX and XXX + others who may be on the it is part of the activity
sidelines - Listen to instructions and stop when
● AFL balls the teacher asks
● Cones - Students must ask before taking
equipment from the sports shed.
● AFL sticks
● Bibs
Activity Outline Structure
Expectations: Try your best, encourage classmates.
- Discuss importance of warming up muscles before soccer oval space
- Get huffy puffy and do some dynamic stretches
Activity 1
Handball Relay
Run forward, pick up the ball and hand it to their partner.
They then run around their partner, receive the ball back
and return it to the middle as they make their way back to
their starting cone.

Then progress to throwing or handballing the football to

their partner once they’ve picked it up. Followed by
running around their partner and back to the cone.

Game 2: Kick the stick

Students attempt to drop kick or handball their football into
a post that is set up in the middle of their circle.
This is to help students develop accuracy and identify
technical strategies for being successful.

Multiple circles set up with different diameters to increase/

decrease difficulty.

3. Marngrook variation
Discuss the historical significance of Marngrook,
particularly the AFLs reluctance to credit Indigenous
people from Gunditjmara country as an inspiration to Tom
Wills (credited inventor of AFL). Explain rules; hundreds
played at a time, emphasis on high kicks and spectacular
marks. Marngrook a community event, an example of
sport bringing people together. We will play a modified
version to practice kicking accuracy.Players are in groups
15–20 metres apart. When a player catches the ball they
kick it towards the other group of players, who attempt to
catch the ball.
Points are scored when:
● You catch a ball on the full
2x games set up: 1,
● You kick a high ball (determined by teacher)
● You kick the ball and it lands in the opposition competitive and the other cooperative.
zone without them catching it
4. Coast to coast

The objective for each team is to get their ball from one
end of the line to the other end and kick a goal through the
posts. To do this, players pass the ball to their teammates
by using different skills.If ‘touched’ by the other team, the
player has 3 seconds to pass the ball before a turnover.

Question: what skills do you use to move the ball?

Variation: dropped pass = turn over, all teammates much
touch the ball before a score.

Safety: No contact, to tag players, use two hands and tap

their shoulder.

Lesson Close:
Key ideas to be summarised:
- How can we get everyone physically active?
- Why is it important to be physically active?
- What are the key skills in AFL?
- What are the benefits of playing/ watching/ being part of a sports club?
● Check-in with uniform, 10 papers for each.

Sequencing: activities progress from handballing and drop kicking into mini games that resemble AFL.

Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________

Game Structures: AFL

In today's lesson, we will be playing a few different mini games that relate to AFL. Your job today is to
help set up the playing area and to coach and referee games.

Game 1: Handball relay

Place cones in a line on the ground
with each Player standing behind a

A few metres away the partner stands

facing them with the football on the
ground halfway between them.

Game 2: Kick the stick

Use the cones to make a circle, with
the goal post target in the middle.

Auskickers are to have one ball and

stand next to a cone.

Multiple groups of 6 set up.

Game 3: Marngrook variation

Set up
2 circles per group roughly 15m apart.

One ball per game.

Game 4: Coast to coast

Big square 20m x 20m marked out

with cones.

One ball per game

Goal posts down one end

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