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Exercise: Determine the type of Proposition
1. All Filipinos love to eat.
a. Subject – All Filipinos
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – love to
d. Quality of the copula – affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

2. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

a. Subject – Money
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – on
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition

3. No faculty members are overpaid.

a. Subject – No faculty members
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition

4. Ms. Marcos is a senator

a. Subject – Ms. Marcos
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – is
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular + Affirmative = I proposition

5. Most Cavitenos are not fishermen.

a. Subject – Most Cavitenos
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are not
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition
6. Oxygen is not a chemical compound
a. Subject – Oxygen
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – is not
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Particular + Negative = O proposition

7. Some birds are beautiful

a. Subject – Some birds
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular + Affirmative = I proposition

8. Humans are bipeds

a. Subject – Humans
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

9. All cows are cud-chewers

a. Subject – All Cows
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

10. Many Filipinos are farmers.

a. Subject – Many Filipinos
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

11. All Filipinos are Asians

a. Subject – All Filipinos
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition
12. No human being is safe from the virus.
a. Subject – No human being
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – is
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition

13. Andres Bonifacio is a national hero

a. Subject – Andres Bonifacio
a. Quantity of the subject – Singular but then we make it universal
b. Copula – is
c. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
d. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

14. The Philippines has many islands

a. Subject – The Philippines
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – has
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

15. Many Filipinos are not wealthy

a. Subject – Many Filipinos
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are not
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition

16. How many mistakes do you have?

a. Subject – Mistakes
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – do
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Particular + Negative = E proposition

17. The soldiers never left their camp.

a. Subject – The soldiers
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – never left
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

18. That system is useless.

a. Subject – That system
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – is
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Particular + Negative = O proposition

19. Wow, what a wonderful world.

a. Subject – Wonderful world
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – a
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular + Affirmative = I proposition

20. All elements are composed of protons and electrons

a. Subject – All Elements
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Universal + Affirmative = A proposition

21. Some babies are born prematurely

a. Subject – Some babies
b. Quantity of the subject – Universal
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Universal + Negative = E proposition

22. I got mistakes.

a. Subject – Mistakes
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – got
d. Quality of the copula – Negative
e. Particular + Negative = O proposition

23. You should understand and analyze carefully.

a. Subject – You
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – should
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular + Affirmative = I proposition

24. Mistakes are real.

a. Subject – Mistakes
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – are
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular + Affirmative = I proposition

25. Thinking is a must.

a. Subject – Thinking
b. Quantity of the subject – Particular
c. Copula – is
d. Quality of the copula – Affirmative
e. Particular+ Affirmative = I proposition

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