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The Bolivian educational system comprises three subsystems:

 Regular education, comprising:

o Initial education in community family: It constitutes the fundamental basis for the integral
formation of the girl and boy, the family and the community are recognized and strengthened
as the first space for socialization and learning. Lasting five years, it comprises two stages:
 Non-school initial education: It is a shared responsibility between the family, the
community and the State, aimed at promoting and strengthening the cultural identity
of the environment, supporting the family in the prevention and promotion of health
and good nutrition. Three-year duration.
 Initial schooled education: Develops the capacities and abilities that favor attitudes of
autonomy, cooperation and decision-making in the process of thinking
construction. Two-year duration.
o Vocational community primary education. It includes basic training, Provides necessary
conditions of permanence of the students; develops their knowledge, potential and
capabilities. Six-year duration.
o Productive community secondary education. Articulates humanistic education and technical-
technological education with production, incorporating historical, civic and community
training. It makes it possible to identify vocations to continue higher studies or join social-
productive activities. It is aimed at obtaining the Humanistic Technical Bachelor Diploma. Six-
year duration.

 Alternative and special education. 

o Alternative education comprises the following areas: 
 Education of Young and Adult People. It is a systematic education of a technical-
humanistic nature, aimed at people over fifteen years of age. It comprises two levels: 
 Primary Education, Literacy and Post-literacy.
 Secondary Education.
 Permanent education: aimed at the entire population, it offers non-school training
processes that respond to the needs, expectations and interests of organizations,
communities, families and individuals, in their socio-community, productive and
political training.
 Special education will be carried out in comprehensive multisectoral centers, through assessment,
detection, counseling and direct care programs, from early care and throughout life. It comprises three
o Education for People with Disabilities.
o Education for People with Learning Disabilities.
o Education for People with Extraordinary Talent.
 Vocational training higher education. Understands: 
o Teacher Training.
o Technical and Technological Training, whose institutional structure includes: 
 Technical Institutes and Technological Institutes: public, private or by agreement,
they develop professional training programs at a technical level, with the following
 Training. 
 Middle post-secondary technician.
 Advanced technician.
 Higher Technological Schools: fiscal in nature, they develop complementary
specialized training programs at the bachelor level for professionals of the higher
technical level, for the development of applied research, science and technology in
priority areas for the State. It develops the levels of Graduate and Technical
o Artistic Training, whose institutional structure is made up of: 
 Artistic Training Centers: These are fiscal, agreement and private institutions that
develop short-term programs, aimed at the comprehensive training of people. 
 Artistic Training Institutes: These are fiscal, agreement and private institutions that
develop artistic training programs at a medium and higher technical level.

In the first two centers, the levels are those of training, intermediate technician and superior technician. 

 Bolivian Intercultural Schools, of a public nature, that develop specialized

professional training programs at the bachelor's level in different artistic
expressions. Undergraduate level. 
o University education.
 Academic degrees: undergraduate: higher technical and graduate. In postgraduate:
diploma, specialist, teacher, doctor and post doctor. 
 Types of universities: 
 Autonomous public. 
 Private, which are governed by the policies, plans, programs and authorities
of the state educational system.
 Indigenous: of a public nature and linked to the territoriality and organization
of the native peasant indigenous nations and peoples. Its institutional policy
is defined in the Community Boards, made up of national and departmental
indigenous organizations.
 Special regime. They are the Military University and the Police University.

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