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Let It Burn

Julian Ibarra

There’s a time to let the firemen

Forego fighting
To let the fire, the passionate fire
Engulf and consume.

For what if the fire

Despite its broiling heat
Helps more than hurts?
Builds more than destroys?

The fire is at its core a change

From fuel to flame
From dark to light
From overlooked to can’t be denied.

It could be started by a mistake

Carelessness leads to nature’s fury
Or it could be started on purpose
Heaped and fed until it’s seen for miles.

Put it out, put it out​ some say

But they don’t understand
They never understand
An angry fire is the way to change the world

So burn, burn, baby let it burn

Let’s find its root and find its desire
Only when we understand will it disappear
Leaving but ashes as proof it once was.

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