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Evidence: The happiness advantage

Some time ago I met a girl and started a relationship with her. I did my best to please her and make
her happy, but nothing I did seemed to be enough. Even though I was giving myself 100%, I was
not getting this person to be at ease. She was never grateful for everything I gave her. She had
everything to be happy, but she was simply not happy. That relationship ended and in one of the
worst moments of my life I met another person. With this other person he could not have the same
availability. She arrived in the middle of my chaos, and by chaos we will understand only in my
case, a somewhat disordered life due to some things that were beyond my control, but she simply
appreciated my presence. We lacked many things, but she was happy.

That day I understood that the happiness of others does not depend on us. That is, you cannot make
a person happy who is programmed to be unhappy. I think there is an expression that defines it
quite well: you should not give pearls to pigs.

Happiness does not depend on third parties. It depends on an emotional state we already inhabit and
our willingness to share happiness with other people. That is, people should feel happily complete,
and share that happiness with another person who adds value to their life. A person can only share
what they already have or have left over. If you are a happy and happy person you will be
successful and you will share that. If you are loaded with unhappiness, you will share that.

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