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Implementing the Credit Memo Request (Dispute) Approval

Release 9

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

PART I. Define Approval Groups

The Credit Memo Request (Dispute) Approval task uses two approval groups that cannot be seeded and
hence need to be set up. You can follow these steps to set up the approval groups.

1. Sign in to BPM Worklist application as an admin user. Click the Administration link on top of the

2. Click the Approval Groups tab.

3. Click “+” icon to add a new group. Enter the name Collection_Manager_Approval_Group.

4. Click “+” icon (in the Members region) to add members to the group. A pop-up will be displayed.

5. Enter a user name directly or use the list-of-values to select a member. Click OK.

6. Repeat Steps 4 – 5 to add more members to the group, if needed.

7. Click Save to save the approval group.

8. Repeat Steps 3 – 7 to add the group Billing_Manager_Approval_Group and its members.

PART II. Verify Approval Rules Setup
1. Sign in to BPM Worklist application as an admin user. Click the Administration link on top of the

2. Click the Task Configuration tab.

3. Select the task FinArTrxnCreditMemosApproval in the Tasks to be configured pane.

4. Click the Assignees tab. The seeded approval task is displayed. You can switch between vertical
and horizontal layouts.

5. Click on the box in the diagram (i.e. participants in the task) to view its details in the bottom of
the page. Click the hyperlink for the business rule (e.g. Collection_Agent_Ruleset) to view the

6. Click on the Expand icon to view details of a rule. For example, the rule CollectionAgentRule2
utilizes the approval group Collection_Manager_Approval_Group.
Another example: The approval group Billing_Manager_Approval_Group is used in the rule
NonCollectionAgentRule2 as part of the ruleset Non_Collection_Agent_Ruleset.

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