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2014 Final Year Engineering Student Surve

- Atlan c Report
Conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Engineers Canad

May 2014

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2014 Final Year Engineering Student Survey -
Atlantic Report Conducted by Ipsos Reid on
behalf of Engineers Canada May 2014.
Published by Kyra Bobb Modi ed over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Final Year Engineering Student
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Engineers Canada May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Final Year 0

Engineering Student Survey - Atlantic Report Conducted by Ipsos Reid
on behalf of Engineers Canada May 2014

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2 ATLANTIC Table of Contents Research Objectives3 Methodology4
Key Highlights6 Executive Summary7 Future Plans11 Intention to Apply
for Licensure17 Licensing Knowledge28 Knowledge of Association of
Professional Engineers 34 Knowledge of Professional Engineers Act 37
Appetite for Career Assessment Tool40 Demographics45 Additional
Analysis: Impact on Intention to Pursue Attendance at
Workshop/Seminar49 Knowledge of PEA52 Knowledge of Licensing and
Roles55 Knowledge of Organizational Responsibility58 2

3 ATLANTIC Research Objectives The primary objective of this

research is to understand the reasons why graduates of CEAB
accredited engineering programs at Atlantic universities do or do not
intend to apply for their licence. In order to achieve this objective, the
research seeks to understand the following: The future career and/or
education plans of nal year engineering students; The percentage of
nal year engineering students who intend to pursue a career in
Engineering and the percentage who intend to apply for their P.Eng
licence; Final year engineering students’ level of knowledge of the
Professional Engineers Act of their province. 3

4 ATLANTIC Methodology The online survey was conducted

between January 27 to March 14, 2014 with nal year engineering
students. All university Faculties of Engineering with CEAB accredited
programs were invited to participate in the study and were asked to
send the online survey to all nal year engineering students registered
in their Engineering program. The link to the online survey was sent
to the universities and each school was requested to send the survey
link to all quali ed students on January 27, 2014. The survey was
o ered in both English and French. A total of 39 universities
participated in the research and 2,046 students completed the survey.
Within Atlantic provinces speci cally, 4 schools participated and a total
of n=154 students completed the survey. The margin of error for this
study (n=154) is ± 8.0%, 19 times out of 20. 4
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5 ATLANTIC Methodology (cont’d) For certain questions, the base
size was too low to include in reporting. These include: Q16, Q17 and
Q18 (only n=3 responded to these questions) Q23 (only n=3
responded to this question) Please note: base sizes under n=30 are 
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considered very small and should be interpreted with caution 5

Highlights Compared
think you tothis
have liked lastpresentation.
year, we haveIf you wish to
observed little statistically signiit,cant
download movement
please recommend in terms of students’
it to your friends in any social
intentions to pursuesystem.
a careerShare
in engineering or atolittle
buttons are applybitfor licensure.
lower. Thank you!
There has however been a slight softening of de nite intentions to
pursue a career in engineering, however overall intentions remain
strong. We have also noticed the opposite in terms of intentions to
apply for licensure with a directional increase in de nite intentions.
These measures will be important to watch moving forward to see if
the incremental movement observed this year develops into a trend.
While virtually all students continue to report they are likely (de nitely/
probably) to pursue a career in engineering (98% vs. 98% in 2013),
directionally fewer students de nitely will than in the past (76%Cancel down Download
from 83% last year). Overall, two thirds (66%) of nal year
engineering students are at least probably likely to apply for licensure,
unchanged over the past year (68% in 2013), however the proportion
who are de nitely likely has increased slightly versus 2013 (45% vs.
40%). There has also been some declines in terms of students’
knowledge regarding the engineering profession year over year.
Compared to 2013, we notice an increase in those students’ who have a
low level of knowledge regarding licensing and roles within the
profession (8% vs. 2% in 2013), however the vast majority continue to
have a high or moderate level of knowledge (90% vs. 94%).
Speci cally, there has been a directional decline in the proportion of
students who know that a licence is required to perform engineering
work independently (87% vs. 92% in 2013). 6

7 ATLANTIC Executive Summary Future Intentions: Continuing

Education Versus Entering Workforce More than eight in ten (85%)
nal year engineering students say they intend to go into the workforce
after graduating with their bachelors degree in Engineering, while one
in ten (9%) students intend to pursue more education. Of those who
intend on pursuing more education, the vast majority (n=12) plan to
pursue a graduate degree in engineering. Due to very small base sizes,
results should be interpreted with caution. Among those students
who plan to pursue more education, New Brunswick is mentioned
most often as their preferred location for further studies, followed by
Nova Scotia and Ontario. Future Intentions: Engineering Career
Virtually all students (98%) say they are likely to pursue a career in
engineering, three quarters de nitely will (76%) while slightly more
than two in ten probably will (22%). Very few students (2%) probably
will not pursue a career in engineering, while none indicate they
de nitely will not. Over nine in ten (94%) students say that when they
began their studies they planned to practice engineering upon
completion of their program. Two thirds of students began their
undergraduate studies with a de nite intention to pursue an
engineering career (64%), while three in ten said it was likely (31%). 7
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8 ATLANTIC Executive Summary (continued) Future Intentions:
Engineering Career (continued) Consistent with the overall level, over
nine in ten students who intend to pursue a career in engineering say
they were de nitely Download
(65%) or likely (31%) to pursue a career in the 
engineering eld when they began their studies. Fewer than one in ten
(4%) say they originally intended to pursue an alternate career. Future
Intentions: Pursue Licensure More than four in ten of all students
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
(45%) indicate that they de nitely intend to apply for licensure, while
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
nearly two in ten (21%) say they probably will. One quarter of students
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
are unlikely to apply, of which nearly two in ten probably won’t (16%),
while fewer than oneButtons:
in ten de nitely won’t apply (7%). One in ten don’t
know (11%). Of those students who speci cally plan to pursue an
engineering career, 46% indicate they de nitely will and 21% probably
will pursue their licence, nearly identical to overall levels. Of those
who do not intend to immediately pursue their licence, nine in ten 0
indicate that they probably or de nitely will apply for licensure
sometime down the road (91%), while one in ten do not foresee
themselves applying in the future (9%). Due to very small base sizes,
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results should be interpreted with caution. Once told that a licence is
required to legally refer to yourself as an engineer and practice as an
engineer, the vast majority (n=13) of those who originally did not plan
to pursue their licence now indicate they are de nitely or probably
likely to do so. Due to very small base sizes, results should be
interpreted with caution. 8

9 ATLANTIC Executive Summary (continued) Future Intentions:

Pursue Licensure (continued) Of those who intend to pursue their
licence, seven in ten students plan to do so within one year (69%), of
which half will do so within six months (52%). Slightly more than one in
ten intend to apply after a year (15%) or remain undecided (16%).
Among those students who plan to wait at least a year to apply for
licensure or are unsure, virtually all (n=44) cite the desire for required
work experience as the reason for the delay or uncertainty. Upon
learning that the fee for the rst year of the Engineering-in-Training
[EIT] program can be waived if they apply within six months of
graduation, over nine in ten (95%) say they are at least likely to apply
within a 6 month timeframe. Knowledge of Engineering Profession At
eight in ten (83%), the vast majority of students know that engineering
is regulated by legislation, while one in ten believe it is not and 7% are
unsure. Students’ knowledge of the Professional Engineers Act of
their respective province is varied, four in ten students report having a
fair amount (38%) or just a little knowledge (43%) about the
Professional Engineers Act, while 4% claim to know a lot about it. Only
4% say they have never heard of the Act. Nine in ten students know
that a licence is required to perform engineering work independently
(87%) while seven in ten know it is needed to use the title ‘Engineer’
(71%). Further, eight in ten know that it is not required to practice
engineering work under the supervision of a P.Eng (80%). 9

10 ATLANTIC Executive Summary (continued) Knowledge of

Engineering Profession (continued) The vast majority of students are
able to correctly identify that their respective provincial engineering
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association is the organization responsible for licensing engineers
policy. I agree.      /
(84%) and that it also regulates the practice of professional engineers
(69%). Comparatively, nearly nine in ten students know that CEAB is the
organization that accredits University engineering programs (87%).
Students are split however on which organization licences companies 
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o ering engineering services, half feel it is their respective provincial
engineering association (48%), while one third believe it is CEAB (34%)
and one quarter don’t know (25%). Appetite for Career Assessment
Tool At nine in tenWe think
(90%), you
the vasthave liked this
majority presentation.
of students If would
think it you wish to
have been very (48%) or somewhat helpful (42%) to have had a tool in in any social
download it, please recommend it to your friends
high school that wouldsystem. Share buttons
help determine arewould
if they a littlehave
bit lower.
been Thank
a goodyou!
t for engineering studies. An identical proportion of students (90%)
feel that a career assessment would be helpful, of which half indicate it
would be very helpful (49%) and four in ten somewhat helpful (41%).
Most students feel that a career assessment tool would be most helpful
in their 3 rd year of school (41%), followed by around one quarter who 0
mention either their 2nd year (25%) or 4th year (26%), while only one in
ten mention 1st year (8%). Only 1% of students report being aware of
Engineers Canada’s Career Focus program. 10
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11 Future Plans 11

12 ATLANTIC Plans After Graduation 12 Q12. Which of the

following best describes your current plans after you graduate? Base:
All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Q13. Which of the following
best describes the education you plan to pursue? Base: Respondents
who said “more education” in Q12, 2013 (n=12); 2014 (n=14) Current
Plans After Graduation Educational Intentions Consistent with last
year, over eight in ten students intend on going into the workforce after
graduation, while one in ten plan to pursue more education. Among
those who plan to further their education, the vast majority (n=12) plan
to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. Due to very small base
sizes, results should be interpreted with caution. Consistent with last
year, over eight in ten students intend on going into the workforce after
graduation, while one in ten plan to pursue more education. Among
those who plan to further their education, the vast majority (n=12) plan
to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. Due to very small base
sizes, results should be interpreted with caution. Pursue a graduate
degree in engineering (n=12) (n=10) Pursue an MBA (n=1) Pursue
another professional degree (n=1) Go into the workforce (n=131) (n=89)
Pursue more education (n=14) (n=13) Don't know/Unsure (n=5) (n=2)

13 ATLANTIC Location of Anticipated Graduate Education 13 Q13B.

Where do you plan to pursue graduate education? Base: Pursue more
education after graduation – 2013 (n=12); 2014 (n=14) Location of
Graduate Intentions Among those students who plan to pursue more
education, New Brunswick is mentioned most often as their preferred
location for further studies, followed by Nova Scotia and Ontario. Due
to very small base sizes, results should be interpreted with caution.
New Brunswick (n=5) (n=3) Nova Scotia (n=3) (n=1) Quebec (n=3) (n=0)
Alberta (n=1) (n=0) Don't know/ Unsure (n=2) (n=3)

14 ATLANTIC Yes, I de nitely will (n=117) (n=88) Yes, I probably will

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(n=34) (n=16) No, I probably won‘t (n=3) (n=2) No, I de I agree.
policy. nitely     
won't (n=0) /
(n=0) Intention to Pursue Engineering Career 14 Q14. When you
complete your education, do you plan to pursue a career in the
engineering eld? Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Do
You Plan to Pursue a Career in the Engineering Field? Virtually all 
Download presentation
students intend on pursuing a career in the engineering eld after
completing their education. Compared to last year, there has been a
directional decline in the proportion of students who de nitely intend
to pursue a career inWe think you have
engineering, o setliked thisincrease
by an presentation. If you
in those whowish to
probably will. Virtually all students intend on pursuing a career in thein any social
download it, please recommend it to your friends
engineering eld aftersystem. Share their
completing buttons are a little Compared
education. bit lower. Thank
to lastyou!
year, there has been a directional decline in the proportion of students
who de nitely intend to pursue a career in engineering, o set by an
increase in those who probably will. No (Low 2 Box) 2014: 98% (n=151)
2013: 98% (n=104 ) 2014: 2% (n=3) 2013: 2% (n=2) Yes (Top 2 Box)
15 ATLANTIC Career Plans When Studies Commenced Over nine
in ten students say that when they began their studies they planned to
practice engineering upon completion of their program, of which nearly
Cancel Download
two-thirds de nitely intended on doing so while three in ten said it was
likely. 15 Q18. When you began your studies, did you plan to practice
engineering when you completed your program? Base: All respondents
2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Did You Plan to Practice Engineering When
You Began Your Studies? Yes (Top 2 Box) No (Low 2 Box) Yes, de nitely
(n=98) (n=73) Yes, it was likely (n=47) (n=28) No, it was unlikely (n=7)
(n=5) No, I de nitely did not (n=2) (n=0) 2014: 94% (n=145) 2013: 95%
(n=101 ) 2014: 6% (n=9) 2013: 5% (n=5)

16 ATLANTIC Current and Prior Career Intentions (among students

who intend to pursue a career in engineering) At over nine in ten,
virtually all students who intend on pursuing a career in engineering
say they de nitely or likely planned to do so when they began their
studies. 16 Q18. When you began your studies, did you plan to practice
engineering when you completed your program? Base: Students who
intend to pursue a career in engineering 2013 (n=104); 2014 (n=151) No
(Low 2 Box) Yes (Top 2 Box) Yes, de nitely (n=98) (n=73) Yes, it was
likely (n=46) (n=27) No, it was unlikely (n=5) (n=4) No, I de nitely did not
(n=2) (n=0) 2014: 96% (n=145) 2013: 96% (n=100 ) 2014: 4% (n=7) 2013:
4% (n=4)

17 Application Intentions for Professional Engineering Licensure


18 ATLANTIC Intention to Apply for Licensure Nearly half of

students (45%) indicate that they de nitely intend to apply for
licensure, while two in ten (21%) probably will. One quarter of students
are unlikely to apply, of which 16% probably won’t and 7% de nitely
won’t apply, while 11% don’t know. 18 Q21. Do you intend to apply for
licensure as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)? Base: All respondents
2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Do You Intend To Apply for Licensure? No
(Low 2 Box) Yes (Top 2 Box) Yes, I de nitely will (n=69) (n=42) Yes, I
probably will (n=33) (n=30) No, I probably won‘t (n=24) (n=17) No, I
de this
To make nitely won't
website (n=11)
work, we log(n=10) Don’t
user data know/
and share Unsure
it with (n=17)
processors. To (n=7)
use this2014:
website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
policy. I agree.      /
66% (n=102) 2013: 68% (n=72 ) 2014: 23% (n=35) 2013: 25% (n=27)

19 ATLANTIC Intention to Apply for Licensure- Pursuing

Engineering Career Download
Among those students who intend to pursue a 
career in engineering, close to half (46%) indicate that they de nitely
intend to apply for licensure, while a further two in ten (21%) say they
probably will. One quarter of students
We think you have are unlikely
liked to apply for If you wish to
this presentation.
licensure, of which 15% probably
download won’t and
it, please 7% de nitely
recommend it to won’t apply. in any social
your friends
19 Q21. Do you intend to apply
system. Sharefor buttons
licensure asaalittle
are Professional
bit lower.Engineer
Thank you!
(P.Eng.)? Base: Respondents who intend to pursue a career in the
engineering eld 2013 (n=104); 2014 (n=151) Do You Intend To Apply
for Licensure? No (Low 2 Box) Yes (Top 2 Box) Yes, I de nitely will (n=69)
(n=42) Yes, I probably will (n=32) (n=30) No, I probably won‘t (n=23)
(n=15) No, I de nitely won't (n=11) (n=10) Don’t know/ Unsure (n=16)
(n=7) 2014: 67% (n=101) 2013: 69% (n=72 ) 2014: 23% (n=34) 2013: 24% 0

20 ATLANTIC Do You Ever Foresee Yourself Applying for Licensure?

Cancel Download
Foresee Applying in Future P.Eng. 20 Q22. Do you ever foresee yourself
applying for licensure as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)? Base:
Respondents who said ‘no’ in Q21 2013 (n=27); 2014 (n=35) Of those
students who do not plan on –or- are not sure if they will apply for
licensure, over nine in ten (91%) indicate that they probably or
de nitely will apply for licensure sometime down the road, while one in
ten (9%) do not foresee themselves applying in the future. Due to very
small base sizes, results should be interpreted with caution. No (Low 2
Box) Yes (Top 2 Box) Yes, I de nitely will (n=24) (n=14) Yes, I probably
will (n=8) (n=8) No, I probably won‘t (n=3) (n=3) No, I de nitely won't
(n=0) (n=0) Don’t know/ Unsure (n=0) (n=2) 2014: 91% (n=32) 2013: 82%
(n=22 ) 2014: 9% (n=3) 2013: 11% (n=3)

21 ATLANTIC Interest Once Told P.Eng. Licence is Required to

Practice 21 Q24. Since a licence is required to legally refer to yourself as
an engineer, or to practice as an engineer, do you plan to apply for
your P.Eng. licence? Base: Respondents who do not intend to apply for
licensure or are not sure, 2013 (n=12); 2014 (n=20) Given that a Licence
is Required to Practice Engineering, Do You Intend to Apply? Once
told that a licence is required to legally refer to yourself as an engineer
and practice as an engineer, two- thirds of those who originally did not
plan or were unsure of their intentions now indicate they are de nitely
or probably likely to apply for licensure. Due to very small base sizes,
results should be interpreted with caution. No (Low 2 Box) Yes (Top 2
Box) Yes, I de nitely will (n=11) (n=6) Yes, I probably will (n=2) (n=2) No,
I probably won‘t (n=4) (n=2) No, I de nitely won't (n=0) (n=1) Don’t
know/ Unsure (n=3) (n=1) 2014: 65% (n=13) 2013: 67% (n=8 ) 2014: 20%
(n=4) 2013: 25% (n=3)

22 ATLANTIC Pre-Graduation Work Experience- 2014 22 Q33 Have

you been able to obtain pre-graduation engineering work experience?
Base: Respondents applied for license or Don't know/ Unsure (n=16)
Among those who didn’t immediately intend to apply but would do so
To make hearing it is required
website work, we log userto practice,
data over
and share four
it with in ten have
processors. To usebeen able you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
this website,
to obtain pre-graduation work experience, while slightly
policy. fewer
I agree.      have not /
and two in ten are not sure what quali es. (n=35) (n=7) (n=13)

23 ATLANTIC Application Timeframe 23 Apply Within 1 Year (Top 2

Box) When Do You Plan to Applypresentation
for Licensure? Q27. Do you intend to 
apply for licensure...? Base: Respondents who plan to apply for
licensure, 2013 (n=102); 2014 (n=147) Seven in ten students who
intend to apply for licensure
We thinkplan
you to do liked
have so within one year (69%),
this presentation. of wish to
If you
which half think theydownload
will applyit,
months of graduation (52%). in any social
it to your friends
Slightly more than one in tenShare
system. intend to apply
buttons after
are a year
a little (15%) or
bit lower. Thank you!
remain undecided (16%). Within six months after graduation (n=76)
(n=51) Within a yearButtons:
after graduation (n=25) (n=17) More than a year
after graduation (n=22) (n=14) Don't know/unsure (n=24) (n=20) 2014:
69% (n=101) 2013: 67% (n=68 )

24 ATLANTIC Reasons for Waiting to Apply 24 Q28. Why do you 0

intend to wait more than a year to apply for the P.Eng.? Base:
Respondents who said >1yr or don’t know/unsure in Q27, 2013 (n=34);
2014 (n=46) Why Do You Plan to Wait More Than a Year to Apply? Cancel Download
Among those students who plan to wait at least a year to apply for
licensure or are unsure, virtually all cite the desire for required work
experience as the reason for the delay or uncertainty. Due to small
base sizes, results should be interpreted with caution. I want to achieve
the required experience before applying (n=44) (n=28) Little to no
employment opportunities (n=1) (n=0) Need more information about
programs/ about applying (n=1) (n=0)

25 ATLANTIC Would you Apply Within 6 Month if Eligible to Have

1st Year EIT Fees Waived? Very likely (n=41) (n=31) Somewhat likely
(n=26) (n=12) Somewhat unlikely (n=1) (n=2) Very unlikely (n=0) (n=2)
Don't know / Unsure (n=3) (n=4) Impact of Waiving EIT Fees on
Likelihood to Apply within Six Months 25 Q29. If you knew that by
applying for licensure in Ontario within 6 months of graduation you
could be eligible to have the application and rst year EIT program fees
waived, how likely would you be to apply for licensure within that time
frame? Base: Respondents who do not know or intend to apply for
licensure in Ontario >6mths after graduation, 2013 (n=51); 2014 (n=71)
Likely (Top 2 Box) Unlikely (Low 2 Box) (n=81) Upon learning that they
could be eligible to have their rst year EIT fees waived, nearly six in ten
(58%) students who originally intended on waiting more than six
months after graduation to apply say that they are very likely to do so
within that timeframe. Nearly four in ten (37%) are somewhat likely to
apply within six months, while only 1% are unlikely to apply (8%) in that
timeframe, while 4% don’t know. 2014: 95% (n=67) 2013: 85% (n=43 )
2014: 1% (n=1) 2013: 8% (n=4)

26 ATLANTIC Intended Country of Application 26 Q25. Where do

you intend to apply for licensure? Base: Respondents who ever plan to
apply for licensure, 2013 (n=102); 2014 (n=147) Abroad Where Do You
Intend to Apply for Licensure? Mentions may add to more than 100% as
respondents were able to select more than one response Nearly all
nal year engineering students (96%) who intend to apply for licensure
plan towebsite
To make this apply work,
in Canada. One
we log user in and
data tenshare
also itplan to apply inTothe
with processors. use US
this (11%)
website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
or abroad (8%). Canada (n=141) (n=98) US (n=16) (n=7)I agree.
policy. Europe     (n=7) /
(n=4) Asia (n=5) (n=1) Other (n=4) (n=6) 2014: 8% (n=12) 2013: 5% (n=5)

27 ATLANTIC Province of Intended Licensure 27 Q26. Please select

the provinces and/orDownload
territories in which you intend on applying for 
licensure. Base: Respondents who plan to apply for licensure in
Canada, 2013 (n=98); 2014 (n=141) Around half of students who plan
to apply for licensureWeintend
this(46%), followedIfby
presentation. New
you wish to
Brunswick (38%). Closer to three
download it, in ten intend
please to apply
recommend in Nova
it to Scotia in any social
your friends
(28%), while closer tosystem.
one quarter
buttons Ontario (24%)
are a little or
bit lower. Thank you!
Newfoundland/ Labrador (23%). Compared to 2013, students are
more likely to intendButtons:
on applying in Nova Scotia, Ontario or the
territories. Around half of students who plan to apply for licensure
intend to apply in Alberta (46%), followed by New Brunswick (38%).
Closer to three in ten intend to apply in Nova Scotia (28%), while closer
to one quarter indicate Ontario (24%) or Newfoundland/ Labrador 0
(23%). Compared to 2013, students are more likely to intend on
applying in Nova Scotia, Ontario or the territories. Alberta (n=65) (n=34)
New Brunswick (n=54) (n=49) Nova Scotia (n=40) (n=11) Ontario (n=34)
Cancel Download
(n=10) Newfoundland/ Labrador (n=33) (n=23) British Columbia (n=26)
(n=49) Quebec (n=15) (n=8) Saskatchewan (n=10) (n=4) Prince Edward
Island (n=9) (n=8) Yukon/ Northwest Territories/Nunavut (n=8) (n=1)
Manitoba (n=6) (n=1) Don't know/ Unsure (n=10) (n=11)

28 Licensing Knowledge 28

29 ATLANTIC Engineering Regulated by Legislation 29 Q5. As far as

you know, is the practice of professional engineering regulated by
legislation? Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Is the
Practice of Engineering Regulated by Legislation? At eight in ten
(82%), the vast majority of students know that engineering is regulated
by legislation, while one in ten believe it is not and 7% are unsure. Yes
(n=128) (n=87) No (n=15) (n=14) Don’t know/ Unsure (n=11) (n=5)

30 ATLANTIC Licensing for Roles within Engineering Nearly nine

in ten students know that a licence is required to perform engineering
work independently (87%) while seven in ten know it is needed to use
the title ‘Engineer’ (71%). Exactly eight in ten meanwhile know that it is
not required to practice engineering work under the supervision of a
P.Eng (80%). 30 Q8. As far as you know, is a licence required before
being able to do the following in... Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106);
2014 (n=154) Is a Licence Required Before Being Able to Do the
Following? Practice engineering work independently Use the title
'Engineer' Practice engineering work under the supervision of a P.Eng.

31 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Licensing and Roles 31 Q8. As far as

you know, is a licence required before being able to do the following
in.. Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Knowledge Levels
De ned High: All Correct (3) in Q8 Moderate: 2 Correct in Q8 Low: 1
Correct in Q8 None: Zero (0) Correct in Q8 Knowledge Level of
Engineering Practices Requiring a Licence High/Moderate (Top 2 Box)
Little/None (Top 2 Box) Nine in ten students have a moderate (39%)
or high
To make (51%) work,
this website levelwe
of log
knowledge of share
user data and whenit with
a licence is required
processors. To use thistowebsite,
legallyyou must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
perform actions/ duties within the engineering profession.policy. I agree.      /
Comparatively, one in ten have either little (8%) or no knowledge (3%)
on the subject. Compared to 2013, there has been an increase in the
proportion of students who have a low level of knowledge. Nine in
ten students have a moderate (39%) or high (51%) level of knowledge of 
Download presentation
when a licence is required to legally perform actions/ duties within the
engineering profession. Comparatively, one in ten have either little (8%)
or no knowledge (3%) on the subject. Compared to 2013, there has
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
been an increase in the proportion of students who have a low level of
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
knowledge. High (n=78) (n=54) Moderate (n=60) (n=46) Low (n=12) (n=2)
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
None (n=4) (n=4) 2014: 90% (n=138) 2013: 94% (n=100 ) 2014: 11%
(n=16) 2013: 6% (n=6)

32 ATLANTIC Organizational Responsibilities – 2013 & 2014 The

vast majority of students are able to correctly identify that their
respective provincial engineering association is the organization 0
responsible for licensing engineers (84%) and that it also regulates the
practice of professional engineers (69%). Comparatively, nearly nine in
ten students know that CEAB is the organization that accredits
Cancel Download
University engineering programs (87%). Students are split however on
which organization licences companies o ering engineering services,
half feel it is their respective provincial engineering association (48%),
while one third believe it is CEAB (34%) and one quarter don’t know
(25%). Compared to 2013, students are less likely to believe CEAB
licences companies o ering engineering services but more likely to feel
that organization promotes the interests of professional engineers.
The vast majority of students are able to correctly identify that their
respective provincial engineering association is the organization
responsible for licensing engineers (84%) and that it also regulates the
practice of professional engineers (69%). Comparatively, nearly nine in
ten students know that CEAB is the organization that accredits
University engineering programs (87%). Students are split however on
which organization licences companies o ering engineering services,
half feel it is their respective provincial engineering association (48%),
while one third believe it is CEAB (34%) and one quarter don’t know
(25%). Compared to 2013, students are less likely to believe CEAB
licences companies o ering engineering services but more likely to feel
that organization promotes the interests of professional engineers. 32
Which Organization is Responsible for Each of the Follow Activities? Q9.
Please indicate the organization responsible for each of the activities/
procedures listed below. Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014
(n=154) Accredits University engineering programs Licences companies
o ering engineering services to the public Promotes the interests of
professional engineers Regulates the practice of Professional
Engineering Licences Professional Engineers

33 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Organizational Responsibility 33

Knowledge Level of Organizational Responsibility within the
Engineering Profession Q9. Please indicate the organization
responsible for each of the activities/ procedures listed below. Base: All
respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) High/ Moderate (Top 2 Box)
Little/ None (Top 2 Box) Nearly nine in ten students have either a
high (32%) or moderate (59%) level of knowledge concerning
To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
organizational responsibilities of activities/ procedures relating to the
policy. I agree.      /
engineering profession. One in ten have either a low level (5%) or no
knowledge (4%) on the subject. Knowledge Levels De ned High: All
Correct in Q9 (4) Moderate: 2 or 3 Correct in Q9 Low: 1 Correct in Q9
None: All Incorrect (0) in Q9 High (n=49) (n=38) Moderate (n=91) (n=55) 
Download presentation
Low (n=8) (n=9) None (n=6) (n=4) 2014: 91% (n=140) 2013: 88% (n=93 )
2014: 9% (n=14) 2013: 12% (n=13)

We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to

34 Provincial Engineering Association 34 Attendance at seminar(s)
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
and awareness of SMP program
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!

35 ATLANTIC Attendance
Buttons: of Provincial Engineering Association
Seminar 35 Q11. Have you ever attended a workshop/ seminar/ talk
given by a [PEGNL/Engineers PEI/Engineers NS/APEGNB/]
representative? Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Ever
Attend a [PEGNL/Engineers PEI/Engineers NS/APEGNB] Seminar? 0
Nearly half of students (46%) report having ever attended a seminar or
workshop given by a representative from their respective provincial
engineering association. Yes (n=70) (n=62) No (n=77) (n=41) Don’t
Cancel Download
know/ Unsure (n=7) (n=3)

36 ATLANTIC Association with SMP 36 Q32. Which of the following

best describes your association with the [PEGNL/Engineers
PEI/Engineers NS/APEGNB/]’s Student Membership Program (SMP)?
Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014 (n=154) Aware (Top 3 Box)
Nearly four in ten students (38%) are aware of a Student Membership
Program (SMP) o ered by their respective provincial engineering
association. Of which, 7% are current members, nearly one quarter
have heard of it and are interested in becoming a member (23%) and
8% have heard of the program but are not interested in membership. I
am currently a member (n=10) (n=3) I've heard of it and am interested
in becoming a member (n=35) (n=28) I've heard of it but am not
interested in becoming a member (n=12) (n=6) I have never heard of it
(n=97) (n=69) 2014: 38% (n=57) 2013: 35% (n=37)

37 Professional Engineers Act 37

38 ATLANTIC Professional Engineers Act 38 Q6. The practice of

engineering is regulated by the Professional Engineers Act of
[Newfoundland and Labrador/PEI/Nova Scotia/New Brunswick ]. Which
of the following best describes how much you know about the
Professional Engineers Act of [Newfoundland and Labrador/PEI/Nova
Scotia/New Brunswick ] ? Base: All respondents 2013 (n=106); 2014
(n=154) Familiar (Top 3 Box) How Much Do You Know About the
Professional Engineers Act of [Newfoundland and Labrador/PEI/Nova
Scotia/New Brunswick]? Over eight in ten students report being
familiar with the Professional Engineers Act of their respective
province. Four in ten report having a fair amount (38%) or just a little
knowledge (43%) about the Professional Engineers Act, while 4% claim
to know a lot about it. Only 4% say they have never heard of the Act. A
lot (n=6) (n=3) A fair amount (n=59) (n=46) Just a little (n=66) (n=48)
Heard of it, but know nothing about it (n=17) (n=7) Never heard of it
To make (n=2)
this 2014:
website work,85% (n=131)
we log 2013:
user data 91%it(n=97
and share )
with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
policy. I agree.      /
39 ATLANTIC Professional Engineers Act (cont’d) 39 Q7. Where did
you rst hear about the Professional Engineers Act of [Newfoundland
and Labrador/PEI/Nova Scotia/New Brunswick ]? Base: Respondents
who know about theDownload
Act 2013 (n=97); 2014 (n=131) Where Did You First 
Hear About the Professional Engineers Act of [Newfoundland and
Labrador/PEI/Nova Scotia/New Brunswick ]? Mentions <4% are not
shown University prof or course Eight in ten students heard about
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
the Act through a university law and ethics course (54%) or a university
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
professor or administrator (27%). From a University Law & Ethics
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
Course (n=71) (n=51) From a University professor/administrator (n=35)
(n=23) From a professional
Buttons:engineer (n=10) (n=11) From a PEO
representative (n=7) (n=4) From a family member or friend (n=6) (n=4)

40 Appetite for Career Assessment Tool 40

41 ATLANTIC Helpfulness of Engineering Fit Tool During High
School 41 Q33E. Would it have been helpful in high school to have had
a tool to help determine if you would be a good t for engineeringCancel Download
studies and for a successful career in engineering? Base 2014 n=154
At nine in ten, the vast majority of students think it would have been
helpful to have had a tool in high school that would help determine if
they would have been a good t for engineering studies, of which half
think it would have been very helpful. (n=42) Helpful (Top 2 Box) 10%
(n=15) Not Helpful (Top 2 Box) 90% (n=139) (n=74) (n=65) (n=14) (n=1)

42 ATLANTIC Career Assessment Tool- 2014 42 Q17a. Would a tool

to help you decide if you should pursue a career in consulting, technical
engineering, sales engineering, project management, academe, etc., be
helpful to you? Base: All respondents 2014 (n=154) Similarly, nine in
ten feel that a career assessment would be helpful, of which nearly half
indicate it would be very helpful. Not Helpful (Low 2 Box) 2014: 90%
(n=138) 10% (n=16) Helpful (Top 2 Box) (n=75) (n=63) (n=14) (n=2)

43 ATLANTIC Career Assessment Tool- 2014 43 Q17b. At what

stage in the engineering education process do you feel this career
assessment tool would be most helpful? Base: All respondents 2014
(n=154) At four in ten, most students feel that a career assessment
tool would be most helpful in their 3 rd year of school, followed by
around one quarter who mention either their 2 nd year or 4 th year,
while only one in ten mention 1 st year. (n=12) (n=39) (n=63) (n=40)

44 ATLANTIC Intention to Pursue Engineering Career- 2014 44

Q17c. Are you aware that Engineers Canada has developed a new
program called Career Focus which includes a tool that can assess your
chances of success in engineering? Base: All respondents 2014 (n=154)
Only 1% report being aware of Engineers Canada’s Career Focus

45 Demographics 45

46 ATLANTIC Parent (n=35) (n=21) Other family member (n=29)

To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
(n=13) Friend/ Acquintance (n=16) (n=8) Teacherpolicy. (n=12) (n=7)    
I agree. Guidance /
Counsellor (n=2) (n=2) Other (n=11) (n=4) Inspiration for Pursuing
Engineering 46 Q33B. Thinking back to before you began your current
undergraduate program, would you say there was a particular
individual(s) or role model(s) who inspired you to study engineering 
Download presentation
speci cally? Base: All respondents, 2013 (n=106), 2014 (n=154). Q33C.
What was your relation to this person(s)? Base: Respondents who were
inspired by someone to pursue engineering. 2013 (n=42), 2014 (n=76)
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
Q33D. Please indicate the gender of each individual you selected. Base:
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
Respondents who were inspired by someone to pursue engineering.
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
Nearly half of students indicate that a particular individual inspired
them to enter engineering speci cally. Of those who were inspired,
almost half cite a parent as the individual who motivated them while
four in ten mention another family member and two in ten a friend/
acquaintance or a teacher. The vast majority indicate that it was a
male who inspired them. Nearly half of students indicate that a 0
particular individual inspired them to enter engineering speci cally. Of
those who were inspired, almost half cite a parent as the individual
who motivated them while four in ten mention another family member
and two in ten a friend/ acquaintance or a teacher. The vast majority Download
indicate that it was a male who inspired them. (n=42)

47 ATLANTIC Permanent Residency 47 Q34. For statistical

purposes, we would like to know the location of your permanent
residence. Please select the statement that most appropriately
describes your current residency status: ? Base: All respondents, 2013
n=106, 2014 n=154; Q35. You indicated that you are attending
university in [Newfoundland and Labrador/PEI/Nova Scotia/New
Brunswick ] but are a permanent resident of another
province/territory. Please select the province or territory in which you
are a permanent resident. Base: Respondents who are not permanent
residents of [Newfoundland and Labrador/PEI/Nova Scotia/New
Brunswick ], 2013 n=26, 2014 n=48 Around half of nal year
engineering students are permanent residents of the province they are
attending school in (55%), lower than in 2013. Of those who are
attending school in one of the Atlantic provinces but are a permanent
resident of another province, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta and PEI are
the most common home provinces referenced by students. Resident of
Another Province/Territory: [Newfoundland and Labrador, PEI, Nova
Scotia, New Brunswick ] (n=84) (n=72) Resident of another
province/territory (n=48) (n=26) International student (n=22) (n=8) Nova
Scotia (n=14) (n=5) Ontario (n=9) (n=3) Alberta (n=8) (n=7) Prince
Edward Island (n=8) (n=7) Newfoundland/ Labrador (n=3) (n=2) Quebec
(n=2) (n=1) New Brunswick (n=2) (n=0) British Columbia (n=1)
Saskatchewan (n=1) (n=0)

48 ATLANTIC Engineering Disciplines 48 Q3/Q3B. Please indicate

the engineering discipline in which you are currently studying by
selecting one of the following options. Base: All respondents, 2013
(n=106); 2014 (n=154) Mentions <3% (in 2013) are not shown The
most popular disciplines are civil engineering, followed by mechanical
engineering, chemical engineering and electrical engineering. Civil
Engineering (n=53) (n=37) Mechanical Engineering (n=31) (n=24)
To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
Chemical Engineering (n=26) (n=10) Electrical Engineering (n=17) (n=16)
policy. I agree.      /
Geomatics Engineering (n=5) (n=5) Software Engineering (n=4) (n=0)

49 Impact of Seminar/ Workshop Attendance 49

Download presentation
50 ATLANTIC Workshop/Seminar Attendance & Intention to Pursue
Engineering Career Intentions to pursue a career within the
Engineering eld areWe thethink
regardless if athis
have liked student has attended
presentation. If youawish to
workshop/seminar. 50 HAS ATTENDED A WORKSHOP / SEMINAR
download it, please recommend it to your friends HAS in any social
system. Share buttonsAB are2013201420132014
a little bit lower. Thank you!
n=62n=70n=41n=77 Yes, De nitely 79%77%88%73% 49543656 Yes,
Probably 18%21%12%25% 1115519 No, Probably 3%1%-3% 21-2 No,
De nitely ---- ---- Top 2 Box Yes 97%99%100%97% 60694175 Low 2 Box
No 3%1%-3% 21-2 Intentions to Pursue Career within the Engineering
51 ATLANTIC [Workshop/Seminar Attendance & Intention to Apply
for Licensure Intentions to pursue their P.Eng. licence are the same
regardless if a student has attended a workshop/seminar. 51 HAS
Cancel Download
WORKSHOP / SEMINAR AB 2013201420132014 n=62n=70n=41n=77
Yes, De nitely 39%49%41%42% 24341732 Yes, Probably
31%20%24%22% 19141017 No, Probably 18%17%15%16% 11126 No,
De nitely 10%6%7%10% 6437 DK/Not Sure 3%9%12% 2659 Top 2 Box
Yes 69% 66%64% 43482749 Low 2 Box No 27%23%22%25% 1716919
Intention to Apply for the Professional Engineers Licensure

52 Impact of Knowledge of the Professional Engineers Act 52

53 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Professional Engineers Act & Intention

to Pursue Engineering Career A LOT / FAIR AMOUNTJUST A LITTLE
KNOW NOTHING / NEVER HEARD OF ABC 201320142013201420132014
n=49n=65n=48n=66n=9**n=23** Yes, De nitely 82% 81%70%100%78%
40533946918 Yes, Probably 14%19% 26%-22% 712917-5 No, Probably
4%--5%-- 2--3-- No, De nitely ------ ----- Top 2 Box Yes 96%100%
96%100% 47654863923 Low 2 Box No 4%--5%-- 2--3-- 53 Intentions to
Pursue Career within the Engineering Field Knowledge of the
Professional Engineers Act has little in uence over their intention to
pursue a career in engineering. Compared to 2013, there has been a
decline in de nite intentions among those who have no knowledge of
the professional engineers act. Knowledge of the Professional
Engineers Act has little in uence over their intention to pursue a career
in engineering. Compared to 2013, there has been a decline in
de nite intentions among those who have no knowledge of the
professional engineers act. **very small base size. Interpret with

54 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Professional Engineers Act & Intention

to Apply for Licensure Students with a higher level of knowledge
regarding the Professional Engineers Act are more likely to be de nitely
likely to intend to apply for licensure. However, the majority of students
regardless of their knowledge intend to apply after graduation.
To make to work,
this website 2013,wethere has
log user been
data a decline
and share it within intentions
processors. among
To use thoseyou must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
this website,
policy. I agree.      /
who have no knowledge of the professional engineers act. Students
with a higher level of knowledge regarding the Professional Engineers
Act are more likely to be de nitely likely to intend to apply for licensure.
However, the majority of students regardless of their knowledge intend 
Download presentation
to apply after graduation. Compared to 2013, there has been a
decline in intentions among those who have no knowledge of the
professional engineers act. 54 A LOT / FAIR AMOUNTJUST A LITTLE
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
KNOW NOTHING / NEVER HEARD OF ABC 201320142013201420132014
download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social
n=49n=65n=48n=66n=9**N=23** Yes, De nitely 45%55%
system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
B33%35%44% 22361623410 Yes, Probably 22% 29%18%56%30% 1114
1257 No, Probably 16%8%19%26% A-9% 85917-2 No, De nitely
10%5%10%11%-4% 5357-1 DK /Not Sure 6%11%8%11%-13% 3747-3
Top 2 Box Yes 67%77% B63%53%100%74% 33503035917 Low 2 Box No
27%12%29%36% A-13% 1381424-3 Intention to Apply for the
Professional Engineers Licensure **very small base size. Interpret with 0

55 Impact of Knowledge of Licensing and Roles 55

Cancel Download

56 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Licensing and Roles & Intention to

Pursue Engineering Career Knowledge in terms of roles and licensing
requirements does not in uence intent to pursue a career in the
engineering eld. Compared to 2013, there has been a decline in
de nite intentions to pursue a career in engineering among those who
have a high level of licensing knowledge. Knowledge in terms of roles
and licensing requirements does not in uence intent to pursue a
career in the engineering eld. Compared to 2013, there has been a
decline in de nite intentions to pursue a career in engineering among
those who have a high level of licensing knowledge. 56 HIGH
KNOWLEDGE ABCD 20132014201320142013201420132014
n=54n=78n=46n=60n=2**n=12**n=4** Yes, De nitely
89%74%76%77%50%83%100%75% 4858354611043 Yes, Probably
11%23%20%22%50%17%-25% 61891312-1 No, Probably -3%4%2%----
-221---- No, De nitely -------- -------- Top 2 Box Yes
100%97%96%98%100% 5476445921244 Low 2 Box No -3%4%2%----
-221---- Intentions to Pursue Career within the Engineering Field **very
small base size. Interpret with caution. Knowledge Levels De ned High:
All Correct (3) in Q8 Moderate: 2 Correct in Q8 Low: 1 Correct in Q8
None: Zero (0) Correct in Q8

57 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Licensing and Roles & Intention to

Apply for Licensure Knowledge in terms of roles and licensing
requirements does not in uence intent to pursue a P.Eng. licence. 57
Intention to Apply for the Professional Engineers Licensure HIGH
KNOWLEDGE ABCD 20132014201320142013201420132014
n=54N=78n=46n=60n=2**n=12**n=4**N=4** Yes, De nitely 44%
35%45%-50% 24341627-622 Yes, Probably 28%21%28%23%-25%50%-
15161314-32- No, Probably 15%20%17%15%50%--- 8158910-- No,
De nitely 7%6%11%7%50%17%-- 455412-- Top 2 Box Yes
72%64%63%68%-75%100%50% 39502941-942 Low 2 Box No
To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie
22%26%28%22%100%17%-- 122013 22-0 **very small base size.
policy. I agree.      /
Interpret with caution. Knowledge Levels De ned High: All Correct (3) in
Q8 Moderate: 2 Correct in Q8 Low: 1 Correct in Q8 None: Zero (0)
Correct in Q8

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58 Impact of Knowledge of Organizational Responsibility 58

59 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Organizational Responsibility &

We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to
Intention to Pursue Engineering
download it,Career Knowledgeitoftoorganizational
please recommend your friends in any social
responsibility has nosystem.
statistically signi cant impact on intention to
Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!
pursue an engineering career. 59 Intentions to Pursue Career within
the Engineering FieldButtons:
n=38n=49n=55n=91n=9**n=8**n=4**n=6** Yes, De nitely
87%80%84%75%67%75% 67% 333946686634 Yes, Probably 0
13%20%13%22%33%25% 33% 5107203212 No, Probably --4%3%---- -
-23---- No, De nitely -------- -------- Top 2 Box Yes 100% 96%97%100%
384953889846 Low 2 Box No --4%3%---- --23---- **very small base size.
Cancel Download
Interpret with caution. Knowledge Levels De ned High: All Correct in
Q9 (4) Moderate: 2 or 3 Correct in Q9 Low: 1 Correct in Q9 None: All
Incorrect (0) in Q9

60 ATLANTIC Knowledge of Organizational Responsibility &

Intention to Apply for Licensure Knowledge of organizational
responsibility has little in uence on intention to apply for their
engineering licensure. 60 Intention to Apply for the Professional
n=38n=49n=55n=91n=9**n=8**n=4**n=6** Yes, De nitely
45%47%40%47%22%13%25%33% 172322432112 Yes, Probably
32%25%22%19%44%38%50%17% 12 174321 No, Probably
8%12%24%19%11%--17% 365131710-1 No, De nitely
8%10%9%4%11%25% - 35541210 Top 2 Box Yes
76%71%62%66%67%50%75%50% 293534606433 Low 2 Box No
16%22%33%23%22%25% 17% 61118212211 **very small base size.
Interpret with caution. Knowledge Levels De ned High: All Correct in
Q9 (4) Moderate: 2 or 3 Correct in Q9 Low: 1 Correct in Q9 None: All
Incorrect (0) in Q9

61 May 2014 Ipsos Reid Public A airs 300 -160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 1B9 Sandra Guiry, Vice President
Phone: 416-324-2018 eMail: Michael Howell,
Associate Vice President Phone: 416-572-4407 eMail:

Download ppt "2014 Final Year Engineering Student Survey - Atlantic

Report Conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Engineers Canada May
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