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Write your observations on the above news items:

1. What characteristics do these news items have in common?

The factual news presented were made extremely

2. Write down some disadvantages of science and technology that were presented in the

Science and technology has made a remarkable development nowadays, but

utilisation of science is not done in a way that is beneficial to all. It has disadvantages
because of our own dependence on new technology. Man no longer needs to think. Even if
the calculator is a good invention, man no longer makes mental calculation and no longer
works his memory.

Increased dependency, unintentional misuse (leads to disaster) and limitations of

science and technology were the disadvantages presented in the news and it has reduced our
creativity and intelligence. The negative impact of the influence of technology on children
should not be underestimated as well.

Science has been responsible for pollution and has given us the nuclear power plant
which threatens our very existence. But in this fault also lies not with science, but rather with
man’s intention to misuse the discoveries of science. Science is not inherently good or evil. It
is a way to acquire knowledge systematically. It depend on us how we use it.

There is no end to research in science and technology and arriving at facts is very
challenging. Negation of realise theories and principles is common and anchoring our
decisions is difficult. Nothing is conclusive in science; but as far technology improves quality
of life, it is okay. But negations are their beauty also.

3. Would you allow Euthanasia or mercy killing of a dying loved one?

Euthanasia is the deliberate advancement of a person’s death for the benefit of that
person. In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person asks to die, but there are
cases where a person can’t make such a request.

A person who undergoes euthanasia is usually terminally ill. Euthanasia can be carried out
either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection, or by not doing something
necessary to keep the person alive (for example failing to keep their feeding tube going).

In my opinion it’s not moral to kill a person even if they are terminally ill because this person
needs a chance to live along and see his life, but there are people that disagree.

4. Are science and technology really important and indispensable factors in our

everyday life? Explain.

In today’s world, the role of science and technology is indispensable. Almost
everything that we see around us is the gift of science and technology. In fact, without
technology (integrated with science), we cannot imagine our life per se.

It helps us live a better life. While science has made significant contributions in health
by providing treatment for various chronic diseases, technology has benefited us in receiving
those treatments through various ways and devices like X-ray, scan machines, operation
devices, pacemaker and much more! We are also blessed with numerous exercising
equipment, various health apps, online doctor and other things that help us maintain good
health and life.

The message is strikingly powerful, and one that we should

certainly give more thought to. 

Message / Inspirational

Whenever I have read the above, it right away brings forth an multi faceted meaning forth;
one is the meaning of memorable / ecstatic / fantastic / exuberant / scintillating / terrific /
joyous moments; moments of achievements / accomplishments and simultaneously
moments simultaneously permeating within each layer of every moment, fascinating

Meaningful / Nostalgia

The above quote says it all meaningfully; although symbolic, yet purposeful; although poetic
yet memorable / reminiscent of an era – a retinue of thoughts each heralding an
affectionate contemplation.


Indeed Life cannot be measured by only the breathless moments alone; but even the daily
moments as well.


Each moment is extremely special, purposeful, meaningful and constructive.


This also makes us realize and appreciate the intrinsic and exceptional value of each breath,
how immensely valuable each breath is indeed.

In Fact

The above quote is one that says it all; any expression compiled in its glory can never
encompass or communicate the tremendous value that each word put together holds
within its grasp very gently; yet very meaningfully.


There is actually no particular aspect that is takes away; since Life always gives; the meaning
of Life is giving / contributing meaningfully in each and every moment of this precious Life


Life always gives; it never takes away (the Soul is immortal)


The essence of this also signifies that life is giving us the most precious gifts in each and
every moment

The beauty of this poem is that it expresses in a very clear manner, why our
generation is failing to create meaningful life in the true sense. Because we are chasing so
many things in our lives, we fail to appreciate the small and truly important things. This
poem truly helps us to pause and consider the life we are living and at the same time
inspires us to go after the true desires of our heart and soul.

Truth is often vastly stranger than fiction. And there are many truisms in that piece…

Someone once said it to me that the idealist will always point to education as a
solution to societal problems. I laughed. It did ring a bell. I do admittedly think of what we
can change in the education system when thinking of massive societal problems and will do
so again now.

There’s way too much pressure on the youth out there. It’s literally driving people
insane. And here’s the bad news – I don’t think that’s going to change. We don’t live in
isolated disconnected worlds. We’re in a global race for most things these days. While that
has many many positives, it also poses many problems for those who are resistant to a
change to the status quo.

The system is designed to encourage this. What was previously a local competition is
now, for the most part, global. When you secure a seat at a top school or a job in a top
company, you are literally competing against talent all over the world. There is competition
everywhere. And it is only going to increase.

Banning competition and attempting to run away from it is not the answer either.
Things have changed. It is the way of things.

What hasn’t changed yet is our reaction to competition. The way we live our lives
today, we could be competing for ever without ever hitting the big jackpot. Getting into a
top school, a top job or even making a million these days is not enough. We want more. And
then some more. Because we want to stay ahead. Made a million at 25? Meh. Look at Mark
Zuckerberg.. and so on.

And thus, the rat race goes on. The problem with a rat race, of course, is that even if
you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. And then, of course, there are those who hit road
blocks and since failure is unacceptable, insanity beckons.

The real answer, of course, is that there is no race. The only race we run is one we
design for ourselves against ourselves. We’re screwed the moment we lose sight of that.
And I do mean screwed. Because, the moment we do lose sight of that, we practically say
goodbye to happiness and welcome updating statuses of our desired Facebook lives.

As a race, we seem to dismiss continual progress and small wins. We only smile
when we land the big jackpot. We will only be happy when we land the big jackpot. And, lest
I forget, we will only be successful when we land that jackpot. Everything we run behind
seems to be about that big jackpot. For some, it’s retiring when they are 40 (retire and then
do what?) and for some others, it’s making that targeted amount of money so they can then
buy their aeroplane or their fancy yacht and then spend the rest of their lives rueing the fact
that the size of their neighbour’s is bigger than theirs.

We really do underestimate and dismiss the small things. If you’ve ever worked on a
tough successful project/activity with a team, you know that the memories and fun times
are never after the project is a success but from the days when you were up at inane hours
of the night facing adversity and still finding reasons to laugh till your stomachs hurt.
Success is the journey..

Someday, I believe the a learning a day philosophy will be taught in schools. (If I

sound narcissistic here, I’d like you to know that I didn’t invent the idea. I think I got on the
bandwagon 2,000 or so years too late for that..;-)) We grossly underestimate the impact of
getting a little better every day. It’s like writing one page every day. 365 days later, you
could be the author of a book. Somehow, we’re not taught to think like that. Life, success,
happiness are described as ends of long, dreary tunnels.

It’s not all that serious. What’s the point of all of this if we’re not making mistakes,
falling in love and having fun?

We can’t always do big things. But we can do small things with great love. And over
time, these small things will become big things.. that’s how great bridges are built, that’s
how great art is done, that’s how great relationships are built.. and that’s how these things
will be built. Rome was not built in a day.

We can learn something small every day. We can choose to get better every day. We
can change how things work out in our lives. And we can dance to our own tunes and find
great happiness.

One day at a time. One thing at a time. One person at a time.

I know it’s the age of fast food and instant gratification. But, these things are
fleeting. They are good for a high. But, we all know how that ends..

Patience. That’s been by biggest learning in the a learning a day journey.

And that’s why I hope we’ll see this philosophy taught in schools all over the world.

I hope. I believe..

The Life We are Living

“…..we have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much,
love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've added years to life not life to years…..”

Every time I read these lines, it causes me to stop and think about my lifestyle, and
the way our society has evolved. Today modern society’s definition of success is based on
the concepts of money, fame and power.  I think many of us become trapped in the mindset
of focusing on making a living for survival and working really hard to make lots of money so
that we are seen to be successful. The words happiness, fulfilment, passion and joy do not
appear to be associated with the concept of making a living – this is why it is important that
you should be focusing on making a life where your definition of success is built on the
foundation of words such as happiness, joy, love, passion and fulfilment.

We have greater progression in science, more information and faster technology –

all designed to improve our lives. Yet while we receive many benefits, what are the hidden
costs we pay?

Furthermore, I certainly identify some of my personal demons in this piece, and as I

read it, I am reminded to slow down and take note of the important things in my life – my
values, the person I choose to be, time in nature, my health, and my relationships with
others. I am also reminded of my purpose behind the work that I do.

Thus, the beauty of this poem is that, it expresses in a very clear manner, why our
generation is failing to create meaningful life in the true sense. Because we are chasing so
many things in our lives, we fail to appreciate the small and truly important things. This
poem truly helps us to pause and consider the life we are living and at the same time
inspires us to go after the true desires of our heart and soul.

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