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Name: Nur Almi

NIM : A24118009

Subject : Bahasa Inggris Profesi

Write a paragraph about the role of physics in the development of other sciences,
industries, and modern technologies.

Personally, i think physics has an important role in the development of science, industry
and modern technology. for example, in the field of scientific development, physics plays a
major role in the fields of marine, health and agriculture, such as the use of sonar to measure
ocean depths and eradicate agricultural pests by utilizing light rays, as well as the use of solar
panels to produce electricity. In addition, in industry, physics has a role such as the invention of
various types of engines such as diesel engines or gasoline engines to facilitate the production
process or such as salt making and power generation. Finally, in the field of modern technology,
physics has an important role in both the development of modern transportation and modern
means of communication. for example the use of electromagnetic waves on tv, radio and mobile
phones as well as the development of magnetic levitation trains

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