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Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

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The role of sulfonated chitosan-based flocculant in the treatment of hematite T

wastewater containing heavy metals

Xiaomin Tanga,b, , Ting Huangb, Shixin Zhangc, Wei Wangb, Huaili Zhengc
School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, PR China
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Catalysis & Functional Organic Molecules, College of Environment and Resources, Chongqing Technology and Business University,
Chongqing 400067, PR China
Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, State Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, PR China



Keywords: Hematite wastewater containing dissolved heavy metals is a potential threat to eco-environment and human
Chitosan-based flocculant health. Flocculation as an efficient and cost effective water treatment technology should be applied in its
Graft copolymerization treatment. A sulfonated chitosan-based flocculant (CS-g-P(AM-AMPS)) was prepared via graft copolymerization.
Synthesis mechanism Two synthesis pathways and reaction products with different molecular structure were discovered in processes.
Hematite wastewater
CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) possessed the multifarious functional groups that contributed to its excellent performance in
Flocculation mechanism
hematite wastewater treatment. Bridging, adsorption and entrapment in coagulation-flocculation were enhanced
due to CS-g-P(AM-AMPS), and the impressive floc size and high removal efficiency were represented in the
treatment as well. Dissolved heavy metals in the wastewater were removed by the chelation of sulfonate group in
CS-g-P(AM-AMPS), the adsorption of other functional groups and the co-settlement with flocs. CS-g-P(AM-
AMPS) will have the potential application in industrial wastewater treatment for its high flocculation perfor-
mance, thermal stability and solubility.

Abbreviation: AM, acrylamide; AMPS, 2-acrylamino-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid; CS, chitosan; CS-g-P(AM-AMPS), a chitosan-based flocculant that grafting AM
and AMPS on CS; CAN, ceric ammonium nitrate; FT-IR, fourier transform infrared; TG/DSC, thermogravimetric/differential scanning calorimetry; XPS, X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; SEM, scanning electron microscope; PAFC, polyaluminium ferric chloride; AAS, atomic absorption

Corresponding author at: School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, PR China.
E-mail address: (X. Tang).
Received 5 April 2019; Received in revised form 1 October 2019; Accepted 2 October 2019
Available online 04 October 2019
0927-7757/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

1. Introduction for 15 min to drive oxygen out while initiator, ceric ammonium nitrate
(CAN) with a concentration of 0.1 mol/L (Aladdin Biochemical
Water pollution has aroused wide concern in developing countries, Technology Co., Ltd., China), was added into reactor. The concentration
in particular the pollution of industrial wastewater, which possesses the of CAN in reactor was 0.37%. At last, the sealed reactor was heated in
potential great threat to ecological system and human health [1]. water bath at low temperature of 40 °C for 4 h and aged at room tem-
Mining industry in developing countries has the defect of high water perature for 12 h. The purified anionic chitosan-based flocculant, CS-g-
consumption, and wastewater containing large quantities of diverse P(AM-AMPS) with sulfonate group, was obtained after it was washed by
pollutants is produced in the processes. Hematite wastewater, as a ty- acetone and ethyl alcohol. CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) was dried for 24 h in a
pical mining wastewater, contains a high concentration of suspended LGJ-10 vacuum freeze drier (Four-ring Science Instrument Plant Beijing
micron-sized colloidal particles [2]. It is required to be treated by an Co., Ltd., China) before characterization tests.
efficient and cost-effective water treatment technology. Besides, the
removals of the dissolved heavy metals are rarely considered in he- 2.3. Characterization methods for chitosan-based flocculant
matite wastewater treatment. Their treatment should be further studied
for eliminating their threat to environment and creatures. Gravity se- 2.3.1. Intrinsic viscosity, grafting ratio and conversion rate
paration, magnetic separation and flotation are the common technolo- The measurement and calculation of intrinsic viscosity, grafting
gies in hematite wastewater treatment [3,4]. Coagulation/flocculation ratio and conversion rate were described in previous studies [11,12].
is rarely applied in its treatment, and the efficient flocculants and the
role of coagulation-flocculation should be further investigated before 2.3.2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
the application. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) was
Coagulation/flocculation is competent and economical in water recorded by a NICOLET 5700 FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet
treatment, but it is often helpless to treat the dissolved pollutants, such Corporation Company, USA). The sample was prepared by KBr com-
as dissolved heavy metals and organic pollutants [5,6]. Inorganic coa- pression plate method [3,13]. The infrared spectra of CS-g-P(AM-
gulants and organic flocculants are the key factors in coagulation/ AMPS) was measured in the range of 400 cm−1–4000 cm−1.
flocculation. The novel natural flocculants, such as chitosan (CS),
starch, lignin and cellulose, are drawing wide concern for its wide 2.3.3. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
sources, low cost, non-toxic and biodegradable [7,8]. The modification X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was to measure for the
of natural flocculants via esterification, oxidization, crosslinking and analysis of the element composition and functional groups in CS-g-P
grafting might reinforce their flocculation performance [9,10]. It is (AM-AMPS). It was performed on an ESCALAB250Xi X-ray photoelec-
interesting to introduce the special functional groups into CS for the tron spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Co., Ltd, USA) under the
treatment of special pollutants in wastewater. vacuum degree of the chamber of 5∙10−10 mbar. Each analysis started
In this study, a chitosan-based flocculant with anionic sulfonate with a survey scan from 0 to 1300 eV with step of 1 eV. And the in-
group was prepared to aim at the treatment of hematite wastewater dividual elements were employed with the high resolution XPS scans as
containing the dissolved heavy metals. It was synthesized via graft well.
copolymerization of CS, 2-acrylamino-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid
(AMPS) and acrylamide (AM) using oxidation initiation system. The 2.3.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
reaction pathways and synthesis mechanisms are mainly investigated 1
H NMR and 13C NMR of the graft copolymer, as another analysis
through the analyses of structure and characteristics. It primarily fo- method for representing molecular structure of polymer [14], were
cuses on coagulation-flocculation performance in hematite wastewater analyzed by using an AVANCE III HD 500 MHz nuclear magnetic re-
treatment in terms of removal efficiency, the role of coagulation-floc- sonance spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Inc., USA).
culation in the treatment, floc characteristics and removal mechanisms
of pollutants as well. 2.3.5. Thermal analysis
Thermogravimetric/differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC)
2. Materials and methods was to describe the thermal stability and composition of polymers [11].
The TG/DSC analysis of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) was performed by a 204 F1
2.1. Materials and water characteristics differential scanning calorimeter (Nace Instrument Manufacturing Co.,
Ltd, Germany). The graft copolymer was measured at a heating rate of
All chemical reagents used in flocculant preparation and char- 10 °C min−1 from the room temperature to 590 °C under nitrogen at-
acteristic analysis were analytical grade chemicals. Deionized water mosphere.
was used to make all the solution of reagents. The simulated hematite
wastewater was prepared via sieving hematite powder by a 200-mesh
2.4. Jar test procedure
sifter, mixing it with deionized water and making it uniformly disperse
in water. The sizes of colloidal particles were almost lower than 18 μm,
The simulated hematite wastewater was treated by a compound
and the other properties of hematite wastewater were shown in
flocculants, polyaluminium ferric chloride (PAFC) and CS-g-P(AM-
Supplementary information (Table S1).
AMPS), on a program-controlled six-paddle gang stirrer (Wuhan Meiyu
Instrument Co., Ltd, China). Coagulation-flocculation was conducted
2.2. Flocculant preparation
under the fast stirring of 300 r min−1 for 2 min and the slow stirring of
40 r min-1 for 10 min in sequence. PAFC was firstly added into the he-
In the study, the modified chitosan flocculant was prepared at the
matite wastewater at the beginning of fast stirring, and then CS-g-P
optimal condition. Chitosan powder (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,
(AM-AMPS) was dosed after fast stirring of 1 min. As a comparison,
Ltd., China) was dissolved in deionized water with the assistance of
PAFC was separately operated under the same conditions in the he-
glacial acetic acid. And then a certain amount of AM (Chengdu Cologne
matite wastewater treatment. The turbidity of supernatant was mea-
Chemical Co., Ltd., China) and AMPS (Aladdin Biochemical Technology
sured after settlement of flocs formed during coagulation-flocculation
Co., Ltd., China) were mixed with chitosan solution at the rapid stirring
for 30 min. Raw water and treated water were taken at a depth of 1 cm
until the mixture was completely dissolved. The concentration of CS
below the surface of supernatant to determine the turbidity of waste-
was 4%, and the mass ratio of CS, AM and AMPS (m(CS):m(AM):m
water. The removal rate of turbidity is calculated by formula (1):
(AMPS)) was 12:25:3. Nitrogen was introduced into the reaction system

X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

Removal rate of turbidity=(T1-T2)/T1 (1) grafting copolymerization among CS, AM and AMPS at least. Further
evidences are obtained from N 1s region. In the XPS spectrum of N 1s
Where T1 and T2 are turbidity value of the original hematite wastewater
(Fig. 1(b)), it can be differentiated into three peaks whose binding
and treated water, respectively. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)
energy (BE) are 398.69 eV, 399.26 eV and 399.74 eV, corresponding to
was to test the concentrations of heavy metals in hematite wastewater
CeN, eCOeNHe and C]N species, respectively. The C]N and CeN in
and treated water via the standard curve method. The hematite was-
CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) are another evidences to proves that there are two
tewater and the treated water were filtered by 0.45 μm membrane filter
active sites on CS, which are able to be induced to produce free radical,
before the test of a TAS-990 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
then link with reactive monomer and finally generate the diversely
(Beijing Pushen General Instrument Co., Ltd, China).
structural grafting copolymers. The integral area ratio of peaks origi-
nated from CeN and C]N is about 2.3:1. The two peaks of CeOeH at
2.5. Floc characteristics 532.32 eV and OeCeO at 532.84 eV in CS are observed in O 1s spec-
trum (Fig. 1(c)). The emergence of peaks valued 530.83 eV and
Flocs formed during coagulation-flocculation would settle to 531.68 eV result from NeC]O and C-SO3H species, respectively
achieve the separation of pollutants and water. Their size played a key [23,24]. In the S 2p spectrum (Fig. 1(d)), the sulfonate group C-SO3H is
role in separation efficiency [15]. Floc size was measured by a Mas- observed at 167.77 eV.
tersizer 2000 laser particle size analyzer (Malvern Instruments Co., Ltd.,
England). A Su1510 scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi High-
tech Co., Ltd, Japan) was applied to record the floc images to analyze 3.1.3. NMR spectral analysis
surface shape and structure of flocs and speculate coagulation-floccu- The similar results are found in 1H NMR spectrum and 13C NMR
lation mechanisms. Flocs were freeze-dried for 36 h before SEM test. spectrum. In the 1H NMR spectrum of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) (Fig. S3(a)),
the peak of δ = 7.26 ppm corresponds to solvent. The peaks at
2.6. Zeta potential 1.23–1.26 ppm are caused by methyl vibration in chain unit of AMPS.
The absorption peaks of protons in eCH2e and eCHe groups of AM
Zeta potential, as a measure of surface charges on colloid particles and AMPS are observed at 1.62 ppm and 2.09 ppm [11,14]. The char-
in hematite wastewater and treated water, was recorded by a Nano- acteristic peaks of CS skeleton appear at 3.70–3.74 ppm (H3, H4, H5 and
ZS90 zeta potential analyzer (Malvern Instruments Ltd., England). It is H6) [25,26]. And the peaks at 5.73 ppm and 5.75 ppm result from the
of importance to analyze charge neutralization of flocculants [16]. proton of eNHe in the chain units of AMPS and CS in CS-g-P(AM-
AMPS), respectively [15]. The resonance peaks at 6.30 ppm and
3. Results and discussion 6.33 ppm associate with two hydroxy protons eOH in CS [21].
The strong peak of δ = 77.16 ppm is attributed to solvent in 13C
3.1. The structure and characteristics of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) NMR spectrum (Fig. S3(b)). The peak at 18.82 ppm corresponds to the
carbon of eCH3 in AMPS, and the peak of δ = 20.86 ppm is caused by
3.1.1. FT-IR spectral analysis eCH2e [21]. The peak at 58.90 ppm is attributed to eCHe derived
FT-IR spectra of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) presents its containing func- from AM and AMPS, while the peaks of δ = 128.49 ppm and
tional groups that may contribute to the pollutants removal in hematite δ = 130.28 ppm correspond to CeN and CeSO3H, respectively. In
wastewater treatment and confirms that CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is the conclusion, the functional groups originated from CS, AM and AMPS
grafting copolymer of CS, AM and AMPS (Fig. S1). The strong absorp- are discovered in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS).
tion peak at 3440 cm−1 results from the strong stretching vibration of
eOH and eNH, which is often found in CS and AM [17,18]. A weak
absorption at 2924 cm−1 is assigned to an asymmetrical CeH stretching 3.1.4. TG/DSC analysis
vibration of the aliphatic eCH2 group in CS [13]. The peak observed at The thermal stability of flocculants is important for its wide appli-
2370 cm−1 is from the amide group eNeC]O [19]. The characteristic cation in industrial manufacture, which is influenced by the molecular
absorption peak at 1630 cm−1 is the stretching vibration peaks of eC] structure and molecular weight of flocculants. The TG/DSC curves of
O in AM [3]. The peak at 1415 cm−1 could be attributed to the vibra- CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) that possesses high grafting rate and high molecular
tion of CeH of eCH3 in AMPS. The two peaks observed at 1300 cm−1 weight are described in Fig. S4. The weight loss of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is
and 1267 cm−1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of CeN bonds able to be divided into three stages. The first stage is in the range of
is a characteristic peak of CS [3]. The stretching vibration peak of S]O 22.7–230 °C with the weightlessness rate of about 11.2% while there is
in sulfonate group derived from AMPS appears at 1068 cm−1 [20]. And an endothermic peak at 65 °C and a large exothermic peak between 110
the peak of 912 cm−1 corresponds to the stretching vibration of and 200 °C in DSC curve, mainly resulting from the evaporation of
eCeOe in CS [3,21]. The results are identified that sulfonate group is water molecules absorbed by hydrophilic groups in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS).
grafted onto the molecular chain of CS, and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) pos- In the second stage, weightlessness rate increases to about 24.5% in the
sesses the functional groups of eOH, eNH, eC]O, eSO3−. range of 230–340 °C, corresponding to two endothermic peaks at 255 °C
and 315 °C in DSC curve. It is attributed to the imidization of the amide
3.1.2. XPS spectral analysis group and the decomposition of some functional groups, like methyl
XPS further represents the molecular structure and functional and sulfonic acid group, which will significantly decrease the floccu-
groups of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and provides clues for active sites on CS, lation efficiency of flocculants in water treatment. In the third stage, the
which is attacked by reactive radical in synthesis. The main elements, decomposition of copolymer backbone leads to the weightlessness rate
C, N, O and S, are found in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) via XPS (Fig. S2), and of about 34.1% in the range of 340–520 °C. Two endothermic peaks are
their atomic concentrations are described in Table S2. The C 1s spec- found at 385 °C and 475 °C in this range in DSC curve. The temperatures
trum of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) can be divided into six peaks (Fig. 1(a)). The causing the decomposition of most functional groups and molecular
peaks at 284.19 eV and 284.75 eV correspond to CeH and CeC species. chain in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) are higher than that causing the decom-
The corresponding value of 286.15 eV is attributed to the sulfonate position of other flocculants copolymerized by only monomers. It
group, CeSO3H, originating from AMPS [22]. The peak occurred at confirms that the molecular structure of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) with CS
287.9 eV is caused by NeC=O/OeCeO in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS). Peaks at groups and the intermolecular ionic bond formed by the sulfonate
285.63 eV and 287.38 eV are attributed to CeN and C]N. It confirms group are more stable. The complete thermal decomposition of the graft
that there are two reaction pathways and two reaction products in copolymer is beyond 520 °C, and the residual weight is about 30.2%.

X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

Fig. 1. XPS spectra of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS): (a) C 1s spectrum, (b) N 1s spectrum, (c) O 1s spectrum and (d) S 2p spectrum.

3.2. Synthesis mechanism PAFC and PAFC + CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) with their different dosage (Fig.
Chain initiation, chain growth and chain termination are discovered The heavy metals in colloid particles of hematite are easily removed
in graft copolymerization, which are similar with other studies with hematite through coagulation-flocculation. However, flocculants
[3,15,21]. However, radicals in AM easier generated by induction of have no effect on the removal of dissolved heavy metals in most cases
CAN than that in CS and AMPS since AMPS are rarely grafted onto CS [28,29]. The dissolved heavy metals, Cu, Fe, Cr and Zn, which are
without AM in our study. Radicals in AM play the role of trigger that detected in hematite wastewater, are hardly treated by only PAFC.
induces CS and AMPS to yield radicals and graft copolymerization, and However, the highest removal rate of one of these heavy metals
AM as the indispensable bridge links CS and AMPS. Besides, it is re- achieves about 50%, which results from the chelation of sulfonate
ported that there might be two reaction pathways in the graft copoly- group in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS), the adsorption of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and
merization of CS and AM [27]. It is confirmed in this study by the the co-settling with flocs (Fig. 4).
special functional groups, CeN and C]N, in CS-g-P(AM-AMPS)
(Fig. 2), which is supported by aforementioned results of XPS and NMR. 3.4. Floc size and surface characteristic
The functional groups and long-chain molecular structure contribute to
the removal of pollutants in wastewater treatment and the excellent Floc characteristics are the other clues for coagulation-flocculation
thermal stability and solubility of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS). performance and removal mechanism analysis. CS-g-P(AM-AMPS)
possesses the stronger bridging and adsorption than PAFC, though its
3.3. Flocculation performance in hematite wastewater treatment charge neutralization is weaker than the latter. It is discovered that the
floc size formed by only PAFC is about three times smaller compared
CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and PAFC were used in hematite wastewater with that formed by PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) (Figs. 5 and S7). The
treatment. The suspended hematite colloid particles and heavy metals size of flocs generated by PAFC is almost stable with the increase of
are removed from water via coagulation-flocculation and solid-liquid dosage of PAFC since the flocs are formed by the collision and ag-
separation. The removal efficiency of turbidity is often low in terms of gregation of colloid particles of hematite. However, floc size sig-
coagulant/flocculant dosage, removal rate and settling time of flocs if nificantly increases after CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is introduced into the
PAFC or CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) separately performs in the treatment. treatment. CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) containing rich functional groups
Although the removal rate of turbidity reaches to about 95% after in- bridges, adsorb and net more colloid particles than PAFC, and it leads to
creasing the dosage of PAFC, the settling time of flocs made by PAFC is the bigger and more compact flocs. It will be more obvious when the
always required for 30 min due to the small floc size (Fig. S5). The dosage of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) enhances.
settling time reduces to 5 min when CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is dosed with SEM analysis was carried out to represent the size and surface
PAFC in the treatment, and the removal rate of turbidity is increased as characteristic of flocs (Fig. S8). It is found that the size of flocs formed
well (Fig. 3). The excessive PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) will not result by CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and PAFC is larger than that of flocs formed by
in performance deterioration caused by the surface charge reversal of PAFC. The surface of flocs yielded by only PAFC is often smooth as flocs
hematite particles for the strong bridging of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS). Fur- are mainly formed by inorganic matter, colloidal particles of hematite
thermore, pH of wastewater is slightly changed after the treatment of and PAFC (Fig. S7(a)). But the flocs yielded by PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-

X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

Fig. 2. Synthesis mechanisms of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS).

Fig. 4. The performance of compound flocculants, CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and

PAFC, in the removal of heavy metals.
Fig. 3. The performance of compound flocculants, CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) and
PAFC, in hematite wastewater treatment.
3.5. Zeta potential
AMPS) are large and rough (Fig. S7(b)). It presents that the part of
Charges on the surface of hematite colloidal particles impede the
smooth colloidal particles of hematite are covered by the rough organic
collision and settlement of particles. Charge neutralization in coagula-
flocculants, CS-g-P(AM-AMPS). It confirms the effect of bridging, ad-
tion-flocculation is able to eliminate these effects. The initial zeta po-
sorption and entrapment of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) as well.
tential of hematite wastewater was -21.8 mV since hematite, main
Fe2O3 colloid, adsorbed OH− on its surface in water. Zeta potential
dramatically increases after adding PAFC into the hematite wastewater,

X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

Fig. 6. Zeta potential of hematite wastewater treated by only PAFC and the
compound flocculants of PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS).

different role in these processes. PAFC possessing strong charge neu-

tralization and weak bridging removes colloidal particles of hematite
from water with a low efficiency way in terms of long settling time and
small floc size. CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is applied in the treatment with PAFC
to notably increase the bridging of PAFC for its long molecular chain
and a large number of functional groups, followed by the enhancement
of removal efficiency. Furthermore, the adsorption and entrapment is
improved due to the big size of flocs formed by CS-g-P(AM-AMPS)
containing the functional groups, such as sulfonate group, hydroxyl and
amido. Meanwhile, the dissolved heavy metals in the wastewater are
co-removed with colloidal particles of hematite for the chelation of
sulfonate group and the adsorption of other functional groups and flocs.

4. Conclusions

CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) was prepared via grafting AMPS with sulfonate

group onto the molecular chain of CS, which was enhanced with the
assistance of AM as the bridge between CS and AMPS. It was revealed
that CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) possessed the functional groups of eOH, eNH,
C]N, eC]O and eSO3− by the way of characterization. And it was
confirmed that there were two synthesis mechanisms and two reaction
products in the processes. The thermal stability and solubility of CS-g-P
Fig. 5. Size and size distribution of flocs formed by PAFC and compound (AM-AMPS) were improved for the introduction of sulfonate group.
flocculants, PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS): (a) size of flocs formed by PAFC and PAFC had the strong charge neutralization and weak bridging, which
compound flocculants and (b) size distribution of flocs formed by compound
represented the low efficiency in removing colloidal particles of he-
matite from water. The compounded flocculants of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS)
and PAFC performed better than only PAFC in the treatment. CS-g-P
and zeta potential continues to increase with the increase of dosage of (AM-AMPS) with the rich functional groups and long molecular chain
PAFC. But the change of zeta potential is not linear dependence with strengthened the bridging, adsorption and entrapment in coagulation-
the dosage change of PAFC. Moreover, its optimal dosage of 10 mg L-1 is flocculation, which promoted floc characteristics and the removal ef-
not found at the zeta potential of 0 mV that is reached above the dosage ficiency of colloidal particles. The dissolved heavy metals in wastewater
of 50 mg L-1 (Figs. 3 and 6). These results suggest that charge neu- were removed through the chelation of sulfonate group in CS-g-P(AM-
tralization is not the only removal mechanism of pollutants in the AMPS), the adsorption of other functional groups and the co-settlement
treatment. Although zeta potential slightly changes and always lower with flocs.
than 0 mV when CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) is introduced into hematite was-
tewater, the removal efficiency of pollutants is significantly improved Declaration of Competing Interest
in these cases (Figs. 3 and 6). Bridging, adsorption and entrapment
conduce to the performance of CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) in hematite waste- None.
water treatment.
3.6. Coagulation-flocculation mechanisms
We are grateful for the financial support provided by the National
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mentioned results (Fig. 7). PAFC and CS-g-P(AM-AMPS) play the Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Municipal

X. Tang, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 585 (2020) 124070

Fig. 7. Coagulation-flocculation mechanisms.

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