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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University)

(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade and Accredited by NBA)
Coimbatore -641 010
Academic Year 2016 – 17
Internal Test – I (August, 2016)


(Common to both B.E.(CSE) and B.Tech.(IT))

Class : II B.Tech.(IT) Semester : 03

Portion :Unit I and ½ of Unit II Max. Marks : 50

Duration : 90 mins Date of Exam :02-08-2016

PART - A (5 × 2 = 10 Marks) Course

Answer all questions Outcome /
1. List any four applications of Object Oriented Programming.

1. Real-time system.
2. Simulation and modeling. CO1 / C1
3. Object oriented database.
4. Hypertext, hypermedia .
5. Decision support and office automation system.
2. Write a member function to find greatest of 2 numbers using this pointer. CO1 / C2
3. Define Abstraction and encapsulation.
Data encapsulation is a mechanism of bundling the data, and the functions that use
CO1 / C1
them and data abstraction is a mechanism of exposing only the interfaces and
hiding the implementation details from the user.
4. Differentiate structure and class
Members of a class are private by default and members of struct are public by CO1 / C2
5. What is the need of function prototyping?
In C++ all functions must be declared before they are used. This is accomplished
using function prototype. Prototypes enable complier to provide stronger type
checking. When prototype is used, the compiler can find and report any illegal type CO1 /C2
conversions between the type of arguments used to call a function and the type
definition of its parameters.

PART - B (4 × 6= 24 Marks)
Answer all questions
6. How can this be rectified to obtain an appropriate output? CO1 / C4
#include <iosteam.h>
Class Room;
void Area()
int width,height;
class Room
int width, height;
void setvalue(int w, int h)
width = w
height – h
void display values( )
cout<< (float) width << ‘ ‘ << (float) height;
Room objRoom1;
objRoom1.setValues(12, 8);
objRoom1.displayvalues( );
void main( );
Area( );
Room objRoom2;
Ans :
Class Room;
void Area()
int width, height;
class Room
int width, height;
void setvalue(int w, int h)
width = w;
height = h;
void displayvalues( )
cout<< (float) width << ‘ ‘ << (float) height;
Room objRoom1;
objRoom1.setvalue(12, 8);
objRoom1.displayvalues( );
void main( )
Area( );

7. We have a class called employee which is having the following

1. name
3. salary
Members functions:
CO1 / C3
1.To get the values
2. To display the values
Apply Array of Objects concept to the above program.
Ans :

8. To solve Tower of Hanoi problem use recursion. CO1/ C3

9. Ram takes 1 hour 20 minutes to reach Tirupur from Coimbatore. Sudhakar takes 2
hour 45 minutes to reach Salem from Tirupur. Calculate is total time taken by both of
CO1 /C3
them. For the above scenario apply objects as function arguments concept to
calculate the time taken by both.
PART - C (2 × 8 = 16 Marks)
Answer any Two Questions
10. A bookshop maintains the inventory of books that are being sold at the shop. The list CO1 / C6
includes details such as author, title, price, publisher, and stock position. Whenever
customer wants a book, the sales person inputs the title and author the system
searches the list and display whether it is available or not. If it is not it should display
“The book title is not available”. If it is available it has to display the book details.
Design a system using class called books with suitable member functions. Use
appropriate member function that will not be invoked explicitly.
Ans :
class book
char **author;
char **title;
float *price;
char **publisher;
int *stock_copy;
int size;
void book_detail(int i);
void buy(int i);
int search();
book :: book()
author=new char*[80];
title=new char*[80];
publisher=new char*[80];
for(int i=0;i&lt;size;i++)
author[i]=new char[80];
title[i]=new char[80];
publisher[i]=new char[80];
stock_copy=new int[size];
price=new float[size];
title[0]="object oriented programming with c++";
title[1]="programming in ANCI";
title[2]="electronic circuit theory";
title[3]="computer algorithm";
void book::book_detail(int i)
cout&lt;&lt;" *********book detail **********\n";
cout&lt;&lt;setw(12)&lt;&lt;"Title"&lt;&lt;setw(25)&lt;&lt;"Author Name"
&lt;&lt;setw(18)&lt;&lt;"Stock copy\n";
int book::search()
char name[80],t[80];
cout&lt;&lt;"Enter author name : ";
cout&lt;&lt;"and title of book in small letter : ";
int count=-1;
int a,b;
for(int i=0;i&lt;size;i++)
if(a==0 &amp;&amp; b==0)
return count;
void book::buy(int i)
cout&lt;&lt;" This book is not available \n";
cout&lt;&lt;" How many copies of this book is required : ? "; int copy;
int remaining_copy;
float total_price;
cout&lt;&lt;"Total price = "&lt;&lt;total_price&lt;&lt;" TK\n";
cout&lt;&lt;" Sorry your required copies is not available \n";
int main()
book b1;
int result;;;
return 0;

11. Create two classes with the names DM and DB which stores the values of distances. CO1 / C6
DM stores the distances in meters and centimeters, the class DB stores distances in
feet and inches. Write a program they can read values for the class objects and add
one object of DM with another object of DB.
Use non-member function to carry out addition operation. The object that stores the
result may be DM object or DB depending on the units in which the result is
The display should be in the format of feet and inches or meters and centimeters
depending on the object on display.
#define factor 0.3048
class DB;
class DM
                    float d;
         void store(float x){d=x;}
         friend void sum(DM,DB);
         void show();
class DB
        float d1;
        void store(float y){d1=y;}
        friend void sum(DM,DB);
        void show();
void DM::show()
      cout<<"\n Distance = "<<d<<" meter or "<<d*100<<" centimeter\n";
void DB::show()
      cout<<"\n Distance = "<<d1<<" feet or "<<d1*12<<" inches \n";
void sum(DM m,DB b)
         float sum;
         float f;
         DM m1;
         DB b1;
       cout<<" press 1 to display result in meter\n"
          <<" press 2 to display result in feet \n"
          <<" What is your option ? : ";
          int test;
             else if(test==2)
int main()
     DM dm;
     DB db;;;
     return 0;

12. Create a class to represent a bank account. Include the following members: CO1 / C6
1.Name of the depositor
2. Account number
3.Type of account
4. Balance amount in the account
Member functions
1. To assign initial values
2. To deposit an amount
3. To withdraw an amount after checking the balance.
4. To display name and balance.
Use appropriate data member to count the number of objects created and display the
number of objects.
Ans :
class bank
    char name[40];
    int ac_no;
    char ac_type[20];
    double balance;
    int assign(void);
    void deposite(float b);
    void withdraw(float c);
    void display(void);
int bank::assign(void)
    float initial;
    cout<<" You have to pay   500 TK to open your account \n"
    <<" You have to store at least 500 TK to keep your account active\n"
    <<"Would you want to open a account????\n"
    <<" If Yes press 1 \n"
    <<" If No press 0 : ";
    int test;
      cout<<" Enter name ,account number & account type to creat account : \n";
    ;// do nothing
    return  test;
void bank::deposite(float b)
void bank::withdraw(float c)
        cout<<" Sorry your balance is not sufficient to withdraw "<<c<<"TK\n"
             <<" You have to store at least 500 TK to keep your account active\n";
void bank::display(void)
int main()
    bank account;
    int  t;
        cout<<" Would you want to deposite: ?"<<endl
        <<"If NO press 0(zero)"<<endl
        <<"If YES enter deposite ammount :"<<endl;
        float dp;
        cout<<" Would you want to withdraw : ?"<<endl
        <<"If NO press 0(zero)"<<endl
        <<"If YES enter withdrawal ammount :"<<endl;
        float wd;
        cout<<" see details :"<<endl<<endl;
            else if(t==0)
    cout<<" Thank you ,see again\n";
    return 0;

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