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What is the difference between IEEE Journals, Transactions, Letters, and Magazines?

Journals, Transactions, and Letters are the primary means for publishing technical papers
concerning original work in IEEE fields of interest. Journals, Transactions, and Letters may
also contain reviews and tutorial papers concerning such work. The primary purpose of
Journals, Transactions, and Letters is to disclose and provide a permanent archival record of
original technical work that advances the state of the art or provides novel insights. Papers in
Journals, Transactions, and Letters should be of lasting value to the professional as judged by
the authors’ peers through a formal review process. Letters are for the publication of brief
papers, usually three to four pages in length. Magazines are characterized by regular and
continuing issues with significant technical content in addition to general news and regular

Transactions used to have a very specific meaning. In this historical usage, it is synonymous

to proceedings, i.e. it is a published report of a conference or a set of meetings. Many learned
societies have transactions. Some other institutions use the term “proceedings”,
e.g. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
These transactions or proceedings were separate from journals, which do not have to coincide
with a conference or meeting. However, with time the customs changed, andmany of these
reputable publishing venues became independent from actual meetings or
conferences. But, because they were reputable (and famous is some cases), the name

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