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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Department of Computer Science and Engineering



Semester & Branch: V/VII -All departments except CSE Time : 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Date : 11.10.2020 Max. Marks: 20

Answer All Questions

1. a) Define database and DBMS. (2m)

b) Write the advantages and disadvantages of E-R model? (2m)
2. a) What are all the types of server system architectures? (2m)
b) What is a relation and instance of the database? (2m)
3. What is the necessity to build distributed database systems? (2m)

4. a) How the values of attributes in a relation are changed using SQL query? (2m)
b) Write an SQL query, i) To find the maximum across all departments of the total salary (4m)
at each department, list dept_name and building, ii) To update tot_cred of each student
as sum of credits of courses successfully completed by the student.

5. a) Write about the software components involved in database manager? (2m)

b) Explain data manipulation language with example. (2m)

*******************All the Best******************

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